The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 43

by S L Dearing

  "No, Albie!"

  Albion had a dagger and he held it aloft in front of him, like a sword, occasionally stabbing at the air in an attempt to make Brollen back away.

  Anne gripped the edge of the window. She turned back towards the Shape.

  "Please, My Lord… please help him."

  The Shape ignored her and in that moment, she realized that he was through with her. Anne turned back to the window and raised her hands to stop Brollen, but before she could complete the cast, she was blinded by a sudden flash that came from the forest.

  Albion was terrified and Brollen could see it. He took his dagger and moved it from hand to hand, lunging at the boy, attempting to force him to strike. Albion countered each move, but the clanking of the metal made him jump each time the daggers connected. His blood raced and he could feel his heart thumping in his chest.

  Brollen was watching and waiting, and then he saw it, his chance. He lunged at Albion who again countered and moved his dagger to block Brollen's, but Brollen had switched hands and when Albion had moved his arms up to stop what he thought was the hand with the dagger, Brollen brought the blade up and into Albion's side.


  The girls screamed.

  "My son!!!"

  Anne's vision had returned and she screamed and leaned out the window. She saw the blood and collapsed against the windowsill, sliding down to the floor. He was lost. Her son was dead. She had nothing. She sobbed.

  Back on the ground, Brollen smiled and pulled the knife out of Albion's side and grabbed him around the throat. Then he lifted him up slightly and turned the blade in his hand so that it pointed downward.

  "Sorry, Kid, guess I'll see you in hell."

  Albion grabbed Brollen's hand and struggled against him, but Brollen was too strong. He pulled his hand away from Albion's and began to bring the knife down but before it could connect, something slammed into Brollen and he was thrown off balance and knocked to the ground. He dropped Albion, who grabbed his side and scrambled out of the way.

  Brollen looked around to see what had hit him as he scrambled to his feet. Coeli smiled.


  Standing in front of Albion was Schepta, her long silver mane flowing against her white fur. The once-soft blue eyes were now blazing with red and orange.

  Coeli and the girls ran to Albion and pulled him away. Brollen looked at the creature in front of him and laughed.

  "You? How the hell did you get out here?"

  Schepta snarled, showing white fangs and began to circle him, moving her head in a way that mimicked the way he had been teasing Albion with the dagger. Her horn was glistening in the last remnants of the dusky sun.

  "You know, you look like that big one we killed. Was that your daddy? Guess you're gonna join him!!"

  “You first!!”

  Coeli's eyes blazed as she felt Schepta's rage, fortified by her own. Brollen lunged at Schepta and she countered, her horn flashing against the steel in Brollen's hand. She kept pace with him and point to counter point they danced a chilling reel. Brollen lurched at her and missed as Schepta reared back, her front hooves connecting with his face.

  He grabbed his face and yelled as blood poured from a gash on his already scarred cheek. He held his hand to his face and found his knife.

  "You've gotten better, but it's not gonna help you. You're dead!"

  “You killed my father and you will die!”

  Schepta waited and when he lunged again, she moved to her right and bit down on his arm, the fangs sinking deeply in to his flesh.


  She released him and he grabbed his injured arm, then grabbed the dagger from the ground and lunged at the unicorn.

  She knocked his arm away and reared on her hind legs as she lowered her head. Then driving forward with all her strength, she plunged her horn into Brollen's chest.

  He gasped and struggled for air as the knife fell from his hand. Schepta pulled back and as she freed her horn from his chest, he fell to his knees and looked at his blood in awe. He turned and smiled at Coeli.

  "At least you'll never forget what we did to you and your family. You'll always remember me."

  Coeli frowned and started to walk towards him, shaking Hannah and Chelsea's hands from her arms. She stopped and picked up the dagger Albion had been using to fight. She looked at it and then continued to walk towards Brollen. She stopped right before him and kicked away his knife then knelt before him, holding the blade at her side.

