Witch Hunt (City Shifters: the Pack Book 1)

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Witch Hunt (City Shifters: the Pack Book 1) Page 42

by Layla Nash

  He retreated but didn’t go far, and stroked himself slowly as he watched the flush retreat from her face. She was so beautiful he didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky that she was his. When Deirdre wobbled again, he helped her sit on the edge of the tub, still holding her shoulders to keep her steady. He wanted to preen at the fact that he’d made her legs fail. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  Evershaw meant to grumble something about washing up or dragging her into the shower, regardless of whether the bathtub also called with all kinds of possibilities, but Deirdre’s hand found his cock and he stilled. She stroked him with just the right amount of pressure as he stood in front of her, and braced her other hand on his thigh. Evershaw groaned and threaded his fingers into her hair, glad she at least had a ponytail that time. “Just like that, babe.”

  She eyed him but kept up the stroking, leaning down to lick the head of his cock in a brief, tantalizing touch. Evershaw eased her head closer, encouraging her to take more, but the witch retreated again and gave him a dark look. He scowled and bent to kiss her forehead, working his fingers against her scalp. “Don’t be a tease, witch.”

  “Then don’t interrupt me,” she muttered, and flicked water from the bathtub in his face.

  He wanted to just push her into the water, but with her hand still on his cock, he didn’t think that was the best idea. He’d already seen what happened when she was surprised.

  So he took his time picking her up and dipping her into the water, sending little waves to break against the edges of the tub. He plopped in after her and water sloshed over the sides. Deirdre slipped and nearly dunked herself, coming up spluttering, and whipped her wet hair out of her face. “What the hell?”

  “I can’t wait,” he said. “And besides, you wanted me clean, right?”

  Her eyes narrowed and flashed, but her lips twitched and he knew she found him charming instead of irritating. She just wouldn’t admit it. So he picked up a sponge or something she called a loofah and dumped a bunch of fancy ass body wash gunk on it, smelling like rosemary and mint, and dragged her to sit between his legs so he could soap her up.

  Deirdre murmured in appreciation as she sat on his thighs and his cock periodically pressed against her slit, and they were both quiet as he ran the loofah over her breasts. She scooped up the suds and started to run her hands over his chest and shoulders, and his cock jumped in response. He wanted to plunge into her, to drag her to him again, but soaping her up and watching his hands glide along her sides was too damn fun.

  She got all breathless as he kept it up. “I think I’m clean, Miles.”

  “Pretty sure there still something…” and he went back to circling her breasts, thumbs brushing her nipples.

  Deirdre laughed and managed to pull the loofah away from him so she could turn it on his grimy skin, scrubbing with a great deal of vigor as Miles kept teasing her tits and then squeezing her ass. She felt all wiggly and slippery in his arms; he held her tighter even as she started to slide out of his grip, and pressed her down against his cock until the tip breached her channel.

  She gasped and her head tilted back, the loofah forgotten, and Miles took the opportunity to seal his mouth to her throat. He wanted to cover her in hickies so no one would doubt she was claimed. He growled against her skin, the clean scent of her and rosemary tangling in his brain, and a sudden rush of emotion caught him by surprise.

  Grooming and cleaning were important to wolves. Sitting in the tub with her, even with his cock buried deep inside her, and making sure she was clean and smelled good were a greater intimacy than any wild and sweaty sex they could have. Especially compared to all the dirty whispers they’d exchanged elsewhere, the simple ritual of a bath represented, to him, an act of the utmost intimacy. It was the last wall around his heart, falling down because of Deirdre. She’d dragged him out of the cold fortress of grief and asshole-ishness and into a place where he was giving his woman a bath and would have enjoyed it even if she wasn’t wiggling and whining for his cock.

  She murmured, “You missed a spot,” and dabbed at his nose with a soapy hand. Her hand lingered, and she stroked down to his lip and then chin. “All done.”

  He twined her fingers through his own and shifted how he sat in the tub so there was room for her knees on either side of his hips. “We’re just getting started.”

