The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4)

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The Sacrifice (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles Book 4) Page 7

by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  I stepped around Semarias and walked toward him, “Ezra, what can I do to help you?”

  The angel’s head was bowed and he trembled. His breathing came in quick gasps, “Tell me how to help you, Ezra,” I whispered as I touched his shoulder gently.

  I jerked my hand away because his skin was hot…too hot to touch but it was too late. The angel lifted his head. His eyes were scarlet and staring straight into mine.

  “Die,” he said, through teeth that had begun to bleed from how hard he had clenched them, “That’s how you help me. Die. Give me a taste of your blood given in sacrifice. Die.”

  Semarias pulled me from his gasp, “Wake up!” He screamed. Instantly, darkness surrounded me and pulled me to a reality that wasn’t much better than what I had left.


  I opened my eyes to tears that weren’t my own. The sound of sobs filled my room as I sat up in my bed and glanced over at Kelly believing they were coming from her. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed and Daniel had left as he promised shortly after I fell asleep.

  There was an eerie underlying silence causing me to realize that the sobs must be coming from Semarias. Somehow, when I spoke to Semarias no one was ever disturbed and I began to wonder if it was some type of hypnosis or time control because truthfully, Kelly should have been awake with the loud, heart-wrenching sobs echoing through the room.

  My gaze finally landed on Semarias whose wings were bowed around him as he sat on the end of my bed. His head was lowered as he shook with the force of his sorrow. My heart squeezed as I watched him unsure of what to do to take away his pain.

  “Semarias,” I whispered, hoping to find a way to calm him with my presence but still he sobbed.

  I moved closer to him and pulled him to me allowing his head to fall upon my chest, hoping to give him comfort the same way my brother had given me comfort as I had sobbed earlier. I held him as he continued to cry, wetting my shirt with his tears. I rocked him as I closed my eyes and I wondered what I was going to do because he seemed inconsolable.

  Slowly, Semarias calmed and then, raised his eyes to mine. There was so much pain in them that I could nearly see the darkness invading his soul and I wanted to wipe it all away before it could consume him. For the first time, I didn’t worry that I was going to be the reason for his fall. I worried Ezra would be.

  I blinked as I realized that I had to find a way for him to find the light again. I had to remind him that there was still something he needed to do…Something important. He had to protect me so he wouldn’t fall. He had to finish the task given to him by God. He couldn’t fail. The only problem was that the only action I knew to do might make him fall anyway.

  I closed my eyes and whispered, “Just this once. Please help me. Don’t take his wings.”

  I blinked in surprise because I swore I could hear a voice tell me, “Just once.”

  I took a deep breath and caressed Semarias’ face. His eyes were so dark that I shivered. My lips trembled as I wondered if it was too late.

  “Semarias, come back to me,” I whispered as I leaned forward and touched my lips to his.

  He inhaled sharply and then, pulled me to him so fiercely that I would not have been able to escape if I wanted to. His lips moved over mine as if he were starving. Tears fell and I could taste them as his tongue explored my mouth. A shiver ran down my spine in fear and love.

  Slowly, he regained composure and he realized what he was doing. He paused as he pulled away only kissing my lips once more before blinking away the darkness. He stared at me surprised.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, moving away ashamed.

  I gave him a sad smile, “Don’t be…I did this…Not you,” I said, raising my chin. I smiled because the kiss had given me peace. I loved Semarias greatly but I was not in love with him. It had given me one answer to the puzzle that had plagued me for so long. I caressed his cheek before continuing, “But it will be the only time.”

  Semarias nodded, “You saved me,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “I do love you, Semarias,” I said as a single tear fell down my cheek, “You’re my friend…My best friend. I had to save you because I refuse to be without you.”

  He touched my cheek as he tilted his head, “Well, at least I’m not going to fall,” he said with a relieved sigh, “I was just told it was a gift…a one-time gift.”

  He kissed my forehead and backed away. Silence stretched so thickly that I thought that I had imagined the roar around us at first. A moment later, our world began to shake.

