The Lord of Shadows Rises

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The Lord of Shadows Rises Page 18

by Terzian, James

  “Who will be the commander?” asked Lenora.

  Bain got up. “I think I should earn my keep. I will take command of this defense unit.”

  “You are a master, Bain; I should not let you be on the front lines. Do you have to be the one?”

  “Yes, as a master I must be willing to walk towards death with no fear,” said the weapons smith.

  “Good luck, Bain, try to survive,” said Guan.

  “That is not the objective. The survival of the Order is the main goal," Bain replied as he walked out, leaving a foreboding feeling in the command tent.


  The Army of Shadows was marching on the small camp as five hundred warrior stand in the valley outside the cove to face them, armed with knives and guns. Bain was watching the two sides as he thought back to his plan. Bottle up the valley with my force and hold them off, he thought.

  “Attack!” he shouted, and his army began shooting into the Shadow forces.

  The shadows commander laughs. “They will die, all of them. Attack!” said the Shadow commander.

  With the terrain in favor of the Orders forces, the order managed to kills scores of shadow soldiers, however, Bain knew it was a matter of time until they broke thru.

  Back at the base camp, the master began to organize a retreat. Guan was at the head of the masses as they exited the camp site.

  The battle had turned rather quickly as the five hundred soldiers holding the line began to falter from the amount of enemies coming. Bain looked on. “This is the end of the road for me.” He got out a curved sword and ran down the hill killing, Shadow soldiers on his descent.

  The commander ordered a volley of bullets, felling the defenders in one swoop. The Order of White Rose had lost their base. “Search the camp for survivors and the orbs. Kill all survivors.”


  Eirik was standing on a pole in front of his student. Alexander doing the same. Around them where other poles. Eirik jumped to an adjacent pole and struck out with a kick to Alexander, forcing the young master to jump away to another pole. “Remember keep your guard up at all times.”

  Alexander does a spin kick which is caught and wastossed, but lands on another pole. He is not a Grand Master for nothing, thought Alexander.

  The two stood on their respective poles. “Come now, young Alexander, is that all?” asked Eirik.

  Alexander, with all his experience, was not easily goaded. “Well, you have yet to beat me, Master.”


  The Order was in shambles as the forces they marshaled were forced to flee. Lenora looked around then asked, “Did we grab the orbs?”

  “I thought you had them,” said Yuan.

  “Not good. That means we left the orbs. They are now in the Lord of Shadows possession,” Guan said.

  Mason looked on in silence and then said, “That might work to our advantage if we can force him to overuse them in battle.”

  “But will it be worth the cost of his increased power?” asked Guan.

  “It’s a slight to weaken this monster,” said Mason.

  “But we might lose before he is drained,” said Guan. “We have to hit him fast and hard if we attack.”

  Chapter 22: Final Conflict

  Alexander was meditating, facing Master Eirik. “Feel the chi as it moves around you. Harness it.” Alexander was still as a light shimmered around him. “You just started your chi training and you have already called upon it. You can stop for now.”

  Alexander opened his eyes. “Thank you, Master.” He noticed Eirik had a distant look on his face. “What is wrong?”

  Snapping out of his daze, Eirik turned his head. “Nothing, just memories,” said the former master. “Both my failings and Gode’s failings.”

  Alexander looked on. “So how did you win the last engagement with the Lord of Shadows?” asked the young master.

  “I used a technique that kills the user while, at best, imprisons the target. Are you willing to make that sacrifice, knowing you will leave your loved ones behind?” asked Eirik. Alexander frowned. “When you choose that fate, I will teach you the technique.”


  The Order of White Roses had fled their camp and gathered in a clearing. “Great, we lost the orbs,” said Lenora with annoyance.

  “We also lost our base. We need find another location,” Guan reminded the group.

  “I disagree. We should strike the Lord of Shadows. He thinks we are no threat, and we can use that to surprise him,” Yuan said.

  “But we are assuming that he is ignorant of our threat level,” Guan said being cautious.

