Hot SEAL, Savannah Nights

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Hot SEAL, Savannah Nights Page 14

by Kris Michaels

  "Just let me please you. You've got me so close now. I need to be in you."

  "I... I'm not on the pill."

  He ran his nose across her collarbone, and she shivered at the feel of his breath against her heated skin. "I can take care of us. Don't go anywhere." He kissed her shoulder and she felt him lift off the bed.

  As if she could move. She turned to watch him walk into the soft lamplight of the front room. Oh, dear saints above. Each muscle was so clearly defined his body might have been chiseled from stone. He bent over and picked up his pants. The fabric hit the ground a second later. And when he turned around? His sex jutted out in front of him. He was big, really big. Nothing like the boy to whom she'd given her virginity.

  He tossed several silver packets on the nightstand before he joined her again. He faced her, laying on his side. Of their own accord, her fingers traced down his chest, dipped to his flat stomach and traveled lower. Her hand moved down to the base of his cock. The soft skin of his shaft felt like velvet. She ran a fingernail up the length of his cock, and he flinched. "Did I hurt you?"

  "No. The exact opposite." He leaned in and kissed her.

  She sighed, "You’re so hard and big." She carefully circled his shaft with her hand. The skin was so smooth and soft. A complete contradiction to the hardness underneath.

  "And you are good for a man's ego." He cupped her breast and flicked her nipple lightly with his thumb.

  "I've only done this once before. It wasn't..."


  "Yeah." She bit her lip and stifled a gasp when his lips trailed kisses down the side of her neck.

  "Trust me to make it good for you?" He moved over her, rolling her onto her back.

  "But I want it to be good for you, too."

  "No worries there. It already is." He kissed her as he settled over her. He lifted her legs, positioning her feet by his hips. Reaching over he pulled one of the packets from the bedside table, ripped it open and lifted to his knees. She could just see him thanks to the lamp from the front room. He rolled the condom down and reached out, touching her knees. His fingers trailed down toward her sex. At the touch of his fingers at her core, she jumped.

  "It’s okay, babe. I'm going to make you feel so good." At Rio's low raspy words, her eyes returned to his face. "There you are." He smiled and dropped down over her.

  His kiss devastated her, liquifying her body into nothing but need. When he pressed against her core, her body accepted him, languid and ready. The feel of him inside her was different than the first time she’d had sex. Rio was gentle and caring, where the other time was a few frenzied, painful jabs, and a quick awkward fumble of clothes before the guy darted out of her dorm room.

  The warmth of Rio's skin as he moved over her joined the sensation of his lips. She couldn't touch him enough, couldn't get close enough, and the needy noises that fell from her when he stroked deep inside her were unconscious utterings. She'd never experienced her body like this. She knew something epic was happening. Her body reached toward... something. Her muscles tightened and clenched. She dug her nails into his back. "Please." The word fell from her lips over and over, although she wasn't sure what she was begging for.

  He shifted, lifting up to his knees. She grasped for him and he smiled. "I'm not going anywhere." He placed his hands on the inside of her thighs and leaned forward again, lifting her legs and thrusting inside her, deeper than before. Oh yes, this. More of this. She clung onto his arms and stared into his eyes.

  "Beautiful." His head dropped back between his shoulders. The cords of his neck popped, straining as his body moved against hers. His hands tightened around her thighs and pulled her into him as he slammed forward.

  Meghan's body clenched and then flew apart only to collapse immediately, sending shivers of relief through her. Her core throbbed and ached so damn good. She felt Rio's body speed up and opened her eyes. He dropped his head and his eyes found hers. He groaned, his hips stuttered and a few thrusts later he exhaled. He released her legs and dropped to his elbows. Both of them panted for air, but neither of them moved.

  His lips danced across her shoulder and she shivered wildly, prompting a laugh from him. "Aftershocks?" His voice rumbled, and she felt the vibrations where their bodies touched.

  "I guess." She didn't know. She'd never experienced anything like what they'd just done.