  “What is that?” I asked as it stopped abruptly. My eyes widened as I stared at Semarias with my heart pounding in fear.

  He frowned as he glanced at me, “Get some rest,” he said as a tremble shook through him, “He’s trying to come to earth. If he succeeds you’ll need to be strong.”

  I laid back on my bed as Semarias touched my cheek and then, kissed my forehead, “Sleep,” he whispered and immediately I fell into a dark and dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Choice

  My heart was heavy when I awoke. Semarias was gone and I was alone. He hadn’t mentioned the kiss and I was sure that it would fade into silent memories that were never spoken of. That is where it belonged where it couldn’t tempt him to fall for someone who loved him but wasn’t in love with him.

  I sighed as my thoughts drifted to Daniel and Ky. Though I wasn’t ready to make a decision about either one of them, I couldn’t help but to wonder If I had made a mistake when I broke up with Ky. I missed him and that fact seemed even more prominent as the hours ticked by.

  I shook my head. I was positive I had made the right decision even if it did hurt and I refused to let my feelings cloud my judgements so I allowed my mind to focus on what I needed to….The Appointed and the descendants.

  I closed my eyes and forced my thoughts toward Daniel. This time I wasn’t searching for an answer about my love life. I was searching for his future. I believed if he wasn’t the sacrifice, his future would be shown to me. My heart sank when nothing came. Ky was next…I wanted to cry when his future was hidden from me. I pushed my thoughts toward Kelly but again nothing came. I groaned in frustration as the door to my room opened. Jonathon stepped in frowning as he studied my face.

  “Are you okay?” He asked as he stepped closer. My heart squeezed as I forced a smile just for him. Lately, Jonathon was always near when others tended to stay away.

  “I’m as good as I can be…I guess,” I said with a shrug and then, glanced into his face and sighed, “Honestly, I’m just trying not to think about what I’m going to do about Ky or Daniel. I’ve already figured out my feelings for Semarias.”

  “So, he’s not the lucky guy?” He asked with raised brows.

  “I’m not sure whoever I choose will be that lucky,” I said with a laugh, “I tend to screw things up.”

  Jonathon pursed his lips and then, grinned, “Of course, they will be,” He said rolling his eyes and then, raised his brows, “So, what are you going to do about them?”

  “Nothing right now,” I said with a small smile, “Instead, I’m trying to see anything that will help us.”

  “Maybe I can help you,” he said, tilting his head and then, grinned, “I mean…I can’t see what you do but maybe you can bounce what you do see off of me.”

  “That’s the problem, I don’t see anything,” I said, perplexed, “I concentrate on everyone and I can’t see anything. It worries me.”

  “Maybe you’re not meant to,” he said, frowning and then, tilted his head as his eyes widened and I could see that he had a sudden epiphany, “Wait…Aren’t your visions based on free will?”

  I nodded as I watched him, “Yes.”

  “So, what if everyone is at a crossroad?” He asked tilting his head, “What if it’s because we all have to decide whether we will be sacrificed or not?”

  I frowned as I thought, “I think I’d see something,” I whispered, “All of your futures wouldn’t b
e hidden from me.”

  Jonathon shook his head. His green eyes widened, “Maybe they would be. If we’re all at the same crossroads in our life, our futures would be hidden because they’d be uncertain.”

  “How would I know for sure?” I asked, pursing my lips.

  “Find someone who doesn’t have that decision to make and try to see their future…Someone like mom,” he said, raising his brows.

  I nodded and then, closed my eyes. My mom’s face was firmly in my mind. In it, I saw her enter a church. She was wearing white and walking down the aisle toward Andrew but then, it completely faded.

  Jonathon raised his brows, “Did it work?”

  I nodded, “Mom’s marrying Andrew.”

  Jonathon grinned, “That’s good,” he said, “I like him.”

  “I do too,” I said, thankful that Andrew was so wonderful but still I sighed, “Now I have a problem,” I said, biting my bottom lip.

  “What’s that?” Jonathon asked, tilting his head.