  “Let’s take a vote,” Mason suggests. “All in favor raise your hands.”

  Yuan raised his hand followed by Lenora. Mason raised it next with Guan doing the same. “We’ll launch our attack after gathering our forces. Then the war will end one way or another,” Guan declares.


  The Lord of Shadows was on his throne, with three figures around his altar. “Open the portal.”

  The figures clasped their hands together as dark chi is shot from them and a black portal opens. “At last my army,” said the Lord of Shadows. Thousands of demonic creatures began pouring out of the portal. Some wore armor while others were in leather clothing. The creatures were wielding swords and other archaic weapons. “The army of hell shall descend upon them. Armageddon shall start>


  In Germany, a small group closed in on a factory. “Attack!” Thirty men attack the outpost killing the soldiers defending it. One started to run but was impaled by a pike. As a body fell Kevin retrieved his pike. “Secure the area.”

  “Yes, Commander,” said a man.


  “So we lost another factory?” He slammed his fist down on the armrest, cracking the wood in two. “This is a revolt against me and they shall be put down.”

  A spy walks in. “Sir, we have reports of battles being waged against us. What shall we do about this insurgency?”

  The Dark Lord chuckles. “We shall bide our time. After all, the real conflict will be against the Order of White Rose.”

  “I see,” said the spy.

  “Are our forces ready?” asked The Lord of Shadows.

  “Yes, Master; the whole army is ready for battle,” replied the scout.

  “The time has come for our enemies to launch their attack on this temple.


  Kevin sat in a makeshift tent with several appointed commanders. “We should strike here, near the temple of the Lord of Shadows.”

  “Sir, all enemy troops are retreating from battlefronts around the world,” said one of the soldiers.

  “Why would he call all units back? He would not do this unless he is getting ready to end this war against the order,” said Kevin. “I want all units to head out; it is time to take the fight to the Lord of Shadows.”

  Alexander was in the void as Eirik looked on. “We have one thing for you to do before your final battle,” said Eirik. “You must create your own style of fighting.”

  Alexander looked at his master, confused. “I am not following. How do I create a style?”

  “Take your strength and use it to formulate your new style. For example, my maneuverability is my greatest strength so I use that to out maneuver or redirect a blow from an enemy, and retaliate with my own strikes,” said Eirik.

  Alexander sat down. “Give me some time to figure out a way use those skills I have acquired.”

  "Take your time,” said Eirik. “The time goes slower in the void.”

  A few hours later, Alexander was testing with his attack; jumping and flipping around the test dummy, he lands a blow on the dummy, shattering it. My speed and attacks are strong, but my defense is non-existent, thought the young grand master. I have to put in defense moves or switch my style.

  Alexander walks out of his room. “I have completed my own style,” he said.

  “I see; please explain the basis of your form,” the former grand master sai

  “My usual style is all out assault, keeping my opponent guessing. It has some weakness,” admitted Alexander before continuing. “It is primarily an attacking style and very exhausting for a long battle. It has no blocking or defense capabilities other than jumping around.”

  “How are you going to fix this flaw?”

  “I have a lot of styles to choose from, so I will change it to a more balanced, more defensive style,” said Alexander.

  Grand Master Eirik smiles at his student. “Your training is complete, young Grand Master. I could not be any prouder.”

  “Thank you, Master. I have a feeling the war is reaching its climax and I need to help my friends.”

  “Remember, young Alexander, use that technique as a last resort. Head to the Scandinavian Mountains and you will find the temple. But first you pass my test before going,” said Eirik.

  “What test?” asked Alexander.

  “You must beat me in a final battle or impress me,” Eirik stated, moving into a stance.

  Alexander did the same. Alexander struck with a kick which is caught and he is tossed.

  Eirik went for a quick finger strike forcing Alexander on the defense. “Is that all, Alexander?” asked Eirik as he continues his assault. Alexander jumps over Eirik, sending a kick to his master, forcing him back. “Not bad.”

