Devour Me: An Alpha Beds a Virgin Dirty Chef Romance

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Devour Me: An Alpha Beds a Virgin Dirty Chef Romance Page 7

by Adele Hart

  She doesn’t understand. That’s the problem. She thinks this was a weeklong thing, but I’ll school her tonight. In fact, right now is a great time to start. I pull her to the side, out of the doorway, and out of view of everyone, and I kiss her. It is a long, slow, sensuous kiss, one that promises so much more.

  “Dinner at six, Maddy. It’s a date.” My tone says, no arguing.

  She reaches up and wipes the moisture from my bottom lip. “Or?”

  “Or your ass and my hand have a date instead.” I reach around and grab a handful of one cheek.

  “You always threaten but never deliver.”

  “Oh, baby, you just poked the bear.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You’ll see. What are you going to do now?”

  She leans to the right of me so she can see in the door. “I’m going for a swim to cool down.” She moves back to stand in front of me. “My body aches, so maybe I can get a last minute massage, unless you think your magic tongue can take away muscle aches and strains.” She gives me a what-do-you-have-to-say-about-that look.

  “I’m sure my magic tongue can do anything you need it to do, but you should still go for a massage. You deserve it. I’ll see you at six.” One more kiss is not enough to get me through the next hour, especially when all I want to do is choke Paige, but a win is a win, so I turn and walk away with Maddy’s scent in my nostrils and her taste on my tongue.



  Leaving Ripley alone with that vulture doesn’t give me an easy feeling in my stomach. With her beak nose and squawking voice, I’m pretty sure she’ll try to pick him clean in the next hour.

  When I walk into the hotel, my first stop is the desk to see about a massage. To my surprise, Ripley has made me an appointment already. I have fifteen minutes to get changed and down to the spa. That’s enough time to pull another pastry from the box. On the flap inside is a note that says I can’t wait to fill your croissant. My sex clenches at the thought.

  A woman with a nametag that reads Alexa is waiting at the spa entrance when I arrive. “You must be Maddy?”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “I’m told that you need a relaxing massage.” She winds us through a labyrinth of hallways until we enter a muted room that smells like lavender. Soft music plays in the background along with the trickle of water that falls from a corner fountain. “Take off what you’re comfortable with, and I’ll be right back.”

  She leaves me to undress and climb onto the table where a heated blanket awaits. Within minutes I’m almost asleep.

  Like a ninja, Alexa enters in silence and begins to work the knots out of my neck and shoulders. “I hear you’re taking Ripley’s class.” Her voice is quiet and calming.

  “Yes. Do you know him?” Of course she knows him. I’m pretty sure everyone knows him.

  She lets out a little laugh. “He’s a regular celebrity here. Nice guy, I’m told.”

  “He’s definitely a nice guy.”

  “And so darn sexy. It’s a wonder you get anything done in that class. I’d be staring at him the whole time.”

  “He’s quite demanding and thorough.” I think about our lunch together, and I’m grateful the lights are dimmed. Otherwise, she’d see my blush. “Tell me what you know about him.” I feel guilty for asking, but part of me wants to get the local gossip. Does he really like me, or am I simply the soup de jour?

  “Not much. He gets a lot of celebrity attention.” She pours a warm liquid on my back and works it into my skin.

  “Yes, I saw that. There's always a beautiful woman hanging from his arm.” My stomach clenches at the memory of the swimsuit model I saw in a recent photo, not just hanging on his arm, but hanging on him.

  “I’m sure he isn’t in need of companionship, that’s for sure. I know a thousand women who would drop to their knees in front of him,” Alexa says.

  I know one who did, I think to myself. “Well, he is easy on the eyes.” I press my face into the opening of the table and silence myself. Maybe if I’m quiet, she won’t feel compelled to destroy my fantasy. Some guys go slumming and some guys go fat. Ripley is obviously trying on a plus size girl and for the next few days, I’ll let him wear me, if he’s interested. I’m a grown up girl. I can handle a one-week stand. I’ll keep telling myself that until I believe it.

