The Billionaire's Embrace: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Embrace: A Billionaire Romance (The Hampton Billionaires Book 2) Page 12

by Erika Rose

  Callie thought for a moment before speaking. “Fawn it wasn’t his fault, if he really feels about you the way you think he does he wouldn’t have told anyone, besides shit happens and John knows that. You pay him to deal with it.”

  Fawn laughed at Callie’s callous words. “I know but still. He’s worked so hard to build my reputation and might’ve just thrown it all away and that's while he’s still mad at me.”

  Callie frowned. “Why is John mad at you?”

  Fawn smirked. “There isn’t just one reason. He’s mad because I went to the Hamptons, because I turned down the appearance on the talk show, because I recorded my own EP without him and mainly just because I didn’t come running back when he told me to.”

  “You’re not his pet Fawn. You’re a person. Where is this EP you keep talking about? When can I hear it?” Callie asked interested.

  “It’s on my laptop, but I’m not sure it’ll ever hit the airwaves. John says it’s a waste and I should stick to my sound.”

  Callie shrugged and tilted her head before speaking. “Fawn if this Seth is as wonderful as you say he is I don’t think he would’ve lied. If he says the EP is good maybe it is. Besides, you know what sounds good; you’ve been in the music industry for most of your life. Maybe John is just scared to take a chance?”

  Fawn felt a flicker of light in the darkness that had overtaken her heart. “Maybe.”

  “What do you say we listen to it as you tell me more about your Viking in the Hamptons?”

  Fawn laughed at Callie’s description, even though she missed Seth and couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing; Callie’s lightheartedness was exactly what she needed the night before the press massacred her reputation.


  Seth drove around for what felt like hours, his mind milling over everything that had happened that morning.

  Last night with Fawn in his arms he had considered a future with her and after a few tumultuous minutes this morning he wasn’t even sure if he would ever see her again. He had phoned the hotel a while back only to find out that she had checked out, which meant she was already on her way back to Los Angeles.

  Slamming the steering wheel, Seth let out a curse. Why was it the first time he genuinely considered committing to a woman everything had to be so damn complicated. Yes the press had found out she was in the Hamptons, but was that really such a disaster? They’ve followed her around before, why did it bother her now?

  A black cloud had come to rest on Seth’s shoulders and was pressing him down; he turned the car around and slowly started making his way home. Even though it was already in the middle of the afternoon he decided a run on the beach would hopefully clear his head.

  As he rounded the corner into the street where he lived, the sight before him gave such a shock he nearly totaled the car. There were vans and cars nearly blocking the street. Reporters stood fluffing their hair as their camera men readied the lenses preparing for Seth’s arrival. A dozen more were crowded on front of his door, hoping to catch him when he arrived. He sighed as he spotted one jump the fence next to his house, hoping to catch him out back.

  The press had obviously realized he dumped them earlier that morning and were waiting him out.

  Slamming the steering wheel for a second time Seth cursed before he swung the car around, tires screaming in protest as he roared away.

  He instantly regretted his behavior regarding the press to Fawn. Before witnessing it with his own eyes he had no idea the magnitude of press she had to deal with. He laughed caustically as he remembered his comment to her a while back. Ask them to leave you alone. He wasn’t even Fawn, merely associated with her and he would bet a million bucks they wouldn’t leave if he just asked nicely.

  Seth felt his heart beating a mile a minute in his chest, thumping against his ribs from anger, at himself and at the press. How did they found out about him and Fawn?

  Maybe someone at the hotel needed to make a quick buck and phoned them, on second thought the chances of that were slim. Seth’s father had a strict confidentiality clause in the contracts of all his employees. Not only would said employee lose their job but they would be sued for damages.

  Who else could it be, Seth thought as he drove around the neighborhood. A couple on the side of the road caught his attention. The lady, almost seventy by his guess, was tending her flower beds as her husband sat on the porch with a tall jar of lemonade, smiling at her.

  A month ago the whole scenario would’ve revolted Seth; the thought of settling down had always been a sign of weakness for Seth. Why would you dedicate your whole life to one person? Do their bidding, take care of them, and constantly regard their feelings and needs? There was so much more to life than one person.

  Now the whole scenario made his chest feel heavy, he could see himself taking care of Fawn for the rest of his life. He could imagine himself growing old with her. The realization struck him like lightning from the sky. He was in love.

  He had avoided love his whole life, shying away from the expectations and commitment that came with it. Years of conditioning himself to get involved fought against the strong feelings he knew he had for Fawn. He wouldn’t be able to just send her a text to tell her he didn’t want to see her again. How did he do it in the past? As he thought of all the girls he had sent on their way Seth realized it had been easy because none of them were the right girl.

  Fawn was. Fawn was his girl.

  And now she was on the other side of the country thinking he betrayed her. In his heart Seth wanted to believe it wasn’t one of his friends who let Fawn’s whereabouts slip to the press, but a niggling feeling had him taking the turn to Stefan’s house. Seth could only hope Stefan didn’t tell his niece about Fawn’s whereabouts.

  He pulled up outside Stefan’s house just as Stefan climbed out of his car.

