Let's Play Ball

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Let's Play Ball Page 7

by Lolah Lace

Kari glowered down at me sitting on the edge of the bed. She didn’t seem too afraid of my threat as she was cutting her eyes at me. She placed the Kindle below my face. “See, the Holy Bible, the English Standard Version, the Old Testament and the New Testament.” She placed her hand to cover the screen and lowered to her knees to regard me carefully.

  She stared up in my eyes. “Mason, I’m all yours. You never have to worry about me and any other man. You are the only man I want, the only one I need. You are the only man for me. I am madly in love with you.”

  What? I watched in awe as her eyes burned into me yet again. If this would have been any other woman the ‘L’ word would have sent me running for the hills. But it was Kari and that was exactly what I needed to hear. I needed to know she loved me. It was like a weight was lifted from my chest. Now I could breathe. I had conquered her body. I had toyed with her mind. But what I really craved was her love. It’s unanimous I’m a psycho.


  * * *

  I knew what I was doing was wrong but it had no intention of stopping. I felt I was performing my duties as a father and a husband. My relationship with Kari was not interfering with my home life. Kari didn’t ask for anything more than I could give. She didn’t ask for more time, more money or more commitment. She was perfect; the perfect mistress if there was ever such a thing. I trusted her. I knew she would never betray me or worst tell my wife. Every now and then she would have a temper tantrum about some random minor thing but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

  The little league baseball season was coming to a close. We had made it into the championships so there would only be a few games left. I planned to continue with Kari even after baseball was over. I could never let the feelings I formed for her go. Never.

  My brother Mike invited me out to a local bar. I had blown him off so many times because I was seeing Kari. Tonight I decided to hang out with him. I met him at Tailgaters around 9:30.

  He was there when I arrived. He was boozing it up at the bar. He small talked me for a while. Mike had something to say and it was taking him forever to spit it out. I knew my little brother well.

  “I went by moms yesterday and she was complaining that you never come over to visit.”

  “Did you tell her I’m busy running a business, that I’m still coaching baseball and that I see her at the games when she comes.”

  “No, I didn’t say that.”

  “Yeah I’m sure you agreed with her and threw me under the bus.”

  “No.” He was lying. Mike was a suck up who still claims that our mother favors me over him and our older sister Karen.

  “Hey Mason, you know Tess has been talking to my wife.”

  “About what?” Melissa, my brother’s wife is a busy body.

  “Tess thinks you guys are having marital problems.”

  “Problems? No problems.” I shrugged. What was he getting at?

  “Tess told my wife and she told me.”

  “Told you what?” Spill it stupid.

  “Tess thinks you’re having an affair.” Mike just blurted it out.

  “What?” Shit! I didn’t expect that to come from his mouth.

  Mike took a swig from his beer bottle. “Tess says you have been going out a lot lately and that…” Mike paused.

  “And what?” I asked.

  “Tess told Melissa that you guys haven’t had sex in three months.”

  “She said that?” I tried to sound shocked.

  “Yeah but I’m not supposed to say anything to you. Or maybe my wife tricked me and she told me not to say anything to you because she knew I would say something to you.”

  “So now I have to discuss my sex life with you?”

  “No, I don’t want to hear the details. It’s just Tess was over at the house crying her eyes out. Or at least that’s what Melissa says.”

  “Tess over analyzes and over exaggerates things. You know about her illness.”

  “Yeah.” Years ago I had told Mike about Tess’ problems with anorexia nervosa.

  “In this economy, with the business we’re in, I’ve been stressed trying to keep us afloat. You know firsthand how many construction companies have gone under in the last few years. I’m sorry if sex hasn’t been the foremost thing in my thoughts.” I was lying. Our business was doing just fine. I hoped I was convincing.

  “I understand, mine too.”

  “Mike,” I took a drink from my beer and regarded him fully. “I’m not cheating on Tess.” My dishonest face formed into a faint smile.

  “Women are fucking nuts.” Mike added with an arch of his brow.

