Silo, 157–58
Singh, K. Gajendra, 9
Sinope, Pontus: archaeology of, 8
as birthplace of M, 27
defense and abandonment of, 290
M’s burial in, 354
M’s exile from, 72, 75–95, 392n4
satrapy in, 37
Strabo on, 45
treasure in, 277
Sinopic red earth, 70–71
Sinora, 277, 316, 323–24, 330
Sisenna, Lucius Cornelius, 5, 142
Skiathos, 190, 192
slaves and slavery: freeing of, 175, 217
in massacre of 88 BC, 13
mining performed by, 70
moral shortcomings of, 47
in M’s military, 207
national characteristics of, 172–73
origins of, 20
pirates and, 20, 52, 116
Roman, 20–21, 128
Roman rebellion of, 110–11, 272, 278
tattoos on, 20–21
trade in, 20, 52, 116, 217–18
Smyrna, 157, 171, 172, 220
snakes. See reptiles; venom
“Snowball Effect,” of oral tradition, 41
Soanes, 86, 325
Socrates, 230, 418n4
Socrates the Good, 139–40, 143, 159, 161, 226
Sophene, 298
Sophocles, 185
Antigone, 215
Sophonsiba, 410n37
Sosipater, 126
Spain, 109, 110, 186, 236, 258–60, 265, 270
Sparta, 185, 191, 236
Spartacus, 40, 229, 236, 272, 278, 344
speeches: historical accuracy of, 400n24
before Mithradatic Wars, 142–46, 263–65
to Parthians, 305–6
on victories, 159–62
spies. See intelligence activities
Statira (sister of M), 45, 98–100, 253, 277, 286, 287
storms. See weather
Stothers, Richard, 267–68
Strabo: on Amasia, 79–80
anthropological observations by, 84, 86, 328, 335
on Bacchides, 284
on Caucasus trek, 331, 333–36
geographical observations by, 85
Geography, 4
and Hypsicrates, 366
on Kainon Chorion, 253
on mining, 70
and Mithradatic Wars, 4–5, 45, 178, 289–90
M’s links to, 45
on Persian thought, 46
on Rome, 108
on Sinope, 45
on temples of love, 295
on water-powered mill, 253
Stratonice, 114, 251, 251–53, 277, 284, 316, 330, 339, 343, 417n51
Stratonicea, 157, 163, 228
Strauss, Barry, 229
suicide: attitudes toward/rationales for, 354, 410n37, 418n10
to avoid capture, 247, 410n37
Hannibal’s, 57
M’s, 348, 349
of M’s family/harem, 287, 330, 339, 348, 349
poisons suitable for, 418n4
of the vanquished, 203
Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 195, 257
appearance of, 196
Cappadocian conquest of, 136
character of, 195–96
death of, 256, 257
dispatched to avenge massacre, 14, 21, 24, 172
Fimbria’s rivalry with, 223–25
generalship granted to, 165
Greek campaign of, 196–213, 221
as information source for M, 4
Marius’s rivalry with, 111, 112, 132, 165–66, 188, 210
and Peace of Dardanus, 221–23, 225–27
poison legislation by, 242–43
prophecies concerning, 196
Roman bloodshed caused by, 229
rule of Rome by, 188, 196, 229, 236
and Second Mithradatic War, 231–33
tactical skills of, 212
Triumph of, 229
victory monuments erected by, 208–10, 209, 212–13
wealth seized by, 200–201, 204, 228, 229, 249
Summerer, Lâtife, 7
Sun, 46, 262, 305, 320, 328, 362. See also Helios
Sun Citizens. See Citizens of the Sun
Sushruta, 241
swords, 32, 70. See also dagger, M’s; scimitars
sycophants, 126
Syria, 138, 172, 221, 255, 297, 298, 330, 331, 340
Tabae, 157
Tacitus, Cornelius, 4
Talaura, 289, 330
tannin, 240
tasters, 72, 246
tattoos, 20–21, 206
Taurians, 261
taxes: M and, 115, 119, 210, 343, 345
Rome and, 20, 47, 128, 167–68, 171, 255, 292
Taxiles, 191, 205, 208, 261, 270, 289, 298, 304
Telephus, 63, 64
Telmessus, 157, 166
Temple, Jerusalem, 163
Temple of Apollo: Delos, 190
Lycia, 183
Rome, 249
Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, 16–18, 17, 20
Temple of Asclepius: Cos, 163
Delos, 122
Epidaurus, 200
Pergamon, 16, 227
Temple of Athena, Ilium/Troy, 224
Temple of Concord, Tralles, 18
Temple of Isis, Rhodes, 182
Temple of Jupiter, Rome, 35, 249
Temple of Serapis, Delos, 122
Temple of Venus, Rome, 249
Temple of Zeus: Athens (Olympian Zeus), 228
Nysa, 18
Olympia, 200
Pontus (Zeus Stratios), 79