  "You guess? You don't know? Did I melt your brain?"

  "Yeah, I think you did." She wound her arms around his neck. "Thank you for that, by the way."

  "You are more than welcome. I have to say, I enjoyed myself, too." With a kiss, he pulled out and rolled away. He headed into the bathroom, leaving her feeling abandoned and alone. Flashes of the first time edged into her mind. Memories of the awkward, rushed, 'see yah later' departure that had shattered her and had left her feeling used and ugly plucked at her relaxed bliss.

  She jumped when the light in the bathroom turned off. Rio padded back to the bed and grabbed the sheet that had somehow ended up at the foot of the bed. He slid beside her and covered them both with the sheet, scooping her into his arms and settling her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and sighed.

  Meghan drew her fingers through the spring of chest hair under her hand. Rio's fingers lifted locks of her hair and let them drop slowly, repeating the movement over and over. It was a simple mindless caress and one she would always remember.

  "I'll take you to get your car in the morning, since I plan on being here."

  "Oh." Her thoughts ricocheted, catching up with his words. He wanted to spend the night. She blinked, her fingers paused their trail. There would be no awkward anything with this man.

  "Unless you want me to leave?"

  "No!" Meghan popped up on her elbow.

  He chuckled and pulled her back down to him, kissing her forehead. "Go to sleep."

  She settled down and moved closer to him, his warmth radiated against her skin, warming her even though she hadn't realized she'd started to chill. The feel of the man next to her wasn't awkward. It should be, right? Sleeping with someone should be strange? Her eyelids dipped against her will. Maybe not.

  Chapter 17

  Sleep was a commodity in the service. When you were able to sleep, you did. It was valued right up there with good weapons, ammo, and backup you could trust to be where they were supposed to be, when they were supposed to be there. Yet, he couldn't shut his brain off tonight.

  Meghan shifted in his arms, and he let her settle before he leaned into her. Fuck him, her responses tonight had shaken him to his core. She was unfamiliar with sex. God, her trembling at his touch, the surprised reactions at the intimate caresses and kisses had him keeping things simple. Not that simple wasn't good, because sex with Meghan had lit him up like a bonfire, but he couldn't help wondering how she would have reacted if he'd gone down on her.

  His cock plumped at the thoughts that raced through his mind. What he'd like to do, the positions they could try, or having her suck him and then licking her until she screamed... he wanted all of that with her. She had a banging hot body. Her curves, fuck... He adjusted his hips so his cock didn't jab her. He was that hard already. But it was more than just her body. They had a great time when they were on the phone. Hell, they'd spent hours talking about nothing and everything. He hadn't talked to a woman that much in one hell of a long time. Telling her about his dreams, asking her about hers; they were friends.

  He ran that through his brain a couple times. Most of his teammates would give him some serious shit about the way he was acting, but he didn't care. He liked Meg. He liked talking to her, and he sure as fuck liked sex with her. She moved again, obviously trying to get comfortable. He lifted his arm and dropped her head onto the pillow. She hummed and turned around, so he spooned her, keeping Mr. Happy tucked up against him, cushioned against her ass. His hips wanted to pump but he put a stop to that thought immediately. Instead, he closed his eyes and started his shut down process. The service had taught him how to
shut his brain up and power down his body. Normally, he dropped to sleep within seconds, tonight it took much, much longer.

  He must have finally slept because when his eyes opened, light filtered around the shades in Meg's bedroom.


  He slid his eyes to her. Her hair tumbled in a mess against her neck. The sheet was pulled over her breasts and she was lying on her side watching him. He reached out and trailed a finger down her injured cheek. "Hey."

  "I'm not really sure what happens next."

  He blinked at her and smiled. "What do you want to happen?" He pushed her hair off her neck and trailed his finger across her collarbone. The blush worked from her chest to her neck, lodging on her cheeks. She shivered, and he flicked his eyes back up. Her blue eyes searched his face. "What do you want?"

