Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0)

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Love Found a Way (Hell Yeah! Book 0) Page 46

by Sable Hunter

  “We’ll be right back after you, Mrs. Beaumont. Kiss your husband goodbye.”

  T-Rex almost growled, “Not goodbye.”

  Glory held out her hand. “No, not goodbye. I’ll be back before you know it. Call Lily and she’ll come wait with you. I think she’s having a really good week, or she was when I talked to her the other day.”

  T nodded. After being around the vivacious Lily for even a little while, he would forget that she faced her own medical problems. A wave of anger hit him. Why did people have to suffer like this? How could God make things so hard for someone like Glory? Or Lily?

  “Smile.” Glory encouraged him as she held his hand. “Just think, soon it’ll all be over and we’ll have a baby to love.”

  T smiled. He would smile for her if it killed him.

  “Ready, Mrs. Beaumont?”

  “No,” T protested. He wasn’t ready.

  “Yes, let me get a kiss first and then you can take me away.”

  She held out her arms and he went into them. Capturing her lips, he kissed her as tenderly and sweetly as he could manage. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “Are you crying?” She held his face, kissing the moisture from beneath his eyes. “Don’t cry. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  “I know.” He kissed her again, only pulling back when the bed began to move as the nurses took over to wheel her out.

  “Excuse us. Mr. Beaumont, the doctor will be in to see you shortly.”

  “Bye.” Glory waved her hand.

  T followed. “Don’t say goodbye,” he repeated. “Say, ‘I’ll be right back’.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back. You just be comfortable and watch some TV.”

  “All right.” He walked behind the bed as they moved it into the hall.

  “We’ll take it from here. Don’t worry,” a nurse told him.

  Impossible. “Thank you.”

  T-Rex stood in the hall and watched until they turned a corner and disappeared out of sight.

  …He didn’t know how long he stood there. T felt like the world was spinning out of control. He was used to taking care of things, making sure everything went according to plan. And now, there was nothing he could do. He was totally at the mercy of doctors and fate.

  “Mr. Beaumont,” Dr. Degas’ voice brought him back from his reverie. “Let’s go in here.” The doctor led him back in Glory’s room. “I won’t beat around the bush with you, things are going to be difficult. Glory’s condition, at this point in time, is not what I would’ve liked it to be.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Her heart is weaker. The fluid is building up sooner than I would’ve hoped. But we’re going to…”

  As the doctor outlined his plan and procedure, T-Rex did his best to listen. He nodded. He smiled. He promised to wait and hope for the best. All the while, he was dying inside. “Thank you, doctor.” Once he was gone, T sank down into a chair and took his phone in hand. He had much to do.

  His first call was to Revel. “Hey, man! I was just about to call you. Harper’s water broke. We’re heading to the hospital!”

  “Congratulations!” T did his best to muster enthusiasm. “I know you’re thrilled and excited. We’re at the hospital too, the doctors are about to take the baby.”

  Despite his good news, Revel became instantly concerned. “We’ll keep check on you guys. You and I can stay in constant contact.”

  This sounded good to T. Revel was his partner, his best friend. He’d really stepped up and covered for him at work during Glory’s difficult pregnancy. The weekly trips to New Orleans had forced him to miss many hours that T either made up or Revel pulled strings to make possible. “I’d like that Revel, tell Harper we’re thinking about her. I’ll be home in a couple of days, I’m sure they’ll keep Glory and the baby for a while. The baby’s going to be early, you know.”

  “Yes, I know,” Revel spoke softly and with concern. “We’ll be over to see you as soon as we can.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary. You two have your own baby to celebrate.” T-Rex tried to look at things in perspective. “Just let me know something about Harper as soon as you can.”

  “Will do, T. And don’t worry. Harper says to tell you that we’ll be praying for you both.”

  “Thanks.” They needed all the prayers they could get.

  T made his other calls, talking to Lily, who promised she’d be there within the hour. And he paced. He did a lot of pacing.

