Curse of the Gut Ripper

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Curse of the Gut Ripper Page 5

by Tim Miller

  "Hello Buddy," Pavarti said from behind him. She was speaking just above a whisper through the fence, so only he could hear her. "This is your final test. There are five small clubs lying around the cage. We've killed loved ones to these men and told them you were their killers. They jumped at the opportunity to get a shot at you."

  "What the fuck? Why?"

  "Your job is to kill them all. Kill them and you'll be the Gut Ripper. Don't kill them and you'll be dead. Good luck." She smiled before raising her voice. "Get to it gentlemen!"

  The four men circled Buddy as they each picked up their clubs. Buddy picked up the one closest to him as one of the men charged him. He jumped to the side but ran right into another one who caught him on the chin. The blow almost knocked him backward. Buddy swung out of reflex and hit the shorter guy who was closest to him.

  He connected knocking the man to the ground as the taller one took a swing. Buddy ducked it and brought his club up between the man's legs. The man doubled over as Buddy cracked him in the back of the head. The other two men came charging, and Buddy turned and ran. He jumped up and climbed the fence, but only about half way. One of the men grabbed Buddy's leg as Buddy pushed off and landed just behind the two men. He cracked one in the side of the face knocking him to the ground as the other swung, hitting Buddy in the stomach.

  Buddy doubled over as the man reared back for another hit. The man on the ground in front of Buddy looked up. Buddy quickly struck him again and then hit the standing man in the knee with the club. The man stumbled away as Buddy jumped to his feet and cracked him in the head. Before that guy hit the ground, one of the others was coming at him again.

  This was going to get exhausting extremely fast. He couldn't keep just knocking them out. Buddy swung at the man again hitting him in the side of the head, knocking him down once again. He quickly dropped to one knee and smashed him in the head several more times until he felt the skull cave in. The man lie there twitching as another man tackled him, attempting to put him into a chokehold.

  Buddy struggled against the choke, trying to loosen the man's grip, but unable to do so. He took the club and thrust it over his shoulder in a desperate attempt. The club struck the man's eye socket, causing him to scream and loosen his grip just enough. Buddy turned and bashed the man in the face with the club, knocking him onto his back. He struck him in the face ten more times until his skull broke open, causing brains to ooze out onto the ground.

  He stood as the two other men were now working their way back toward him. Buddy moved back as the men spread apart, planning on taking him from opposite directions. His only chance would be to attack one of them, which he did. He charged at the man on his right, planting his shoulder into the man's midsection before the man could get a blow in. They tumbled to the ground as Buddy straddled him and began raining blows down with the club repeatedly.

  He kept hitting the man until the other was almost on him. The man's whole head was a misshapen, bloody mess as the man blew blood bubbles out of his mouth while gurgling. The last man dove at Buddy, who rolled away at the last second. Buddy jumped to his feet as the man mimicked the move.

  The two men circled each other while still holding their clubs. Buddy bent down and picked up the dead man's club that was lying next to his foot. They continued to circle before Buddy decided to hurl one of the clubs at the man. He threw it as hard as he could, end over end it sailed at his target. Before the man could bat it away, it struck him between the eyes. Just hard enough to stagger him for a few steps; that was all Buddy needed.

  Before the man could recover, Buddy was all over him. This time, he didn't stop. He kept swinging, smashing the club into guy's head again and again until there was nothing left but a pulp of hair, flesh, blood and bones. Buddy stood and looked at himself. Blood soaked his t-shirt and pants. He tried to catch his breath as his heart continued to race as the adrenaline surged. He threw the club to the ground, looked up to the sky and screamed.

  Chapter 14

  Almost two dozen members of the Order encircled him as he stood in front of a small table where the mask was sitting. Pavarti was standing in front of him, and Sergei stood among the circle. This was his "masking" ceremony as they were calling it.