  “I will drink to that.” I raised my beer bottle and Mike raised his. We clanked them together and hoisted our beer bottles to our lips. He believes me. Now I have to contend with Tess.

  * * *

  I went home and I was silent. Tess was pretending to be sleep. I was mad at her for talking to that pit-bull my brother married. I felt betrayed. I wish Tess would’ve come to me. I know I’m having an affair but things like this make me wonder if I married the wrong person. I love Tess. I would have lied to her if she asked me if I was having an affair. But honestly I also would have respected her for having the balls to ask, for confronting me and speaking her peace. She didn’t do that. Why?

  I know I’m a dick to compare but Kari would have never kept her suspicions to herself or blabbed to her friends. She would have confronted me and probably ripped me a new asshole. That’s Kari’s favorite line. She’s always going to rip someone a new asshole.

  I got into bed next to Tess and decided I would figure this out in the morning. When morning arrived I decided to take my kids to the Brookfield Zoo. I practically had to drag Tess out of bed. She was complaining about being tired. She had loss weight. I hadn’t noticed until today. She probably didn’t have any energy. You need to eat to get energy. I was going to force her to eat if I had too.

  I made breakfast, the kid’s favorite, pancakes. Tess perked up after a cup of coffee. I tricked her into eating two pancakes by telling the kids we couldn’t go to the zoo until mommy ate all her pancakes. The kids begged and watched her as she picked at the cakes. Hannah was getting agitated enough to guilt Tess into eating two pancakes. That’s my Hannah.

  After the zoo, we went to the movies. I usually take the kids to the movies without my wife but this time she came along. We were out all day and the kids were beat when we finally made it home.

  I stayed in and watched a movie on the couch downstairs. I was still mad at Tess for blabbing our personal business. I could not yet bring myself to sleep with her. Maybe tomorrow after I cool down.

  I texted Kari and made sure to delete the messages and the responses. Apparently my wife is on to me or at least she suspects something. I will have to sleep with her.

  The next night I did have sex with my wife. I shouldn’t have stopped sleeping with her in the first place. It’s just I had loss my attraction to her. There’s is another woman who had captured my cock and had a stronghold on it.

  Sex with Tess wasn’t that hard. I closed my eyes and thought of Kari the entire time. It was the truth and I couldn’t do anything but be honest with myself. I had already lied to Mike and I was always lying to Tess.

  I waited three long days before I went to see Kari. She wasn’t pissed. I had talked to her and texted her the three days we had not seen each other. I told her I had to spend some quality time with my kids.

  As soon as I got to Kari’s house we went at it. I missed her just as much as she missed me. We fucked until we couldn’t move. After a few minutes of silence I had good news I wanted to share.

  I looked over at her after sex glow. Kari is so beautiful. “I have a construction conference in two weeks. Can you go with me?”

  “Yes, I guess. When is it?” Her eyes were on the ceiling.

  “The weekend after the fourth of July holiday.”


  “Just okay, we’
re going out of town together.” I was excited with the prospect of out-of-town sex with Kari. “I already booked our flights. Do you care where we’re going?”

  “No, I really don’t care.” Kari turned her eyes and body toward me. “Wherever you are is where I want to be.”

  She always says things like that. Those things that make my manly parts melt. Love ruins things. That’s why I’m not able to say it to her. Or is that just some lame excuse?

  “The conference is in Vegas. I have to go sit through the boring stuff in the morning but we will still have some time together in the afternoon and at night.”

  “Okay.” Kari snuggled in close to me and licked the bare skin on the side of my neck.

  “We’re leaving on a Friday morning and coming back Monday afternoon. Your parents can keep Trey?”

  “Yeah that won’t be a problem.”

  “There’s a baseball game on Tuesday after we get back.”

  “Okay.” Kari yawned.

  “You’re tired.”