  “You’re going to make a complete mess of the bathroom,” she said, looking dubiously over the side of the tub at where a small lake grew on the tile. “Are you going to clean that up?”

  He started laughing, shaking her since he couldn’t let her go, and pressed his face against her throat. “That’s what pack is for. They’ll clean it up. Alphas don’t clean.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake,” she said. She took his face in her hands and gave him her fiercest look. “Miles, we talked about this –”

  “We are not going to argue about who mops the fucking floor when I want to fuck you senseless,” he said as patiently as he could manage. “Especially when you’re already on my cock.”

  Her whole face reddened, particularly when he bounced her on his thighs to remind her how deeply he was seated inside her. Deirdre still tried to sound all prim and proper and drove the wolf out of his fucking mind. “I can’t condone this behavior –”

  He grunted and abruptly stood her up, got to his feet, and carried her into the bedroom as fast as he could, both of them shedding water everywhere. “You’re killing me, witch.”

  She muttered something but he couldn’t hear – and probably didn’t want to hear, from his experience. He tossed her onto the bed and stood over her, surveying the slick pink skin and the smoldering gaze she turned on him. Evershaw started forward to jump on top of her and bury himself in her once more, but Deirdre scooted away and rolled off the bed.

  He tensed, sensing a chase, and the wolf tore at his control. Evershaw let a hint of warning creep into his voice. “Don’t run, babe, or I won’t be able to hold back.”

  “I know,” she said. She didn’t bolt, like he feared, but instead retrieved something from the drawer in her nightstand.

  His interest immediately piqued, since he knew that particular drawer held some fun toys and all kinds of excitement. He’d stocked it for her, of course, after he discovered only one vibrator, and Deirdre just about laughed herself stupid the first time she opened it and found it stuffed full of vibrators, dildos, ass trainers, handcuffs, lube, rope, and everything else he could imagine using to pleasure her.

  Evershaw’s cock throbbed as she dangled the handcuffs from a finger and swayed her hips as she approached the bed. He growled and knelt on the bed, ready to leap at her. “Get over here before I have to spank you.”

  Her dark eyebrow arched. “I want to take you, baby.”

  He groaned and reached for her. “Just as soon as I –”

  “No,” she said, then tiled her head at the headboard. “I want to take you,” and she snapped one of the cuffs around his wrist.

  Evershaw froze as he finally got her meaning, and the wolf didn’t know how to feel. He cleared his throat and managed to drag her closer so he could kiss her. Part of him really, really liked the idea of her taking control and riding him, but the part of him that was a fucking alpha didn’t like being on his back with her over him. Even if he trusted her… there were some things an alpha didn’t do. “Babe, we’ll have so much fun if you –”

  “Miles,” she whispered, and his heart cracked. God, he was a fool for the woman. Just the way she said his name sent shivers through him. And Deirdre bit her lower lip until his brain short-circuited. “Make yourself vulnerable to me.”

  He grumbled and started to shake his head. “Taming the wolf just doesn’t happen, witch. Anything else, and –”

  But the way she looked at him… He warred with himself over it; he wanted to give her anything and everything she wanted, but giving her that kind of power over him… He rejected the idea even as part of him knew he owed it to her. He’d asked a hell of a lot from h
er, and maybe hadn’t offered much in return.

  When she saw him wavering, Deirdre’s fingers drifted down her chest and over her breasts, then down her stomach to linger at the top of her slit. “I’ll make it work your while.”

  He growled in anticipation. He didn’t allow his women to run the show. He was a giver, that was for goddamn certain, but it was all under his strict control. But gradually, Deirdre had started revealing hidden parts of his soul that had been there all along, unbeknownst to him.

  He finally lay back on the bed and tried not to melt at the way she grinned and almost bounced on the mattress as she leaned to secure his hands and the cuffs to the headboard. Of course, with her stretched out over him, he managed to capture one of those perfect tits in his mouth. Deirdre lingered for a long moment, then pulled back so she could shake a finger in his face. “None of that. You’ll do as you’re told, wolf.”

