The Grand Theft

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The Grand Theft Page 2

by Sarah Anon

  He brought her head forward once more and she took him once more in her mouth sucking the last vestiges of cum from his cock.

  He picked her up from the ground and threw her on the bed, laying down beside her, sweating, his needs met, and then he turned to her.

  “You know, as much as I am loving this... there could be another way for you to get the money, without worrying about your husband.”.

  She looked at him, his eyes bored into her, glinting a little in the half light of the room.

  “Let us tell you a story”

  “I’m interested” said Jazelle, rolling over to look at the man.

  The hacker grabbed one of her breasts, he squeezed, his eyes taking in every detail of her nipples as he massaged her breast, then he let go. “Wait for me downstairs” he said, rolling off the bed and heading towards the shower.


  Jazelle stood, she always felt a little disgusting after sex with the hacker, but his proposition had intrigued her. She stood naked, looking at her body in the mirror before grabbing a bathrobe and slipping it on, tying it loosely around her waist. Two men sat before her, the gardener she knew, but the other man had something wrong with his face, it was pitted and scarred. They sat silent, waiting for the hacker to come downstairs after he showered.

  Now that she saw both men together, backs straight, shoulders bulging, she noticed a certain military bearing, even in the gardener. Their eyes were fixed on her, not out of menace, or lust, but because she was what they should be focused on right now.

  Mixed feelings rushed through her, both men aroused her, yet, she felt exposed. She could feel that her robe had come undone a little, showing off her well-crafted cleavage, and yet she couldn’t decide whether to close it up, or leave it showing. She knew her bathrobe was short, that an opening of her legs would show everything, and despite the situation, she was tempted to do it.

  Footsteps on the staircase made up her mind for her. While the two men in front of her definitely turned her on, the hacker made her queasy. With a quick yank she pulled the cloth belt of her robe tight and fixed it with a bow.

  The hacker sat down in a chair off to the side, unlike the other two men his eyes fixed on her long legs, a greedy look. But it was the man with the scarred face who leaned forwards.

  “What would you say if I told you we could ‘replace’ your husband with an actor, give you full access to his holdings, for a small percentage.”

  Jazelle, sat, staring at him.

  “We know you get nothing in nearly every circumstance, if he dies, if you cheat, if you leave him, you get nothing. But what if he was replaced, simply switched, so no one would know the difference?”

  “We have the means to replace your husband, he rarely goes outside of his home or his office in any case, but you, you are the social butterfly, you are his wife, you would know if anything was different...”

  “So what would I need to do?” Jazelle asked

  “Just be yourself” The scarred man said

  “We have cloned access to his bank accounts, his shares, his company ownership. We have tested our access, but if we were to to take anything, well, he would notice, the banks would notice, and we don’t want to become fugitives.”

  *You get to live your life with full access to his holdings, minus 20% and some changes to the companies he owns.*

  Jazelle sat for a few seconds. Her mind raced, but she already knew she wanted to do it. Get rid of the old guy, bring in her own toy boys when she wanted them. This could be perfect. “Let’s do it” she said.


  Ronald returned home in a foul mood. Steven had rejected his offer, and nothing annoyed Ronald more than feeling like Steven had come out ahead from a decision. He slammed open the doors and stormed through the living area, past his wife and into his study. The fury inside him boiled as his mind constantly replayed the evening, it had started off amicable, the deal had been ironed out, everyone involved had agreed. So why the fuck, in front of all those people, after all that work, all that negotiation, had Steven just said ‘No’.

  He went over to his drinks cabinet, filled a glance and sat in his chair. The perspiration of the day made him feel stale, so he got back up, taking his drink, and swept once more past his wife and towards the bathroom.

  “That bitch was pretty quiet as well” he thought to himself, barely able to think straight, why was she looking so happy when his day had gone so badly.

  He went over to the bathtub, started running it and then turned the tap off, “takes too fucking long” he muttered under his breath.

  Instead he crossed the tiled floor to the shower, opened the door and began to turn the handle, when he saw it. A single wiry hair, curled up on the white tile. He stopped and stared. His wife only ever grew out her hair enough to get it waxed right back off again, this was a long, black pubic hair. In his shower.

  He picked up the hair, slipped a robe on and grabbing his drink before stomping back down the stairs, not even looking at his wife as he charged back into his study.

  Jazelle watched him go, a little worried. Normally when he was angry Ronald would just run a bath and drink himself into oblivion in the tub. Hell, he had a spare bottle of whisky kept in a cabinet by the bath for that exact reason.

  Meanwhile Ronald had opened up his computers and had loaded the security feed. Six monitors lay out before him, each one split into six more video feeds. The simultaneously began to rewind in high speed, but as he watch himself in fast motion walk back into the house he stopped the rewind. He sat there, watching himself step out of the door, and then he saw it, a barely noticeable twitch, his wife, one moment asleep on her side, then her back.

  He sat back in his chair. Maybe it was a bug, a little glitch in the cameras. But his mind drifted towards the darker side. That bitch had found a way to mess with his security system, she was fucking with him, and she was HIS prize, his paid for beauty.