temples, asylum in, 16–18, 171, 275
temples of love, 89–91
in Armenia, 295
in Cappadocia, 231
at Comana Pontica, 90–91, 106, 282, 289
Termessus, 157
terrorism, 22–23, 229
Tet Offensive effect, 236, 405n1
Teutones, 160
Thalestris, 328
Theater of Dionysus, Pergamon, 159, 169, 193–94
Thebes, 191, 196, 208
Themiscrya, 279
Theophanes, 171
Theophilus of Paphlagonia, 18, 45
Theophrastus, 201
Theopompus of Sinope, 53
theriacs, 239–46, 296. See also antidotes
Thermopylae, 57
Theseus, 304
Third Book of the Sibylline Oracles, 35
Third Punic War, 51, 110
Thrace, 118, 261
Tibareni, 279
Tiberius, Emperor, 10, 243
Tigranes II, the Great, 112
as Armenian hero, 381n6
assumption of crown by, 136
characteristics as ruler, 296
coin images of, 31, 301
coins issued by, 387n7
and comets, 30–32
empire of, 31, 138–39, 255–58, 296
M’s alliance with, plate 5, 31, 137–39, 147, 153, 246, 257–58, 278, 280, 289, 293–302, 304–5, 324–25
Pompey’s conquest of, 329–30
size of army of, 298, 411n14
as young hostage, 136
Tigranes IV, 100
Tigranes the Younger, 299–300, 329, 357
Tigranocerta, 138, 256, 258, 297–302, 412n19
Timotheus, 240, 289, 309, 311
tiryaq, 244
tomb mounds. See kurgans
tongue stones, 246–47
Touwaide, Alain, 246
toxicology. See antidotes; poison
traitors, M’s treatment of, 214–18, 220, 345–46, 362
Tralles, 18, 157, 175, 220
Trapezus, 88, 113
Triumphs: Lucullus, 275–76, 284, 309, 314
Marius, 112
Pompey, 312, 328, 351, 357–59
Sulla, 229
Trogus, Pompeius, 4, 4–5, 27, 75–76, 400n24
Trojan War, 92–94, 186
trophies, battle, 208
Troy, 224, 274
Truth, 46–47, 49, 60, 150, 36
Trypho, 343
Tsetskhladze, Gocha, 8
Tullianum, 60, 112
Turkey, 1, 3. See also Anatolia
Turret-Folk, 86, 88, 277, 315, 325
Tyrannio the Grammarian, 45, 250, 411n3
ulcers, facial, 340, 353
United Nations, 21, 23
Vaga, Numidia, 112, 173
Valerius Maximus, 254, 321, 356
Varius, Marcus, 260, 261, 264, 267, 274–76
Velleius Paterculus, 26, 359
vellum, 92
venom, 57, 70, 101–2, 111, 238–42, 303
Vespers, Asiatic. See massacres
victory monuments, 208–10, 209, 212–13, 311
Vietnam War, 236, 405n1
vinegar, 92
viper. See reptiles; venom
virtual history, 5–6
Voconius, 274, 276
walnuts, 240, 245
war banner comets, 28, 32
war chariots, 49, 127, 148–51, 150, 206
water mills, 2, 253
wealth: M’s, 115–16, 155, 158, 163, 174, 190, 248, 274, 309, 324–25, 330
Pompey’s, 357
of Pontus, 52–53, 115, 279
Sulla’s seizure of, 200–201, 204, 228, 229, 249
weather, 181, 204, 271–74, 276, 308–10, 335
West. See East-West relations
“what if” history. See counterfactual history
Whittier, John Greenleaf, “Mithridates at Chios,” 218
wolf: as metaphor for Rome, 108, 110, 141, 162, 277
as symbol of Rome, 33, 33, 35, 35, 52, 108
women. See Amazons; prostitutes, sacred; individual women and goddesses
Wordsworth, William, 364
wounds, 310–11, 340, 353, 361
wrestling, 50, 51
Xenocles, 108, 142, 159
Xenophon: on Cyrus, 104, 235
on education, 48–49, 75
The Education of Cyrus, 48–49, 73
on fire ceremony, 235
On Hunting, 73, 87
The March of the Ten Thousand, 48, 335
on Persian thought, 46
travels of, 48, 85–86, 88, 315, 335
on warfare, 295, 308
Xerxes, 93, 94, 114, 121, 185, 200, 262, 300
Xerxes (son of M), 114, 343, 352, 358
Xiphares (son of M), 114, 253, 277, 284, 316, 330, 339
yew, 48
Yushchenko, Viktor, 416n42
Zachalias, 247
Zela, 84
Battle of (47 BC), 369
Battle of (67 BC), 310–11
Zenobius, 216–20
Zeus, 32, 46, 62, 79, 152, 208, 233–35, 311
Zopyrus, 237–38, 241
Zoroastrianism: Aristonicus and, 60
characteristics of, 46–47
and death, 82
and fire ceremony, 234–35
flowers sacred in, 295
and sibling marriage, 100. See also Darkness; Light; Sun; Truth
Zosimé, 298, 358
Zygi, 333
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