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Re/Viewed Page 32

by Michele Zurlo

  Liam hadn’t heard that name since his mom had let him choose a new one. When she’d adopted him, they’d made the change legal. “Lady, take your hand off me.”

  “I know that tone. You were always such an angry little boy.”

  “Kids get that way when they have drug-addicts for mothers who care more about scoring their next high than whether their kid is alive.” He remembered promising Tru that he’d be nice when the time came, but seeing this poor excuse for a human being dredged up some nasty sentiments.

  “Nick, I’m sorry. I’m clean now. I’ve been sober for twenty-two years.”

  He had long ago disowned that name. His mother had lit a fire in the backyard, and they’d ceremoniously burned everything that reminded him of the life he’d hated. “I don’t care.”

  “Giving you up was the best thing for you.”

  Rage burned through his chest. He jerked his arm from her grip. “It was never about me. It was always about you—when is your next high, where are your drugs. And you didn’t give me up—I was taken from you and your rights were terminated. You didn’t even show up for the hearing.” Yeah, he’d hacked into the sealed records and read everything pertaining to Yvonne Eisenberg and her son, Nick. If he was going to owe his life to the government, then he was damn well going to ferret out every piece of data. “Six foster homes. That’s what happened to me.”

  Another hand on his arm, this one with a gentle touch. “Sir? Are you okay?” Tru’s voice penetrated the haze of fury, dissipating it with her calming presence.

  He looked down at her. “I’m fine. Are you ready to go?”

  She held up a bag laden with goodies.

  “Is this your wife?”

  Tru studied the woman he wished would leave. “You’re Liam’s birth mother.” She gestured to a group of people near the bank of the stream, a father and four children. “That’s your family?”

  The blood drained from Yvonne’s face. She glanced nervously toward her family. “I haven’t told them about you.”

  Liam slung his good arm around Tru. “There’s nothing to tell. I have a family, and you’re not part of it.”

  Tru walked with him to the car without saying a word. As they passed the trash bin, she took the crumpled paper products from his fist and tossed them away. With it went the remnants of rage he’d kept all these years. Yvonne Eisenberg had thrown him away, and Joyce Adair had treasured him. The one woman mattered, and the other one did not.

  “I’m proud of you.” Tru fastened her seatbelt, and then she put the key in the ignition.

  “I wasn’t nice.”

  “You weren’t mean or unnecessarily cruel. You said nothing you’ll regret.”

  He hadn’t. Wearing a goofy grin, he watched Tru as she drove. “I like having you here to look out for me.”

  She glanced over. “I like being here to look out for you.”

  The late October sun was setting, and Jed sat in his car in the parking lot adjacent to Dare’s apartment building and stared at the ring he’d picked up from the jeweler. For the past few weeks, Tru had been staying with Dare to take care of him. On the days Jed was home, she spent time at his place or with both of them together.

  It had been idyllic. Never in a million years would he have thought he’d find a woman who made him want to commit to this level. He loved Tru. He loved her joy and the way she embraced life. He had even come to love her need for adventure. The week before, the two of them had gone skydiving. The experience had been thrilling and awesome. She was the other half of his soul, and never would he have imagined that he’d be okay with sharing her. Six weeks ago, Liam Adair had been a colleague with whom he had a friendly, collegial association that sometimes had a passive-aggressive edge. Now the two of them were closer than Jed was with his brothers.

  The ring had three stones, two diamonds and an emerald, to signify their unique relationship. Though she couldn’t legally marry both of them, they planned to ask her anyway, and they also planned to let her flip a coin to see which one of them got to do the legal honors.

  His phone dinged, and he checked his text messages to find one from Dare. Ready.

  They’d planned a scene together, their first since leaving Zangari’s Fetish Inn. After the scene, when she was doped up with serotonin, they planned to propose. He exited the car.

  Kneeling naked on the floor next to the sofa, Tru waited for her Sirs. In a few weeks, Liam’s shoulder would be healed, and he’d return to work. Though he was working his cases and trying to find the whereabouts of Zarah Braithwaite, Jed managed to be home most evenings and weekends. They lavished on her a bliss that she’d never imagined. Being with them, serving them, loving them—it had become all she wanted. Part of her dreaded Liam’s recovery. She didn’t want to go back to Northport except to visit Gram and Poppy, which she’d done last week.

