Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance

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Camping Swap, Books 1 & 2 Box Set: A College Swinger Romance Page 5

by Bart Tracer

  Camping Swap, Book 2

  Chapter 1

  I should’ve slept like a log. After all, the night before had been pretty busy. During the weeks spent planning this camping trip, I had pretty much taken it for granted that I would be having plenty of sex with my beautiful girlfriend, Molly. What I had not planned on was a round between the legs of curvy, blonde Jessica, the smoking-hot girlfriend of my roommate, Jake.

  In a bizarre turn of events, the two girls had hatched a scheme to swap partners, and Jake and I had gladly agreed. By the time we were finished, we had each fucked both girls and gotten more than enough exercise in the process. So, again, I should’ve slept like a log. But I didn’t.

  Try as I might, I just couldn’t seem to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. I tossed and turned most of the night, nodding off only to awaken a half hour later. It wasn’t that I was racked with guilt or anything. Far from it. Hell, all four of us had enjoyed ourselves immensely. The thing was, I had a boner that just wouldn’t quit!

  Every time I drifted into sleep, my brain was bombarded by titillating, arousing images; images of the things we had done and things that I wanted to do. Just before she fell asleep, Molly had made a cryptic allusion to “next time”. Next time? So much potential in two tiny, seemingly insignificant words! It was impossible not to speculate on just what the girls had in mind for us after that comment. The result of all of this was a never-ending series of erotic dreams involving my girlfriend and our friends in the adjacent tent.

  To make matters worse (much worse!), I would occasionally awaken to hear Jake and Jessica going at it in the other tent. Weren’t those two tired? How in the world was Jake able to keep going? I was inundated by the sounds of their lovemaking; her sighs, his grunts and moans, the soft slap of flesh against flesh in the inky darkness, in many ways made all the more vivid by my inability to see them. Shit, they were killing me! My dick was so damned hard I was afraid it would break off if I bumped against something.

  Just before dawn, I gave serious thought to masturbating. Maybe I could get some sleep if I just quietly took care of myself. But Molly’s “next time” made me hesitate. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was likely to need all the sexual stamina I could muster to get me through the week. Best not to waste it jerking off into one of my socks! And so, I lay in the dark, listening to Jake and Jessica and to my gorgeous girlfriend’s even, measured breaths as she slept right beside me, and tried desperately not to think about the fact that she was still naked and sticky from our previous lovemaking.

  When the sun finally came up, I was relieved. Although I was by no means well-rested, at least I could get up and do something and maybe take my mind off sex for a few minutes. Careful not to wake Molly, I rolled over and rose to my knees. Finding my jeans and socks, I dressed quickly and then eased the zipper of the tent flap down, trying to be as quiet as possible. I stepped out into the morning sunlight naked to the waist with my hiking boots in one hand and my t-shirt in the other and made my way to the picnic table.

  At this time of the year, mornings were still a little cool. But, I knew from experience that the sun would be beating down with a vengeance by mid-morning, and it would be warm enough to go swimming. As soon as I thought of swimming, I immediately imagined the two girls in their bathing suits, or perhaps without their bathing suits, and, just like that, my old friend, Mr. Erection, was back with a vengeance! Damn it!

  Jake’s head peeked out of his tent as I sat down on the concrete bench to pull on my boots. He shot me a friendly smile. His hair was horribly disheveled, sticking out in all directions. Just what you would expect from a guy who had spent the past 12 hours fornicating like a rabbit. “Morning, Sunshine! You guys sleep well?” he asked.

  “Molly slept like a cadaver! I, not so much. You?”

  “Barely a wink, Buddy!” he grinned conspiratorially. “Barely a wink! Thought I was going to have to call in reinforcements there for a second!” Then, he disappeared back into the tent, leaving me to ponder the mental image of taking another turn with his bubbly girlfriend.

  I shook my head, chuckling to myself as I pulled on my t-shirt and started to coax the fire back to life. Even after last night’s activities, Jessica had apparently wanted more! God, what a girl!

