Let's Play Ball

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Let's Play Ball Page 2

by Lolah Lace

  * * *

  Thursday rolled around and I had baseball practice. Almost all the kids would be there. Maya had broken her leg and she wouldn’t be coming to practice. Jack Unger was first to arrive with his son Caleb. Gabby, Payton and Aaron came soon after. Jack Unger was a guy that I had always seen around the park. I could tell he was the kind of guy that watched sports but never played then. Well he probably played golf but that doesn’t count. That’s the girly man’s sport. His son was on my team and I knew he had a beautiful flaxen-haired teenage daughter that the park perverts would sneak peeks at. I could spot a perv a mile away. This came from having a daughter myself. I had to keep an eye on Hannah. There are some real sick freaks in the world.

  I was daydreaming when I spotted her. I watched as Kari pulled up to the curb. I made sure I was at her car as soon as Trey got out the back seat. Kari popped her trunk and I met her at it.

  “Hey Trey. Hey Kari.”

  “Coach Rizza.” I helped Trey get his things out the trunk as Kari eyed me cautiously.

  “Hey Buddy go join your team.” I patted him on top of his baseball cap. The little guy took off in a mad dash toward his teammates. Wish he ran that fast to the bases.

  Now we were alone, well sort of. This time I was determined to talk to Kari. I refused to allow the conversation to go astray.

  “How’s it going Kari?”

  “Good.” She blessed me with her smile. I felt more comfortable now. My brother would be late to practice and Tess was home with our little ones.

  “Trey seems to really like it.” I was staring at her. I was being really evasive with my eyes.

  “I think he does. It’s all new to him.”

  “Yeah today I’m going to teach him simple things to make him hit better.”

  “Thanks for giving him the extra time. I know it’s frustrating. He’s the only one on the team that has never played before.”

  “No, I like it, teaching the kids.” Kari crossed her hands under her perfect breasts. My cock jumped in my gym shorts. Calm down. Later I can choke up on my bat but not now. Stop staring at her. “Did you play any sports?”

  Kari frowned but it was an erotic frown. I guess that was an odd question to ask an adult woman. The image of me pushing her down on the trunk of her car and entering her behind took root in my horny brain.

  “Me sports, no way, not since Junior High. That was ages ago.”

  I wasn’t sure what she was doing to stay in shape but her body was killer. “You look like you work out. You go to the gym?”

  “No, I just walk and jog the track at Lemington Park.”

  “I never heard of it.” I shrugged.

  “I think it’s the biggest park in Bolingcreek. How long you lived out here?”

  “Ten years. How long have you been out here?”

  “Twenty-five years.”

  “Well maybe you should show me around.” Did I just ask her out, on a date? It kind of sounds like that but that was not what I meant.

  “I’m sure you can find your way around.”

  Shot down. “I didn’t mean anything by that. I wasn’t trying to, to—” I stuttered over the correct phrasing. “Be disrespectful.”

  “You weren’t?” She glared at me with an accusing eye.

  “No, you just seem to know your way around.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “Mount Prairie.”

  “That’s North.”

  “Yes.” I found myself watching her lips move. Her pink lip gloss was wet and shiny. I wanted to touch it with my hands. No I didn’t. I wanted to touch it with my lips. Better yet I started to daydream about what that pink lip gloss would look like smeared all over my cock. A shiny wet pink ring pressed around my shaft. It’s a good thing that sexually explicit thoughts aren’t against the law. I would get life or maybe the death penalty. Come back to earth Mason.

  “So you walk the track?” I’m back.

  “Yeah walk and jog.” She hunched.

  “How many miles?”

  “Three miles, five days a week.”

  “That’s impressive.”

  “Is it? Doesn’t take much to impress you.” Kari was burning holes in my retina’s with her haunting brown eyes. “Hey Coach Rizza, your team is going bananas.”

  I turned to look at the kids. They were actually going bananas, frolicking around like wild ones.

  “Hey guys stop kicking each other!” I yelled across the lawn. “I gotta go. I will talk to you later, right?” I asked because I wasn’t sure.