  Liam, lounging on the sofa, jumped up at the knock on the door. He greeted Jed with a hand clasp and some pounding on the back. Tru broke protocol to peek and make sure Jed was careful around Liam’s injury. The two exchanged pleasantries.

  “How was California?” Liam closed and locked the door, engaging two deadbolts and a sliding lock.

  “Sunny. Boiling hot in some places and freezing in others. I’m glad to be back.” Jed stopped in front of Tru. He ran his fingers through her hair. “I missed my sub.”

  She had missed him as well, but she swallowed the assurance. He hadn’t given her permission to speak.

  “Stand up, Princess.”

  She got to her feet, and he claimed her with a kiss that quickly turned savage. His hand fisted in her hair, pulling hard until the kiss broke, and then he trailed sucking kisses down her neck.

  “Talk to me, Princess. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Serving you, Sir. I’ve missed you terribly.”

  “Let me see if I can fix that.” He palmed her breast, kneading it with harsh pressure until his mouth took over. He sucked her nipple, alternating hard and soft pulls. She peered over his head to find Liam seated in a chair, watching.

  Jed picked her up and laid her on the sofa. He ravaged her breasts with his mouth, and with his fingers, he squeezed and rolled her nipples. His free hand roamed her hips and thighs, and she moaned when he dipped his fingers into her pussy. He hiked her leg up so that Liam had a clear view of what he was doing. Tru watched Liam watching them, and his heavy-lidded expression sent extra thrills through her body. Jed fingered her until she cried out a small climax.

  Then he kissed her again, urgently this time. “I’ve missed you, Princess. I’ve missed touching you, listening to you talk, seeing the way you look at me.”

  She grinned. “I didn’t know you wanted to talk, Sir. Did you hear about what’s going on in the legislature this week? It’s amazing how many politicians are plain old idiots.”

  “Not that kind of talk.” He rearranged the pillows on the sofa to create an incline leading up to the low arm.

  “I bought a new dress.”

  “You’ll have to model it for me later, when I decide you’re allowed to wear clothes.” He repositioned her so that her ass was on the arm of the sofa and the cushions supported her back and neck. Then he stripped out of his shirt and pants.

  “I love your naked body. It’s so freaking sexy.”

  This time he grinned. “Back at you, Princess.” He lifted her legs so that they were out of his way, and he fed his cock into her greedy pussy.

  Tru looked at Liam to find him watching intently and ignoring the tent in his own pants. She wanted to ask him to join them, but she knew he wanted to watch right now.

  Jed set a frantic pace. He’d been away for four days, and he had definitely missed her. He climaxed before she did, and then he withdrew. “Stay put.”

  Though her legs were in the air, which looked silly without her Sir standing there to hold them up, she didn’t move.

  Before long, Jed returned with a vibrating wand. “You’re going to come, Princess, but you’re not
going to move. Put your hands above your head.” He resumed his place between her legs, giving her something to rest them against, and he drizzled lubricant over her clit.

  Tru had heard about the power behind these devices. She’d confided in Jed that she’d always wanted one, and he’d brought her back one. “Oooh, Sir, you remembered. Thank you.”

  He pressed it to her clit, and the powerful vibrations immediately made her body arch. He plucked at her nipples, playing her like a cheap guitar as he slid the head between the sensitive nub and her pussy. Before long, an orgasm washed over her body. She cried out, thanking Jed for giving her two orgasms.

  “You’re welcome, Princess.” He slowly twirled her left nipple in his fingers, and he left the wand pressed just below her clit. “And we’re going to watch you come one more time.”

  With that thing vibrating powerfully against her pink parts, giving them another show wasn’t hard. Her body arched and twisted. She moaned and cried out as it became almost too much. Between her legs, Jed rubbed lubricant into her anus. She surrendered to the pleasure he wanted her to have, and an orgasm pummeled through her core.

  Jed lifted her, and his lips claimed hers. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, marking her more than kissing her. Then he sat down on the sofa and pulled her onto his lap. She snuggled against his body, shaking with the aftermath of three orgasms.

  Then Liam got up. He shed his clothes, sat back down, and took his cock in hand.

  Though it was hot as hell watching him touch himself, Tru frowned. “Sir, please let me do that for you.”

  Jed kissed her forehead. “Ask the right way.”