  I had really enjoyed my time with her last night. For years, I had marveled at Jake’s girlfriend, with her big tits and round butt, and last night, I had finally gotten to sample her charms for myself. The experience had been out of this world.

  As a small tongue of flame emerged from the coals to lick at the tiny sticks I had placed in the ashes, the sound of a zipper behind me brought me back to the present, and I turned to see Molly emerge from the tent wearing a bulky pair of sweatpants and my jacket, zipped to her chin, with the hood up.

  “Hey there, Admiral Bird!” I joked. “Chilly?” I put a few larger sticks onto the pile, slowly building the fire until I had a layer of rather substantial logs crackling merrily in the flames.

  She stuck her tongue out at me. “Should’ve known better than to sleep naked. I’m frozen!”

  “I didn’t mind!”

  “Oh, I’m quite sure of that, pervert!” She walked closer, smiling sweetly and pulling her hands up into the sleeves of the jacket adorably as she ducked under my arm to snuggle against me. “Are the others up?”

  “Saw Jake just a second ago. I think Jessica is still sleeping.”

  “Well, she did work awfully hard last night, you know!” She smiled at me suggestively. Coming up on her tiptoes, she kissed me on the cheek, then pulled away from me to disappear around the corner of our tent. A minute later, she was back with the coffeepot and a cast iron skillet in hand.

  “A woman after my own heart! The eggs and bacon are in the cooler in the back of the truck. I’ll go get the coffee out of the tent.”

  As I stood to get the coffee, Jake emerged from his tent once more, this time with Jessica in tow, also wearing a jacket. “Hi,” she muttered, looking at her feet sheepishly.

  “Hey Jess! Why don’t you warm up by the fire? Molly and I were just about to start on breakfast.”

  “You guys need any help?” Jake offered, watching me fill the basket of the percolator with ground coffee.

  “Well, I think we’ve got the cooking covered, but you might grab the cups and plates.”

  Jessica sidled up to the fire, her small hands stretched out over the crackling flames while Jake went in search of the dishes. From the corner of my eye, I saw her glance nervously at me when I knelt to place the coffeepot in the coals. Just then, Molly returned from the truck with the cooler.

  “There she is!” Molly sang out merrily. “Good morning you little slut!”

  Jessica blushed furiously, her eyes flashing upwards to meet mine before returning to her feet. “Morning, Molly,” she said quietly, smiling in embarrassment. “Did… Did you sleep well?”

  “I should say so! These two studs wore me out! Don’t know what they feed these guys, but it sure doesn’t seem to hurt their libido!”

  Jessica laughed at Molly’s frankness, raising her head to look at her. “Yeah! It was pretty good, wasn’t it?” she smiled warmly.

  As I watched from the other side of the fire, I could see Jessie starting to relax as Molly joked with her, putting her at ease. Molly seemed to know just how to handle her roommate’s self-consciousness, removing her embarrassment by making light of the whole situation. Before long, the two girls were giggling and whispering excitedly to each other as they sat next to the fire. I decided to do the cooking and let the girls chat.

  Taking the eggs and bacon out of the cooler, I raked out a bed of glowing embers and put the skillet in the middle of it. When it was hot enough to make a droplet of water from my canteen sizzle, I started cooking.

  Chapter 2

  An hour later, we were all sitting at the table talking, our bellies full. Breakfast had been positively delicious. There’s just something about a meal cooked over an
open fire and eaten under the clear, blue sky that makes it taste better. Deep down, you know it can’t really be that different from what you eat back home, and yet somehow, it is.

  It had warmed up considerably with the rising of the sun, and the birds had begun to sing in the surrounding hills. The sweet scent of the late spring wildflowers drifted through our campsite, mixing with the smoky aroma of the campfire. The girls had shed their jackets and were now enjoying the soothing warmth of the sun’s rays. Both were wearing sweatpants; Molly in a tight-fitting t-shirt and Jessica in a cute little tank top that left very little to the imagination.

