Justice for Milena

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Justice for Milena Page 19

by Susan Stoker

  She felt the cell phone she’d accidentally stolen vibrate in her pocket, but ignored it. She couldn’t talk to the only person who made her life worth living right now. She needed to concentrate on Jonathan.

  He lifted a hand and brushed it over her head before Blythe took a step back, out of his grasp.

  “I told you what you wanted to know. Where is he?” Blythe demanded.

  Jonathan chuckled. “That’s not how it works, and you know it. I’ll tell you where you can find the brat if the information you provided proves to be correct.”

  Blythe’s hands curled into fists.

  When Jonathan had first cornered her, and said he had information of interest to her, she’d blown him off. But when he’d found her again a day later, and shown her the picture of a child belonging to another homeless woman Blythe had gotten to know, she’d forced herself to listen.

  Hope Drayden was thirty-two and, while they hadn’t had any long chats about their circumstances, Blythe surmised that Hope seemed to be on the streets after a series of unfortunate events, rather than from something she’d specifically done. She wasn’t an alcoholic, didn’t do drugs, and she’d been doing everything she could to try to keep her and her son safe.

  But the streets weren’t the place for a kid—not that they were a place for anyone, really.

  Seven-year-old Billy had disappeared from the shelter one night. Hope had been frantic, and Blythe had reassured her that she’d do her best to help find her son. He’d been gone three days and everyone assumed the worst.

  Then Jonathan had shown her the picture. It was Billy. He was blindfolded and sitting in a small closet, his arms tied behind his back, the tracks of his tears easily visible on his little cheeks. The picture could’ve been taken in any of the numerous empty buildings downtown, or anywhere in the city for that matter.

  Jonathan told Blythe he’d set the little boy free if she snuck into the women’s clinic and left the back door unlocked for him. She’d refused. He’d glared at her, then said he’d be back.

  She’d used the cell phone she had to call the cops and report poor Billy’s kidnapping. It had taken a bit to convince them she was serious. Hope had refused to come to the police station with her, as she was afraid once they found Billy they’d take him away from her and place him with child protective services. So Blythe had spent all afternoon at the station downtown, and had even agreed to wear a wire to record Jonathan’s threats.

  But she couldn’t find Jonathan. She had no way to contact him, and previously, he’d found her. After a full day of waiting for the man to show up, the cops had blown her off. Accused her of making the entire thing up. They’d warned her that if she kept up with her “ruse,” they’d arrest her for making false reports and wasting taxpayer money.

  When Jonathan did find her next, he told her he’d seen the plainclothes cops. He warned her that if she ever tried to screw him over again, not only would she pay, but he’d kill Hope, Billy, and several of the other homeless people she hung around with.

  With no support from the police, and with Jonathan’s threats hanging over her head, Blythe knew she’d do whatever he wanted.

  And what he wanted was Milena and Sadie.

  She didn’t want to do it. Was horrified that she was even considering telling him anything about the two women, but Billy’s life was depending on her. Hope had made herself sick worrying about her son, and besides, Milena and Sadie were adults. They had a better chance of getting out of whatever this sicko had planned for them. At least that’s what Blythe tried to tell herself.

  So she betrayed them, telling Jonathan exactly where the women would be Saturday night. In a loud, busy nightclub surrounded by hundreds of other people. She felt horrible, but didn’t know what else to do. If the police didn’t believe her, who would?

  At the back of her mind, she knew who might be able to help her…but it would hurt so badly if he didn’t believe her either.

  Just as she thought about him, the phone in her pocket vibrated again, as if he could read her mind and knew she was doing something reprehensible and wanted to stop her.

  “Tell me now where he’ll be Saturday night,” Blythe demanded instead of answering the phone.

  Jonathan stared down at her, then shrugged. “No.”

  Blythe shivered but held her ground.

  “You meet me at Five on Saturday night. When I’m sure they’re really there, I’ll tell you where to find the brat.”

  Blythe didn’t have a choice but to agree. “He’d better not be hurt,” she warned.

  Jonathan just laughed. “You have no say in what happens to him. If he’s good and does what he’s told, he’ll be just fine. Just like you. If I get there Saturday night and Sadie and her friend aren’t at the club because you lied to me, you won’t see him again—and you’ll wish you hadn’t ever laid eyes on me.”

  “I already wish that,” Blythe hissed.

  Jonathan smiled and leaned toward her. Blythe took a quick step backwards. “See you Saturday. Oh, and…you might want to shower. You stink.”

  With those parting words, Jonathan turned and strode out of the alley.

  Blythe wanted to run after him and kill him. If she had a knife right then, she might’ve. His words weren’t a lie, she did smell awful, but for someone as evil and slimy as him to point it out, that was just rubbing salt in the wound that was her life.

  Without checking to make sure she wasn’t about to sit in something foul, Blythe backed up against a wall and slid to the ground. She curled her arms around her updrawn legs and buried her head in her knees.

  She was tired. So damn tired. She never would’ve thought her life would turn out like this a year ago.

  The stolen phone in her pocket began to vibrate once more, but she ignored it. She’d talk to him when she had Billy’s location.

