McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve

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McKenzie Cousins Box Set Four: Books Ten, Eleven, Twelve Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

My limbs loosened up and I managed to run with Dylan without too much trouble, but then the bus exploded. I stumbled and ended up taking Dylan down into the snow with me as I felt my arm grow hot.



  I never expected to be sharing a room in a bed and breakfast in Ireland with Jenna McCormick. To be honest, I never expected to be sharing anything with the girl. When she’d woken confused and in pain after being caught in the arm by a flying piece of metal from the bus, something came over me. I couldn’t leave her to the paramedics. So instead, I stayed with her, so she’d at least have someone familiar when she woke up. She, of course, recognized me and got very confused as to why she was in an ambulance with me on the way to the local hospital. She wasn’t best pleased about it either.

  So now we were sharing the only room available after the accident in a quaint bed and breakfast in a town I still didn’t know the name of. The sofa wasn’t comfortable because I was too big for the damn thing. Jenna was in the bed and I didn’t think it was wise to lay on the bed with her until she was fully aware of where we were and why. Didn’t want her screaming and waking everyone up.

  The storm hadn’t let up and we were well and truly snowed in. Three days before Christmas and, at this rate, I’d be spending it with Jenna and a bunch of strangers. Better than being alone like a lot of people were through the holidays. Some by choice, some not. So, in my half sleep state, I decided I was going to enjoy myself. I’d make sure Jenna did too, even if she woke grumpy and wanted to toss me out on my ass. I smiled to myself. It could be fun trying to get to know Jenna while my friends weren’t around to witness her rejection. That was what they called it every time she’d bitten my head off with sharp words. Rejection. I hadn’t even known who she was or seen her before when we’d first met. But she’d gone off on a sharp and painful rant that I still couldn’t work out.

  She had an odd attitude and while we were stuck in the storm together, I planned on finding out why. We had nothing better to do, right? Well, not anything she’d want to be doing with me. My preference would be to spend the days between the sheets with the girl.

  I’d had Ireland all planned out. I’d find myself a sweet, green-eyed Irish girl who would fall at my feet. Instead, the girl in my head had to be in the same country at the same time as me. So instead of finding that Irish lass, I was obsessing over the girl in the bed. I’d been good and kept her clothes on when I’d put her to bed. She would have killed me in my sleep if I’d gotten her changed while she slept. That was something I was certain of.

  My cock twitched and throbbed at the thought of Jenna naked in my arms while it was buried deep inside of her. The girl had some serious curves, which my hands tingled to touch. Her breasts were on the large size and made my mouth water to suckle at. The hard nipples I’d had the pleasure of seeing standing solid and proud against her t-shirt a few times since the crash. It bothered me that she thought she was too heavy for me to carry. Why would she say that? She might not be stick thin, but her curves were enough to bring a guy to his knees. I mean she had me in the balls and I desperately wanted to be with her. Not just in the ‘let’s get naked’ part, but in the ‘let’s talk and get to know each other’ part. Why couldn’t the girl see that I liked her? I more than liked her and that fact had been a thorn in my side for a while now.

  Jenna McCormick was a fiery bombshell with those green eyes and the abundance of red curls she had going on. Probably some Scottish ancestry as well as the Irish going on with her. When it suddenly dawned on me that I’d had an Irish girl on my mind for a long time. I didn’t need to find anyone else.

  She’d been under my nose from the start.

  Now just to convince the girl!

  “How am I in a bedroom with you?” Jenna growled in my direction.

  “I guess the grizzly bear is awake,” I mumbled under my breath, and Jenna definitely heard it as her eyes narrowed. “I guess sweet charming you isn’t going to be that easy, huh?” I added, giving up on sleep.

  I swung my legs to the side and sat up, running my hands through my hair. It would already be a mess, so I didn’t care, right now, what I looked like.

  “My head is fuzzy and my arm hurts.” She turned her arm this way and that and then paled. “The accident. Oh!” Jenna laid back down on the bed, nursing her arm.

