Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2) Page 8

by J. G. Sumner

  Huh? I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but the last thing I want is to step out into the sun and heat. “What are we doing?”

  Tony places the napkin over my lap as he tells me his plans. “I’ve been in the city for a few months, and we haven’t seen any of the sights. You, my lady, have been a terrible tour guide. I’ve been a patient man, but you’ve not lived up to your end of the agreement.”

  The pleasant times we had in Florence pop in my head. He showed me the most magnificent places, including the Duomo at night. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. I promised him that I’d reciprocate if he ever came to the States. I’ve been a lousy tour guide. But today, why did he have to pick today? I feel like crap!

  “What were you hoping to visit?” I’m afraid to ask, but I need to prepare myself for what lies ahead.

  “I was thinking the Statue of Liberty. Since she hasn’t welcomed me yet, I want to say hello. Then I was thinking the Freedom Tower. I want to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. I want to eat lunch in Hell’s Kitchen, and see Times Square at night.”

  Oh, Lord. He wasn’t kidding! This is going to be an all day and night adventure. I don’t know if I’m ready for that. The thought alone of taking the ferry to Liberty Island is enough to make me want to purge the food I’m about to devour.

  Time to suck it up, because I can’t say no now. He just brought me all the ingredients I need to pull my tired, hungover rear end out of bed. “Sounds fine, let me just eat and I’ll jump into the shower.”

  I close my eyes and will the pounding in my head to go away. Unfortunately, it’s going to take a whole lot more.

  “I’m sure you probably feel like crap. Eat your breakfast, and then we’ll get you some fresh air. It’ll probably do you some good.” Tony smiles. “I’m going to go finish a few things in the office. Come get me when you’re ready to go.” Tony kisses my forehead and leaves me to get my bearings.

  I take the ibuprofen and eat about half of the food before I climb into the shower. I keep the water lukewarm. The coolness helps to keep my stomach from turning. Okay, I think I can do this. When I’m done rinsing remnants of the night before off my skin, I turn the water off and grab a towel. I think the ibuprofen is starting to kick in because my headache seems to be subsiding. I grab a sundress and slide it on. It’s light and airy—perfect for today. The last thing I need is something clinging to my body.

  After I finish my hair and put on some makeup, I grab my purse and sunglasses and set out in search of Tony. Just as he said, I find him in the office hunched over scribbling something on paper. As soon as he sees me, he stands up and embraces me.

  “You look absolutely beautiful.”

  It’s amazing that no matter how bad I feel, Tony makes me believe I’m as beautiful as he thinks I am. I smile and try to be positive. I don’t want to ruin this day for him. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Of course.” Tony opens the drawer, pulls something out, and slips it into his pocket.

  “What’s that?” I cocked my head to the side to try and get a glimpse of what it was.

  “Oh, nothing. Just my wallet.”

  It doesn’t look like a wallet, but I don’t feel like arguing the point any further. I head out of the office and to the front door. Tony is only steps behind me. On the way out of the building, I notice a new doorman. He appears to be about my age, but he’s very fit, and looks as though he could be a marine. I make a mental note to introduce myself when I’m feeling a little better.

  We take a taxi to the ferry. Tony wanted to check out Miss Liberty first. I was kind of hoping the boat ride might be later in the day. Fortunately, it was a breezy trip. I stood outside and allowed the wind to blow in my hair which helped my nausea. Tony stood next to me and checked out all the sights. We took a few selfies and by the time we got off the ferry, I was feeling like a new woman.

  It’s been a while since I’ve been to the statue. No matter how many times I visit, she’s still such an amazing piece of art. Tony motions to the line to get to the top.

  I stop walking, not wanting to break the bad news to him, but know I have to. “We need tickets to get up there.” I should’ve told him before we left that he wouldn’t be able to get inside.

  Before I can finish my thought, Tony produces two tickets. My eyes grow wide and a smile creeps onto my face. “Where did you get those?”

