Wolves Don't Cry

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Wolves Don't Cry Page 4

by Nova Archer

  "I just saw you on Sunday, Mother. Everything was fine then, and everything is fine now."

  "Are you sure? I have a feeling that something is going on."

  "Nothing's going on. I'm just doing my job as usual and coming home alone, as usual." Tala couldn't keep the sarcasm out of her voice. She was getting tired of having the same conversations with her mother every week. Tired of supplying the same excuses.

  "A mother knows, Tala." She paused, and Tala swore she could hear the woman's brain grinding gears. "Are you stressed? If you are, you have to remember to increase your doses."

  Tala wanted to scream at her. To rant and rage about what she just put herself through. That her mother had no clue the pain and suffering she endured day after day. And that is was all her mother's fault.

  But she held her tongue. As usual.

  "I told you law enforcement was the wrong career field for you, Tala. You need to do something less stressful with your life. I thought you liked working at the bank."

  "I hated that job. It was boring."

  "Oh, Tala you're too restless. You hardly gave it a chance. You only worked there for three years. Hardly enough time to let it grow on you."

  "Mom, I have to go."

  She could tell instantly that her mother was crying.

  "I worry about you, my darling." She sniffed. "I did my best by you. It was so hard."

  "I know, Mom. I know." Tala sighed. Guilt always worked on her. Her mom had been using it since she reached puberty. "I've got to go. I'll phone you when I can."

  She set the phone back in its cradle and slumped down into the big easy chair, pressing her fingers to her right temple. The last thing she needed was to get more uptight. Already she teetered on a precarious edge. One more push and Tala was sure to drop off. Where she ended up would most likely not be a good place. Not for her, not for anyone around her.

  Thank goodness Claudia didn’t know about the case. And especially about Jace. She was sure the woman would lose all sense of reality and do something crazy. Like the last time when Tala had been only twelve years old and blossoming into a teenager.

  Shaking the thoughts of her past, Tala took in a few deep breaths, stood and rotated her shoulders to ease the tension solidifying there. She needed to be cool and calm. She needed to keep her wits about her.

  She needed to stay away from Jace Jericho.

  But what she needed and what she was going to get were always two entirely different things. That was something she learned a long time ago. Something she'd been living with for thirteen years. And she knew it wasn't going to change any time soon no matter how much she needed it to.


  Jace watched Caine pace at the front of the conference room and knew the chief was feeling the pressure. To an untrained eye, the vampire would appear to be as collected and aloof as usual. But Jace could see the slight twitch at Caine's jaw and smell his frustration.

  It wasn't a normal odor, something akin to turpentine. Over the years Jace had learned to identify it for what it was. He could count on one hand how many times he'd detected it on Caine, which said a lot.

  "Okay, let's go over what is similar to Lillian Crawford's murder and what is different. The differences here I think will be the key in solving this one."

  Caine looked around the room and at every member of the team. Hector, along with Rick, one of the lab techs, joined Jace, Lyra and Eve around the rectangular conference table. Jace was surprised at the level of professionalism coming from the human captain. Maybe the entire human populace of San Antonio weren't useless. But he'd reserve his final verdict until after this case was closed.

  Caine opened the file folder on the table in front of him. He gathered the autopsy pictures and spread them around the table. The grisly images of the victim's dead body flashed like sickly pale light on the dark mahogany table.

  "Samantha Kipfer died from exsanguination. Her neck was opened from left to right, which indicates a right-handed killer. Her blood was taken from the scene, hence no blood pool. And her body was painted in her own blood with magical symbols, indicative of a demon summoning." He paused and glanced around the room. "That is what is the same. Now the differences. Her throat was slashed open with a claw and not a knife. She was not raped. There was no semen present or vaginal trauma. There were no bite marks. She was drugged but not with Vampatamine or Heparin. She had trace amounts of MDMA in her system."

  "Ecstasy?" Eve asked.

  Caine nodded. "So, from this, what can we determine?"