  "You raped me. You helped kill my father and my brothers and sisters. You beat and tortured my mother, my brother and my boyfriend. You hurt my friends. You even killed Ferage… so I'll never forget you…"

  Brollen smiled through bloodstained teeth knowing, his torment would cause her pain for the remainder of her life. He thought about how Blaylock would be proud of him, and then he laughed. Coeli looked down at the knife and then at Brollen and sighed.

  "But mostly, I'll remember how you died."

  Still surging with her rage and that of Schepta, she plunged the knife into Brollen's throat. She couldn't believe how calm she felt as she pulled the knife out and watched the blood flow down his chest. Then he fell back and laid still. She wanted to laugh at the shocked expression on his face, but she somehow couldn't move.

  Chelsea walked over to Coeli and helped her up.

  "C'mon, Shay…we have to go. The fighting is moving this way."

  Coeli looked around and nodded. She and Chelsea and Hannah lifted Albion on to Schepta's back and they followed her into the trees.


  Alia could see the Black Horde beginning to get the upper hand. She struck and fought her way to the front of the battle and engaged as many soldiers as she could, but their small team had sustained serious losses.

  Alia was using her magic to throw the Hordesmen back, but there were too many. As she tried to decide what to do, she heard a voice in her head.


  From the trees came Coeli and Schepta, followed by the unicorns, their blue and gold eyes blazing red in the dusk. White and silver flashed as horn and hoof struck against the Black Horde. The clashing of silver and horn was amazing as Alia spun to see her daughter and her friends engage and fight.

  Tanner saw Chelsea and ran towards her. She had a sword and was fighting a Horde soldier, but she was unaware of another who approached her from behind. Tanner lifted his hand and threw a spell. Light flew from Tanner’s hand as green fire wrapped around the Hordesman like a snake and constricted around his neck until he finally dropped to the ground. Tanner continued running and as he reached her, she had run the other Hordesman through.


  She turned and threw herself into his arms and kissed him long and passionately. Todd and Quinn were fighting off several other Hordesmen.

  "Really? Now?"

  Tanner reluctantly pulled back and grabbed Hannah. She hugged him and looked at him.

  "Is Chris here?"

  Tanner shook his head, but was drawn back to the fight as several of the Hordesmen came at them and attacked. As he fought them off, he explained that Chris had stayed behind to protect the Fail, Alia’s orders. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her that his brother and best friend might be dead. He dispatched the Hordesmen with another burst of magic and came back to the girls. They were staring mouths agape.

  “That’s new."

  Tanner smiled and looked at Chelsea.

  “You should see your brother.”

  As if on cue, Sam threw bits of red and orange fire at the Horde soldiers he had been fighting against. The bits of fire turned into flaming spiders, which ran into the eyes and mouths of the Hordesmen. Several dropped their swords and either fell to the ground writhing or ran off to the woods, screaming and on fire. Chelsea and Hannah stared in awe.

  "How the hell did he do that?"

  Larry Hearst had come up behind Chelsea and Hannah, followed by Grant Turner.


  The girls ran at their fathers and threw their arms around them, both men holding tightly as Sam and Tanner kept the enemy at bay. Larry Hearst looked at his daughter.

  "You girls have to get out of here."

  Chelsea shook her head.

  "Sorry, Dad, but we're not going anywhere."

  Tanner looked at her.

  "Listen to your father, Chels, please."

  Alia then grabbed Coeli and Coeli swung her sword around as her mother blocked the attack and smiled.

  "Easy, Sweets."

  Coeli lowered her sword and rushed to her mother's arms. Alia reveled in the way she felt and all she could think of was the day she had been born, so small and innocent. Coeli looked into her mother’s eyes and let the tears fall again.

  “Alisha…what happened?”

  Alia smiled sadly and shook her head.

  “There’ll be time to tell you everything when this is over, Shay.”

  “But, Mommy…”

  "Baby, you have to get the girls and the unicorns and gather up the wounded. You have to take them home."