  Alexander puts his guard up and waited for Eirik to attack. The former grand master did not disappoint as he rushed the young man in an amazing show of speed, going for a kick that would end normally the match.

  Alexander caught the kick and winced at the strength of it, and threw Eirik across to the other side of the room. Eirik flipped and landed on his feet. Taking a moment, the elder grand master watches Alexander’s form.

  Alexander started jumping around the master with his invented style. Eirik switched to Aikido to use Alexander’s own motion against him.

  Alexander went for a quick kick, but was grabbed by the collar and tossed away. Flipping in the air he lands and goes into the dragon style to overpower the defensive Aikido.

  Eirik rushed at Alexander in an attempt to overpower him. Master Eirik got within striking distance; the initial punch was dodged as Alexander flipped on his hand, summersault kicked Eirik in the chin making him fly back. Alexander took the advantage and punches his teacher in the chest, sending him flying back into the other side of the wall.

  Eirik chuckled as he gets up slowly. “I haven’t had to fight this hard in a hundred years.” Alexander rushes his master. “A frontal assault; are you that confident?”

  Eirik grabbed Alexander by the collar and tossed the young master behind him into a wall. Alexander rose from his position on the floor and smiles. “We are both wearing ankle weights. How about we let loose completely?” said Alexander.

  Eirik sat cross-legged and pulled up the pant legs, showing metal weights on his ankles with the number one hundred carved in both of them. Alexander did the same, but his was only fifty on the ankle weights.

  Eirik got into a stance as Alexander gots into a boxing stance. As if a bell rang, they launched themselves in full on flurry of punches and kicks. The battle was so fast-paced that they would change position every second, leaving after-images in their last place.

  Alexander hits Eirik’s arm with a devastating hammer fist when he went to block. The crack from the impact was heard. The master flinched from the pain and retaliated with a roundhouse kick, which is dodged, and instead hits a column, breaking it in half.

  Spinning quickly, Eirik slammed his fist to Alexander’s left side, sending him to the ground.“To actually keep up with me is impressive. For that reason, you pass my test.”

  Alexander gets up slowly. “Thank you, Master,” He bowed

  “Now you must head to the Lord of Shadows temple to assist you comrades. Your body feels like it’s been damaged, but in reality you have been resting outside the void so you should be fine for battle.”

  The space glows around the young teen as he blacks out.

  At last my mistake will be ratified, thought Eirik. I couldn’t bring myself to finish my friend. Be careful, Grand Master Alexander.


  In the hut, Alexander awoke. Looking around, he began to wonder if that was a dream. “I should go to the temple immediately,” he said and rushed out of the hut to begin his trek south for the final battle.


  The Order of White Rose was getting ready for their decisive battle. The four Masters stood at the front of the army that numbered close to over fifty thousand troops. The plan was fairly simple: have the main army attack as the masters snuck in to defeat the Lord of Shadows.

  Guan, who was given temporary command, finalized the plans.

  “This battle has a lot riding on it. Are the Thorns ready for their deployment?” Guan inquires.

  Kira and Kin were in the command tent as was Rashid. “Yes, the Sharp Thorns are ready,” Kin confirmed.

  “Rashid, I want you to take command of the left wing. Kira will take command of the right wing, and Kin will be in the center. Jun, the leader of the Shaolin, will take command of the reserves,” said Guan.

  “We will have to sneak into the main temple and defeat the Lord of Shadows. We must win this battle,” Mason says with conviction.

  “Supplies are ready. Despite the preparation, casualties will be high due us being outnumber three to one,” Yuan tells them.

  “We have no other hope than wait for the calls we have made for reinforcement to be answered. Mobilize all troops,” Guan commanded.

  The Army of the White Rose was marching to their final battle. The sea of white and blue robes headed to the temple. The army stopped at the mountain range and was shocked to see the army of darkness amassed in front of them. “Hold position! Take as many of them as possible!” Rashid shouts.