  “Yeah, later.” She smiled and warmed my insides. I held back the smile that was bursting to jump out of me. I jogged across the lawn to the kids. My brother was pulling up to the curb just as I made it out to the field.


  * * *

  Lemington Lakes Park is nice. It was huge, beautifully manicured and very clean. The track was a half mile long so you would have to go around twice to run a mile. There were two adult sized baseball diamonds, a basketball court and a volley ball net with sanded ground. There was a large children’s playground in the center. I wonder why I never noticed this park before. I’ve driven down this street plenty of times. The park was in the middle of an industrial area. There were tractor trailer trucks roaring up and down this road all times of the day and night.

  It was almost empty this early in the morning. It was peaceful, tranquil, with only a few people in the park. There were only four cars parked in the lot. That was including mine. I got out my car and started to walk briskly on the cement paved track. The wind was blowing this early in the morning but it was still a good 80 degrees outside.

  I passed an old lady on the track walking her German Shepard. She had a plastic bag with her. Some people are courteous enough to pick up their dog’s disgusting droppings. The lady gave me a good morning and I returned it. I could see Kari walking toward me on the track. She recognized me and a perfect smile catches her lips and disarms me.

  “Coach Rizza, are you stalking me?”

  “Maybe.” I raised an eyebrow.

  “What are you doing at Lemington Park? You had never heard of it when I brought it up at practice.”

  “Yeah I Googled it and decided to check it out. I usually work out from home. There’s nothing wrong with getting some fresh air.”

  “So true.” She agreed.

  “You come here every day?”

  “Five days a week. We got to keep moving. We can walk and talk.” Kari started walking. I took my place alongside her. I was trying to pay attention to her face and not the splattering of sweat on her chest and arms. She was very sexy, wet, sweaty, Victoria Secret model sexy.

  “Oh so you take this working out really serious.” I asked to distract me from gawking.

  “Not as serious as you. I suppose.” She smiled and gave me a speedy once over with her beautiful brown eyes.

  I got lost in the moment and had to think of something to say. “So you don’t go to the gym?”

  “No, I have never had a gym membership. I feel kind of weird about paying money to do something I can do for free. I would feel like I’m throwing away money.”

  I shrugged. “That’s one way to look at it.” I realized that I was a little nervous alone on the track with her.

  “Coach Rizza, that’s Kari’s way to look at it.”

  “I suppose.” I smirked as I mocked her logic.

  “You don’t go to the gym. You said you work out at home.”

  “Yeah, a home gym. I got a bike, an elliptical, a treadmill and a bench.”

  “Bench?” Her eyes shot up.

  “Weight bench.”

  “I only have a quarter of a mile left. I only do three miles. I walk one and a half and run one and a half.”

  “So what are you doing when you leave here?” I asked curious to know it all.

  “When I finish my three I go swing on the swings for a while.”

  She was s
erious. “The swings?” I frowned and I’m sure my middle aged wrinkles were on display.

  “Yeah, there aren’t any kids here this early. They’re still in school. I think swinging works my abdominal muscles but I have no scientific proof of this.”

  “They don’t have swings at the gym.”

  “Are you trying to debunk my theory?”

  “Hell yeah. You know I have never heard anyone ever use the work debunk before.”

  “So now you have heard someone use it, Coach Smarty-pants. Mark this day in your calendar.”

  “I will. It’s a historical moment in my life.” I joked.

  “Are you going to join me on the swing?”

  “I don’t think I could fit on the same swing as you.”

  “I think you could do whatever you want to do.” She suggestively added.

  “I wish I could do whatever I wanted to do.” Like rip those wet clothes from your body and fuck you on the jungle gym. Did I just say that? Did I just think that?

  “Believe me when I say you can do whatever you want to do.” She was flirting with me giving me a hidden message that may not be all that hidden. I guess I couldn’t hide the lust in my eyes. Maybe she was leading me on. I want to be led.