  "That we're looking for a human killer," Jace remarked.

  Rick cleared his throat. "How can you be so sure? Her throat was clawed open, not cut."

  "Because if it had been a vampire, she would've been bitten. He or she wouldn't have been able to help themselves." Jace smiled without humor. "And if it had been a lycan, she would've been gutted." He lifted his hand, and forced the shift. His nails grew into sharp curved claws. "He or she wouldn't be able to help themselves."

  Lyra elbowed him in the side and whispered, "Jerk."

  "Jace." Caine chastised. "Let's keep our claws and teeth to ourselves on this case, all right?"

  Wriggling his fingers at Rick, Jace pushed the change back, and his nails began to recede into his fingers. Pain ripped through his arms, but he kept his face calm. "Right you are there, Chief."

  Rick forced his gaze away from Jace and set it on Lyra. "What about witches? The demon summoning is a witch thing, isn't it?"

  This time it was Lyra's turn to look aghast. "I don't think so. It's totally against our nature to kill. A demon summoning could be anyone."

  Hector shuffled in his chair, pushing it back a little from the table. Jace could tell he was growing agitated. His scent was one of nervous anticipation. "Let's move on with the evidence, please."

  "Hector's right. We have to follow the trail that's been left. Not make rash decisions without having all the questions answered," Caine added. He turned to Eve, who sat on his right. "What did the witness have to say?"

  "Not much. She said she didn't see anything but the body hanging from the ceiling. She doesn't recall seeing anyone else there, or any vehicles in the area." Eve shook her head. "I don't think the girl would remember her own car, if she had driven there. She was out of it. Big-time junkie. She had track marks all over arms and legs."

  "Speaking of drugs," Lyra offered. "Maybe we should follow the Ecstasy. That's a designer drug, right? Used at raves and the like? Maybe Samantha was involved in that culture."

  Caine nodded. "We need to get into her house and search her room. If she's a regular user, she'd have a stash somewhere I'm sure."

  "Tala can be of help on this," Hector piped in. "She used to work in the narcotics division. She's done extensive information collection on the various drugs being used in the city. She knows who's dealing and where."

  "Excellent. She can work with Jace and Lyra instead of just escorting them around."

  Jace felt his stomach flip over. He didn't want Tala to work with him. He was having a difficult time as it was just looking at her, let alone being around her. Being able to smell her and feel the heat of her body was going to pose a big problem.

  Jace lifted his hand. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Having an inexperienced person on this case could prove to be a disaster."

  Caine met his gaze. "I'm sure under your tutelage, Jace, she will do just fine." He shut the folder on the table, effectively ending the conversation. "Jace and Lyra, you are on the victim's residence. Hector, Eve and I are going back to Lillith's family and friends to see if there is a connection." Caine picked up his folder and slid it under his arm. "The lab is still working on the fiber and trace evidence we collected at the scene and on the body. There's got to be something we can go on." Nodding to each of them around the table, he added, "Okay, everyone keep in touch. We'll meet back here in a few hours to see where we are."

  With that, Caine moved toward the door. Eve and Hector followed his le
ad. Once the door was opened, Hector called in Tala.

  She appeared in the doorway, looking fresh-faced and eager. But Jace noticed something else about her. There was something off, or missing about her now. He couldn't place it. Was she wearing glasses before? He couldn't recall.

  Whatever it was it had changed her.

  "You'll be working with Jace and Lyra at the Kipfer residence. You do as they instruct, okay?" Hector said.

  She nodded, but didn't meet Hector's gaze. Instead her eyes fastened on Jace. He could feel her attention, piercing his body, dissecting his soul. Why did she affect him so much?


  The crowd of reporters swarming in front of the Kipfer residence was astonishing. Jace could feel the intense press of their bodies even from the sanctity of the backseat of the crime lab's vehicle. It was if the metal of the doors were bending under the strain, reaching toward him, trying to touch him. A cold sweat broke out over his body. Clenching his hands into tight fists, he swallowed down the rising panic.