  The Army of Darkness fire their artillery as the Army of the White Rose charged the army. The cry of battle can be heard for miles.

  In the temple, the four masters snuck in and headed to the throne room. They got to a door and it opened. “He must be excepting us. Stay on guard,” Guan whispers.

  Sitting on the throne, the Lord of Shadows smiled darkly. “Welcome, masters, to your death,” said he said

  “Your reign ends now!” Guan declares as he brought his staff up.

  Lenora got in her stance. Yuan got out his curved sword and Mason put on his spike gloves. The Lord of Shadows looks at the four and chuckles. “You’re missing one. The Grand Master is not here.”

  “Enough talk!” said Yuan as he rushed forward, bringing his blade down, but the Lord of Shadows caught it between his fingers.

  “Weak.” The Lord of Shadows threw Yuan back with the flick of his wrist.

  The other masters surround the Lord of Shadows and prepare to fight. “I guess I will have to actually try,” the Lord of Shadows said while rising from his throne.


  The Order of White Rose Army inched forward but was then pushed back. “Keep fighting!” called out Kira as she slammed her elbow into another enemy.

  “Rashid, we have got to take that artillery!” shouted Kin, seeing the damage from an artillery encampment on the hill.

  “Yes, Commander! Onward!” Rashid shouts. His forces attack the hill, taking heavy casualties. Taking cover in the rocky outcrops. Rashid slowly inches forward. After fierce fighting, they take the hill and the artillery that was giving them grief. Turning the artillery on the Army of Darkness, they start their bombardment with the guns.

  Sending Guan back with a powerful punch, he then grabs Lenora by her leg and throws her to the other side. “I am disappointed. I was expecting a little challenge,” taunts the Lord of Shadows. “Your army shall be destroyed.”

  Yuan went for a swing with one of his swords, but it was blocked by the Lord of Shadow’s sword. Yuan was sent back by blast of dark magic as the Lord of Shadows gazed at the four in front of him.

  Mason tried to punch the Lord of Shadows but every p
unch was blocked with little effort and he was tossed aside like a rag doll.

  Yuan got back up and slammed his sword on the ground in frustration on the ground. “Damn, he’s making us look like amateurs,” said the master.

  Guan got up. “Stay calm Yuan. A chance of victory will show itself eventually.”

  The battle had gotten out of control as a water Golem appeared and started to cause mass havoc among the ranks. Rashid, grabbing his hammer, rushed at the monstrosity. Swinging his hammer to the side of the golem, the body splatters with water. “Did I get him?” asked Rashid. He is horrified as the golem reforms. Swinging again, Rashid’s hammer was caught by the creatures hand and he is sent back by a torrent of water.

  The Golem stalked toward the army but was impaled by a pike.

  “Leave this thing to me,” said a voice, as Kevin grabbed the pike and jumps away.

  Rashid looks at Kevin. “Who are you?” asked Rashid.

  “I am the former general of shadows.”

  The two warriors stared down the golem and rushed it. Kevin spins his pike, blasting wind at the Golem, making it falter. Rashid slammed his hammer on the golem’s head causing it to splatter into water.

  “By the way, I brought help to even out the odds,” Kevin said as hundreds of civilians brandishing their guns charge the army of darkness.

  They clashed in a mass confusion of both sides. “Now to finish this beast,” Rashid declared as he rushed the water golem but is sent back once more by a torrent of water.

  Kevin dodged an attack of water and fires a wind blast at the golem. “This thing is difficult to take down.”

  Kevin dodged the water blast as Rashid was slamming away. He slammed it one more time and saw something shin. “Wait, I saw something in the chest on last my attack,” Rashid told Kevin.

  “What do you mean?” asked Kevin. Squinting his eyes, he catches a small glimpse of the Orb. “I see it. We have to destroy that Orb.”

  Rashid and Kevin went behind a large pile of rocks. “Do you have a plan?” asked Rashid.

  “If you can create a large enough opening, I can destroy it with wind, however I need you to move away so you don’t get hit.”


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