  Buddy was far from excited, however. He felt dead and empty inside. He stood at the center staring ahead coldly. Whatever attraction he'd felt for Pavarti early on was long gone. Yet, he didn't feel anger either. He felt nothing, void of any humanity. He wasn't even longing to be home anymore. Ever since his final test, Buddy felt as if his soul died with those men. Maybe there was something about bashing in four men's heads that killed you on the inside. Pavarti insisted he'd enjoyed it. While there was a huge rush of adrenaline at the time, 'enjoyment' seemed like the most unbefitting term she could have used. Especially since each of those men was looking to cave his own skull. When it came down to it, Buddy was no longer Buddy; he was just a shell.

  Pavarti was wearing a long black dress that couldn't have been cut any lower in the front. The lanterns hanging from the cave walls illuminated the area. The members of the circle were made up of men and women. Some were elderly, and others were as young as their twenties. Buddy wondered what kind of role each of them played within the order. He imagined some of them offered financial support. This operation couldn't be cheap to run. He still wasn't sure why, but at this point none of that mattered. Pavarti put her arms out to her sides and smiled.

  "Ladies and gentlemen of the Order of the Blade. Today is a historic day. The legend of the Gut Ripper lives on starting today. Buddy Hansen has passed his final test. His first test was killing his predecessor. For the past few months, Buddy has undergone some of the most intense training in the world. While he was reluctant at first, he has slowly come around and has developed into a powerful killer. We are proud to have him carry on the legacy of the Gut Ripper."

  She walked to the table and picked up the mask off the stand. Walking over to Buddy she nodded as he knelt down onto one knee. She carefully placed the mask over his head. As he looked out the mask, he noticed it was much lighter than it looked. He stood as she walked back to the table and opened a long case.

  Inside the case was a shiny, golden ax with a hand carved wooden handle. She carried it over and handed it to him. He looked it over while feeling its weight in his hands. It was a beautiful tool. Except it wouldn't be so shiny after he buried it into someone's skull. Pavarti stepped away and held out her hands toward him.

  "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Gut Ripper!"

  They applauded as Buddy held up the ax over his head and moved around in a circle. He lowered the ax as Pavarti walked up to him.

  "This is good timing. The Ranger at the gate called up and said a group of campers is setting up near the springs. This is your chance. If you follow the cave straight ahead and take the first left, it will take you right out to the springs. There is a whole network of tunnels throughout the park. You can use them to sneak up on victims and cover ground faster that way. That's why they think the Gut Ripper is a ghost." she said.

  Buddy nodded and walked toward the circle. The people there parted as he headed through the tunnels until he reached the opening. He came out on a series of rock formations. The sunlight was bright, causing him to squint as he looked around. He heard women's voices from just ahead. He walked to the end of the rocks and looked down into the springs. Down there were two girls undressing and jumping into the springs. He watched them for a moment, staying far enough back from the ledge not to be seen. That is, until one of them saw him.

  "What's that?" one of the girls asked. Buddy quickly stepped away from the ledge as the other replied.

  "What's what?"

  "I saw someone standing up there watching us."

  "I don't see anyone."

  "I think Ben's stories are getting to you. Come on. The water feels amazing!"

  Buddy went back into the cave and worked his way around the tunnel until he came out near the camping area. Ther
e were a group of guys and a girl there milling about some tents and cooking on a grill. The barbecue smelled delicious, but Buddy ignored it. One of the guys was sitting next to a tent rolling a joint. The others sat around the grill. Buddy looked around and wondered how hard it would be to find his way around the park at night. They'd done some night training, but he still hadn't gotten used to it. He took note of their locations and headed back into the cave.

  Once he made his way back to his quarters, Pavarti was there.

  "You find them?"

  Buddy just nodded. For some reason, he didn't feel like he should talk with the mask on.

  "Good. You going out tonight?"

  He nodded again.

  "Perfect. Let me take you to your new quarters. Follow me."

  They wound their way through the tunnels until they reached a door. Pavarti opened it, and they stepped into a room even larger than Sergei's. Much nicer too. This one had carpeting, a large flat screen TV, huge bed, refrigerator and large closet. Inside the closet was various sets of coveralls and work clothes along with t-shirts and sweats. There was a large footlocker next to the closet. Buddy flipped it open to find it filled with knives, axes, machetes and various other edged weapons.