  Chapter 16

  “I’ll get him,” TJ said softly when they pulled up to his apartment later that night.

  They’d done just as he’d suggested. Picked up lunch, gone back to her parents’ house and hung out. Her mom was sad that Sadie was leaving, but after she promised to keep in touch, seemed to rebound.

  Dinner was a loud and happy occasion, and Milena rejoiced at the way all of her favorite people got along so well. JT fell asleep while they were watching a movie and they finally left around eighty-thirty.

  Milena watched TJ unbuckle their sleeping son from his car seat and lift him into his arms. He easily carried JT while still managing to grab the diaper bag, shut the door, and wrap his arm around her when he got to her side.

  They walked up to his apartment complex and Milena thought of what they’d talked about that night. Her father had brought up the subject of the Joneses and asked TJ for an update.

  No one had seen either Jonathan or Jeremiah since Milena and Sadie had seen Jonathan outside the clinic, which was frustrating. TJ told her dad that he wasn’t sure they were still a danger, but he wasn’t willing to let down his guard just yet.

  His words had made her feel all tingly…but then her dad had asked how long he would be able to take a break from his job to look after her.

  TJ had said to let him worry about that, but Milena couldn’t help but think about it now. The last thing she wanted was TJ getting in trouble or, God forbid, being fired because he was keeping watch over her instead of doing his job.

  They were silent as they headed up the elevator and entered the apartment. TJ immediately headed for JT’s room. She followed him and watched as he lovingly placed the toddler in his crib. He stood there for a long moment before leaning over and kissing his little forehead. He turned on the baby monitor next to the crib and joined her in the doorway.

  “I don’t want you to lose your job,” Milena blurted quietly.

  TJ simply looked amused at her outburst. “How long have you had that thought in your head, Doc? You were going to burst if you didn’t say it, weren’t you?”

  “Be serious, TJ. I haven’t seen Jonathan si
nce that one time, and there’s no reason for them to come after me. Cruz said the same thing. Spending every day following me around and getting your friends to watch me is ridiculous.”

  “Your safety isn’t ridiculous,” he said, closing their son’s door and using his hand to push her down the hall toward their room.

  “What has your boss said about this? When do you need to go back to work?”

  TJ’s brow furrowed, but he didn’t answer her.

  “TJ?” Milena asked as he shut the door to their room.

  “Go ahead and get changed.”

  “You’re not going to answer me, are you? And that makes me think you’ve already been asked to go back to your regular shifts, and you will get in trouble if you don’t.”

  TJ kissed her forehead then turned her and gave her a gentle shove toward the bathroom. “Get ready for bed, Doc. I’ll tell you everything when we’re settled for the night.”

  Milena sighed but did as he requested. This she remembered. His stubbornness and absolute refusal to do or say anything he didn’t want to. She brushed her teeth and changed into her night T-shirt—well, his old T-shirt—and went back into the room. TJ passed her and entered the bathroom.

  Sighing, Milena made sure the baby monitor was on and climbed under the sheets on her side of the bed. Within moments, TJ was back, looking as amazing as ever in his boxers. He left the light on his side on and got under the covers with her. He hauled her into his arms.

  Without beating around the bush, he said, “I was asked to go back to my normal shifts next week. But I told them that I wouldn’t. Not until Jonathan and Jeremiah have been caught.”

  “TJ, you can’t do that,” Milena said, her brows drawn down in concern.

  “You didn’t let me finish, Doc.”

  She sighed and gestured for him to continue.

  “My supervisor isn’t unreasonable. I can’t blame him for wanting me back. The other deputies at my station have been taking up the slack since I left. I owe them big, but not one has complained. It’s just the way they are.”

  He took a breath to continue but she asked before he could, “So you don’t have to go back to work?”

  “Impatient,” he teased, pulling on a lock of her hair. “I called Cruz on speaker and had him tell my supervisor everything he knows about the Joneses. Why the FBI is concerned about your safety. All the information they have on where those two assholes might be, which isn’t much. When he was done, my supervisor agreed there’s a chance you might still be in danger, and he agreed to let me stay on guard duty for another couple weeks. We’ll reassess at that time and make the decision as to your safety then.”

  Milena melted into him, more relieved than she knew how to put into words.

  “You like that,” he said.

  “Yeah. I’m glad you won’t get in trouble. I honestly don’t feel as though I’m in danger. I mean, it’s been weeks since the school was raided and shut down. I know you saw that one guy hanging around my parents’ house, but you said yourself that you can’t be positive it was Jonathan or Jeremiah. It could’ve just been a regular ol’ burglar. But I can’t deny that I like having you around. It’s been nice getting to know you again. I also have to admit that I feel more comfortable with you and your friends watching over me just in case.”

  “I called Captain Chase Jackson and let him know Sadie will be going home soon.”

  Milena wrinkled her brow in confusion. “Who?”

  “He’s an Army guy I know who called and asked me to keep my eye on the school. I had no idea you were living in the same city I was, and when he said your name, I was floored. He and I have been in touch regarding the situation, and he wanted me to keep him updated about Sadie’s situation.”