  The next thing I know, Alexa is shaking me awake. “You’re all done. I hope you enjoyed it.” The lights in the room grow brighter.

  “I fell asleep.”

  “Yes, but at least you’re not a snorer. I’ll leave you to dress, and I’ll meet you at the front desk.” She slips from the room as quietly as she entered.

  I dress with haste and rush out of the room. In less than an hour, Ripley will be here for our date. That’s what he called it—a date.

  At the desk I sign for my massage and add a hefty tip. I needed that nap to get through the night, and it was worth every darn penny.

  Dating wasn’t on my mind when I packed for this trip. Long days on my feet and dressing comfortably were all I was concerned about, but if I’m honest, I threw in a dress just in case, and boy am I glad I did.

  When there’s a soft tap at the door my heart thuds to a stop, then races until it feels like it may burst from my chest.

  I run my hands through my hair and pinch my cheeks. Not because they need to be pinked. The presence of Ripley does that for me. No, it’s because like a little girl dreaming of knights on white horses, yielding swords, or in my case, croissants, I pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.

  There he stands in khakis and a button-down shirt. The curl at his neck is still damp from the shower.

  “Wow, you look good enough to eat,” I tell him.

  His face flushes, and it’s the cutest thing ever. I didn’t know Ripley could blush.

  “You already did that, and it was amazing. If you’re offering to do it again right now, we can postpone dinner.” He lifts his brows and those silver blue eyes dance with mischief.

  “Is that what you want?”

  He stares at my passion pink glossed lips. He’s debating, and it makes me feel accomplished. I gave my first blowjob today, and obviously it was worthy of a repeat.

  “It’s more than tempting, but seeing you all dressed up and looking beautiful makes me want to take care of you. But I’ll take a rain-check, and sweetheart, I have every intention of redeeming it.”

  I pick up my purse and my frayed jacket. It’s not a sexy match, but it’s warm. “I’ll pay up because I really enjoyed that.” I lower my head afraid to say it out loud, but I feel the need to give Ripley back some of the razzing he gives me. “Your cream is delicious.”

  He takes a big breath and reaches down to adjust the bulge in his pants.

  I don’t know if it’s me, or a healthy sexual appetite that creates his constant erection, but I won’t complain. “Oh, should I bring anything else?”

  “Yes, grab whatever you need to spend the night. After last night, I’m not sleeping without you.”

  The smile on my face widens to emoji levels, more smile than face. These are the times being a low maintenance girl comes in handy. A brush of mascara and a swipe of gloss are all I need. Throw in a hairbrush, a hair tie, and something to wear tomorrow, and I’m ready. I reach for my flannel pajamas, but he pulls them from my hand and tosses them onto the chair.

  “You won’t need those.” And we’re off.

  His black Escalade is waiting, and he beats the valet to my door. Every woman around is salivating until he bends over and leans into the car to kiss me.

  Once he rounds the car and hops in, I turn to him. “I may need medical help. Did you see all those daggers flying at me?” I turn my back and look over my shoulder. “Did I get hit by any?”

  He snaps my seat buckle loose and pulls me to him. “I need a closer look.” His hands roam my back in front of God and country, and his searing, hot lips steal a kiss. “You dodged them all.”

settle back into my seat rattled beyond reason. “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “People stare at you all the time. You’re like a movie star.”

  He puts the car in gear, and the SUV moves forward, taking us from the lit valet area into the darkening night.

  “I don’t pay much attention to it.” He turns into town and makes his way down the crowded road.

  “How can you not? You’re on every magazine. You can have any piece of arm candy that every teenage boy strokes himself off to.”

  “None of that means anything to me. Not if I can have you.” He pulls up to a curb, and another valet rushes to let us out. I look up and read the restaurant name. Cauldron.

  He walks around the SUV and presses his hand to my lower back. I can feel the heat through my down jacket. “I hope you like living on the edge.”

  “I’m with you. I’d say that was walking on the knife’s edge.”