  Tru slid to the floor and crossed the small room. She knelt at Liam’s feet, her head bowed. From the periphery of her vision, she watched his hand move lazily up and down his cock.

  “Tell me what you want, Princess.” Liam paused his masturbation attempt.

  She liked that he’d taken to using the same term of endearment. “I’d like to serve you, Sir.”

  “We already had dinner.”

  “Very funny, Sir. I meant I want to make you come. My mouth, my pussy, my hands, and my ass are at your disposal. You can even fuck my breasts if you want to.”

  Behind her, she heard Jed sit forward. “I may take you up on that another time.”

  She grinned at Liam. “Please tell me what you want.”

  “Your ass. Get a condom.”

  They’d stopped using condoms for everything except anal. Both had been willing to wait for birth control pills to kick in, but she’d assured them that pregnancy wasn’t an option after all the treatments she’d been through. She scurried to the bedroom for a condom, and when she returned, she knelt at his feet and rolled it over his erection.

  She tried to straddle him—due to his injury, she had to be on top—but he stopped her. “Turn around. I’ll line it up, and you sit down slowly.” She did as he commanded, sitting on his cock slowly so that it penetrated her ass at the pace he decreed.

  When he was fully inside, he pulled her back to rest against his chest. With a finger on her jaw, he turned her face to the side and kissed her as he fondled her breasts and played with her clit. Wait. That was too many hands. Liam ended the deep kiss that rocked her senses, she moaned as Jed slid into her vagina. With both of her Sirs inside her body, she fully submitted. More orgasms were in store, probably more than she thought she could handle, but right now, her Sirs slid in and out of her body to a slow-burning rhythm they’d perfected in a few short weeks. She didn’t care if she ever came again—she just wanted this feeling to last forever.

  “I love you both so much.”

  “Marry us.” Liam’s breath whispered over her ear and down her neck, sending shivers in all directions.

  Jed kissed the other side of her neck, and then he pulled back to peer into her eyes. “Wear our ring and our collar.”

  She didn’t know how the marriage thing was going to work, but the collar was something for which she yearned. “I would love nothing more.”

  “Move here.” Jed ordered. “We’ll get a place together.”

  She meant to answer in the affirmative, but a powerful climax turned her response into a passionate shout.

  “Soundproof,” Liam added, but neither of them varied their pace. “So we can tie you up and force you to orgasm until you pass out.”

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes to everything.”

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  Michele Zurlo

  I’m Michele Zurlo, author of the Doms of the FBI and the SAFE Security series and many other stories. I write contemporary and paranormal, BDSM and mainstream—whatever it takes to give my characters the happy endings they deserve.

  I’m not half as interesting as my characters. My childhood dreams tended to stretch no further than the next book in my to-be-read pile, and I aspired to be a librarian so I could read all day. I ended up teaching middle school, so that fulfilled part of my dream. Some words of wisdom from an inspiring lady had me tapping out stories on my first laptop, so in the evenings, romantic tales flow from my fingertips.

  I’m pretty impulsive when it comes to big decisions, especially when it’s something I’ve never done before. Writing is just one in a long line of impulsive decisions that turned out to showcase my great instincts. Find out more at or @MZurloAuthor.

  Lost Goddess Publishing

  Visit for information about our other titles.

  Lost Goddess Publishing Titles

  BDSM Anthology/Club Alegria #1-3 by Michele Zurlo and Nicoline Tiernan

  New Adult Anthology/Lovin’ U #1-4 by Nicoline Tiernan

  Menage Anthology/Club Alegria #4-7 by Michele Zurlo and Nicoline Tiernan

  Blade’s Ghost by Michele Zurlo

  Nexus #1: Tristan’s Lover by Nicoline Tiernan

  The Doms of the FBI Series by Michele Zurlo

  Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI 1)

  Re/Paired (Doms of the FBI 2)

  Re/Claimed (Doms of the FBI 3)

  Re/Defined (Doms of the FBI 4)

  Re/Leased (Doms of the FBI 5)

  Re/Viewed (Doms of the FBI 6)

  The Dragon Kisses Series by Michele Zurlo

  Dragon Kisses 1

  Dragon Kisses 2

  Dragon Kisses 3

  The SAFE Security Series by Michele Zurlo

  Treasure Me (SAFE Security 1)




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