  “I’ve wanted to come for a while, and I ordered tickets. Today is our day.” Tony winked and ushered me to the line to go up. I don’t think I’ve been inside Liberty since I was a little girl. Part of me is a little giddy. Excitement builds inside and all of a sudden, I’m here.

  We climb up the almost three hundred feet of stairs, through the narrow staircase, and into the lady’s crown. I have to lean over a bit so I don’t bump my head. It’s really a small area and not a lot of people can fit. Once inside her crown, I stick my head out one of the twenty-five windows. The view of the harbor is breathtaking. I try to imagine what it’s like to be an immigrant greeted by such a welcoming statue. People must have been relieved when they finally saw her.

  I walk down the length of the windows. At the end is a park ranger. He appears to be in his late sixties. His hair is graying, and he has distinct laugh lines on his face. His badge states his name is Bob. He stands up from the small chair and greets me.

  “So, what do you think of Lady Liberty?”

  I take a look around the cramped space. I thought I had a strong case of claustrophobia since being locked in the trunk of that car, but it’s not bothering me at the moment. Thank God or we’d have a whole host of problems. “She’s amazing. The view is so impressive. I can’t believe she’s made of copper.”

  “Many people don’t realize that she used to be brown like a penny. It didn’t take long for the copper to oxidize, making her the green she is now.”

  I never thought about it before, but of course she would’ve been brown.

  “So, Miss Kate, the statue has always welcomed immigrants to this country. One of the rare unknown facts is that she’s also a symbol of romance. Miss Liberty herself has left me a letter to give to you.”

  I hold my breath. How did he know my name, and why is he giving me a letter? I take the small pink paper and open it. Inside it reads:

  Hundreds of thousands of people have gone on a journey and adventure of a lifetime to cross the seas and make a fresh start in the new world. Miss Liberty invites you to partake on your own adventure. If you agree to this task, you must follow her instructions implicitly. At the end, you too will find yourself in a new world.

  I glance up to find Bob smiling at me. “Do you agree to the challenge?”

  I glance at Tony, who’s waiting expectantly for my answer. The Cheshire Cat has taken over my boyfriend’s body. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile that big. Clearly something’s going on. What did Tony do?

  “Sure. I guess.” I’m hesitant to agree especially since it’s unclear what I’m getting into. I remind myself that Katherine would be hesitant. Kate would embrace the adventure. I want to be Kate.

  “Yes! Let’s do this.” Excitement fills my voice, and now I’m eager to find out what’s in store. This is going to be fun.

  Bob pulls out another piece of paper and hands it to me.

  I quickly unfold it. The anticipation is killing me. I’m giddy with the prospect of an adventure. The smile present on my face refuses to fade.

  Many people traveled thousands of miles searching for freedom. Make your way to the Freedom Tower to receive the clue to your next adventure.

  While I want to run down the steps and onto the ferry back to the mainland, I can’t. The stairs are too steep, and we have to go slow to prevent us from falling. The last thing I want is to break my leg and not be able to finish the journey.

  Once we get back to the city, Tony and I take a cab to the Freedom Tower. Something that I walk by almost every day somehow seems so much more spectacular today. I’m not sure what I’m
looking for, but I’m certainly eager to find out.

  We get out of the cab, and Tony leads me to the memorial waterfalls. Every time I come by here, I get a little misty. I was a teenager when the previous towers were destroyed. I was only blocks away, and I remember seeing people jump from the building. I always wondered what it was that made them jump to their death instead of searching for a way out. It’s something that I carry with me to this day. It left a huge hole in my heart and I’ll never forget it. I take a moment to observe the largest manmade waterfall in America and pay respect to those who lost their lives.

  Tony takes my hand. Tears slowly make their way down his face. It blows me away the magnitude that such a dreadful event had on people around the globe. It didn’t just impact Americans.