  Ripley clutches his chest and grins. “You wound me.”

  The minute we walk through the door, it is as if royalty arrived. We are ushered into a private room where two waiters see to our every need.

  “Who are you?” I ask him as everyone rushes to do Ripley’s bidding.

  “I’m the owner.”

  I look around at the fiery red walls and the flame-like metal sculptures that hang like dripping lava.

  “What don’t you own?”

  “Your heart—yet.”

  His eyes hold nothing but honesty. His words snake through my insides and wrap around my heart. It’s a powerful feeling to have someone tell you they want you to love them. Potent when that man is Ripley Stark.

  I get out my phone and pull up the bevy of beauties that he spends time with. “You want my heart?”

  “Yes, Maddy, I do.” He pours us both a glass of wine and nods to the waiter who brings us a starter salad. “I hope you don’t mind that I ordered.”

  “No, I don’t mind, you’re the expert.” I scroll through to the skinny bikini model and press my screen in front of his face. “What about her? Do you want her heart too?” My words are playful, but my heart is in my throat. I like this man too much, and I’m scared that when the end of class—and our liaison—comes, I’ll be broken. However, never having been with him would be a far worse fate. He’s the bar I’ll measure all others by.

  The waiter sets a plate in front of us. There are several small piles of greens on each.

  He takes my phone and turns it back toward me. "This is my sister Juliette. I have her heart. She’s married, and so her last name is Hammond. She’s beautiful, right?” He scrolls through the others and spouts off reasons he was with them until he comes across a woman named Tess Becket. “This woman was different, or so I thought.”

  “So you wanted her heart?” I stare at her picture. She is everything I’m not. She’s tall, blonde, and mostly thin except for a Jessica Rabbit ass.

  A pained look flashes across his face. “Yes, I thought I did.”

  Without thought, I lay down my phone and cover his hand with mine. “I’m sorry. What happened?”

  He turns my hand over and rubs my palm with his thumb. It makes my insides twirl with need. One touch and this man manages to melt me.

  “She wasn’t interested in my heart. She only wanted my money.”

  That’s the problem with people like Ripley and me. We’re wanted for many reasons, but it’s generally not for the right reasons.

  “I understand what that feels like. People think having money is a blessing, but it can also be a curse.”

  “At least you grew up knowing how to handle it.”

  “That’s true. I never thought of it that way.” I sigh, thinking of how tough a road he’s had. I take a bite of seaweed salad and rush for the water. “Oh holy hellions.”

  “Hate it or love it?” He takes a bite of the same and doesn’t flinch.

  I swallow two gulps of water. “Love it.”

  “I knew you would. We are alike in many ways.” He scoops a bite of something that resembles quinoa and offers it too me. “Move clockwise. Twelve o’clock will heat you up, and two o’clock will cool you down. Five o’clock is back to fire, and seven o’clock will cool the jets. Ten o’clock is neutral.”

  I travel around my plate like he says and let all the flavors tickle my palette. “Amazing.”

  He smiles like I’ve just knighted him. Little does he know, he got that title the minute he gave me my first orgasm. I stare across the table at him, overcome by the need to know everything about him. “Tell me about your family.”

  “Not much to tell. My mother left when I was eight, and Juliette was six. We came home from school to an empty house. She packed up everything and left. We sat together on the front step and cried until our Dad got home from work. That was the day I decided that I’d never be left with nothing again.”

  He pauses for a second, then gives me an odd smile that is filled with hurt. “Would you believe she even took our last loaf of bread and the peanut butter?” Ripley stares down at the wine in his glass before he drains it, and I can almost feel his pain in my own body. Then he goes on, finding his strength. “My dad was a mechanic, we didn’t have much, but he was an amazing father and I wanted to do whatever I could to make things easier for him. Juliette was too young to help much, so I learned to cook, and as it turned out, I was pretty good at it. So you see? Even the darkest clouds have their silver lining.”