  Up the hall. Down the hall. Looking out the window.

  “There you are!” Lily found him.

  “Glad you’re here. Did you hear about Harper?” T-Rex did his best to speak normally.

  “Yes, Revel just called me as I was coming up the elevator.”

  “Want some coffee?” He didn’t know why he felt like he needed to play host.

  “No, I’m good.” Lily rubbed his back. “Everything’s going to go well. I just know it will. Glory won’t accept anything less.”

  T laughed. “Isn’t that the truth?”

  “T!” Another voice caused him to turn. Who he saw coming toward him almost made him choke up and ball like a baby. “Lauren! God, I’m glad to see you.”

  His friend came to hug him. “You knew I’d come.”

  He should have, she’d always been there when he needed her. “Thank you so much. Glory’s in delivery.” He pointed down the hall and they naturally gravitated that way as they visited. “The baby’s only thirty-five weeks and Glory’s heart…”

  Lauren and Lily both held onto his arms, but they weren’t taking strength, they were giving it. Both women asked appropriate questions and they let T-Rex talk all he needed to.

  “Come let’s sit down here, near the delivery room.” Lauren pointed at a cozy spot near a window. “We can see the city from here.”

  T looked in the direction she pointed, but he didn’t really see anything. “I have a few more calls to make.”

  They encouraged him to do so and T phoned his mother, Glory’s mother, and her Uncle Calvin. He wanted everyone to know, but he wasted no time with pleasantries.

  “Why won’t they tell me something?” he asked, after glancing at his watch. “It’s been enough time, hasn’t it?”

  As if in answer to his question, T heard a commotion behind the double doors of the delivery room. The doors burst open and he could hear an alarm. “What’s going on?” he yelled.

  “Code Blue. Code Blue.” He heard someone shout. “We’re losing her!”

  T stood and watched the surreal scene. Someone held his baby, he could see it. They were rushing to get it into the proper hands. As they passed by, he saw a tiny head, covered by downy golden hair. “It’s a girl!” someone said.

  “A girl?”

  He spared a glance for the baby, sudden love welling up inside of him. But he couldn’t focus there…not when his heart was being torn in two. T tried to move forward. He could see Glory on a table through open doors, people were working over her. “We’re losing her. We’re losing her!” they cried.

  “T, come back.” Lauren pulled on his arm.

  Lily clutched his hand. “T, come back. There’s nothing you can do…”


  Life goes on.

  At least that’s what they say.

  And it did. T-Rex took his baby girl home and they began their life together.

  Alice was a handful. A joyful handful. He’d had a hard time getting his act together. All those rehearsals and the studying he’d done hadn’t really prepared him for the real thing. But he made it. He got through it all - day by day and hour by hour.

  But their home was missing something.

  Their home was missing its heart. He wiped his eyes, the landscape in front of him blurring through a haze of tears. “Dammit!”

  Life without Glory was so fuckin’ hard.

  T hadn’t known how strong he would have to be to pick up and carry on. To build a life for his daughter without her mother was almost an insurmountable
task. If it hadn’t been for his friends, he wouldn’t have made it.

  Sometimes, like tonight, he would sit on the deck of his home, staring out at the Bayou Teche. Alice lay on his shoulder as he rubbed her tiny back. She wiggled against him, seeking warmth. Her little fist touched his face and her baby cries and yawns warmed his heart.

  At times like this, he couldn’t keep his mind off Glory. He remembered so much – he remembered her smile and how she’d set her eye on him and pursued him relentlessly.

  He had no idea why he’d fought her so hard.

  Glory changed his life.

  She’d pulled him away from the abyss. When his life had been headed down a solitary road of loneliness, she’d taken pity on him and saved him, giving him a future – a family. “God, how I love her.” He loved her still. He hadn’t stopped.

  He remembered how she took care of him.

  He remembered her laugh.