  As Jake and I talked about fishing, the girls gathered the tin camp dishes together into a pile and put them in a bucket. “We’ll take them down to the river and wash them,” Molly said, “and ourselves, while we’re at it.”

  “We’ll come help you,” Jake volunteered with a haste that indicated his motives might not be entirely altruistic.

  “No way, Mister!” Molly retorted. “We want to get clean, not dirtier than we already are!”

  “After last night, I thought you two enjoyed being dirty!” Jake turned and winked at me. I had to laugh at that one.

  “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!” I added helpfully, shrugging.

  “Ugh!” Molly rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Jessica! I don’t know how we put up with these two! Come on, let’s get out of here before one of us drowns in all the testosterone!”

  With that, she picked up the bucket of dishes and, slinging her towel around her neck, started toward the river. Jessica quickly slipped into her tent and came out again with her own towel. I couldn’t help but admire the way her large breasts bounced as she trotted to catch up with her roommate.

  “They’re something else, aren’t they?” Jake asked, clapping me on the shoulder.


  “Jessie’s titties, man!! Don’t even try to pretend you weren’t looking!”

  “Guilty! Yeah, they really are nice,” I conceded.

  “So,” he said quietly, glancing in the direction the girls had gone, “what’s the plan for tonight?”

  “There’s a plan?”

  “Dude, I don’t know about you, but last night was the hottest sex I have ever had! Seriously!”

  “Yeah,” I replied, “I have to admit, it was pretty freaking awesome!”

  “Right? And Jessica… Damn! She was hotter than a firecracker after you got done with her, man! I thought she was going to fuck me to death!”

  “Tell me about it! I got like 3 hours of sleep last night, with you two going at it like lovesick weasels in the next tent!” I chuckled. “But Molly was pretty worked up, too. Especially when…” I stopped, unsure how Jake would react to being watched last night.

  “Especially when what, man? Come on! After last night, I don’t think there’s too much you can’t share with me!” He had a point.

  “Well, we sorta watched you guys through the screen. You know, when you were outside next to the campfire.”

  Jake pursed his lips, looking at me and thinking for a minute. He was no longer smiling. Oh shit! Was he going to be pissed at me for spying on him?

  “So,” he started, speaking in a measured, deliberate tone, “you two were perving on my girlfriend and me while we shared a special moment together?”

  Oh damn! He was pissed! “Well… um… you know, you guys could’ve…”

  “I just need to know one thing from you!” Jake snarled, interrupting me midsentence. Oh shit! This is it! Jake is gonna kill me! I waited, holding my breath, for him to continue. “Did my ass look too fat to you?!” He smiled mischievously and then burst out laughing, slapping my shoulder as he doubled over. “Oh shit, Dude!” he cackled. “You should’ve seen your face! Damn, you’re gullible.”

  “Fuck you, Jake!” I couldn’t resist laughing, too. It took us several minutes to recompose ourselves.

  “So, listen,” Jake began again, “we both agree last night was awesome, right?”

  “Absolutely! No argument there!”

  “So, you’re interested in a repeat?”

  “Are you asking me if I want to fuck your girlfriend again?”

  “Shit yes!” answered Jake immediately. “And if you wouldn’t mind terribly, I’d really like to take another turn with yours!”

  It took me all of 10 seconds to make up my mind. “Yeah. Hell yeah! Only...” I hesitated.

  “Only what?”

  “It’s just that… Well, Molly got really excited watching you two last night… and our tent is enormous… So…”

  “Come on, man! Just spit it out!”

  “Well, what if we all shared a tent tonight? I mean, I’m not suggesting an orgy or anything, it’s just…”

  Jake held up his hand, stopping me cold. “Wait. There’s no need to go on. You had me at ‘orgy’! Now we just have to sell the girls on it!”

  “Speaking of the girls, I wonder what’s taking them so long?”

  “I don’t know, man. But in the interest of their safety, I think we’d better go check on them!” Jake winked at me.