  Padding toward her, I asked, “Would you like some painkillers?”

  She groaned. “It’s not that bad. I think I better hold off for now.” She sighed. “They really do have this one room, right?”

  I winced. “Afraid so.” Sitting on the side of the bed, she watched me closely. Hopefully not close enough to witness the reaction I was having at being this near to her.

  “I’ve never shared a room with a boy before,” she mumbled, half asleep.

  My ears picked up at that little confession, which I’m sure she didn’t mean to let slip out of her mouth. “There’s a first time for everything, Jenna.”

  She opened one eye. “You’re blurry.” Rolling to her side, she gave me her back as she let out a soft snore.

  Relieved she’d gone back to sleep, I stretched out beside her albeit briefly. I’d be asleep with her if I didn’t move. The last thing I wanted to do was move though. The bed was comfortable, far better than the lumpy sofa. At least all of me fit on the bed. My feet wouldn’t get cold hanging off.

  Giving a heavy sigh, I forced myself up and into the bathroom. I needed a shower. I glanced at the old thing and wondered whether I’d end up going through the floor when I turned the water on over the bathtub.

  At least the water was warm. Removing my clothes, I shivered and quickly climbed into the bath. The warm spray from the overhead shower soon warmed me. It didn’t take long to get clean, but then I didn’t want to step out because it would be cold again.

  Suck it up, McKenzie!


  The towel was warm as I dried. Grabbing another one, I wrapped it around my waist. I glanced at the closed door and thought about the big bed Jenna currently slept in. I really did need a bed and some sleep. Whether or not Jenna was okay with me sharing, she was about to. She’d slept for a good few hours, so it was my turn. I’m not a selfish jerk, but I seriously needed some sleep.

  I stepped into the bedroom to find Jenna curled up where I’d left her. She had a hand beneath her pillow and her red hair fell around her in waves. She was breathtaking.

  The towel secured, I slipped between the sheets and laid my head down on the pillow next to her. I couldn’t resist turning my face to watch her sleep. My eyes ate her up and I started to count her freckles when my eyes started to close and I drifted to sleep—on freckle number thirty-two.



  I slowly peeled my eyes open wondering who would dare sneak into bed with me. A warm arm across my belly anchored me to the hard body pressed against my back. He was soundly asleep, breathing into the back of my neck. It was most definitely a he because of the large erection that pressed between my clothed butt cheeks.

  Dylan McKenzie!

  His name shot through my mind like lightening. I was in bed with Dylan McKenzie. The crash and the paramedic came rushing back to me. Arriving at the small bed and breakfast, a brief conversation with Dylan, and then…well, everything else was blurry. What happened to have Dylan sleeping in my bed? Or was I in his? Either way I was afraid to move in case that thing between his legs got any bigger.

  Then again…

  I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep and then, holding my breath, I wiggled against him. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but Dylan moaned and tightened his arm around me, and rocked his hips. He slowed down and stopped, so I waited a few seconds until his breathing sounded even, and then I wiggled on him once again.

  “Do you want me Jenna?” Dylan thrust against me and it took me a minute to hear his words.

  “You’re awake?” I blurted and felt my face heat with embarrassment. “How long?”

  “Long enough t
o know you started this by rubbing yourself on me.”

  His words made me throb, but my head was telling me to get out of the bed and go hide in the bathroom. Dylan would be repelled to discover he was in bed with me. Would he? I frowned because he wasn’t running away, in fact, his hands had started massaging my hips. He was still hard against me. Why hadn’t he left the bed when he realized it was me?

  “If you need more time to think about it, I’m more than willing to spend it touching you.” He squeezed my hips.

  That was good.

  Not good at all.

  Before any more thoughts ran through my head, I jumped from the bed like a virgin. Dylan McKenzie made my heart pound hard in my chest and butterflies to flutter around my belly in wild abandon. The man certainly had no problem letting me feel his erection. He’d had no problem touching me. In fact, he’d only gotten bigger, harder when he’d touched me with his hands. The pleasure had been delicious. I wanted to climb back in bed with him, but his presence left me confused. I’d avoided him back at school, and he’d avoided me, and yet, here we were.