  As he rubbed his lips over his sweet baby girl’s soft hair, he even remembered the simple, sweet way she called his name.

  God, if he could just hear her voice.

  One more time.

  “T! T-Rex! Wake up! We’ve got a lot to do! Harper, Revel, and little Lee will be here any moment. I need you to help me change Alice.”

  As T opened his eyes, he felt a small movement on his chest. Looking down, he saw baby Alice staring up at him. Her big purple eyes were full of the wisdom of the ages. Instantly, it all came flooding back. Everything that had happened. He sat up, his breath coming in hard relieved pants.

  “Here, I’ll take her.” Glory bent over him.

  He stared at her, at first in disbelief and then in gratitude.

  “Come here.” He held out his hand and pulled his wife down to him. “I just need to hold you a minute.” T let out a long breath as he wrapped an arm around her. She kissed him, then she kissed their baby girl. “I was dreaming again.”

  “Oh, you need to stop that.” Glory caressed his cheek. “Everything is perfect. We’ve got it made.”

  And they did. Six months had passed since Glory had given birth. Since she’d died on the operating table. Since his world had ended and been reborn when Dr. Degas told him he’d restarted Glory’s heart, but it would be touch and go.

  Touch and go.

  No one would ever know how he’d felt during those endless moments when they’d struggled to save his wife. Not only had his own life flashed before his eyes, he’d experienced all the years without her, all the joy he’d miss, all the milestones Glory wouldn’t share with him and their baby.

  But Ma Dyer had been right. Glory had survived. Dr. Degas was able to stabilize her and keep her going until a transplant could be found.

  “I know we do.” T sat up, holding his girls close. “These dreams will stop someday.” He closed his eyes and kissed Glory’s brow. “I almost lost you.”

  “Yea, but I’m stubborn.” She took their baby, giving T one last kiss. “Let me get her changed. The gumbo is ready. If you’ll take the garlic bread out of the oven in five minutes, I’d appreciate it.”

  T stood, but his eyes followed Glory as she made her way upstairs. She’d been a ball of energy when he first met her, and now she was unstoppable. With a new heart and new lungs, she was ready to conquer the world. She’d certainly conquered his.

  And he would have it no other way.

  Walking to the kitchen, he checked out the pots, taking a whiff of the good food they’d soon be enjoying. He stood at the sink, running water in a bowl that needed to be put in the dishwasher. A movement outside caught his eye and Buford growled at his feet. “What’s out there, boy?”

  He leaned closer to the window, but T didn’t see anything. “You’re out there, aren’t you?” he asked their large, elusive, guardian angel. It was odd, Glory wasn’t afraid at all to be home alone, just her and the baby. She said that she felt safe, protected.

  The scent of baking bread brought him to his senses and he grabbed an oven mitt to remove the baking sheet from the oven.

  He barely got the pan down and the oven mitt off before Hurricane Glory attacked him from the rear. “Gotcha!” she announced as she pounced, grasping him around the waist. He reached back, catching her, pulling her around so he could embrace the love of his life.

  “Do we have time for a quickie?”

  She giggled.

  God, he loved that sound. T kissed her again, lowering her gently until her feet touched the floor. “I can be fast.”

  “Oh, I like fast and hard.” She framed his face, sweeping her thumb over his eyebrows, then the corners of his eyes. “I love these laugh lines, I’m seeing them more and more these days.”

  “Because I’m happy, Glory.”

  “Me too.” She trailed the tip of her finger down the hollow of his cheek to the sculpted perfection of his mouth. “I didn’t know I could be so happy. Can we make love after Revel and Harper leave?”

  “I’m yours anytime you want me, you know that.” Since Alice’s birth and her major operation, their sex life had been put on hold for a while. But once the doctor gave them the green light, Glory had been practically insatiable. She’d suffered a bit of shyness over her scars, but T had assured her that they didn’t bother him a bit. And they didn’t. The scars proclaimed her survival. They were a gift. The scars would fade over time, but what wouldn’t fade was his absolute, overwhelming gratitude for her complete recovery.