  Evershaw liked her more confident, a little demanding. He settled back to see where things went; from the look on her face, he was going to pay for something he’d done.

  Chapter 78


  I thrilled at the sense of control, having that huge powerful man tied up and completely at my mercy. I could do anything I wanted to him. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his gold eyes tracked me, and a growl boiled up in his chest as he watched me debate over what to do first.

  My heart pounded and I started to rethink the whole taking control thing. I’d never done it before, and even though I knew Miles wouldn’t hurt me, he looked like he was ready to rip apart the headboard already. Something shifted in his expression and he took a deep breath, relaxing just a touch, and winked at me. “Get your ass in gear, girl.”

  I started to smile, appreciating that he knew he’d been intimidating and chose to chill the fuck out for a second so I didn’t freak out, and stroked his cock once or twice. “I’m sorry, the person in handcuffs doesn’t get a vote.”

  He growled and tried to wrap his legs around me. I laughed and wiggled free, waving a pair of padded cuffs in his face. “Do I need to tie your legs down too? Because I will, Mr. Alpha.”

  His arms strained as he pulled at the handcuffs, but when the headboard didn’t give way, he bared his teeth in a snarl. “Don’t let your mouth write checks your ass can’t cash, witch.”

  I tossed the cuffs away and knelt on the bed, then carefully moved to straddle his head. Miles groaned in anticipation and lifted his head as I hovered, trying to reach me, and I waited for the sweet agony of his mouth. I lowered myself until he devoured my pussy, and I held onto the headboard for dear life as I started grinding against his face. Holy shit. Holy shit.

  He thrust his tongue against me and his shoulders tensed. His growls vibrated through my sex until I shivered and moved faster. He moved from my core to my clit effortlessly, tracing the shape of my folds with just the right amount of pressure – light enough to be a delicious torment and hard enough to keep coaxing me closer to an edge of sheer bliss.

  All rational thought fled as I rode his face, the only thing remaining behind was the divine pleasure pulsing between my legs. Fire radiated from the pit of my stomach, mounting in intensity, until it spread through my entire body. I curled my toes and held on to his head, my breath coming in short little gasps. “More.”

  I reached down to spread my slit farther apart, giving him better access, and Miles made a savage sound, somewhere between lust and pure hunger. I touched my clit as he tongue-fucked me, and moaned as I lost the ability to control my body completely.

  The first time we’d made out came back to me in a flash as the first shocks of ecstasy started to roll through me. Reluctance and uncertainty kept me behind my walls. But not anymore. Not with him.

  I leaned back enough to grip his cock, hard and ready so close behind me. Just the thought of Miles, so turned on he almost broke the headboard trying to get to me, fucking me, ravishing me, savaging me in primal dominance just after I’d used him for my own pleasure… I tensed and cried out, freezing over him, but Miles didn’t stop for a second.

  I clenched against him and fought to keep a few tears at bay. I was not going to give a single fuck how dirty, how messy, how absolutely fucking wild I could get in bed. Not when I was with Miles. He knew, he understood. He loved it. He made me feel safe, anchored, protected. I could finally unleash and really be myself, and just like he’d agreed to be handcuffed, I got the feeling he would follow wherever I led.

  My head tipped back as I froze above him, squeezing my breasts, and he groaned against my pussy. “You’re killing me, witch.”

  “But you’re doing so well,” I panted. “Really well.”

  He snarled and strained, and the headboard splintered. I blinked and looked down at him, at his eyes flashing gold, delirious with desire. Miles wasn’t quite free, but another yank and he would be. We’d have to buy more furniture or come up with a different game.

  “I do even better with my fingers,” he said. His eyes glinted as he shot me a dark look. “And my cock. Release me and I’ll show you.”

  “Oh?” I slid down his body, touching as much of him as I could, and rubbed my pussy up and down his hard shaft. “But I can use your cock however I want…”

  He groaned and his hips thrust, nearly throwing me off him. “Fuck, Deirdre, untie me.”