  “Yeah, shut up and go to sleep.” I wanted to tell her about the talk I had with Mike, about Tess’ suspicions, but the time wasn’t right. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything. I mean it’s not her problem. But Kari is the only person I can talk to and be honest with. I shouldn’t lay my personal crap on her doorstep. Me and Kari, we’re happy. Everything is good with us and we’re going to Vegas.

  * * *

  The Friday after the fourth couldn’t get here fast enough. Kari and I took an American Taxi to the airport. I had the driver stop and pick Kari up after me. We had an American Airlines flight to Vegas our departure was at 7:10 from O’Hare airport. Kari was excited. She told me she hadn’t been to Vegas in six years. I removed my wedding ring and left it inside Kari’s house.

  The annual AICPA Construction Industry Conference was always boring but having Kari here made it so much better. It was either her or Mike. That was not at all a tough decision on my part. I couldn’t bring them both so I did what would make me happy.

  I had never spent this much time with Kari. I wondered if we could stand each other for longer than the few blocked hours we spent together. The conference was held at the Bellagio Hotel, the one with the beautiful fountains in front. I got us a suite, the one called the Bellagio Suite with the premier fountain view. Sure it was a bit pricey but when would I ever get the chance to do this with Kari again. I wanted to show her a good time. I wanted to give her something more than what we had back in Bolingcreek.

  The suite was full of the regular amenities, a separate living room, a bedroom with a King-sized bed, marble whirlpool tub, 42” television and all the other standard things. There was even a TV in the bathroom.

  We were silent as we got accustomed to our surroundings. I took a seat in the living room and started going through the a few file folders I had removed from my suitcase. Kari peeked her head out from the bedroom.

  “Mason, I’m going to take a bath, wash off the airplane.”


  Kari was gone before I could say more. My cell phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket to read the caller ID. It was Tess.

  “Hey, hon.”

  “Did you make it there yet?”

  “Yeah I just got here to the hotel, maybe ten minutes ago. I was going to call once I got settled.”

  “Is the room clean?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to look around yet but from what I’ve seen it looks pretty clean.”

  “That’s good.”

  “It’s awful quiet over there. Where are the kids?”

  “Hannah and Matt are in the backyard. Tim he’s still sleep.”

  “Don’t wake him. Tim’s allergies have him really cranky in the morning. I picked up his prescription last night. Don’t forget to give him some medicine as soon as he wakes up.”

  “I won’t forget.”

  I glanced up. Kari’s naked body flashed across the background. She moved from the bedroom to the bathroom and I caught a glimpse of her.

  “You going over to Mike and Melissa’s for dinner?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You should go.”

  “Maybe, it depends on how the kids are.”

  “Hon, I’m going to call you back a little later. I’m going through some of the information for the conference.”

  “Okay, I love you.”

  “I love you too hon.” I ended the call and placed my phone down on the coffee table. I went to the bathroom.

  Kari was in a huge tube full of water and bubbles. She was immersed in the water but her hands were above it. She was holding her Kindle Fire above the bubbles. She was reading silently. She didn’t look up when I entered.

  “Hey, what you reading?”

  “Some zombie apocalypse book, it’s called Deadies.”

  I tried to look through the bubbles and find Kari’s breast but the bubbles had her completely covered.

  “What do you want to do later?” I asked.

  “Let’s go to the pool for a swim and then we could find a place to eat. I could go for a drink.”

  “Okay.” That seemed perfect.

  “Mason, you don’t have X-ray vision.” She smiled. She caught me ogling her.

  “I know.” I chuckled. “I’m really trying to see through the bubbles.”


  “Can I join you?”

  “Do you have to ask?” She smirked and closed the cover on the Kindle. She placed it on the towel that was on the floor beside the tub.

  I pulled my blue Ralph Lauren Polo shirt over my head and tossed it. I flipped out my shoes and unbuckled my belt. Kari’s eyes were on me the entire time. She was watching me closely. It was nice to be desired. It was nice to be loved. It was nice to be here with Kari. I slowly removed my khaki pants and pulled my socks off.