  As Tala inched the SUV through the mass of people, she cursed under her breath at the swarm. Jace's lips twitched a few times at the words she sputtered. It still didn't stop the reporters from banging on the windows with their microphones screaming for sound bites, anything to quench the thirst of the media horde.

  The only bite Jace wanted to give them was one on their collective asses. He'd call them all blood-sucking vampires, but that would be a grave insult to all the vampires he knew.

  Once they were through the crowd outside the Kipfer estate, they parked the vehicle, jumped out and grabbed their respective kits. The pressure he was feeling instantly released the moment Jace stepped out into the clean crisp air. He let out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and followed Lyra and Tala into the Kipfer house.

  They assembled just outside of the victim's bedroom. The girl's parents were in the kitchen talking with a detective who had arrived earlier. They had already given their permission to the crime scene unit to thoroughly look through Samantha's room and to take what they needed.

  Lyra peered through the open doorway. "Good thing she's got a big room. Or the three of us would be glued together." She smirked at Jace while snapping on her latex gloves. Picking up her kit, she walked into the room, leaving Jace and Tala to themselves.

  Jace took out two sets of gloves from his kit. He handed a pair to Tala. "Have you ever been on a crime scene before?"

  "Not counting yesterday?"


  "Then twice. Once during basic training and another time after a drug bust."

  Crouching next to his kit, Jace took out several numbered yellow-plastic markers and handed them to Tala. "Just follow the same protocol. If you see anything out of the ordinary, or something you think needs a second look, set one of these markers beside it."

  "I think I can handle it." After snapping on her gloves, she brushed past Jace and into the room.

  Taking in a deep breath, Jace wondered what he ever did to deserve being shackled with Tala. She was even snarlier than he was. If that were possible.

  He put on his own gloves and followed the ladies into the room.

  The room was typical of a young woman used to the benefits of growing up with money, Jace thought. Everything was neat, orderly and professionally decorated. Her bed was expertly made with powder-blue blankets hanging down to the pristine beige carpet, and cream colored throw pillows arranged artfully against the headboard.

  "Do you think she cleans her own room?" Jace asked as he surveyed the room. "The bed looks too done up. I wonder if the maid has cleaned the room since the girl's disappearance."

  Lyra glanced up at him from inspecting the dresser drawers. "That's a good question. I'll go ask." She promptly left the room to search for the answer.

  While Jace examined the area around the bed, he watched Tala out of the corner of his eye. She had started her search in the farthest corner of the room, a reading nook of sorts, complete with built in bench along the window. It was a good place to start. One he would've picked himself if she hadn't already beaten him to it.

  While he waited to hear back from Lyra, Jace got on his hands and knees and checked under the bed. He found a bag shoved to the middle. Reaching, he grabbed it and dragged it forward. Once in the light, he could see that it was a black-leather gym bag.

  He unzipped it. Inside were a sports bra, cotton shorts, socks, running shoes, and a Louis Vuitton compact makeup bag. Jace reached in and took out the makeup bag. When he opened it, a plastic ID card fell out onto the rug. He picked it up.

  "Looks like she worked out at Hard Bodies Health Spa." Setting the card down, he continued to search the bag.

  "Beats me why people insist on working out indoors with a hundred other people, when all they have to do is put on some good sneakers, step outside their door and start running."

  Nodding, Jace glanced over at her. "I hear that. I'd rather go for a long run any day."

  "I do three miles every day," she commented off-handedly as she set a plastic card onto the window sill. "I got prints on the window."

  Jace did a slow perusal of her body from toe to head. She definitely had a runner's body. Long and lean. He bet she had exquisitely shaped thighs and calves.

  As he continued to watch her, he pictured her in a tank top and shorts, her auburn hair bobbing up and down in a ponytail, sprinting up a path much like the one on Silent Hill back in Necropolis that he ran whenever he could get away. He could see the way her muscles would bunch as she ran, and the sweat that would trickle down her back and chest. With clarity that almost startled him, he imagined the sweat trail as it traveled down her neck, in between her pert breasts, to pool inside her navel.

