Ephraim (Seven Sons Book 5)

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Ephraim (Seven Sons Book 5) Page 5

by Kirsten Osbourne

  Even arriving with a group didn’t make her feel better. Five of the boys who lived in the house went together, as well as her, Ephraim, and Daniel. Claire was helping to cook the feast she’d been told to prepare herself for. As they approached the big area, several of the boys ran over to talk to Daniel and Ephraim as well as their friends in Michael’s cabin.

  Maria thought she’d hurry over and help Lillian, but Ephraim caught her hand. “You’re not here to help. You’re here to enjoy and get to know people.” He leaned close and put his lips mere centimeters from her ear, causing a shiver to run through her body, despite the bonfires that had been made around the picnic area. “Remember, you’re here as my date.”

  She nodded slowly. It felt strange, but it was what she’d promised, and she wasn’t about to go back on her promise. “All right. I’ll try.”

  Adam walked over with a woman Maria had yet to meet. “Maria! Glad to see you here!” He held his hand out to shake hands with her, and his eyes widened as he looked at his brother.

  “Hi, Adam.” Maria realized she didn’t feel comfortable being close to him, knowing that he felt others’ emotions. By the look on his face, she could see he’d already read something from her. Or maybe it was from Ephraim, and she was just being paranoid! Either way, she wanted to hide from him. She wondered if Adam could read her emotions through lead? Superman couldn’t see through lead! She’d have to ask Ephraim later…

  The girl beside Adam—obviously his new wife—looked at her with understanding. She walked over and linked her arm with Maria’s. “Let’s go for a little walk, shall we?”

  Adam’s wife nodded at someone else, who kissed Benjamin on the cheek and hurried toward them. Then another woman who had been standing with Caleb rushed over, and the three of them took her to a picnic table, where they all sat.

  “I’m Tiffani, Adam’s wife,” said the first girl.

  “I’m Melissa, Benjamin’s wife.” That girl sat across from her.

  “And I’m Caleb’s wife, Natalie. I run the new candy store in town.”

  “I’m diabetic,” Maria blurted out without even stopping to think.

  Natalie laughed. “I have some sugar-free candy, too! I make the best sugar-free fudge. I’ll bring you some!”

  Maria looked at the three women, wondering why they’d kidnapped her. “Thank you, but…why are you guys gathering around me? Do I look that lost and confused?”

  “Ephraim told you today, didn’t he?” Tiffani asked. “We’re kind of the clean-up squad when someone freaks out over finding out about the family.”

  Maria nodded. “He did tell me…and I may have been freaking out a little. Can Adam read emotions through lead?” She knew the question was bizarre and would make no sense to anyone but her, but she had to know.

  Tiffani laughed. “I have no idea. It’s not a question I’ve ever thought to ask him. Do you want me to ask?”

  “Well, not right this second! He’d know it came from me!” Maria looked at the other two women. “Does this not freak you out at all?”

  Melissa nodded emphatically. “I was more freaked out by the whole ‘destined to marry’ thing than by the fact that they have powers, but that was just me. I got to know Benjamin when he helped my pumpkin patch and pretty much saved my farm!”

  Maria blinked a few times, doing her best to comprehend. “What whole ‘destined to marry’ thing?”

  Melissa and Tiffani exchanged a look. “Oops,” Melissa said. “I figured if he told you everything else, he told you that you were destined to marry him. Benjamin and I did it all in one conversation.”

  “Excuse me?” Maria asked, ready to run away from that place filled with crazy people. Jasper put his head on her lap then, not to warn her, because he wasn’t crying. No, he was just comforting her.

  Natalie shook her head at Melissa. “The brothers don’t tell anyone but the women meant to be their wives about their powers. They don’t want the information getting out, of course. I mean, imagine the people that would be lined up to receive favors—or worse, the scientists that would be here to study them all.”

  “But…destined to marry? What exactly does that mean? I’m going to have to marry him, no matter how I feel about it?” Maria shook her head, starting to freak out just a little more.