  “Until someone makes a decision, my gift won’t work,” I said, swallowing hard, “I can’t help anyone. It’s worthless.”

  Jonathon patted my hand and gave me a sad smile, “Then, be there for us as we decide what to do.”

  I took a shaky breath, “Jonathon, I hope you decide not to sacrifice yourself.”

  Jonathon smiled, softly, “I would gladly give my life for any of my siblings and friends but I wouldn’t do that unless there was no other way. However, if I did I would die knowing that I gave you all a chance.”

  A tear fell down my cheek at the thought of losing Jonathon. I couldn’t bear it, “I understand that more than you know but I’m begging you not to. My heart, my soul, my life wouldn’t be the same without my siblings. It wouldn’t be as bright. I need your smile in my life, Jonathon. I need you to stay here with us.”

  He blinked as if he were blinking back tears as he said, “I need you here with us too.”

  He pulled me to him before wrapping me in a bear hug and then, left the room. I closed my eyes and thought of Jonathon. A flicker of his future came before me and I saw him asking Cleo to marry him.

  I sighed deeply. Jonathon had made his decision with just one plea from me. He was safe. I just had to hope everyone else would make their decisions to fight instead of sacrificing themselves so that I could see their futures and discover the key to defeating Lucifer.


  I stared outside of the large picture window in my living room for a few moments as I tried to focus on everyone. No one else had made the decision not to sacrifice themselves. Only Jonathon had decided to live and that was only based on what I said to him. Sadly, I realized that he could change his mind and find himself at the crossroads again but for now he was safe. I just wished the others were.

  Kelly walked into the room, stopping just inside the door that led from the dining room to the living room. I turned to her studying her silently. Her face was pale and she trembled. I understood that she was terrified because I was too. I opened my arms wide and she ran into them just like when she was a child. I hugged her fiercely, hoping to comfort her even if it was only a little.

  “Have you seen anything yet?” She asked, frowning as she looked up into my face.

  “Just a glimpse of Jonathon’s future,” I said with a sigh wishing that I could tell her something else.

  “I wonder why you’ve only seen his,” She said as she moved to stand in front of me. Her freckled face was scrunched in confusion as she tried to understand.

  “Because he’s the only one who chose to live,” I said, raising my chin, “As much as everyone wants to blame God for deaths that are murders. They are always someone else’s acts of free will. They choose. The same applies to suicides. So, sacrifices are the same. We choose. Until then, our futures don’t have a direction. So, I can’t see them.”

  She winced as she took in my words, “So, you know the rest of us haven’t chosen?” she asked, shifting guilty.

  “I’m not happy about it but I do,” I said, frowning, “Kelly, I couldn’t stand to lose any of you. It would break our family. It would be unbearable.”

  “I couldn’t stand to lose any of you either,” Kelly said with a defeated sigh, “I guess that’s why I haven’t chosen,” she said, scrutinizing my face, “Have you decided?”

  “Yes, I have,” I said, raising my chin as I convinced myself that it was the truth and then, spoke the words, “I’m going to live. I’m going to fight and I’m going to find a different way.”

  With those words a flicker of Kelly’s future came to me. She stood outside as the rain beat down on her. A little boy was in her arms, laughing as he cried out, “Mommy.”

  I smiled, relieved because she had chosen and her choice was to live and fight, “You will too.”

  Tears fell from her eyes as she nodded her head. There was peace around us in that moment and I sighed content for a few moments. The front door opened breaking the peace and I turned to find my dad and Matt walking into the living room. My little sisters were not with them and I frowned. Cleo walked in behind them stopping to glance from me to my father and brother. She raised her brow at Kelly to question why there was a sudden tenseness in the air but Kelly shrugged.

  I blinked as I took in my father’s face. He was clearly upset but there was also an expression of desperation there.

  “Where are Ariel and Annaleigh?” I asked, frowning as I voiced the question. He was supposed to bring them so they would be surrounded by the Appointed and be safe. We had discussed it that morning. The fact they weren’t with him caused a deep tremble of fear for them to slide down my spine.