  TJ grinned. “Why do you think?”

  Milena was having a hard time wrapping her head around this new information. “He likes her? But he’s never met her, right?”

  “As far as I know, no.”

  “Why would he care if she’s here or back up in Dallas, then?”

  “He cares that she’s here because of what happened. He wants to make sure she’s safe. But now that he knows she’ll be going back home, I have a feeling he’s going to find a reason to go up there and introduce himself to her uncle and the men who work at McKay-Taggart.”

  “Is he nice?”

  TJ nodded. “Yeah, Doc. He’s nice. He’s definitely one of the good guys, and she’d be hard pressed to find a better man than him.”

  Milena grinned. “Should I warn her that she has a secret admirer?”

  “Nope. I think Chase is on his own on this one.”

  “Maybe just a little warning?” Milena asked, holding her hand up and indicating a small amount with her thumb and pointer finger.

  TJ reached down and began to tickle her as he said, “No, not even a little,”

  Milena shrieked in surprise as his fingers dug into her side. She tried to squirm away from him, but he had a tight hold on her. “TJ, oh my God, stop…you know I hate that!” She was giggling as she begged him to stop, but she couldn’t get away from his talented fingers, and he knew just where she was the most ticklish.

  TJ rolled until Milena was straddling him. She pushed up and looked down at him. Her fingers were splayed on his chest and she could feel his heart beating under her palm. His hands were on her waist as he held her firmly and safely on top of him.

  Remembering Sadie’s words from earlier, Milena inched her hips backward until she felt his erection pressing against her core. Without breaking eye contact, she pressed herself into him and slowly circled her hips. Her panties were wet with arousal, and she felt him grow harder under her.

  “Milena,” he warned, tightening his grip on her waist.

  But she didn’t stop. “Sadie told me I should be clear about what I want. That I should stop giving you vague hints.” Milena ground down on his cock as she did. One hand reached between them and she awkwardly caressed as much of it as she could reach. “I want you, TJ. I’ve dreamed of having you inside my body again. Of getting my hands and mouth on your dick. I love you…and I want you.”

  She held her breath as she stared down into his eyes. He said that he loved her, but he’d been holding back from moving their physical relationship forward. Milena hoped he was just waiting on a clear signal from her, like Sadie suggested, and it wasn’t because he wasn’t sure he wanted to be in a full-fledged relationship with her again.

  It seemed as if time stood still while she waited to see what he would do.

  * * *

  TJ’s fingers tightened on Milena’s waist as he tried not to throw her onto her back and fuck her brains out. He’d been trying to go slow. Trying to let her get used to him again. To show her that he could be gentle, loving, and that he wanted her for more than just sex.

  But her hand on his cock and the feel of her absolutely soaked panties rubbing against him threw him over the edge. For a split second, the only thing he could do was stare up at her, wondering if he’d heard her right.

  He’d never get tired of her saying that she loved him. Never.

  But at the moment, he wasn’t thinking about that. No, all he could think of was burying himself inside her as far as he could get and not letting her up for air until she’d taken every drop of his come.

  “Fuck,” he said, but it was more an exhalation of air than an actual word. Rolling them once more, TJ stared down at Milena. He lifted one of her legs, placing it on his hip as he leaned over her.

  Bracing himself, he reached down with the other hand and, without hesitation, shoved aside the gusset of her panties and eased a finger inside of her. Milena moaned and grabbed his biceps while arching into his touch.

  He slowly finger-fucked her, loving how she pressed up and how her legs widened, welcoming him.

  “Look at me,” he ordered, adding another finger and making sure his thumb brushed over her clit with every press inside her body.

  Her head came d
own and her eyes opened into slits as she stared up at him.

  “I love you, Doc. I’ve always loved you. Even when I was an angry asshole, I loved you. I’m going to marry you and, if the doctor says it’s safe, give you another baby. I’ll be by your side every step of the way this time though. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy, and doing everything in my power to make sure you have everything you need and want.”

  “TJ,” she sighed.

  “I’m clean,” he told her, hating this part, but needing to say it before he took her the way he wanted to. “I got tested after I fucked up and tried to get you out of my head by going home with someone one night. I didn’t do anything with her, but I still felt dirty afterwards.”

  “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

  Her words made him feel even more possessive. “Thank fuck,” he breathed. “And this probably isn’t the time or place, but you should know that I haven’t been with anyone either. How could I when you still owned my heart?”

  “Really?” she asked.

  “Really,” TJ confirmed immediately. “This pussy has always been mine, hasn’t it?” he growled.

  “Yes! God, yes,” Milena moaned.

  The noises his fingers were making were loud in the quiet room. She was soaked, and TJ wanted inside her. Now.

  “Are you on birth control? Do I need to get a condom?”

  She hesitated for a second, and TJ was worried he’d broken the mood, but she finally swallowed and said, “I’m on the pill. Have been since JT stopped breastfeeding. The doctor thought it would help my hormones and moods get back to normal.”

  The scent of her desire was thick in the air, and with every breath he took, TJ swore he could actually taste her. “Take that shirt off,” he ordered, even as he eased her leg down and tugged on her panties.


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