  “Show me what you’re working with!” Kari called out. “Take it off big boy. I wanna see your peacock.”

  I smiled. She always made me smile. I slowly removed my briefs and let it all hang out. I stepped into the tub and crouched down into the hot water. The water was really hot. I sat opposite Kari so I could gaze at her like she was a star. She was a star to me, my star.

  “This is nice.” I said just to start her to talking. I loved her voice.

  “Yes it is. Whenever I’m with you, it’s always nice.” She palmed a few suds in her hand like she hadn’t said the sweetest thing ever to me. Kari loves me. I’m not sure why but I know that she does.

  “Kari, I wish I would have met you years ago.”

  “Do you think things would’ve been different?”

  “Yeah, I know they would.” I took one of her feet in my hands and started to massage her heel.

  “You don’t think that everything that has happened thus far is exactly the way it was designed. I mean aren’t we exactly where we are supposed to be. I think that even if we met fifteen years ago we will still be where we are now. You would still be married and I would still be a single mother. Something probably would have pulled us apart then.”

  “That’s a pessimistic way of thinking of things.”

  “It’s what I truly believe. I’m just keeping it one hundred.”

  “Is that the same as keeping it real?”

  “Yeah, you’re so white.”

  “That’s what you love about me.”

  “That’s just one of the many things I love about you.”

  I blushed. It was a man blush but a blush all the same. I felt a rush of mushy stuff about to spill from my lips. “I’m so happy with you. How long do you think we can go on like this?”

  “I try not to think about it. I’m here for as long as you’ll have me.” She shrugged. Kari never worried about much of anything.

  “I’m afraid this will end. I don’t want it to. I don’t want you to get tired of me and what I can’t give you.” Like a ring, like children, like forever after.

  “Stop being a Debbi
e Downer. I have everything I want.”

  Kari removed her foot from my hands and slide over to me. The white suds were covering her breasts and as hard as I tried to get a look at her nipples they were strategically covered. Kari straddled my legs and pressed her body against me. I cozied into the comfort of her weight on my legs. I moved up so that she could wrap her legs around my torso. I felt her ass cradling my cock. My evil twin was growing under her ass. He wanted to come inside after the long plane ride.

  I looked up at her as I ran my hands down the length of her silky sudsy back. Kari arched forward and her hardened nipple grazed my chin. I took one of my hands from her back to wipe the bubbles from her breasts. With a slight tilt of my chin I placed my mouth on her nipple covering it and sucking it up completely until my cheeks ballooned out.

  I felt Kari’s wet fingers as they raked through my hair. She pinched my hair from the nape of my neck and yanked my head back abruptly. I closed my eyes. My chin was up and my face staring at the ceiling when she used this moment to lick me from my collarbone up the middle of my neck, up my chin and to the tip of my top lip. She rested there. She pulled my face downward toward her and sucked my top lip until she decided to place her moist tongue inside my mouth and suck my tongue with her mouth. I opened my eyes when she pulled away. She smiled at me like she had a secret that she refused to share with me. I rested my hand in the small of her back.

  Kari lifted up and reached under her ass to capture my cock in her hand. She tilted forward and pushed my cock head first into her pussy. I felt her juicy lips part as she lowered her delicious pussy unto me slowly. Her walls opened and contracted as I fell under her spell yet again. I ran my fingers from the outside of her thighs up to her ass as she rocked back and forth on my stiff guy. Her nipples brushed against my lips. I opened my mouth and playfully bit them one at a time as they bounced in 3D right in front of me.

  “Oh Mason!” She cried out. She loves to get bit. She loves to get spanked. She loves my big thick cock.

  I thrust upwards into my most favorite place on the planet, not Disney World, inside Kari’s pussy. I hit her ground floor and grinded up into her until she collapsed backwards. I removed the clip from her hair and watched as it fell down at her shoulders. I pulled her close and scraped the tip of my teeth over her nipple. I grinded my cock as deep as it would go inside her wet cave.


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