  "As you can see, you have everything you need," Pavarti said. "I suggest, getting some rest. You have a busy night ahead."

  Chapter 15

  They sat around the campfire passing a joint around. Ben had out his ukulele and was trying to play Johnny Cash songs, but none of them were coming out very well. Not that anyone else minded. They were enjoying the weed and beer. Marc took a couple chugs of his beer before deciding he'd had enough.

  "Dude. Do you have to keep making all that fucking noise? Jesus. We get it. You think you're fucking Johnny Cash, except you suck."

  "Geez Marc!" Sophie said. "You don't to be such a dick to him. He's doing fine. We're just chilling out. It's been a long day."

  "I know, but fuck. My ears are bleeding!"

  Ben put down the ukulele and pointed at Marc.

  "You know what man. Fuck you, man. That's what. I'm here just sharing my music with you guys who are supposed to be my friends. You've all been up in my balls all fucking day."

  "No one has been on your balls Ben. You just been getting on everyone's fucking nerves," Lisa chimed in.

  "And you. What the fuck? You're supposed to be my girlfriend. You were bitching at me before we even fucking left," Ben said.

  "I was bitching because I was doing all the work to get ready while you were getting fucking stoned out of your mind. Then you sit around and try to talk about the world's issues and philosophy and shit except none of it makes any fucking sense when you're stoned."

  "Yeah! Well, I wouldn't have to get stoned so much if you didn't act like such a bitch all the time. When we first met, you weren't like this. You were cool, and we goofed around, and had sex, and smoked pot, and had more sex. Shit, we're not even married, and you cut me off all the damn time."

  "Yeah, it’s called adulthood. Something you apparently you seem to be avoiding." She stood and began walking away.

  "Hey," where you going?" Ben asked.

  "Going for a walk."

  "But it's dark. You going alone?"

  "I'm a big girl and an adult, I'll be fine."

  She walked away from the group and followed the trail into the woods. Once she was far enough away to where she couldn't see the bonfire, she took out her cigarettes. She pulled one free and lit it, taking a drag. She'd been trying to quit but Ben had been driving her to smoke more and more. It wasn't like she was trying to be a bitch to him. In reality, she felt bad about the way she'd been treating him lately.

  Problem was, since she'd moved in, it had been on her to take care of the bills, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. He made decent money fixing computers, but that was all he did. He'd then come home and sit outside smoking pot and drinking beer each night until he passed out. They didn't even had kids yet.

  She'd hoped to start a family one day, but wasn't about to bring a child into this world with Ben behaving the way he was. She wanted him to start acting like a grown up before they even talked about a kid. Her thoughts were interrupted by a stick breaking to her left. She took a drag of the cigarette and turned. Looking around, she couldn't see anything but it was too dark. After taking another drag, she heard it again.

  "Hello? Ben? Is that you?" She called out, but there was nothing. She looked around a bit more.


  It was definitely footsteps.

  "Hello? Who's there? This isn't funny!" There was another step, and then another. "Ben! God help me if this is one of your stupid gags I'm going to kick your ass!"

  She turned and thought she ran into a tree, but it wasn't a tree. It was a man, a very large and very tall man. Looking up, he was wearing a white, beat up mask and black clothing. She stepped away as her stomach tightened. A scream formed in her throat until she remembered Ben's stories in the car on the way to the park. He was talking about this Gut Ripper character. So who was this standing in front of her? It wasn't Ben, that was for sure. This guy was too tall.

  "Marc? Jason is that one of you? This shit isn't funny," she tried to sound confident but her voice waivered as she took a few steps back. The masked man said nothing as he watched her, standing perfectly still.

  "I'm fucking serious. I'm going back to the camp. Then I'm kicking your ass whoever you are." She turned and began walking. She didn't see him pick up a long spear, nor did she notice it until he thrust it through the small of her back and it came out the front of her stomach. She stopped and gagged, trying to scream, but couldn't catch her breath.