  “Felicia wouldn’t let me bring them,” he said and instantly my anger rose causing me to shake for a different reason. For the first time, I wanted to hurt someone. For the first time, I understood what rage truly was.

  Chapter Twelve


  Cleo stared at me as if I were about to explode but she knew better than to say anything. She didn’t want my wrath to turn to her. The expression on her face made me calm and instead, I swallowed over my anger. My father tensed as he glanced at me with his eyes wide in worry.

  “It’s because of mom, right?” I asked frowning as my nostrils flared. Felicia hated my mother. I was never sure if it was because of jealousy or just plain snobbishness. Still, she went out of the way to make my mother seem bad.

  “Alex, they’ll be safe,” he said even though I could see the doubt plain in his eyes. I raised my eyebrows but he ignored the expression and began to pace. He stopped in the middle of the floor clearly wanting to say something but was unable to. Matt stepped forward and took my hand.

  “Dad really did do everything that he could,” he said, frowning. He shrugged, “He did make sure they were safe. I promise.”

  I nodded my head but my anger was still hot in my veins as I narrowed my eyes and faced my father, “If anything happens to them, I’m going to blame her,” I said, frowning,

  My dad pressed his lips together and nodded once, “I will too,” he said with a sigh.

  “Me too,” Matt whispered and then, got up and stared out of the big picture window.

  Silence stretched thick until Matt pointed outside while pointing his chin in the direction of the driveway, “Daniel is back with his cousin, Cally.”

  “How is she?” I asked, frowning as I stepped forward. I had a vague memory of Daniel telling me that she was only thirteen. It would be hard on her to accept but not impossible. After all, I had been far younger. So had Daniel.

  Matt winced, “She’s been crying.”

  My heart sank as Daniel’s voice coaxing the girl inside reached my ears. The door opened a moment later and she stepped inside followed by him. Immediately, he found me and gave me a strained sympathetic smile.

  “Ky is right behind me with his sister,” he said, shifting.

  I nodded as Daniel quickly left the room. My heart clenched because I realized he did that
for me. He didn’t want to cause me anymore trouble.

  Ky stepped into the room moments later, avoiding my gaze. Aubrey followed behind him. She glanced at me with tear stained eyes.

  “First, I find out that you and Ky aren’t together and now this,” She said, trembling uncontrollably. She sniffled and then, glanced around the room with red puffy eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, Aubrey,” I said and then, sighed, “It’s been hard for all of us.”

  She nodded as she sat beside me and laid her head on my shoulder, “It’s okay,” she said, sniffling, “It’s just so much.”

  I nodded, “It is,” I said as the heaviness in my heart became even more weighted, “It always is.”

  Aubrey lifted her head and gazed into my eyes, “How do we live like this?” She asked.

  I blinked in shock because I had never really thought about it. Finally, I shrugged and gave her the best answer I could, “We just do.”


  It took a while before Clyde and Will came in followed by Clyde’s sister, Espy and Will’s nephew, Terrin. Espy was only ten with brown hair and freckles. Terrin was a boy of eleven with light brown hair and hazel eyes. Both were terrified. Both glanced around the room as if afraid that they would be attacked at any moment. My heart sank as guilt flooded me. I didn’t want to frighten them. I wanted to keep them safe.

  Cleo had gone to the other room to rest after Jonathon told her what the shaking of the earth had meant but she had finally returned well rested but worried. Her eyes were wide as she realized that the room was steadily filling with both the Appointed and the descendants.

  “Who else is left?” She asked, glancing around the room again.

  “There are quite a few,” I said with a sigh, “Of course you know my sisters will not be with us.”

  She pressed her lips together as if she wanted to protest but must have seen the expression on my face and just shook her head. A moment later, Lynne entered holding Caleb close to her chest. Bastian stepped in next, followed by Brady who glanced around the room finding me. He was an African American eighteen year old with black hair and warm brown eyes. I smiled at him affectionately as he made his way to me because he was also my friend.


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