Secret Paradise (Kimani Romance)

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Secret Paradise (Kimani Romance) Page 13

by Girard, Dara

She hugged Nikki. “All my dreams are coming true. Uncle Lucian will be my legal guardian and now I have this beautiful room. I won’t have nightmares in here. Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Would you like to be a mom someday?”

  “I’ve never really thought about it,” Nikki said, unprepared for the question. “Probably.”

  “You’d probably want your own kids, right? Not someone else’s.”

  “My heart is open to loving many children. Family comes in all forms.”

  “I’d love to have a real mom someday.”

  “You do have a real mom. She’s not perfect, but she’s yours and you have to accept that. She does love you.”

  “I think you’d make a great mom.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And an aunt.”

  “I think so.”

  “I make a great niece.”

  “I know you do. Your uncle Lucian tells me so.”

  “I’m so glad you’re here. You make the place happy, unlike…”


  “No, she could make the place happy, too, when she was in a good mood.”

  “Did you like her?”

  Callia shrugged. “She was nice to me. But she was always nice to people she liked, but if she didn’t like you, then she was mean. Especially to servants. But she never let Uncle Lucian see that, because she knew that would make him angry.”

  “And the servants never told him?”

  “They didn’t dare. Alana could be scary. I didn’t mind her as much until her uncle and cousin came to visit. I didn’t like them much, because they ignored me and always kept their doors closed, like they were hiding something. Uncle didn’t notice, because he thinks family’s important and felt that Alana’s family would soon be his own.”

  “He has a point. Family is important.”


  “Don’t you miss being around other children?”

  “No.” She took Nikki’s hand. “Come on. Let’s show the others what you did to my room.”

  Lucian, Dante, Kay and Basilio were as impressed as when Nikki revealed her other completed projects. Lucian and Dante immediately started to make arrangements for the party and prepare for the guests who would come.

  “What are you doing here?” Iona said, surprised when she opened her bedroom door and saw Basilio.

  “I wanted to see you. Because we’re preparing for the party and extra guests, the villas won’t be as safe as before. Someone may see us.”

  “You never come down here.”

  “But I’m here now. Are you going to let me in?”

  “Give me a minute,” she said, half closing the door. He heard her shift something and caught a glance of a lace dress before she opened the door wider to let him in.

  “You seem anxious,” Basilio said.

  “I have a lot of work to do, that’s all.” She kissed him. “But I know that you can help me relax.”

  And for the next hour he did just that.

  “I can’t believe that Nikki woman has managed to stay on this long,” Iona said as she and Basilio lay in bed.

  “Yes. She’s cast a spell over him.”

  “Just like the other one.”

  “No, she’s different.”

  “She’s dangerous to us.”

  “No, she’s not. She hasn’t said anything.”


  “I trust her. She calms Callia. She hasn’t screamed out in weeks. Lucian even told me that Nikki heard the strange music Callia used to go on about, so that shows she wasn’t making it up. We may not need Kay any longer.”

  “But poor Kay still needs the money.”

  “Lucian will give her another position. Don’t worry. He’ll take care of her.”

  “I got the invitation from Lucian!” Monica said to Nikki over the phone. “J.D. says Lucian hardly ever throws parties, even small ones. How did you manage it?”

  “I didn’t,” Nikki said. “It’s this place. You feel wonderful here and want to share it.”

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “I love him.”

  Monica was silent a moment. “Does he know?”

  “No, I’m not sure he feels the same. He’s grateful, but I’m not sure it goes further than that.”

  “You have enough time to change his mind.”

  “Well, we’ll see. Are you coming?”

  “Oh, yes. J.D. and I have already put it on the schedule. The trip will be too grueling for the little ones, so we’re hiring a babysitter for the week.”

  “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Me, too, and I can’t wait to see what you’ve done.”

  “To the house?”

  “No,” Monica said with a laugh. “To Lucian.”

  Nikki returned to her room after a relaxing walk and saw a large dress box on her bed. Lucian was truly spoiling her, but she’d quickly gotten used to his extravagant surprises. He was so generous when it came to gifts. She smiled as she opened the box, then gasped at what was inside. It was a full-length, dark blue, off-the-shoulder lace dress, made entirely by hand. Underneath the intricate design of tiny seashells was a soft, off-gray, almost transparent silk lining, with a thigh-high slit on one side. Nikki knew she’d be a knockout wearing it.

  She went to her mirror and held the dress up against her. It was the perfect outfit for the party.

  She rushed downstairs and found Lucian in his study. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

  He smiled, pleased. “What’s that for?”

  “You know.”

  “Are you ready for this weekend?”

  “Oh, definitely.”

  “What will you wear?”

  She grinned at his teasing. “You know.”

  He raised a brow. “Really?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to look fabulous.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 17

  Monica and J.D. arrived two days before the party. Lucian had designated a private villa for them nearby, but they preferred staying at the mansion. When the sisters saw each other, they hugged as if they hadn’t seen each other in years. J.D. went with Lucian into his private sitting room, while Nikki helped her sister unpack.