  Jealousy ran across his vision in deep red, fueled by the whisky coursing through his veins.

  He walked to the back of his study and in to a much smaller room, filled with shelves, and stacked with cardboard boxes. He moved towards a corner and pulled out a box stenciled with Surv. and ripped it open. Inside there were plenty of his old toys, but with a grunt of triumph he pulled out an armful of common items, a clock, a bottle of aftershave, A pot from the kitchen, and even a small statue. unlike most common items however, each of these contained a hidden camera.

  “We will see the truth, and if you betrayed me bitch, I’m sending you back to the streets with nothing.”.

  He took the hair and shoved it in a small plastic bag, quickly scrawling a note, he placed it inside an envelope. Just as fast, he put an address on the envelope, sealed it and threw it in his out tray.

  He walked back up the stairs, stopping halfway he shouted “Come to bed” a smile playing across his face when he heard his wife begin to move, the power making him feel just a little omnipotent.

  The Double

  The next morning Ronald woke up early and headed out to work. Jazelle lay sleeping until a harsh cough woke her from her slumber.

  She woke with a start, the scarred man stood there and to his side stood Ronald. For a few seconds she lay, confused, had it been a trap?

  “Get out of my room!” she yelled

  The scarred man laughed, “Good morning!” he said, I wanted you to meet your future current husband, the double. Jazelle stared for a second, the man before her looked just like Ronald, but maybe, a little less chubby. He can’t have been her husband though, because he was still smiling, something her husband would never do for more than a few seconds at a time.

  She relaxed a little, and stepped out of bed. completely naked she walked over to her closet, feeling the eyes of the men taking in her perfect curves. She began to pull out a robe and then thought better of it, why not keep the upper hand?

  “Lets go down to the kitchen, I need some breakfast.”

  The th
ree of them went downstairs and pulled out a bowl. motioning the two men to sit down on a couch facing the kitchen area. She walked around the kitchen, grabbing a box of cereal, some milk from the fridge. She sat down on one of the tall bar stools by the counter that separated the open kitchen and the living and spun around to face them. Her feet rested on the lower metal ring around the stool, keeping her from spinning any further, but also spreading her legs wide. She smiled inwardly as both sets of eyes flickered over her breasts and downwards and rested just a little longer than either of the men had probably intended.

  “So how will this work? “

  The scarred man shrugged.

  “In a few days your husband will disappear, our new man will appear in your life. He will follow your husband’s routines to a T, and in return get a rather lavish amount of money to spend. You will be expected to ‘appear’ as a couple, but in reality you will be free and single. After a few months our double will create a scandal, sex slave den or something. You will file for divorce, and through one of the few loopholes you will get a nice settlement to tide you over, all cash. The lawyers on both sides will be ours, it will be settled out of court. We get our cut, you get yours.”

  “You will be free, rich, and unshackled, what you do then is up to you. We will take our 20%, Ronald will encounter an ‘accident’. The body of your husband will appear close by, genetically accurate, and he will be announced dead. His will will leave all the business ownerships, undisclosed items and so on to you. It will be his standard lawyer who will be drawing up that will, so he will have access to the few things we are unsure about, including a slush fund in the Caymens”.

  Jazelle frowned a little. Despite her looks she was sharp, sharp and devious.

  “Why only 20%?” she asked.

  “20% is still close to a billion dollars. There are only a few people on our team, but our plan relies on your full support. We want you to get the better end of the deal so it is completely in your interests. The small changes we make to the companies, well, we plan on doubling that 20% with those changes. By planning a few small rises and falls in the stock prices, we can easily do that.”

  She finished her cereal before she said anything else. She watched them. The scarred man was professional, his eyes stayed on her face, he didn’t say any more, he didn’t need to. The fake husband on the other hand was a little less professional. Though he too didn’t say anything, he probably didn’t know too much. His eyes didn’t stay on her face. She swung the stool back and forth a little, spreading her legs further and watching his eyes zone in on her pussy.

  With a sigh she put down her bowl and stood up.

  “Speak to me Ronald, let’s see how good an actor you are.”

  “What do you want me to say?” He responded, in a voice almost identical to the voice she knew and despised.

  “My husband wouldn’t say that. Be aggressive, take control.”

  “What do you mean ‘How good am I?’ do you know who I am?”

  Jazelle was impressed, the arrogance, the power and the voice were all near identical.

  “Keep practicing, if you fuck this up we all stand to lose. You can show yourselves out.” She turned and walked back up the stairs, but she was smiling. It looked like she had her out.

  The Switch

  A few days had passed, and Ronald lay beside his wife until she fell asleep, they had fucked, and it had been a little different. His wife Jazelle had been more assertive, more dominant, he kind of liked it, but the reason behind the change played at the back of his mind. Was she fucking about?

  As she lay sleeping, Ronald slipped out of bed and down to his study. Picking up a few seemingly random household items along the way.

  He entered his office and saw a package laying in his in tray, a package he had been waiting for. DNA results, let’s find out who owned that hair. He had acquired DNA samples of all his staff, if one of them had fucked his wife, used his shower, he would know.