  Chapter 3

  We could hear the girls’ voices 100 yards away. Instead of taking the direct path down to the river, Jake and I had circled around behind the tree line, approaching our unsuspecting quarry from the side. Moving through the woods as quietly as we could, we glided from trunk to trunk like silent ghosts. We drew ever closer, catching the occasional glimpse of water twinkling between the dark trunks of the trees. Coming down the slope, we reached a small grove of willows on the overhanging bank of the river, from which we had an unobstructed view of the pool where they were bathing.

  Through the screen of the intervening foliage, we could see Molly and Jessica below us like a pair of nymphs in the clear pool. Kneeling in the slow-moving water, they laughed and splashed water at each other, blissfully unaware that we were watching. Their wet, perfect bodies glistened seductively in the sunlight filtering down through the overhanging tree limbs, a vision of feminine beauty that could easily have been a Romantic-era painting.

  I’d never considered myself a voyeur, but it was hard to deny that I was getting a secret thrill from watching them like this. There was just something naughty about it, so forbidden. My heart beat loudly in my chest, my breath coming in ragged, almost frantic gulps. This was turning me on big-time!

  It wasn’t really that they were doing anything out of the ordinary. Hell, they were just washing themselves and talking to each other. The bucket of freshly washed dishes on the bank was proof enough of the innocuous circumstances. But there was no getting around the fact that there were two naked young women down there… naked together!

  Molly had never shown even the slightest interest in other women, and especially none for Jessica, but some part of me, call it a schoolboy fantasy or whatever, always wondered… I mean, if the situation were just right, the stars aligned, candlelight and violin music… if she just might do something with another chick. Watching the two naked beauties, wet and glistening in the soft light under the trees, I couldn’t help but fantasize just a little. Man, that would be awesome! And then suddenly, the unthinkable, the holy grail of all my masculine fantasies, actually happened!

  Before my astonished eyes, my beautiful girlfriend leaned in and kissed her hot roommate. Lightly at first, just the merest peck on the lips. Instead of recoiling in horror, Jessica returned the kiss. Then, rising to their feet, they wrapped their arms around one another and kissed each other with growing passion, their lips mashed tightly together as their wet forms writhed against each other. Good Lord! Was this really happening? I blinked, unable to believe what my eyes were seeing.

  With the water running in tiny rivulets down the length of their bodies, Jessica’s hand snaked up Molly’s slender spine to grasp the back of her long neck beneath her long, dark hair, pulling her urgently into her fiery kiss. Molly’s hands traced their way up Jessie’s ribs to gently cup her roommate’s pendulous breasts, eliciting
a moan that was audible even from our vantage point in the willows. Shit! This was by far the hottest thing I had ever seen! I can’t remember ever having been so hard!

  A quick glance at Jake reassured me that I was not imagining this. He turned his head to look at me, eyes wide as saucers, and silently mouthed the words, “Holy Fuck!” I could only nod in reply, stunned by the situation. We both returned our attention to the scene in the water, salivating at the thought of what we were about to witness.

  Watching our girlfriends make out, I felt like I was in a trance. My mind struggled to catch up with what my eyes were seeing. My ears rang, my heart pounded, my mouth was so dry I could scarcely swallow. But above all, I was hard. God, was I hard! For all the times I had imagined scenarios like this, the reality was almost too intense to bear. It was like looking at the surface of the sun. Each image burned itself inexorably into my brain as their sinewy forms glided against each other, caressing and kissing, their movements so seductive and arousing. Much more of this and I was going to shoot off in my shorts!

  I held my breath as Molly’s hand crept slowly down the front of Jessica’s body. Down over her little ribcage to her flat abs, pausing to let the tip of her middle finger trace a tiny circle in Jessie’s navel before continuing its journey. I was faint with excitement as her exploring fingers found the other girl’s curly pubes. Just a few more inches and she would reach her pussy. And the sight of my girlfriend fingering her beautiful roommate was something I very much looked forward to seeing! This was fucking awesome!

  Then, just as suddenly as it began, it was over. In an instant, the two girls abruptly disengaged and whirled to face our hiding place. “Was that what you two were hoping to see?!” Molly shouted, obviously addressing us.


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