  She reached out and touched him. "You." The word was simple and so fucking perfect. He'd give her what she wanted not only because it lined up with exactly what he needed, but also because, where Megan was concerned, he found it hard to say no. He grabbed a condom and rolled her onto her back. Once he suited up, he introduced her to her body again. The morning light let him see her reactions to his touch. His cock was dripping with anticipation, and his physical need pushed him, making him bolder than last night. He traveled down her body, not stopping at her breasts this time. He nipped and kissed down her stomach. Her hand found his hair, and she grabbed it when he opened and tasted her. She was innocent and wanton, begging for more and still shying from his unfamiliar touches. Her body writhed under him, and it fucking made him feel like a god. He made her come with his mouth before he entered her. Meg's heat wrapped around him, pulling him closer to the edge. She arched, her body heated and sensuous under him. He lifted her leg to his hip and moved his knee under him to give him more leverage. He chased his release, thrusting into her deeply. She clung to his arms and her breasts moved in time with his hips. She climaxed and her clenching muscles drove him into his own release. He dropped to his elbows because his arms were shaking too damn bad to hold him up.

  He leaned to the side and rolled off her. They both lay on the bed trying to catch their breath. Fuck, he was in some serious trouble. The woman was addictive, and they hadn't even gotten out of missionary position.

  Her arm flopped onto his chest and he chuckled, "Going to live?"

  "Not sure." She drew a deep breath. "Maybe."

  He groaned and got up to deal with the condom before he returned to bed and pulled her close to him. Her head tucked under his chin, and he relaxed into the mattress.

  "Is it always like that?" Her words were muffled against his neck.

  His brain hadn't gotten enough oxygen yet, and he wasn't sure he understood the question. "You mean sex?"

  She nodded. "Yeah."

  He blew out a lungful of air. "The mechanics are the same every time, but you know that, right?" He laughed softly. “It’s the results that are always different.”

  "The time I did this before wasn't anything like what we just did."

  "I’m kinda glad to hear that."

  She sighed against his chest before she rolled onto her back. He rose up onto his elbow to look at her. God, she was beautiful.

  "Was what we did as good for you as it was for me?"

  Rio felt a piece of him melt. That question had to have gutted her. He nodded.

  "Will you..." Her voice trailed off and her perma-blush deepened.

  He wrapped a lock of her hair around his finger and prompted, "Will I what?"

  "Will you teach me what I don't know? About sex?" The words came out in a tumble.

  Rio nodded again. Fuck him, if he said a word, he'd probably say something stupid and ruin his chances with this woman.

  His stomach rumbled loud enough that they both looked at his belly. She laughed and rolled out of the bed. In a quick jerk, she grabbed a silk robe that was on a hook, slid into it and tied it before she glanced back at him over her shoulder. "Give me a couple minutes and I'll make some breakfast."

  "I'll pop in the shower." He probably needed to give her some space.

  "The knob is backwards. Hot is cold and cold is hot." She threw the sheet that had migrated to the floor onto the foot of the bed before she ran a finger up his foot. He jacked his knees to his chest. "Oh, someone is ticklish!"

  "Woman, you don't want to start a tickle war." He gave her his best don't fuck with me tone. Not that it registered. She laughed and sauntered out of the room, and fuck him if he didn't watch her ass sway every step of the way until she was out of sight.

  The water pressure in the shower was pretty fucking awesome, and he found a bar of Dial soap. Thank God. He had no desire to smell like a florist shop. He used the bar of soap to wash his hair because her shampoo did smell like a field of flowers and that wasn't happening.

  He turned off the shower and flapped a towel over his head to dry his short hair. He paused. He could hear Meg talking. Her voice was raised. Wrapping the towel around his hips he stepped out of the bathroom.

  "You knew what Carl was like, and you still set me up with him." Meg's voice was on the verge of a shout.

  "Meghan, there is no way Mindy would have set you up with that gentleman if she knew he was abusive. Carl was purported to be a wonderful man, wasn't he dear?"