  He ripped open the package and through all the reference material to the side. Only one piece of paper interested him, the summary.

  He skimmed the first few paragraphs until he hit the results, and instantly a sentence caught his eye.

  “There is a 99% probability the the DNA sample belongs to a direct relative of Ronald Braker.”

  “What the fuck” he yelled, and read the details, there was no doubt, either his mother or father had been resurrected from the grave and been in that shower, or some illegitimate offspring had been in his home.

  It wouldn’t have surprised him. There had been plenty of women, plenty of unprotected sex with the women he vetted. But none should have born a child. He made sure they were on the pill, or at least aborted, he had men to make sure any sloppiness he left behind was cleaned up. But mistakes happened, a woman could have lied, had the child in secret. Fuck.

  But what the hell had the child been doing in his home, how the fuck had they found out about him, how had they got in. Fuck. His security system, this could be serious.

  Ronald span around and grabbed the hidden cameras, each one now carrying motion activated recordings of his home. He plugged them one after another into his laptop, downloading the data, and he began to play through them.

  He saw his wife, walking around the home completely naked. Angry though he was, he admired his prize, it turned him on to know that he was watching her, even on this ancient technology.

  He sped through a day or two, then with a start, hit the pause button. There on the screen, in a morning light, he saw himself. Identical, but beside him was a man with a pitted face, a man he did not know. They stood for a few minutes, watching his naked wife lying on the bed before she woke up, she moved, quickly, looking shocked. For a second Ronald wondered if she was as surprised as he was, but then she began to act much more casual.

  Ronald watched as she got out of bed, naked. How they followed her. He watched as they talked, for a long time. She definitely knew that double wasn’t him, she never talked to him for this long. Was that double his son, some kind of clone?

  Jealousy and confusion washed over him. What the fuck was going on? One thing was for sure, this was ending, right now. He picked up the phone beside him, but there was no sound, no dial tones. Muttering to himself he started searching for a cell phone, when a hand reached around, clamping a wet rag over his mouth. Drenched in some chemical, whatever the liquid was burned Ronald’s throat, he fought briefly, but a thick blackness, filled just for a second with swirling blinking stars, washed over him, and he fell forward. A hand reached out to the laptop, towards the image of the two men talking to the naked woman, and switched it off, deleting the copied files. Within minutes the men and the body of Roland had gone, now only the hacker remained, sat at the desk typing fast on the laptop.

  The New Day

  Jazelle woke up and something seemed odd. It took a while for her to place it. An arm was draped around her, a hand cupping her breast. Ronald never cuddled, never spooned. He used her for what he wanted and then returned to his side of the bed.

  This man also smelled different, there wasn’t the same pungent sweat smell, it smelled fresher. The breath coming from behind was definitely mintier. She turned around and looked at the man behind her, she was still half asleep, but even in the morning daze, she could tell this was not her husband.

  Her husband was pure fat, this man had the same proportions, but there was muscle there. The face looked a little less ‘mean’, a little less wrinkled. But in all other respects, he was identical. Was she free? A warmth rushed through her, the same warmth she had when she first met Ronald, not a sexual attraction, but an attraction of wealth and power. This man was going to set her free.

  “I wonder how identical he really is?” she thought, and reaching down she grasped his dick and began to massage it, slowly. It got hard, fast, and it was at least an inch larger than her husbands. Her old husbands.

  She rolled him onto his back, and he woke up “Good morning sweetheart”
he said, winking at her. She sat over him, looking down, her breasts hanging over him. She looked down, his body wasn’t that great, but right now she was so turned on, anything would do. She straddled him, guiding his cock into her pussy, already dripping wet, she could feel a trickle of her juices running down her leg. She began to move slowly at first, but quickly gaining momentum. For a short while he watched, watched her breasts swinging around, their silicon hardness keep them perfect, steady as she fucked him. He grasped each breast in a hand squeezing hard, and began to move with her.

  The years of resentment, hatred and trapped feelings escaped as she fucked the double. The sudden wave of hope, revenge, and freedom that she felt drove her, drove her to a level of ecstasy she had not experienced for a long time, and she rode the double hard, screaming, digging her nails deep into his skin. She came three times, on the third he came too, in tandem, letting out a huge groan, as he let go inside her. She flopped down, staying on top of him, keeping his dick inside of her, still moving her hips, squeezing her pussy. She wanted every last drop of cum inside her. Not to breed, hardly even for pleasure, but as revenge, as closure, every drop representing another nail in the coffin of her original husband.

  She lay there for what seemed like an hour, his cock, returned to a semi state, still inside her, one hand on her back, the other on her ass.

  Eventually though he stirred. Rolling her over on her back, he kissed her deeply, then he moved back, sliding his cock out, and extricating himself from the covers..

  “I need to get to work, but I’ll be back soon enough, and.. thanks for the welcome home” He winked, and went in to the bathroom, ready to shower off the sweat.

  Jazelle didn’t see much of her new husband for the next few days. He would follow his normal work schedule, then when he got back, he would sit down with the hacker in the office, and they would work on their plans to finally close their scam.


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