  “It’s not like that,” Tiffani said softly. “You have free will, and so does he. They can choose not to marry you. You can choose not to marry them. If you don’t marry them, they’ll always be alone.”

  Maria sighed. “So it’s in my hands if Ephraim spends his life alone? What happens if he doesn’t want to marry me? Will I then spend my life alone?”

  “I don’t think it’s ever actually been tested,” Natalie said softly. “Caleb has this thing about family history, and he said so far, the couples that were meant to marry always have.”

  “That doesn’t say much for thwarting the system then, does it?” Maria looked over at Ephraim and saw that he was watching her. “He’s watching me. Does he know what y’all are talking to me about?”

  Tiffani looked over at Ephraim and saw his nervousness. “Oh, yeah, he knows.” She laughed softly. “He’s really freaking out over there. I kind of like it. He has nicknames for all of us, you know.”

  “Nicknames?” Ephraim had never called her anything but her name.

  Tiffani nodded. “It started with me, because I was the first wife. He calls me the fundster, because I’m the fundraising coordinator. It’s odd, but I don’t mind.”

  “And he calls me Country Bumpkin, and he always asks how the frost is on the pumpkin, because I’m a pumpkin farmer. There was an old song about that or something.” Melissa shrugged.

  Natalie grinned. “He calls me Candy Girl, and sometimes he can’t help but sing a little bit to me.”

  Maria grinned. She hadn’t seen a terribly playful side of Ephraim yet. “What does he call Claire?”

  “Biker girl or biker baby or something like that. He tried some other things…Like Good Lookin’ so he could ask what she was cookin’. She threatened him, and I think they’ve come to an agreement,” Tiffani said, her eyes filled with laughter. “None of us really mind…well, Claire might, but I’m not sure. Does he have a nickname for you yet?”

  Maria shook her head. “I almost feel left out!”

  “Don’t!” Natalie said. “I’m sure he’ll come up with something for you, and that’s when you’ll know you’re part of the family.”

  “Do I want to be part of the family?” Maria asked, feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing. He’d barely asked her out, and here were his sisters-in-law telling her they were destined to marry. How strange her life had become since she’d moved to Bagley.

  Tiffani took her hand and nodded emphatically. “Oh, you really do. I’ve never seen a family with so much love to share. Lillian and my mom have become fast friends, and they talk constantly.”

  Natalie nodded. “Caleb has a way of making me feel like I’m his ideal woman, like there’s no one else on earth who could possibly compare.”

  Melissa smiled. “Benjamin once stuck seeds into dirt and grew roses for me, asking them not to grow thorns so I wouldn’t prick myself. What is more romantic than that?”

  Maria looked back over at Ephraim, who was still watching her. He looked like he was going to come toward her, but Adam and Benjamin each grabbed one of his arms. “This conversation is really making him squirm! I like that!”

  The other three laughed. “It is. And he deserves every second of it,” Tiffani said.

  “You don’t like him?” Maria asked, surprised.

  “Honestly, I think he may be my favorite of the McClain brothers—except for Adam, of course. I just like seeing him nervous this way. I wish I had been taking video of the whole thing.”

  “I really feel sorry for whoever marries Gideon,” Maria said thoughtfully. “All those older siblings with wives, and him just trying to figure it all out.”

  Tiffani nodded. “And the three of us a
nd Claire will be there to calm her down. I hope you’ll be there, too. The brothers still outnumber us. We need more sisters.”

  Maria frowned. “I don’t feel like I know him well enough to answer that yet. I just met him yesterday.”

  “Trust me,” Natalie said. “I don’t think any one of us knew them longer than a week or two before we were engaged.”

  “Almost four,” Tiffani said with no small amount of pride. “But that’s because Adam interviewed me, and I didn’t actually move to the ranch until two weeks later.”

  The other laughed. “I’m not sure that counts,” Natalie said.

  “It does!” Tiffani responded, stealing another glance at Ephraim. “He’s really squirming now. You might want to put him out of his misery.”