  “You’re glowing,” Monica said.

  “It’s the island.”

  “It’s Lucian. Give the man some credit.” Monica sat on the bed. “Now, tell me everything.”

  And she did. She shared about Callia’s dreams, Basilio’s secret and Iona.

  “Wow, you have been busy,” Monica said.

  “So you don’t think—”

  “That Lucian could be a murderer?” Monica interrupted. “Absolutely not.”

  “How about Basilio?”

  “I don’t know him well enough to make an opinion, but Lucian’s a smart man. He knows who he can trust.”

  “He made the wrong choice once.”

  “That means he won’t again.” Monica patted her sister’s hand. “Don’t worry.”

  “You’re right,” Nikki said, feeling better. If her sister didn’t worry, she wouldn’t, either. “The last couple of months have been wonderful, so I’m sure it’s all nothing.”

  “I know the party will take your mind off of it.”

  J.D. popped his head in. “Anyone want to go for a swim?”

  Moments later they were all settled on the beach. J.D. lifted Monica in his arms and spun her around, making her laugh. Nikki caught Lucian watching them. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t care that he could never do that with her, that he was strong in other ways.

  “They’re like young lovers again,” he said.

  “Yes,” Nikki replied. But she didn’t want him thinking of them. Or comparing his skin to J.D.’s unblemished skin. She crawled onto his lap and rested her head in the curve of his neck. “Hold me.”

  He did, kissing the top of her head and stroking her back. “Sometimes I wish—”

“I love you.”

  His hand stopped. “What?”

  She looked up at him. “I love you.” She brushed her lips against his, then laid her head back down. “So you don’t need to wish anymore.”

  He didn’t say another word, but held her tighter, as if afraid of letting her go.

  She loved him. Him. Lucian Kontos. Not his money or reputation, but him—the man. As he was. Lucian sat in his study, stunned. He held up his fist. I will defeat you, Alana, and reclaim all that you stole from me. One day he’d be able to carry Nikki to bed. He’d be able to join her on her morning jogs down by the beach. One day he’d walk beside her without a cane. The doctors and specialists said the damage was irreversible and that nothing could be done, that he’d always need to use a cane. But he’d prove them wrong.

  He stood and set his cane aside. He took a deep breath and made his way to the door. His limp was marked but he made slow progress, but after a couple steps his leg gave way. He scrambled to catch himself on the couch but missed and collapsed on the floor with a thud.

  Dante raced into the room and stared down at him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Lucian said, embarrassed.

  Dante glanced up and noticed where Lucian had left his cane. “She doesn’t care, you know.”

  “I care, dammit,” he said in a harsh tone.

  Dante retrieved the cane and handed it to him. “Then I feel sorry for you.”

  Lucian snatched the cane and slowly stood. “She deserves—”

  “A man who loves her.”


  “Lucian, your leg may never recover, but is your heart irreparable, too?”

  Lucian groaned, then playfully punched Dante on the chin. “I should fire you. You take too many liberties for a butler.”

  “You can’t fire me. I know all your secrets.”

  Lucian sobered. “Yes, you do.”

  “And I will keep every last one.”

  Basilio knocked on the door, then entered. “Dante,” he said in a cold tone, “you’re needed in the kitchen.”

  Dante nodded, then left.

  Lucian walked to his desk and sat. “You should watch your tone with him.”

  “Why? He’s just a servant.”

  “Nobody’s just anything. Everyone deserves respect—especially those who serve you.”

  “I know he’s your favorite.”

  “I also know I’m not the only one here who has a favorite.”

  Basilio shoved his hands in his pockets. “What do you mean? What have you heard?”

  “I warned you about Iona.”

  “Did Nikki tell you—” He stopped when he saw his brother’s face change.

  Lucian slowly stood. “Did Nikki tell me what?”


  Lucian came from around the desk, his voice hard. “Did Nikki tell me what?” he repeated, demanding an answer.

  “She misunderstood a conversation I was having with Iona, that’s all. I may have scared her a little.”

  “She was terrified. You’re the one who put those bruises on her arm? No wonder she didn’t tell me. God, and I even suggested that she go to you.”

  “I didn’t mean—”

  Lucian raised his cane. “If you touch her again in anger, I will beat you with this stick until you beg for mercy. Am I clear?”


  Lucian set his cane down. “You never touch a woman in anger.”

  Basilio hung his head. “I know.”

  “You did that night.”

  “I forgot.”

  “There are certain things that are dangerous to forget.”

  His head shot up. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  Lucian rested against his desk. “Nikki kept your ‘misunderstanding’ to herself. It was Dante who told me.”

  Basilio frowned. “Dante is a gossip who should mind his own business.”

  “You are my business. There are certain things you don’t know. Whatever you have with Iona, I want it to end. Or I will end it for you.”