  It was such a turn-on to hear him moan my name like that. So desperate and eager. I bit my lip and wiggled a little until I could use his cock to rub my clit. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “I can’t fucking think when you do that,” he snarled. “Damn it, Deirdre, untie me.”

  I slid back and forth on his cock. Ruthless. Treacherous. So damn ecstatic. Turned on. In control. Reborn and released.

  He thrust to try and enter me, and I leaned back so his cock pressed against my channel, ready to tease him to within an inch of his sanity. And my own, since I wasn’t immune to the desperate need for his cock, to feel him moving inside me and over me, to jump on him and fuck him myself until he moaned my name and called me ‘witch’ and threatened me with all the dirty, sexy things he wanted to do with me.

  “You’re the devil,” he breathed. He pulled on the handcuffs and the wood created. “I swear to God, witch, when I get free –”

  I eased down until the tip of his cock slid into me and my nails raked down his chest. He arched his back and tried to thrust, but I hung on to his shoulders and thwarted his efforts. I sank down and he groaned, “Deirdre…”

  I moaned, repeating the same movement as the tip slid in and out, over and over, slow and deliberate. I wanted to be all he thought about. I wanted the prospect of us fucking, just out of reach, to torment him to the limits of his control. I wanted him to go out of his mind with how much he wanted me. For him to be consumed with thoughts of me, until he developed tunnel vision and at the end of the tunnel there was only me – only us and our bodies tangled together in a sweaty mess.

  He growled and his eyes flashed gold, but before he could speak, I sank down on him and took his entire length in one long slide. The climax ignited when his cock invaded and flooded through me like a tsunami; the tight fit stretched me in the best possible way, and I wanted to linger, to stay hovering on that edge of perfection forever.

  Miles pumped upward but he went slowly, taking his cues from me as I started to rock. I braced my hands on his shoulders so my breasts were near his mouth, and we locked eyes. I couldn’t look away as we moved in a deliciously slow, agonizingly pleasurable pace. I moaned louder and louder as I savored the release that I knew was coming. The slow burn flared up, approaching a boiling point.

  There was only him and me, and the here and now. I couldn’t look away.

  Miles breathed heavily and gave one more hard pull on his arms, the headboard giving way. He gripped my hips and dragged me down, hard, and I released my hold on him and control and everything. Ecstasy slammed through me and I couldn’t have moved for anything in the world.

  So Miles moved
for me. He flipped us over as I still shook and seized from the orgasm, and he pulled out so my body ached with his absence. He folded me up like a pretzel with my legs in the air and then on his shoulders as he loomed over me, then he ploughed down at me in a brutal stroke. He hit the goddamn perfect spot, deep inside, and his body rode against my clit and I cried out as it overwhelmed me, sent sparks through my vision.

  I moved against him, needing more. I’d never felt anything like it in my life – it was elation and… completion. Even rough and teasing and delicious, it was making love. Really making love.

  For once, Miles didn’t make a joke as he held my ankle to his shoulder with one hand and pinned my hips down with the other, holding me exactly where he wanted me as he thrust harder and deeper. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too,” I gasped, unable to look away from his gold eyes. The intensity, the intimacy… It sparked a deeper tidal wave, threatening to carry me away completely. “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.”

  Miles pounded into me harder than ever. Rougher. It was lovemaking, sure, and passionate and tender – but not gentle. Exactly how I wanted it. Exactly how I wanted him. I tried to hold him close but he adjusted his angle to reach that perfect spoke that made me wail and buck against him. He hit it mercilessly, again and again, as his eyes seared into mine. “Come for me, Deirdre. Right now.”

  That was all it took to set off the explosion that rose inside me. One second, I was there with him, and the next I was catapulted into space, launched into a place where thoughts and words and reason didn’t exist. There was only instinct and feeling and pleasure. My body shook as I cried out, engulfed in a sea of pleasure. Just as one wave started to subside, another one hit, over and over with no end in sight.


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