  “Why?” Maria asked. “Sounds like he needs a little misery in his life.” While the others laughed, she watched him. And then Jasper put his paws on her lap and licked her ear. “He’s telling Jasper to lick my ear because he knows I hate it!”

  Melissa giggled. “Sounds like he’s had enough of waiting to see if you’re going to freak out or not. Ephraim’s never been exactly patient.”

  “I guess I should go talk to him.” Maria absentmindedly scratched Jasper behind his ears. “Thanks for the pep talk, ladies. This kind of thing is a bit overwhelming.”

  Tiffani nodded. “We’ve all been there, so we get it. Just believe him and go with it. We do not have any regrets at all.”

  Maria stood and walked toward Ephraim, wondering what he was thinking. She was destined to marry the man, and they’d never even kissed. Maybe it was time to get that out of the way. She was certainly curious about what his kisses would be like…

  When she got close enough, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head down for a kiss. His arms wrapped around her, and he held her close. After a moment, he lifted his head. “Does this mean they didn’t scare you?”

  “Would have been nice if you’d told me about the whole destined to marry thing, but I think I can get past it.” She pulled his head a little closer and whispered, “Don’t keep anything else from me, or I will be furious with you.”

  “But you’re not now?” Ephraim couldn’t believe her reaction to the sisters’ discussion with her.

  She shook her head. “Why don’t I have a nickname?”

  “Every time I look at you, I have two songs warring in my head. ‘How do you solve a problem like Maria?’ from Sound of Music and ‘Maria!’ from Westside Story. I don’t know which to choose, or if I should have something else. Or maybe it’ll be more special if you’re the only one without a nickname. I just have to figure it all out.”

  She giggled. “I’m not sure if I’d be thrilled if you sang either one.” She looked at him suspiciously for a moment. “Can you sing?”

  “Not a single note. Trust me. You do not want me to even try.”

  She liked the idea of him being bad at something. And the more she thought about it, she kind of liked the idea of knowing they were destined to marry. It was strange, but it felt right. She’d been feeling it since the moment they’d met. Maybe that was why she’d been so testy with him the day before. No matter, she was going to get through this one day at a time.

  Ephraim looked at her smile, the biggest one he’d seen since he met her. Maybe the sisters hadn’t messed everything up by telling her. He hoped not, anyway.

  His dad called out then for the prayer, and they all obediently bowed their heads. Ephraim took her hand in his for the prayer, and she squeezed his in return.

  It felt good to know she was joined to this man somehow. She couldn’t help but wonder how Michael would feel about it, but they’d jump off that bridge when they came to it, as her father used to say.

  They got in line and chose the foods they wanted, and Ephraim introduced her to Claire, Daniel’s bride, who was helping to serve the meal. “It’s really nice to meet you,” Claire told her. “We’ve been wondering when it would be Ephraim’s turn.”

  “Turn?” Maria asked, looking over at him.

  “Our family seems to marry in turns. Oldest to the youngest. Once one falls, the others topple like a bunch of dominoes all set up to do just that. Makes me crazy, but not as crazy as Caleb. He decided not to meet anyone new, and an hour later, he lost himself in Natalie’s eyes.”

  Maria laughed, picturing it. Natalie was very sweet, and her eyes were almost as striking as those of the McClains. The McClains all had the most beautiful gray eyes, but Natalie’s were more of an aquamarine. She wanted to see the eye colors of the babies that came from that union.

  “I hope we get a chance to talk later,” she said to Claire as she shuffled away down the line. By the time she reached the end, her plate was piled high with brisket, Texas toast, cowboy beans, and potato salad. At the end of the line was Hunter, standing there with a grin. “How are you feeling?”

  Hunter shrugged. “Like usual, but no worse than usual, and I can handle my usual.”

  “I’ll be doing some research on your condition before I see you. We’ll get you feeling better.”


  Ephraim guided her to the table where all of his siblings sat together. “We like to have a little time to talk every week,” he explained. “And a lot of times, this is our only chance.”

  “Do they all know I know?” she whispered, wondering if she should act a certain way around them.