  Rio cocked his head toward the door. What in the hell?

  "Mom, I'm tired of explaining this. Obviously, she's not going to listen to us. She never does. On paper Carl is perfect for her. Gabby said he was beside himself and wants to take Meg out to apologize."

  Oh, fuck no. Rio stepped out of the bedroom, wearing the peach colored towel and only the towel. "Hey babe, where are my pants?"

  Three sets of blue eyes swung toward him. Rio watched the shock and then the disbelief race across both her sister and her mother's faces. Meg walked over to the couch and picked up the folded fabric. "Here."

  He walked over and took the pants, bending down to give her a kiss. He cupped the back of her neck and let the kiss last long enough that her mother cleared her throat. The bitch. He lifted away and smiled down at her. "Let's go out for breakfast. You have to be tired after last night." He glanced over at the two women and dismissed them without saying a damn word before he turned back to her. "You okay here?"

  "Yeah, they were just leaving." Meg let her hands trail down his chest possessively.

  "Good." Rio kissed the tip of her nose and headed into the bedroom. Meg's family sucked.

  Meg watched Rio walk back into the bedroom before she turned back to her mother and sister. She had expected they'd call, not show up.

  "Who was that?"


  "You slept with a man you just met?" Her mother's scandalous expression was priceless.

  Meg threw back her head and laughed. Oh, God, her family was so fucked-up. "Who said I just met him?"

  "You went out with Carl last night!" Mindy whisper shrieked.

  "Oh please! I met Carl last night to pacify the two of you. I was never going to go out with him. Despite your opinions of me, I'm capable of leading my own life. I do not need you to set me up. Why can't either of you understand that?"

  Standing in the front room of her apartment, the one she paid for, furnished and loved, Meghan realized there comes a point in everyone's life when happiness needs to override obligations. Choosing to be happy, for her, meant severing the ties that kept her from reaching that goal of happiness. She wasn't hurting herself or anyone else. The meek acceptance of her mother and sister's criticism was over.

  Her mother stiffened her back, the long fall of her red hair perfect against her designer shirt. Mindy's shocked disbelief and her mother's hurt expression were what Meg expected. Unfortunately.

  Her mother shook her head. "Where did I go wrong? I only want what's best for you. You have to know that!"

  "I do know that, but I can't continue to live for your tiny scraps of approval. I will never fit your vision for me. I can't be that woman and if I'm honest, I don't want to be her
. I've realized something recently. I no longer need your acceptance." She wanted it and hated that she still did, but she no longer required it to feel good about herself.

  Meg walked over to the front door and opened it. "I'm sure you'll understand if I ask you to leave. Goodbye."

  Her mother's eyes narrowed and whipped to the bedroom door where Rio leaned against the jamb, fully dressed except for his bare feet. His massive shoulders filled the entire space. He smiled at the woman before he said, "Don't let the door hit your asses on the way out."

  Meg choked back an ill-timed, shocked laugh although the expression on her mom's face and the point-blank shock on Mindy's was hilarious.

  "I will be calling." Her mother sniffed as she stomped out the door.

  "I'm sure," Meg muttered under her breath.

  "We are not done here," Mindy hissed. "I can't believe you'd treat us like this."

  "Maybe you can't believe it because I've never stood up for myself before." Meghan shut the door, forcing her sister out of the apartment.

  She leaned against the door, closed her eyes, and rested her forehead against the cold metal. "I'm so sorry you had to witness any of that."

  Warm hands fell on her shoulders before Rio wrapped her in his arms and pulled her away from the door. "If I made that worse, I'm sorry."

  "Worse?" She twisted so she could see them.

  "Yeah, marching out in the towel was a spur of the moment thing."

  "It was exactly what I needed. They think I'm worthless, that I'll never get a man on my own." She rolled her eyes and groaned, "I'm sorry you had to be involved."

  "Go shower. We'll get breakfast, then your car, and then maybe go over to Tybee and play in the sand." Rio loosened his arms so she could turn around.


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