  He lifted the spear until her feet left the ground. She held on to the front of it as the shaft ripped further into her abdomen while bearing her weight. He thrust the end of the spear into a tree, until it stuck into place. Lisa struggled against it trying to pull her way off, but each time she did, the wooden shaft dug a wider hole into her abdomen. She struggled to breath but the masked man walked up behind her and grabbed her by the back of the head and began squeezing.

  The pressure on her skull was incredible. Pain shot through her head and body as his fingers pressed into her eye sockets while he increased the pressure. She screamed as her skull began to crack beneath his grip until it gave way. Her head popped like a zit as brains squirted into the air and oozed out onto the masked man's hands. Her body went limp as he wiped his brain covered hands on his coveralls. He left her stuck to the tree and headed toward the camp, using the woods as cover.

  Chapter 16

  "Lisa?" Ben said as he stood. "You guys hear that?" They'd heard Lisa scream then she suddenly stopped. They all stopped what they were doing and looked around.

  "I heard it," Jason said as he stood as well. "Sally, why don't you check it out?"

  "Fuck you! You go look! Jesus. Such a brave guy I have here."

  "It's dark and weird out there. Did anyone bring a gun?" Jason asked.

  "I have a gun," Marc said. "But didn't bring it."

  "Why would you not bring it?" Jason asked. "We're camping out in the middle of nowhere."

  "I figured we won't be around people. Why didn't you bring one?" Marc asked.

  "I don't own a gun. I don't even like guns."

  "And you're from Texas?" Marc asked.

  "Doesn't mean I have to have a gun. I never learned to use one."

  "Does it matter?" Sophie chimed in. "No one here has a fucking gun. I'll go check on Lisa. God, you guys are a bunch of pussies."

  "No, no. I'll do it." Marc said. "She may have just seen a possum or something." He began walking toward the trail.

  "You want me to go, man?" Ben asked. "She's my girlfriend, you know."

  "If you want to. Might not be a bad idea. Jason, you stay here with the girls."

  "Fine by me."

  The two men headed toward the trail and into the woods. They reached the trail and moved into the darkness. Marc turned on a flashlight a
s they walked around the area from which they'd heard the scream. There was nothing immediately in their sight. Ben saw something move to his left. He turned quickly to see a possum scurry up a tree. The sudden movement caused Ben to jump, but he was relieved it was only a small animal.

  "Lisa?" Ben called out. "Lisa? You ok? Where'd you go?"

  There was no response as they walked further down the trail. Marc shined the light through the trees but no sign of Lisa.

  "You think she's fucking with us?" Marc asked.

  "If she is, that's pretty fucked up. I don't know why she would."

  They followed the trail around a large curve and over a small hill when they found it. Marc held the light on it as his mouth stood open.

  "What the fuck?" Ben said. "What the fuck? What is that? Who is that?"

  From a tree there was a dead body hanging from a long stick. The body's head lay flopped to the side like a deflated balloon with its hair flopping over it.

  "Jesus Christ!" Marc said. "Is that…Is that Lisa? What the fuck?"

  Ben stumbled to the body and looked her up and down. He put his hand over his mouth as he recognized her clothing and took a few steps back.

  "It's her Ben? Ben? Is it her?"

  "Yeah." Ben's voice cracked.

  "What the fuck? Someone did this. Dude. Someone fucking did this!" Marc said as he took a few more steps back, catching his foot in a snare. His legs shot into the air until he was dangling upside down. His body swung back and forth as Ben screamed.

  "Marc! What happened? You ok?"

  "Some fucking trap dude. Get me down."

  "How? You got a knife?"

  "No. There's one at the camp. But try to get me down. Don't leave me here."

  "I won't man. I'm right here. I won't leave you, bro. Let me see what I can do." Ben picked up the light and shined it along the cable holding Marc in the air. It was thick and made of wire. No way for him to just untie it and he might not be able to cut it even if he did have a knife. Ben kept fumbling with the cable when there was a noise to his right. He turned to see a large man in a mask standing there just looking at him.


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