  Without thought, I crawl into his lap. “You are amazing, and I have to confess that I’m terrified right now because there’s a real risk of me losing my heart. Please don’t hurt me Ripley.”

  “Never, sweetheart.” A waiter walks in, looks at us and walks out.

  “Did you see his face? I think he thought you were going to do me right here on the table.”

  Ripley’s hand runs up my dress to caress my thigh. “That idea has merit.”

  “Maybe date two, but I have to hold something back.”

  “Don’t hold anything back from me, Maddy. I want it all.”



  It’s funny how she thinks she can hold back, but I know if I wanted her right here on this table in this moment I’d have her. Not because I’m cocky. I’m that too, but I see past her insecurities to her heart, and she’s going to fall madly in love with me, one stroke, one lick, one meal, one word at a time.

  The waiter doesn’t walk in, but knocks first. Maddy rushes back to her chair.

  We eat course after course. She tells me about her near mistake with Anthony douche bag the fourth, and I make a mental note to send the man a thank you card.

  “That’s the best thing about us. I don’t need your money and you don’t mine.”

  She wipes her mouth and lays down her napkin. “I’m after you for the chocolate croissants.”

  “Something I’m happy to deliver daily while you’re in bed with your legs wrapped around my waist. “I’m after your heart baby, and if I have to get there through your stomach,” I shrug, “so be it.”

  We finish up dinner with a dessert of chocolate chili ice cream bars. They’re the perfect mix of hot and cold and her reaction is almost orgasmic—for both of us.

  I lead her back to the car and take her on a tour of my city. I don’t only have to sell her on me but on a life here in Vail.

  “What do you think?” We sit like teenagers in a car at a lookout. Just blocks from the house, this is the best vantage point of the city.

  “I love it here.” She shivers, and I know I need to get her home and warmed up. Home feels like the right word with her. It’s only been days, but I have feelings for her that take most people years to acquire.

  “I love you here. You belong here.” I put the SUV in reverse and head up the hill to our future.

  We take a tour of the house until we come to the bedroom. She sits on the edge of the bed and bounces.

  “Take your clothes off, Maddy. My hand and your ass have a date.”
/>   Her jaw drops, but there’s a hint of something like intrigue in her eyes. “You’re going to spank me?”

  “Yes, because you want it.” I open the nightstand drawer and pull out a new box of condoms and a bottle of lube.

  She chews on her bottom lip while she kicks off her shoes. The next thing to go is her dress, followed by her bra and underwear. She stands gloriously naked in front of me. The swell of her hips makes me hard as a rock because I know in minutes a part of me will be inside of her.

  I sit on the edge of the bed and pat my lap. “Come here.” She tries to sit on me, but I bend her over until her ass faces the ceiling. I rub my palm over it. Her skin is baby soft and milky white. “You said I wasn’t a man of my word earlier.” I knead her flesh in my hands and pull a soft pink hue to her skin.

  “I didn’t say that. I said you’re always threatening to spank my ass but you don’t.”

  My hand comes down on her right cheek with a snap and she squeals.

  “Now you can’t say that.” I rub the sting and let my fingers fall to her dripping pussy. “That makes you wet.”

  Her breath hitches and her legs fall open giving me unfettered access to her sex. “You make me wet.” She pants.

  I slip a finger inside her hot channel and pull out her moisture, then run it along the crease of her bottom until I’m circling the pink pucker of her perfect ass. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Her muscles squeeze tight while I probe gently at her opening. I push in and she pushes back into me. “You want me to take this too?” I dip my fingers back down to her sex and find she’s dripping for me. I glide between her folds and stroke her clit until she writhes and moans in my lap. “So damn wet.”

  “Ripley, don’t tease me.” She pushes into my hand when my fingers reach her opening. I give her one, then two before I pull them out and travel back to her puckered hole. Slick with her juices, I slide inside to my first knuckle and she flinches. “Relax, baby.”

  “Oh God, it feels… it feels…” She doesn’t finish the sentence because I press deeper and her body shudders.


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