  Coeli shook her head.

  "All or none of us."

  Sam had greeted his father and now made his way to Coeli and he grabbed her arm.

  "Do as your mother says, Shay…please. You have to get these soldiers out of here and home."

  Alia lightly stroked Coeli's cheek.

  "You kids are the reason we're here, Baby. Please take the wounded back, you know the unicorns can't teleport individually."

  "No, I won't leave you!"

  Alia took Coeli by the shoulders.

  "Baby, you have to…I need you to take them home."

  Coeli began to sob. She was so tired.

  "No…no you have to come…please, Mommy!!"

  "Coeli… do as I say, please!"

  Reluctantly, Coeli called to Schepta. She whinnied and called the other unicorns to cease fighting and round up the injured. They did and returned to the woods, fighting only as was necessary.

  Sam took Coeli's face in his hands and kissed her. Her eyes implored him to come with her and without a word he shook his head.

  "I'll be home later…now go."

  Schepta stood behind Coeli.

  “Come, My Friend. We have to go home.”

  Coeli looked at the ground as Sam kissed her forehead.

  “But my dreams, Schepta…they’ve all come true…what if…”

  “Have faith, Coeli.”

  Schepta nudged Coeli's hand and led her back to the battle to gather the wounded as Tanner kissed Chelsea goodbye.

  "I don't want to leave you."

  Tanner smiled.

  "Just for a minute, Chels…we'll be right behind you."

  She forced a small smile and reluctantly let go. She ran to Sam and threw her arms around his neck.

  "Come home, please come home."

  Sam pulled away and looked at his little sister. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

  "I promise."

  She smiled tentatively at him and backed up as Hannah, crying, let go of her father. Grant nodded.

  "I love you, Little Girl."

  "I love you, too, Daddy."

  Crying, Hannah took Chelsea's hand and they walked towards the trees. Alia, Sam, Grant, Larry and Tanner turned and stood between the forest and the enemy as the other Fail soldiers regrouped and stood alongside them in formation. Myron, Vance and Connie stood directly behind the queen as the presidents and their men fell in behind the Fail soldiers. The Black Horde had also re-grouped and each team was breathing heavily, laced with blood and dirt. The fire of the setting sun glittered against the silver and red of the blood-drenched metal like a macabre dancer ushering in the night.

  Todd and Quinn stood on the left side of the queen and Molly and Jones on her right. Alia yelled to her soldiers.

  "The time to go home, Ladies and Gentlemen, is now. The last bus leaves in five minutes."

  None of the men or women moved. They stood their ground and held their weapons in front of them. Todd nodded and as he stared at the enemy in front of them, spoke.

  "We go where you go, Ma'am."

  Quinn looked at her.

  "To the death, Ma'am."

  Alia looked back at him and then over at Molly and Arthur. They nodded.

  "To the death!"

  Myron's voice boomed from behind her and she choked back emotion, and as she looked over at Grant and Larry, they smiled and nodded. She knew the time to end this was now, so she turned and looked at their enemy.

  "So be it…to the death!"

  "To the death!"

  They ran towards the Horde and just as they reached them, from the woods came a mighty flash. Darkness fell and the battle continued.


  Inside the castle, Anne Merganser wiped her tear-stained face as she grabbed clothes and items and threw them into a bag. She reached for a ring, spun it around her fingertip a few times and then slid it onto her finger. The door swung open and she spun around, dagger in hand.

  There stood Rona, her eyes red and puffy. Anne almost felt sorry for her, but then she remembered what Rona was really like. She turned back around and placed the dagger on the bed and continued packing.

  “Where have you been?” she asked.


  “Well, it's all yours now… all of it.”

  “What do you mean?"

  "I mean I'm outta here. The Master and whatever's left of him is all yours."

  Rona looked down the hall to the Master's room. She glanced back at Anne, who continued to pack. Then she walked towards the room and waited at the door.