  Kari ventured off the track to the cement path. We walked through the grass to the playground in the center of the track. We stopped at the swing set that was next to the slide. There were four vacant regular swings and two infant swings.

  I followed Kari like a new trained puppy. She took a seat on a swing. I took the seat right next to her. I sat faced in the opposite direction. I needed to be able to see her clearly. She was something to see.

  “You’re pretty quiet at the baseball games. You’re one of the parents that actually let me coach their kid without any distractions.”

  “Yeah, I don’t know much about baseball. Plus it’s your team. I’m just a spectator. I remember the little scolding you gave the parents about coaching from the sidelines.”

  “I’ve been making that speech for years. Some people think they can do it better than me but believe me they can’t. I recall you had a little smirk on your face when I was ranting. Why is that?”

  “I thought it was cute.”


  “Wrong word, more like sexy. You were all serious and tough. You were like sit down and shut up. I got this. I run this baseball field.” She tried to mimic my voice.

  “That’s not what I said.”

  “I know but that’s what I heard and I thought that was sexy.”

  “So you like being bossed around?”

  “I don’t know, maybe sometimes. Do you like bossing people around Coach Rizza?”

  “Depends on the person, could I boss you around?”

  “I refuse to answer that question.” She giggled and it was so hot.


  “I might give you an honest answer and I’m trying to be good.”

  “As opposed to being bad?”

  “Huh.” She shrugged.

  “When I say hello you barely acknowledge me. At practice you push Trey out the car and you don’t even wave hello.”

  “Yes I know.”


  “I don’t want to be too polite. There are eyes everywhere. Someone may get the wrong impression.”

  She had a good point but a simple hello Mason. “That may be true but you can at least smile and greet me.”

  “See there’s the problem.” She looked me dead on. “Can I keep it real with you?”

  “I prefer that you did.”

  “I think you are very attractive. You’re my type. You know the type of man I’m attracted to.” Kari stood up leaving me sitting and trying to take in her compliment. “So that’s why I try to stay away from you. I don’t want any trouble. What happens if you think I’m attractive?”

  “I do think you’re very attractive. I’m sure every straight man does.”

  “Well it has been my experience that when a man wants something or somebody, a little gold band has never stopped them.”

  There was a weird silence that passed between us. I stood to gage her closely. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes scanned my entire body. She was checking me out like I had done to her many times since we met. She had the same surge I had the minute we laid eyes on each other.

  “Kari, maybe I’m different from other guys. Maybe the gold band means something to me.” I was lying. I wanted to fuck her ten ways until Sunday.

  “Maybe, only time will tell. I know me. I know that if you ask me to jump I will say how high. So I will stay away from you and hope that you never ever say jump.” She shrugged and crossed her arms under her chest.

  Just as if the conversation didn’t get inappropriately intense Kari turned on her heels and jogged away leaving me standing on the playground. I didn’t know what to do with the information she bestowed upon me. I just remained there and took it all in. I watched as she got in her silver Camry and drove away from the park, away from me.

  This attraction was different than before. Remotely different than that one time four years ago when I cheated on Tess. I was sloppy drunk, it was Superbowl Sunday and it was with some random chick from the bar. I had seen that random chick around but she was nobody to me. She definitely wasn’t someone I had to see at baseball games and practices.

  I held that little Superbowl indiscretion to myself. I didn’t even tell Mike. I learned that excessive alcohol and judgment calls don’t mix. I am a grown up now and drinking like I’m still back in college is really not an option.

  My brother thinks I have a perfect marriage and a perfect wife. I do. I think. But if it’s so perfect why am I constantly thinking of Kari? If I slept with Kari and it went bad I would have to see her three times a week. I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s not going to happen. I felt so guilty the last time and I was too wasted to actually know what was happening. There’s no way I’m putting myself through that again.

  I walked through the playground, pass the basketball court, pass the two baseball diamonds and into the parking lot. I got in my car and drove home in the fog her words produced.

