Star One: Neutron Star

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Star One: Neutron Star Page 26

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Just the fact that Teela is worried about the data concerns me,” Jennifer spoke, looking anxiously at Ty. “She isn’t like any other computer. I don’t think she would have said anything unless she suspected there might be a significant problem.”

  “Don’t worry,” Ty answered with a smile, not wanting Jennifer to be worrying about anything tonight. “Steve told me earlier Teela’s concerns with the data. If she finds anything, Steve will notify me immediately.”

  I hope so, Jennifer thought, remembering Teela’s cryptic comment. However, Teela was not a Super Cray, she was much more than that, and she may be looking at the data from a decidedly different perspective.

  Jennifer strongly suspected that very few people actually understood what Teela was capable of. When Teela reached her full state of development, she would make the Super Crays down on Earth look like an old twentieth century set of computers. The elevator door chose that moment to open and the two entered. Ty pressed the button for Jensen’s level and they were off.


  Steve was with Christy in his office waiting for an important com message. Tim McPhryson had requested that they talk over one of the secure audio channels between Star One and Earth about current developments. He had stressed the word secure, though with the technology down on Earth Steve often wondered just how secure their lines of communication actually were.

  “Did Tim say why he wanted to talk to us?” asked Christy, enjoying the rare closeness to Steve that the privacy of his office allowed. It was very seldom they ever had an opportunity to be alone together.

  “No, he just said it was extremely important,” replied Steve, letting out a deep breath. “I have a feeling it probably involves Senator Farley. Tim was particularly adamant about us using a secure line.”

  “Senator Farley?” Christy puffed, her face turning angry. “What is he up to now?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Steve, feeling uneasy. Anytime Senator Farley was involved, it spelled unwelcome news. “What I do know is that we need to get the FarQuest launched on the neutron star mission as quickly as possible.”

  “Our technical crews are going over the FarQuest with a fine tooth comb,” Christy replied with a determined glint in her blue eyes. “Spare parts and the last of the consumables are being loaded later tonight and will be finished in the morning. We can launch within 36 hours if we need to!”

  “I’m sure Senator Farley is still aggravated about us launching the FarQuest to the Moon,” Steve said, noticing how Christy seemed so much more at ease around him than she used to be. He also couldn’t help admiring her blonde hair and how gorgeous she looked standing here in his office.

  “We never did talk to him,” Christy commented. She wondered what had transpired between Senator Farley and the president. “He could be causing all kinds of trouble for President Kateland.”

  “Perhaps we will know shortly,” replied Steve, pointing toward a blinking light on his desk, which indicated that the audio channel had been established.

  “Commander Larson here,” Steve said, flipping on the com unit on his desk so Christy could hear and respond to McPhryson.

  “Good evening, Steve,” Tim’s obviously weary voice came over the speaker. “We have some major problems developing Earthside that we need to discuss and set up contingencies for.”

  Christy and Steve gave each other knowing looks. “Is it Senator Farley?” ventured Christy, feeling anger toward the senator that had been a pain in their sides for so long.

  “Yes, it is,” replied Tim. “He is calling for a full Congressional investigation into the unscheduled launch of the Jupiter Probe ship. He is also asking for Steve and you to be removed immediately from command of Star One, and someone, which his committee will name later to be put in charge of the station. He is saying that both of you have overstepped your authority by permitting an unauthorized launch.”

  “What’s the president going to do?” asked Steve, wishing he could space Farley out of an airlock and glancing over at Christy who had a stern defiant look on her face.

  “The president has asked for air time on all public media stations two nights from tonight. That’s the longest we can delay without a presidential response,” replied Tim. “Senator Farley and his group of supporters are putting a lot of pressure on the president, demanding answers. Steve, we need you down here before she makes that speech.”

  “We are preparing to launch the neutron star mission sometime in the next 48 hours,” replied Steve, glancing at Christy with growing concern on his face. “I had planned on coming down to Earth immediately after the launch.”

  “I realize that, Steve,” Tim replied. “But it’s imperative that you come down to Earth before the ship is launched.”

  “It’s that serious?” Steve asked, not wanting to be away from the station during the launch.

  “We need you to take the Ceres shuttle and return to Earth ASAP,” Tim continued, firmly. “The president and I can then give you a thorough briefing about what’s going on. There are some developments that even you and Farside are not yet aware of that we don’t dare discuss on this supposedly secure line.”

  Steve was quiet as he gazed at Christy; he wasn’t quite sure what to say. He had known Tim for years. From the tone of his voice, Steve could tell that Tim was terribly concerned about something. This didn’t sound good at all.

  “Christy will have to handle the launch of the neutron star mission,” Tim said. “We need you down here, Steve.”

  “I can have the Ceres shuttle prepped and ready for launch at 0:600 hours in the morning,” Steve replied with a deep sigh, knowing that he didn’t have any other choice. If the president and Tim wanted him down on Earth, then he would have to go. “That will put us down on Earth ten hours later if we push the shuttle.”