  “Seth! You actually managed to come up for air now that you’re whipped.” Stefan laughed as he walked towards Seth.

  Seth clinched his jaw at Stefan’s easy words; he could only hope their friendship was strong enough for what he had to ask. “I need to talk to you.” His words were brisk, his tone bordering on rude.

  Stefan’s brow creased as his smile wavered. “Sure man, come inside.” Stefan watched Seth’s face for a moment before turning and leading him inside.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, Seth took a deep breath before speaking. He hoped he could keep the temper and anger from his voice, but failed. “Did you tell the press about me and Fawn?”

  Shock and confusion riddled Stefan’s face as he shook his head. “No, why would you think I did that?”

  “They were shacking up outside my front door this morning when we woke up; Fawn turned tail and flew back to Los Angeles this morning.” Seth said watching Stefan. A flicker of guilt flashed in Stefan’s eyes before he quickly disguised it with a surprised look.

  “What? That’s horrible! Why would you even think I’d do something like that?”

  Seth sighed. “Stefan think! Who did you tell about me and Fawn? Anyone, a girlfriend you were trying to impress maybe? What about your niece that wants the autograph?”

  Stefan grunted and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Shit man! I didn’t even think it would be a problem. I’m sure she didn’t tell anyone.”

  Seth felt anger that had been simmering beneath the surface start to bubble over. “Really! You think a teenage girl that begged you for Fawn’s autograph claiming to be her biggest fan didn’t mention to her friend’s you were about to get it for her?”

  “Seth come on man, relax!” Stefan pleaded.

  “Don’t tell me to relax Stefan; the girl I love just fled the state because of something you did!” Seth said stepping closer, his face an inch from Stefan’s.

  “Listen, can I at least call my niece and check with her before you kill me?” Stefan tried to come across in a teasing manner, he failed. Seth rarely got mad but when he did the imposing Viking in him sur

  Seth grunted a nod before he walked to the kitchen and pulled out a beer for himself. He had been friends with Stefan for years, but if it was Stefan’s fault he didn’t see how could ever forgive him.

  A short while later Stefan walked into the kitchen, guilt and shame written all over his face. His shoulders sagged as he walked to Seth. “I’m sorry man. She tweeted it! For fuck sake’s kids and technology these days?” When Seth didn’t say anything but merely glared at him he continued. “Anyway it’s not like she minds the fame right? I mean she’s famous; people follow her around all the time, what’s so different about this time?

  Seth only heard the last sentence before he saw red. His fist connected with Stefan’s jaw before Stefan knew what was coming.

  As his knuckles crashed against his friends face and the pain shot up his arm, he realized it would take a long time, if ever, for him to see Stefan as a friend again.

  Stefan grabbed his jaw, letting loose a string of profanities before Seth spoke. “What was different is she was with me, trying to get away from it all. What was different is that I love her and now she thinks I betrayed her.” Seth shook his head and turned for the door. As he reached it he turned back and glared at Stefan. “Now it’s clear the only person that had been betrayed was me.”

  Seth got into his car, hands still shaking from anger and disbelief. He had never been one for physical fights, he had always avoided them. Not because he was afraid but because he knew his strength and anger combined were a lethal combination. A combination he had just unleashed on a friend.

  He pulled out of the driveway and immediately dialed Fawn’s number. It went straight to voicemail.

  “Fawn, it’s me. I’m sorry baby. It was me. I was so happy about us I told my friends about it and Stefan let it slip to his niece who tweeted about your staying in the Hamptons. I’m sorry baby. Please phone me back so I can make it up to you.”

  The harsh beep sounding the end of the recording cut his message short. He had so much to tell her, so much to apologize for. He thought about going home and getting drunk but realized the press would still be there staking the place.

  Instead he went to the only place where he would still feel Fawn’s presence.

  The recording studio.

  He briefly greeted the receptionist before walking straight to the studio where Fawn had recorded the week before, it was empty. He found Jason in the adjacent studio busy recording what looked to Seth like a boy band. They were in the middle of something and instead of interrupting Seth returned to the empty studio.

  He walked into the control booth of the empty studio and pulled up Fawn’s recordings. As he hit play on the first song and her soft melodious voice filled the air he knew there was nowhere else he wanted to be.

  Seth thought about asking Jason permission before he started and decided instead of interrupting he’d start. If they needed this studio they’d kick him out. He’d settle with them later, right now he needed to spend time with Fawn and her music.

  The guitar’s sound was pure through the speakers as Fawn’s voice sang about finding herself. Without thinking, Seth opened the audio editing software on the computer and started adding different instruments to Fawn’s voice.

  What seemed like a short while later Jason knocked on the door.

  “Seth, good to see you. I didn’t know you were coming by today.” Jason said as he walked into the control booth.

  Seth leaned back in the chair stretching his arms. “I didn’t plan on coming, I hope you don’t mind. I’ll pay you for the time.”

  Jason shrugged and looked towards the speakers where the edited song was streaming out. “That’s good, did you do that?”

  “Yes, I’ve been playing around a bit seeing what it sounds like with a few drums and her voice fading in as backup.”