  Dylan laid on the bed and the quilt had been dropped to the floor. I swallowed hard when my eyes travelled over his naked body. He’d covered his penis with a hand, and I couldn’t help staring. Dark hair covered his groin and legs. My breath became heavy and my mouth watered. I licked my lips imagining licking him. He was really turned on, and so was I, if I was honest.

  I wanted to feel him between my legs.

  I wanted to see how much of him I could fit into my mouth.

  He groaned. “Jenna,” he whispered and reached for me.

  Seconds from joining him on the bed, I swallowed hard, met his gaze, and fled. “I need a shower,” I shouted over my shoulder, the last words sprouted as I slammed the bathroom door. I slumped against it and slid to the floor feeling like my face was on fire. Embarrassed beyond belief, I had no idea how I was going to face him. He hadn’t appeared embarrassed. No. He’d been aroused, and he’d wanted me. Me who only had two sexual experiences in my life. How the heck did I get myself into this? I couldn’t even remember climbing into bed with him. But for me being clothed, I’d wonder what exactly had happened in the bed before I’d woken up. My yoga pants, vest top, and shirt were still in place although my sweater had been removed at some point.

  My head felt fine but my arm ached. “Urgh,” I groaned when I remembered the paramedic giving me an injection, then I remembered Dylan walking me inside the bed and breakfast. I mean I knew where I was. Well, not the exact location, but I knew about the B&B. Of course! The small place had only one room available. That’s how we ended up in the same room.

  “Jenna, stop hiding in there and come out so we can talk.” Dylan knocked on the door. “I’m coming in if you don’t come out.”

  He was clearly amused, which made me mad as I stood and yanked the door open. “Why were you naked in my bed?” Surprised to see a blush coat his cheekbones, I blinked unsure of my previous assessment of him. “I mean—”

  “I know what you mean,” he said, fastening up his jeans. “I didn’t mean for that to happen. I showered and forgot to take clothes in the bathroom with me. I had the towel wrapped around my waist, so I figured I’d be okay. I was tired okay.” He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. “I can’t help wanting you, Jenna.”

  Ignoring his final words, I took the opportunity to admire his chiseled chest with a light sprinkling of hair. He was gorgeous, not that I’d ever admit that to him. “I’m going to shower and find something to eat.”

  “Is that all you have to say?”

  “What do you want me to say? We were in a crash that could have been fatal. My arm is aching, and I’m tired and don’t know where the hell we are. So, I think I can be forgiven for being brief.”

  “There is nothing brief about it. You’re ignoring the fact that you were rubbing all over my cock.” He smirked. “And you enjoyed it. I heard you moan. I also watched how you reacted to me naked. It made you wet. Admit it! You want me as much as I want you.”

  “Oh! You! You!” I stuttered and grabbed my bag. “You’re an asshole.” With that, I slammed back into the bathroom and shouted. “If you value your life you won’t enter while I’m in here.”

  The asshole laughed.



  Niamh, and her husband Cormac were a wonderful host, which made me feel bad for pretending Jenna and I were a couple so she wouldn’t mind us sharing a room. The truth was, they did have a room coming available that evening, but I’d quickly changed the subject so that Jenna hadn’t heard. I wanted to take the opportunity to have time alone with the girl. I wanted more from her than I’d ever wanted from another girl before. Something about her had hit me in the gut the first time we’d met, and she’d more or less told me where to go. Not my finest moment with Jaxon as witness.

  I watched her now as she read in an armchair while it snowed through the window she sat beside. Her fiery hair glowed in the flickers from the flames crackling in the hearth and her cheeks were rosy. Her eyes lifted and found me leaning against the doorjamb. She smiled and it lit up her face taking my breath away.