  If the president and Tim thought it was essential that he come down to Earth this quickly, then the shit must be about to hit the fan. He wondered how much of it was because of the FarQuest launch earlier. He also wondered how much of the information about the neutron star had leaked out. There were already a lot of rumors flying around on the Earth media channels.

  “That would be great,” responded Tim, sounding relieved. “It’s vital that the president and I speak with you before the news conference and that we get you back up off Earth before the conference begins. We have already ordered NASA to have a shuttle prepped and on standby for the return flight. Steve, if things fall as we think, this may be the last time we can safely get you down to Earth and back up to Star One. It will be too dangerous after the president’s speech.”

  “Very well,” replied Steve, glancing at Christy who didn’t look happy. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow, Commander,” replied Tim, signing off.

  “I wonder what’s going on?” asked Christy, her eyes filled with concern as soon as the light for the secure com line blinked off. “It sounds serious if they want to see you personally. They must know that you won’t make it back before we launch the FarQuest.”

  “I guess I’ll find out tomorrow night,” sighed Steve, shaking his head slightly and looking at Christy. “I just wonder what they want to tell us that we don’t already know?”

  “Tim also said he didn’t think you would be able to come back down to Earth after the president’s speech,” Christy spoke with growing unease in her voice. “What did he mean by that?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Steve, curious about that himself. “They must be afraid something serious is about to happen. I suspect Senator Farley and his group are going to be a bigger problem than we originally feared.”

  “I guess we will find out after the president’s speech,” Christy said, wishing she knew what was going on. “I wonder what she is going to say?”

  “I don’t know,” Steve responded. He was glad he wasn’t the president’s speech writer for this one. “Senator Farley has pushed her into a corner. She will have to say something about FarQuest and possibly t
he neutron star.”

  “So it’s beginning,” Christy spoke, wondering how the people down on Earth would respond to the official announcement about the neutron star. “How do you think the people down on Earth will react?”

  “If she tells the people about the neutron star and what threat it represents, it’s hard to tell how people will respond,” Steve replied, his eyes taking on a haunted look as he thought about the news becoming common knowledge. “The danger is still months away, so the initial reaction might not be too bad. It’s after everyone has time to think about the threat and what it actually means to them that the danger will significantly increase. Then anything could happen.”

  “We will need to tell our own people,” Christy stated, not relishing that prospect. How could they tell the people on Star One and the Space Platform that their families and friends down on Earth were probably going to die?

  “Yes,” Steve replied, solemnly. He had already been thinking about that and what he would have to say. He had planned to issue a press release just before they launched the FarQuest, but now with the president’s speech it might be better to wait. “But let’s not think about that any more tonight.”

  Reaching out, he hesitantly took Christy’s hand in his, marveling at how warm and soft her hand felt. He looked into her surprised eyes. They were such a breathtakingly deep blue. He was surprised he hadn’t noticed how beautiful her eyes were before. “Feel like eating at Jensens? I have reservations for two in 30 minutes.”

  “Lead the way,” replied Christy, thrilled at the thought of Steve and her getting to spend some quality time together. This would also be like a real date for once. Just the two of them eating together at Jensens sounded intensely romantic. It would help to get their minds off Tim McPherson’s cryptic message.

  She also liked the idea of other people in the station getting to see them together somewhere else besides Main Control or one of the gyms. She just wished Steve had given her more warning so she could have cleaned up and put on something more appropriate.


  Early the next morning, Christy was in Main Control watching on the main viewscreen as the small Ceres shuttle, firing its small maneuvering thrusters, backed away from its docking bay in the upper wheel. Then, after confirmation from Main Control, its main engine roared to life along with its two small SRBs, accelerating the small shuttle toward Earth.

  The Ceres was a small two-man shuttle capable of handling 2500 lbs of cargo and operating at high acceleration. The shuttle was mostly engines and fuel with two expendable SRBs that would burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere. As the shuttle dwindled from sight carrying Steve along with it, Christy couldn’t help thinking about the romantic evening that Steve and she had enjoyed the night before. It had turned out much better than she had expected.


  They had sat in one of the candle lit alcoves at Jensens enjoying a quiet meal. Jensen himself had waited on them, ensuring that they had their privacy. They had talked about the station and the FarQuest mission, before finally relaxing enough to talk about themselves. Christy had broached the subject first.

  “Do you ever think we will ever have a chance to have a life together?” she asked, leaning forward with her hands on the table, looking at Steve wistfully.

  Steve had sat quietly for a long moment before he had responded. He had taken both of Christy’s hands in his from across the small table and said, “When things settle down some and we have a better idea of our future, maybe then we can think about a life for ourselves. For now, the lives of everyone on this station may depend on our actions. Nights like tonight may be few and far between, but I think it’s important that we try to spend some time together.” Then pausing, he looked at Christy with a serious expression. “You know that I love you and that eventually everything will work out.”

  Christy had been thrilled by the words and could only sit there and nod happily. Her mind shocked at finally hearing the words she had so longed for, she felt goose bumps rush up and down her spine to be replaced by a warm, contented feeling.