  Basilio marched down the hall, wanting to punch something. His brother couldn’t do this to him. He wouldn’t let Lucian separate him from Iona. The woman he loved. Maybe she was right. He did let his brother watch him and baby him too much. Lucian had Nikki, who he paid to design his house. How was that different than him being with a maid? Iona made him happy. No, he would have her. He would do what she asked him, and then nothing and nobody could come between them.

  “He knows,” he told her that night, using the empty villa that had been prepared for Monica and J.D.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to do what you asked me to. We’ll wait until after the party and then we’ll get married.”

  “Why not now?”

  Basilio laughed at her eagerness. “I still have some things to do. I’ll have to get a job and a new place for us. It won’t be easy, but I’m ready.”

  “You think Lucian will cut you off?”

  “Don’t let it concern you.”

  “Family means too much to him. Sure, he’ll be angry, but he’ll forgive you. I think we should just do it now.”

  “No, and I told you why. I have to have a backup plan. I want to be able to take care of you myself.”


  “Dante’s been watching me and reporting back to Lucian. Can you believe it?”

  “Yes, Lucian likes to control the lives of everyone around him.”

  Basilio pulled Iona close. “Well, he won’t control me. And he won’t control us anymore.”

  They made love that night and Basilio returned to the house early the next morning. The first person he saw was Dante, who was outside smoking. He walked over to him.

  “I know what you’re up to. You’re trying to poison my brother against me.”

  “You sound like a jealous woman.”

  “How does it feel to be a babysitter?”

  Dante blew smoke in his face. “How does it feel to be an imbecile?”

  Basilio punched him in the face. Dante staggered back, then lunged at him, and the two men began to fight. The screams of the maids alerted J.D. and Lucian. J.D. jumped in and parted the men.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, looking at the two of them, bewildered.

  Lucian didn’t give them a chance to answer. Instead he said, “Study. Now.”

  Minutes later Basilio and Dante stood in his study and Lucian watched them with folded arms. “This is how you behave in front of my guests?”

  “We apologize,” Dante said.

  “Don’t apologize for me,” Basilio retorted.

  “It’s too late for your mother to.”

  Basilio moved toward him, but Lucian whacked him on the arm with his cane. “Sit down and cool off.”

  Basilio rubbed his arm and sat.

  Lucian looked at Dante. “You’re overstepping.”

  “It’s not the first time,” Basilio said.

  “And you’re getting on my nerves,” Lucian told him. “I don’t even care why you did what you did. But I don’t like disturbances. You don’t need to like each other, but you have to respect each other. Basilio, if you have an issue with Dante’s duties, you come to me. Dante, my brother is welcome here. Work on making him feel that way. Now shake hands.”

  Dante stepped forward and held out his hand. Basilio just looked at it.

  “Shake hands or leave this house,” Lucian said.

  Basilio shook Dante’s hand, then stormed out.

  “Your brother has a temper,” Dante said.

  “Which you shouldn’t have ignited. That was foolish.”

  “Yes, you’re right.”

  “We can’t afford errors in judgment like that. What happened?”

  “He punched me,” Dante said, taking out a cigarette.

  “You’ve been punched before. If anything is distracting you, I can get—”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You know better than t
hat,” Lucian said before Dante could light up.

  Dante swore, surprised at his own carelessness. He never smoked in the house. “Sorry.”

  “Do you need a day off?”

  “No, I can do my job. This won’t happen again.”

  “Good. I count on that.”

  Chapter 18

  The night of the party Monica helped Nikki dress with care. “You look stunning,” she said.

  “I feel wonderful.”

  “I’ll go down first and then you follow a few minutes later. No one will be able to take their eyes off you.” She kissed her sister on the cheek, then left.

  Nikki checked her makeup and hair, then left the room. She took a deep breath before she descended the main stairs into the ballroom, which glimmered with lights and burst with extravagant floral decorations. She heard the sound of clinking glasses of champagne and soft music. As her sister had predicted, all eyes turned to look at Nikki. A quiet, uneasy hush quickly filled the room as all attention focused on her. Callia looked up at her and screamed.

  The sound of shattering glass followed as Basilio dropped his drink. Lucian stared at her with abject horror.

  “It’s her!” one person said.

  “That’s impossible. She’s dead.”

  Nikki looked at her sister, who looked as confused as she felt. She forced a smile and grabbed a drink from a waiter standing nearby, who also appeared paralyzed.

  Lucian pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed Nikki’s hand. “Dear God, why are you wearing that dress?”

  “What do you mean? You bought it for me.”

  He glanced at the dress, then turned away, as if the sight of it hurt his eyes. “I’d rather slice off my hand than give you a gift like that.”

  “You didn’t put this dress in my bedroom?”

  “Absolutely not. Go take it off.”

  Nikki blinked back tears, hearing the anguish in his voice. “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No.” He briefly covered his eyes with a trembling hand. “Just take it off.”

  “Tell me what I’ve done.”

  “You’re wearing Alana’s dress.”

  Blood drained from Nikki’s face.

  Lucian squeezed her hand. “Please just go and change. Everything will be okay.”


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