  “You definitely know what you’re doing. That’s sounds awesome! I’m heading home but you can just lock up when you’re done.” Jason smiled as he pulled out of the room.

  “Going home?” Seth called after him confused.

  “It’s almost midnight Seth.” Jason laughed. “Clearly you’re enjoying yourself if you’re losing time.”

  As Jason walked away, Seth checked his watch to confirm. It was almost midnight. He and Jason had never been friends, but Seth had supported all their gigs in the past and whenever they needed funding Seth was first to write a check. Seth had never thought twice about it, but now as Jason gave him free reign in his studio Seth couldn’t help but be grateful for his own forethought.

  He had completely transformed Fawn’s first song. With the instruments and back up voices it would appeal to her current fan base and attract a new one.

  Seth listened through the track a last time before saving the edited version and moving onto the next song.

  He didn’t mind spending the whole night in studio editing Fawn’s music; he was doing something for the woman he loved. At least he didn’t have to go home to the waiting press vultures.

  He pulled up the second song and started drumming his fingers to the base he was adding in the background as a plan started to form in his head.

  After all, Los Angeles was only a five hour flight away.




  Fawn, world renowned artist was found hiding out in the Hamptons getting cozy with eligible bachelor Seth Northman…

  John's expression said more than the headlines ever could as he slammed the newspaper down on the desk in front of Fawn. It was ten am on a bright summer’s morning in Los Angeles. The glass panes behind John’s desk offered a perfect view of the pacific. Fawn didn’t even notice, her eyes were fixed to the picture of Seth with his half buttoned jeans and bare torso beneath the headline.

  “See why I don’t let you take holidays? Because in a matter of moments you can ruin all the hard work we’ve done.”

  Fawn felt a world of judgment on her as she briefly scanned the article. Seth Northman opened the door barely dressed…Has Fawn found love or a booty call…Seth Northman’s net worth almost equal to Fawn’s…love or lust…

  Disappointment radiated from John where he was sitting on the other side of his desk. His black and silver peppered hair was perfectly cut and styled as his brow furrowed at Fawn. Fawn couldn’t blame him. After Seth had told her the reporters had gotten his picture, she had prepared herself for the onslaught. She did not prepare herself for how cheap they made her sound or how they spelled out Seth’s net worth in the newspaper. She pushed the shock of his net worth aside and looked into his sleep rumpled face. She could still remember waking up in his arms yesterday morning, the scent of sex and his aftershave hanging in the air.

  She missed him, so much that her heart clenched just seeing a picture of him. She swallowed the thickness in her throat, it didn’t matter. Once Seth saw the papers this morning there was no way she would be hearing from him again.

  Pushing the paper away from her she looked at John with a determined expression. “I’m sorry John; neither of us knew they were outside. But none of this is true. You know that.” She accused, making sure her voice didn’t break.

  John sighed. “Fawn; I know that, you know that but the mother of your teenage fan doesn’t know that. She might just prohibit her daughter from buying your next album due to your 'loose morals'. I’ll phone the press and we’ll release a statement. You were fooled into thinking it was love but realized now that he was riding the coattails of your fame.”

  Shock and horror filled Fawn at his words. “John, you can’t do that. It wasn’t like that.”

  John shook his head. “Honey we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do. And right now we need to paint him as the villain or you’ll lose credibility.” His eyes pleaded with Fawn.

  “No John, I’m sorry I can’t allow you to do that. Tomorrow they will have new news and this would be history. I’m not going to slander Seth just because
you ask me to.” Fawn’s blue eyes were wide, filled with emotion as she pleaded right back.

  “What do you suppose we do? We can’t just do nothing.”

  “I think we should talk about the EP I sent you. I know it’s not what you had in mind for me, and I know you think I’m going to lose a lot of fans, but John that is the music I want to sing.”

  “Fawn.” John whined knowing they had just moved from a shaky subject to an earth shattering one. “A couple of weeks in the Hamptons and you’re willing to throw away your reputation and change your sound. This isn’t a good idea. The songs are well written I’ll give you that, but it’s too different from your current sound.”

  “Then we can change it.” Fawn said defiantly. If there is one thing she took from spending time with Seth, is she needed to fight for what she believed in. “We might lose a few fans, yes I know that. But we could gain so much more. Fans that are older with more buying power and that will follow my music for years to come.” She quoted Seth without blinking.

  “I don’t know Fawn. There is too much to consider. You’ll be facing a whole different genre of competition; we’re looking at different gigs, and different producers, this will be a big change.” John twirled a pencil in his hand as he spoke. “Besides if you make the switch and it’s not successful by the time you return to your fans they’d have found someone else younger and fresher to listen to.”

  “It won’t fail John. My heart is in it like it never has been before, besides it’s not like we need the money John. We could make music that could make history, be listened to for generations to come.”

  John’s eyes flickered at the thought of longevity, giving Fawn hope.

  Fuelled with more motivation she continued. “Come on John, if we play this with the right producers I could be the Janis Joplin of our generation. We’ll have adults attending concerts and no more teenage bitch fights and underage drinking to control.”


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