  “Oh yeah. If they didn’t before, they do now that the sisters have accepted you as one of their own.”

  “They have?” she asked, surprised by that statement.

  “Oh, yeah. They wouldn’t have dragged you off to make you feel better otherwise.”

  Chapter Seven

  Maria was surprised by how much she did feel like one of the family as soon as they sat down at the table with the others. Natalie sat on one side of her, and Ephraim was on the other. She was included in the conversation as if everyone had known her forever.

  “What do we do if Michael doesn’t like the idea of us seeing each other?” she asked softly.

  Ephraim turned to her, shaking his head. “He’s been telling me since yesterday that since it was my turn to marry, I needed to hook up with you.”

  “Seriously?” she asked. He’d told her that earlier, but she hadn’t believed him. The idea of telling Michael she was dating Ephraim had seemed a bit overwhelming, but it seemed that he liked the idea already. That would make things a lot easier for her.

  “Seriously. I blew him off because I needed to talk to you about it, but I already knew you were mine.”

  “Excuse me?” She was half-offended by his words. “I was yours?”

  “What I mean is I knew that you were destined to be my bride. Not that you’d agreed to anything at all. I wasn’t trying to insinuate that I could just have you because I saw you and wanted you.” Ephraim needed to shut up, and he knew it, but he wasn’t sure how!

  She sighed. “I guess your family thinks of things differently than other people. I just have to keep that in mind.”

  “Good girl.” His arm went around her and he hugged her to him. For a second he worried she might not like the public display of affection, but she had kissed him with the whole world watching. She really couldn’t complain if he put his arm around her.

  She started listening to the conversation then. Daniel and Claire were talking about their wedding plans. “You’ll come to the wedding, won’t you, Maria? I want all of my new sisters there.”

  Maria couldn’t believe this woman already considered her a sister. If she didn’t want to get sucked into this family, she should say something immediately, because they were already considering her one of them. “I’d like that.”

  Ephraim grinned. “And you’ll do Christmas morning with the cabin? Michael would be thrilled to have you there.”

  “And how would Ephraim feel about having me there?”

  “Like his world was complete for the first time in his life.”

  Maria s
wallowed hard. She hadn’t expected this man to be so sweet and romantic when he spoke to her. Was this the same man who had talked to her dog just yesterday? It clicked to her then how he’d known she was diabetic. Jasper told Ephraim before he told her. No wonder he’d wanted to explain in private. She couldn’t help but wonder how the boys would feel about it.

  She was mostly quiet as she ate, drinking in the conversation of the others. When she’d first gone to college, she’d still been grieving—both her parents and her brother—and she hadn’t made friends quickly. She became known as standoffish in the dorm, and she made very few friends all through school. It wasn’t really who she was, but circumstances had certainly made her seem that way.

  It was a different experience for her to be sitting surrounded by people who immediately accepted her as one of their own. She was happy here—and happy was something she hadn’t felt in a long while. She didn’t know if it was the wonderful people around her, or if it was all focused on the man beside her. Either way, she wasn’t going to jump into any decisions quickly. Instead, she would take her time and make a calm, rational decision.

  Partway through the meal, Daniel looked at her. “Are you up to doing the research on this condition that Hunter has? It’s going to be tough finding the information you need, and he’s going to be a real challenge to treat.”

  Maria nodded. As her first patient, he would be tough, but everything from there would be easier. At least she hoped it would. “I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make Hunter healthier.”

  “Good. We need him in good hands.”

  “I’ll treat him the way I’d want someone else to treat Michael.”

  Daniel grinned. “That’s what we want from you. Thank you.”

  The conversation went back to wedding plans and Christmas traditions. “Why isn’t there a tree in the cabin yet?” she asked. It had just occurred to her she hadn’t seen one there.

  “We like to go out and cut a tree on the twenty-third of December, so tomorrow. The boys will all go and help choose the one they want, and then we’ll decorate it after we get home. The boys love the tradition. Each boy also buys for each of his housemates. He can buy for other friends on the ranch, but he’s not required to,” Ephraim explained.


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