  When I got home Tess was in the kitchen feeding the kids breakfast. I kissed her on the cheek. She said something about me smelling stinky. I remember the kids laughing but I was zoned out. I had other things on my mind.

  I jogged the stairs two at a time until I made it to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and started to peel off my clothes. Stripped down and naked, I took a hard look at myself. I peered into the mirror over the sink. I exhaled when I thought of her, Kari. All I had to say was jump.

  I got in the shower and let the hot water wash over my back. I closed my eyes and let the water ran over my face. It felt so good under the jets. I grabbed the bodywash and squeezed a wad in the palm of my hand. I rubbed my chest, one pec at a time in small circles. I thought of Kari, her lips, her tits and her lovely ass in those Levis the first time we met.

  I imagined Kari’s hands in place of mine, her hands examining my chest. Her hands massaging my arms and shoulders. Her fingers skimming my abs. I traced my hand down to my crotch. I took my energized cock in my wet hand. I opened my eyes just for a second. I was rock hard in the shower thinking of her. I rolled my wet fingers over my cockhead and stroked my fingers down the shaft. I gripped my evil twin firmly. I started to rub my shaft up and down, slowly at first. I wonder what Kari’s pussy taste like? Shit. I started to move my hand faster, and faster, and faster. I was shaking my cock like I was shaking dice in the game of Yahtzee. Fuck me! This feels good. How does she feel?

  The muscles in my back started to tense as I felt myself coming to an explosive conclusion. What I wouldn’t give to have Kari sexy lips wrapped around my big cock. Her tongue licking my balls and bouncing them on her wet tongue. Two of my fingers buried deep in her scorching hot succulent pussy. Ughhh fuck! Shit! Shit! That did it. I came fast and hard in the wet solace of
the water. Fuck me! I gushed all over the tiles. I got carried away. I need better aim. I leaned forward to steady myself. I was a little off balance. My hair had run down to my forehead. I took both my hands and pushed it back.

  While in the shower I decided I would go into the office instead of work from home. I need to escape my mischievous thoughts. I wish Kari never told me she was attracted to me. I wish I didn’t want to fuck her so badly.

  I went into the office and worked alongside my brother. I went out to lunch to run some errands. I went to the mall, a place that I rarely visited. I returned to the office as quickly as I could. Work was a comfortable place for me. It was like my second home. I worked until eight o’clock. I hadn’t planned on staying that late but there were structural problems with an office building we are building in the suburb of Naperton. I didn’t get home until eight-thirty. My kids were already in bed. Tess was somewhere in the house. I went to check on the kids.

  I thought long and hard about how I could rid myself of this adulterous desire I had for Kari Fenderson. Earlier at work I came up with a plan to get the temptress out of my head. That was why I went to the mall. I loved my wife. I wanted to fuck Kari. I could just fuck my wife instead of make love to her. That would sate my obsession with the black princess. At least that was the plan.

  I made sure the children where tucked away and in a sound sleep. I entered the bedroom and Tess wasn’t there. I wanted to fuck, not make love. I sat on the edge of the bed. I sat my cell on the bedside table. I picked it back up to set the time on the alarm clock.

  Tess strolled in with a smile. This was the mood I hoped she be in. Tess was not what many would call a timeless beauty. She had brown curly permed hair that was not long but not short. She has very small facial features. She has thin lips, a thin nose and small eyes. Tess was very thin even after our three kids. Her mother was overweight and Tess became obsessive about being thin.

  My wife even had a bout with anorexia nervosa in her college years. Then it resurfaced after our first child was born. Tess had an irrational fear of gaining weight. It was illogical to everyone around her. She was 5’4” and ninety-eight pounds. She went to therapy and was briefly medicated. I felt bad about the entire ordeal although I never criticized her in any way. I just wanted her to be healthy. I secretly prefer her to have more weight on her body. Married couples have secrets. I learned never to engage her in any topics concerning weight or food. I would never do anything to trigger her disease. She was a devoted wife and a loving mother. I couldn’t ask for a better spouse. We all have our personal problems and hang-ups.


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