  Later, Steve had walked her to her door and the passionate goodnight kiss had put the last one to shame. Neither one had held anything back. If they had been in her apartment, Christy wasn’t sure where things might have led. Then again, she thought with a private smile, maybe next time she would make sure they were in her apartment, after all, they were both consenting adults.


  Christy watched on the main viewscreen as the shuttle dwindled rapidly from sight. The control room on the Space Platform was monitoring the flight since it was better equipped to do so.

  Once the shuttle was gone, Christy contacted Todd Williams. The FarQuest was scheduled to launch at 0:700 the next morning and nothing could be allowed to delay that launch. Steve had made that perfectly clear before he left. The FarQuest had to be launched on time. She had a lot of work to do over the next 24 hours, and she knew that sleep would be at a minimum.


  On the shuttle, Steve watched as Star One and the platform rapidly shrank in size until they were only radiant pinpoints of reflected sunlight, like two brilliant jewels shining amongst the untold depths of the stars. Beside him, John Gray adjusted the flight computer as the ship hurtled toward Earth at two Gs of acceleration.

  “I noticed that you and Christy have finally come out into the open,” John said, scanning his console’s instruments waiting for the green lights to come on indicating SRB shutdown.

  “I didn’t think it was that big a secret,” Steve replied as the ship vibrated slightly from the steady push as the SRBs continued to accelerate the shuttle and hold Steve and John firmly in their acceleration couches.

  “Only from you two,” replied John, forcing a grin in the increased gravity. “Everyone knows how you two feel about each other. It’s been humorous watching the two of you tap dance around the subject. There was even a pool as to which one of you would make the first move!”

  Two green lights lit up on his console, and the shuddering from the SRBs acceleration came to a sudden halt. They would remain attached until they were nearer to Earth. Then they would be jettisoned, and small steering rockets mounted on their sides would force the two SRBs to enter the Earth’s atmosphere at such an angle to ensure they would burn up before hitting the surface. Earth’s own gravity would now do the rest, pulling the shuttle ever faster toward the planet.

  “It was that obvious?” replied Steve, looking over at John. He thought he had hid his feelings better. Both Steve and Christy had gone out of their way to avoid any member of the crew seeing any hints of affection between the two of them.

  “The way you two look at each other is the biggest giveaway,” John replied, humorously. “When you’re around each other you scarcely take your eyes off one another. Oh yes, to a married person the looks can only mean one thing, the two of you have been head over heels in love with each other for a long time. Julie, Kathleen, Ty, and I are just glad you two finally decided to do something about it.”

  “Does everyone on the station know?” Steve asked, exasperated. Were there no secrets on the station?

  “Just about,” replied John, rubbing it in. “We considered making a big announcement on the station information network about your dinner date last night, but we figured everyone had already heard about it so we passed it up.”

  “That’s good,” replied Steve, shaking his head and settling back in his acceleration couch. “I’m glad you decided to let us have a little privacy and not alert the entire station with a news bulletin.”

  The two men relaxed and watched as the blue and white globe on the screen before them gradually began to grow larger. Steve was deep in thought as to what his meeting with the president and Tim McPhryson that night would bring out. From the sound of it, Steve felt that there was something he wasn’t being told. He thought he had detected fear in the usually calm voice of Tim McPhryson. Something was up. It could become a very tumultuous meeting indeed if Senator Farle
y was discussed.


  Back on Star One, Jennifer was going over some hastily prepared notes getting ready for her morning session with Teela. She had just finished talking to several station engineers about installing some special equipment, which had been shipped up from her lab back on Earth. She wanted to get it installed in the computer section and in her quarters.

  She had a big surprise planned for Teela in a few days if she continued to mature, something she hoped would help Teela immensely in the long run. Jennifer could already detect significant changes in Teela’s attitude and responses to questions. She was maturing rapidly.

  “I watched you and Ty last night,” Teela spoke as Jennifer sat down at her desk. She had been watching Jennifer quietly for several minutes since Jennifer had turned on the section’s monitors to allow Teela access.

  “I thought you might,” Jennifer replied in a calm voice frowning and realizing how hard it would be to have any privacy on the station where Teela was concerned.

  “But I didn’t eavesdrop. I had the sound part of my monitoring equipment turned off,” Teela added quickly, seeing Jennifer’s disapproving frown.

  Privacy was one of the things that Jennifer and Teela had discussed quite often recently. Part of that involved Teela knowing when it was all right to listen and when it was not.

  “I think he likes you,” Teela ventured.

  “Perhaps,” replied Jennifer, remembering how nice the evening had been. Commander Erin could be quite charming when he wanted to be.

  “Will you be seeing more of each other when he gets back from his mission?” Teela inquired, curiously.

  “That might be awhile,” Jennifer replied. She was deeply worried about the neutron star mission. Particularly since Teela had voiced her concerns about the Farside data.

  Ty hadn’t said a lot about the mission, but she could tell that it had been weighing heavily on his mind. They had spent part of the evening talking about Jennifer’s experiences on Earth and her early years as an AI programmer.


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