  From the few conversations—if you could call them that—we’d had, I knew she wasn’t as confident as she liked to make out. She lacked confidence in herself and I wanted to be the one to show her how beautiful she truly was.

  “Are you going to stand there all night?” Her soft voice was warm and full of peace.

  “You’ve been hiding from me.” I saw her smile fall at my words, and I regretted them. “I’m sorry. I guess I’d hide from me too.”

  “I was embarrassed, okay? I didn’t know how to handle this morning, so I hid.” She shrugged. “You’ve hardly spoken to me before, it was very strange waking this morning in that position.”

  Surprised that she’d bring it up, I replied, “You have a sharp tongue, so I figured I’d avoid it.” I moved closer and sat on the opposite chair. The silence between us stretched while she stared into the fire and I stared at her. “I planned on going for a walk. Cormac told me that tonight a few of the local shops stay open late and the villagers decorate the Christmas tree in the town square.” I shrugged. “I thought it would be nice to get out. Do you want to come with me?”


  I’d surprised her—Good!

  “Yes. It’s a village tradition. Same date every year.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean?”

  I did but I wasn’t about to let her get away with putting herself down. “I don’t actually.”

  She closed the book and placed it on the side table. “I’ll go.”


  “What? You’ve changed your mind?”

  I stepped closer and placed my hands on either side of the chair, hemming her in. “I haven’t changed my mind and I’m not going to. I don’t change my mind once it’s made up, Jenna. My reaction this morning was all because of you! There was no one else in that room with us. It was you and me. That was it. So, think on that while you find your jacket.”

  Hoping I got my meaning across, I backed away and walked out of the room. It wasn’t until I was clear from view that I dropped onto the bench at the front door. Her reaction made me wonder whether she had any experience with guys coming on to her. She obviously didn’t know I was really interested in her. I hadn’t exactly given her reason to believe that until last night. I may have been asleep but the moment she’d started rubbing her ass on me, I’d been wide awake. I wondered if she was in the other room thinking about me naked and it made me grin at the thought. Although, maybe I shouldn’t think too long about being naked with Jenna. At least not while in a public place.

  The vibration in my back pocket announcing a text message caused a loud sigh to rumble out. It would be the bothersome girl again. While I palmed my phone, I unlocked it, and found I was correct. She wanted to know what I was up to.

  Distracted with what Jenna was up to, I typed out
a longer reply than intended telling her about the crash and being snowed in. She immediately replied asking who I was with. I thought about how to reply. Tracy knew Jenna. Had a few classes with her. I wanted to get under Jenna’s skin so she would believe me when I told her that it was her I craved. That it was her who raised my blood and sent it rushing south. No way could I tell Tracy that I was trying to get hot and bothered with Jenna. The girl wouldn’t leave Jenna alone. Instead, I replied, “No one of importance.” I winced as I hit send, feeling bad because Jenna was more important to me than any other girl who I wasn’t related to.

  Clearing his throat, Cormac smirked. “Woman trouble.” He shook his head. “Only a good woman ties a man in knots.”

  “Is that right?” I sighed. “I have one girl back home constantly texting me, who I’m not interested in. I’m with the girl I want to be with, and she doesn’t exactly believe me. She says she isn’t my type. I didn’t know I had a type until she told me that.”

  “Hmm, sounds like I’m right. Jenna is someone you don’t want to let go of, however; you need to tell the girl back home the truth, as well as Jenna. You can’t build anything on a lie, Dylan. Only heartache will follow.” He offered a wry smile. “My Niamh taught me that, and trust me, I wouldn’t wish anyone going through what I did when I fell in love with her. A weaker man would have given up, but not me. I knew she was the one from the moment I saw her. I’ve never looked at anyone else. Don’t need to.”

  I winced. “We go to the same college in Boston. She sometimes gets hung up with the reputation that I helped build. None of its true.” Well, Jaxon, you’re right! “I’m going to show her the real me. The one only my family and close friends know.”

  He smiled. “I’d say you were on to something there.” Straightening, he turned toward the stairs.


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