  Licking his lips, he thought about dipping his tongue right in that spot and then trailing it lower still.

  "I'd say you found some flake."

  Blinking, Jace shook his head and stared at Tala. "Excuse me?"

  She pointed to his hand. "The lip gloss container you're holding, it's full of cocaine."

  Jace looked down at the cylindrical tube he'd been holding while fantasizing about Tala. When he held it up, he could see a white powder inside. Unscrewing the lid, he pulled out the lip applicator. The tip was covered in a snow-white substance.

  He slid it back into the container and screwed it on. Jace looked at Tala as she continued to search through the victim's books near the window nook. "How did you know?"

  She shrugged. "I worked drug intel for a couple of years. I know how people hide drugs. Their ingeniousness and stupidity are limitless."

  "No, I mean how could you see it from over there?" Eyeing her still, he slid the lip-gloss into an evidence bag. He could smell her anxiety and taste it on his tongue like smoke from a fire.

  She wouldn't meet his gaze. "I have great eyesight."

  Jace set the gym bag aside, slid the evidence into his kit and wandered over to where Tala was inspecting one of three stuffed bears sitting daintily on the bench along the window's ledge.

  He noticed the way her body quivered when he stepped in next to her. His muscles were doing the same thing. Being near her was like stepping out into an electrical storm with lightening flashing across the sky and striking the ground a mere foot away. Exhilarated and powerful. That's how he felt around her.

  Concentrate on work. Work is safe.

  Taking up his camera, he took several shots of the various things Tala had indicated with the yellow markers. Fingerprints on the window. Likely the victim's, but because the window opened onto a ledge that could easily be accessed from the large tree next to it, he would lift the prints. Maybe she was abducted from her room. Or she left that way on her own accord. Sneaking out at night to rendezvous with a secret lover. Or worse.

  Going back to his kit to grab the black dusting powder, brush and lift card, Jace noticed that Tala waved the stuffed bear in front of her face. If he didn't know better, he'd swear she was scenting the toy. Which was a ridicul
ous notion, but one he wasn't able to dismiss out of hand.

  He came back with his equipment and dusted the fingerprint, while Tala inspected another of the little bears. This one was white with a bright pink dress. Before Jace could react, she ripped its head off and was tearing out its stuffing.

  "What are you looking for?" he asked.

  Ignoring him, she continued to pull out white cotton batting. Digging in with her fingers, she came away with a clear plastic bag. She dropped the bear and held up the bag to Jace.

  "Show me the love." She smiled. Inside the bag were a handful of small blue pills with a panda bear stamped on them. "MDMA, Ecstasy, XTC, whatever you want to call it. She was definitely a regular user."


  She set them down on the bench next to the decapitated bear so Jace could photograph it. "I once found heroine in a baby's diaper while the baby was wearing it. Nothing surprises me anymore."

  After taking several photos, Jace went to his kit and grabbed a big evidence bag and shoved the pills and the headless bear into it, sealing it shut.

  "Good catch," he commented.

  Without looking up from her inspection of the other bear, she nodded. "Thanks."

  He could sense her pleasure at his words.

  "How did you know?"

  She shrugged. "Like I said, years of knowledge of how drug users and abusers function."

  She was lying. He could tell instantly. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew. There was something about the way her eyes shifted, and the sound of her heartbeat that gave her away. He wanted to press her, but decided this wasn't the best time. It was obvious she had her secrets. And who was he to pry them out of her?

  "Okay, what can the pills tell us? Anything?"

  "The pills can't, but I can. I know who the players are that deal blue pandas and where they deal." She gave him a half-smile. "I just need to talk to my contact at narc and confirm."

  He liked her mouth. Full, and sensuous. Kissable. An urge to lean over and press his lips to hers settled over him. He felt drawn to her. Like a bee to delicious honey.


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