  The Shape was focused on the potions in front of him, but felt Rona behind him. He turned and looked at her tear-streaked face. She was beautiful, obedient and loyal. She had always been loyal to him.

  "What is it, Child?"

  "Tommy's dead, My Lord… she killed him."

  The eyes in the darkness under the hood blazed as the Shape allowed himself a moment of anger.

  "And Gary?"

  Rona shook her head.

  "I don’t know, My Lord. He went after the children."

  The Shape turned and walked to the window. There he saw Brollen lying still and lifeless in his own blood.

  "Dead… where is Anne?"

  Rona wiped her nose and motioned down the hallway.

  "She's packing, My Lord… she says she's leaving."

  Again, the Shape’s eyes blazed and he reached out a hand. Rona cringed, but relaxed when the Master gently stroked her face.

  "Rona, it's time for you to take your place by my side. Please remove Anne for me… she is no longer wanted here… or anywhere for that matter."

  "Kill her, My Lord?"

  "Please, My Dear."

  Rona's demeanor changed and she smiled.

  "Of course, My Lord. Anything for you."

  She knelt down and kissed the Master's hand. He gently stroked her hair and as she stood up he pulled her into his darkness. She was heady and her senses pulsed as she felt his lips against hers. When he pulled back, she opened her eyes and smiled. He nodded as he handed her two blades. She took them and turned around.

  Anne was dragging her bags out of the room and towards the stairs when she looked up and saw Rona. The look on Rona's face was different. She was confident and fierce. Anne dropped her bags, ran back into the room and grabbed the two daggers from the bed. She looked over her shoulder and walked back out into the hall.

  Her eyes were sad as a tear rolled down her cheek. She no longer sought to hide her sorrow or pain.

  "Albion was the only thing I had that was any good. Now he's dead, I have nothing."

  "It's not personal, Annie."

  Rona smiled and Anne stared at Rona in such a way that for a brief moment, Rona felt cold. Anne Merganser had nothing left. She smiled at Rona.

  "You know, Precious, I've never liked you very much."

  Anne blew along the edge of each dagger and a pink fla
me grew and danced along the surface.

  Rona walked towards Anne and as she did, she slammed the edges of her weapons together and they began to glow orange. Rona raised her swords and smiled. Anne raised her arms and pointed the daggers at Rona. Pink fire and purple lightning flew from the tips of the knives as Rona crossed her steel. As the fire hit Rona's blades, it turned orange and a fireball flew from the center. It consumed the lightning and flew at Anne's head. She ducked and the fireball hit the wall and flew off in several pieces, crashing into the walls and setting fire to the fabrics around them.

  Rona smiled and clanked her swords together. Anne stood up and lunged at her. They matched metal to metal as their weapons sparked with each contact. The sparks from Rona's blade fell on Anne’s skin and burned in little fires that turned Anne’s skin black. She blew blue air against her skin and the flames were extinguished, then she turned and countered all of Rona's moves, but Rona was a better fighter. Rona struck at Anne and cut her chest. A trickle of blood ran into her cleavage. Anne looked at her wound and then at the smiling Rona and spit at her. Rona lifted her arm to shield her face.

  "You bitch!"

  Anne smiled as Rona frowned and looked at the spittle on her arm and wrist. They continued to fight and initially Rona was unaware of Anne's magic until the saliva moved slowly up Rona's arm and wrapped itself like a snake around Rona’s wrist and turned pink, then red and finally white. Before she could react, the spit had turned into acid and burned through Rona’s wrist, severing her hand. The limb fell to the floor with a deafening crash as the metal from the blade clattered onto the stone. Rona screamed in pain and frustration as she fought off Anne’s advancing blows.

  Rona's face was wet with tears, as Anne laughed and struck. Rona's rage consumed her and she struck hard and fast at Anne. Anne stepped lively, but hadn't anticipated Rona's speed and strength. Anne yelled at Rona.


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