  “You didn’t shave.” She passed her palm over his scruff.

  “I plan on leaving beard burn on the inside of your thighs tonight.”

  “Oooh, I can’t wait.” She shivered. His hooded gaze hooked hers and she gave him a seductive grin. “You’ll push my legs wide to accommodate these massive shoulders.”

  “Stop it, or we’ll have to cancel this lunch,” he warned her.

  “Oh, we can’t. This is Alice’s six-month birthday. We have to celebrate.”

  And celebrate they did.

  The Jones family arrived and the two proud couples watched as the small children rolled around on a blanket spread in front of the fire.

  “We’re two lucky men,” Revel spoke softly to T-Rex as they surveyed their families.

  “Yes, we are.” A year had come and gone since Glory had come into his life. A year that contained the worst moments of his life and the very best so far.

  He couldn’t wait to find out what the future held for them all.

  …A little later, Glory finished up in the kitchen, folding her dishtowel and untying her apron.

  “Alice is down for the count,” he announced as he returned to the kitchen. “I think she’s trying to say ‘Daddy’.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt it, she is totally captivated by you.” She went to him. “Just like I am.”

  T gathered her into his arms, trailing his fingers up and down her back, from the gentle slope of her shoulder to one of his favorite spots where her thigh curved into her butt cheek. “If I didn’t know better, Mrs. Beaumont, I would think you’re trying to seduce me.”

  “You think?” She teased him.

  He cupped her face between his big hands and tilted her head back and kissed her. When she made a move to wrap herself around him, he stilled her hands.

  “I need to touch you,” she protested.

  “Soon. Right now, I just want you to shut those pretty purple eyes, keep your hands at your sides and let me love on you all I want to. Any way I want to.”


  He let his lips glide over hers, then he chuckled when she turned her head to chase his mouth with hers. “Because I need to. Because I keep having those dreams at night where I lose you. I need to kiss you until I can get it in my head that you’re not going anywhere.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, T,” she promised him.

  T lost himself in her kiss. All of his worries and the whole fuckin’ world disappeared when he was mouth to mouth with her. Teasing nibbles, seductive licks. Tongue-tangling hunger and sweet, slow smooches.
/>   “Feel better?” she asked when he stopped to take a breath.

  “Getting there.” He picked her up. Striding through the house, he carried Glory to their room. As they undressed, he kept up the kisses, only stopping when a garment had to be pulled over her head or he had to step out of his pants. Once they were naked, he moved over her. The kisses were no longer gentle. They were fierce – hot and intense.

  “You feel okay?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t pushing too hard.

  “I feel horny,” she said.

  T laughed. “Let me see if I can help you with that.”

  This was no one-sided affair, Glory was hungry for him. The sounds she made turned him inside out – needy, sexy, little moans that hardened his cock and drove him crazy.

  “You, on top.” He directed, going to his back and pulling her on top of him. As she arranged herself, he took time to kiss the beloved scar before he latched onto a nipple, sucking and pulling on it voraciously. “God, I love how you feel, how you taste.” Using his hands, his mouth, and his teeth, he worshiped her tits until she was arching against him, writhing and whimpering.

  “Can’t wait,” she murmured, reaching between them so she could get to his cock.

  T exhaled a pure sigh of bliss when her small hand closed around him, stroking his length up and down. “Ready for me?”

  “Past,” he gritted the words out from between his teeth. “Oh, God.” He shut his eyes as she came over him and began to take him in, inch by inch.

  “This is what I needed,” she breathed, enjoying the stretch and burn as she accepted him into her body. “I’ll never get tired of this, never.”

  T opened his eyes, needing to see her. The look of intense concentration on her face was absolutely enchanting. “God, I adore you. Did you know that?”

  She gave him a bright smile. “Yea, I finally believe you.”

  “Finally?” T-Rex frowned. “You doubted it?”


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