  Tony pulls me toward the Freedom Tower. We enter the lobby where we’re greeted by a tall man in a tan suit. He has blond hair and a goatee. He greets us by name. Now I know what Tony’s been up to while I’ve been working.

  “My name is Ryan. Please come with me.”

  We follow Ryan to the elevator. He presses the button for the one hundred and second floor. As we ascend, my ears pop. The doors open, and we step out to an empty room that appears to still be under construction.

  “This is the observation floor. It’s not open to the public yet. However, Tony was very convincing and we couldn’t say no to allowing you up here. Please, take your time and look around.”

  I look at Tony. He’s got a mischievous crooked grin on his face, and I wonder what he’s up to. I walk further into the room, and check out the furnishings as well as the decorative columns throughout. When it’s completed, the observation deck will be stunning.

  I saunter over to the windows. My breath hitches at the sight, and I don’t realize I’m holding it until I slowly let it out. Surprisingly, the view is even more impressive than the Statue of Liberty. I can walk around the perimeter of the floor and get a view of the entire city. I don’t think there’s anything else like it in New York.

  I look below us at the fountains. Something that seemed so large only moments before now looks like a small dot. Tony comes up behind and wraps his arms around me. “What do you think?”

  I continue to stare out the window. “It’s beautiful. How did you get us up here?”

  “I have my ways.”

  I can only assume he paid a large sum to get us up here. I’m not sure how much money he acquired when he left Italy, but I get the feeling it was an enormous amount.

  Tony and I stand in front of the window without saying a word for some time. It’s a very tranquil experience to watch the hustle and bustle of the city below. Without any sound, it’s almost like being in a bubble and watching the world around you.

  Tony leans down and kisses my ear. “Are you ready to go?”

  His warm breath against my neck sends tingles down my spine. I nod and pull away from his embrace, and instead grab his hand. He leads me to the elevator where Ryan is waiting. As we step in, Ryan hands me another note. I bite my lip and eye Tony as I unfold it.

  Life takes us on journeys unimaginable. Sometimes these adventures change our lives forever. It’s time to go back in the past where you and I met.

  I quickly glance up at Tony. I’m puzzled by this latest letter. I can’t imagine that we’d be flying half way around the world to go back to Italy. Furthermore, I don’t know if I ever want to go there again. My heart begins to race and a panicky feeling settles in.

  Tony smiles. “No plane trips this evening. We’re staying right here.”

  How does he do that? How can he read my mind so easily? As my nerves begin to calm and muscles relax, I rest my head on Tony’s shoulder. I’ve never felt safer than I do at this moment.

  Once we get out of the building, Tony hails another cab. “West Forty-Seventh and Ninth.”

  We’re headed to the Hell’s Kitchen district. Tony is hungry and wants some food. I can only assume from the note we’re going for Italian.

  We arrive to Pietrasanta at about two in the afternoon. The restaurant is fairly empty, and we’re immediately greeted by a host who seats us at a little wooden table back in the corner. I’ve never been here before, but I love it. It has a very homey feel. Unlike the restaurants, I went to in Italy, this has a more modern flair. The walls are painted a burnt yellow. There’s dark wood paneling on the bottom half of the walls. The tables and chair are the same color of wood as the walls. They have floating shelves and a beautiful mahogany bar. The best part is the smell of fresh garlic and oregano permeating the air.

  We are greeted by our waiter who informs us his name is Eric. He begins to uncork a bottle of 2007 Mocali Brunello Di Montalcino. This is the bottle we had on what one would presume was our first date. However, at the time, I wasn’t willing to admit it. I smile remembering that night. We had our first kiss after dinner in front of the Duomo in Florence. That night was magical. It was almost as if fireworks lit up the sky when Tony kissed me. Instead, it was the magnificent building shining brightly behind us.

  Tony samples the deep red liquid and indicates his satisfaction. The waiter fills my glass and then Tony’s. He provides us with menus and leaves us for a few minutes to look them over. Tony holds up his glass. This has become a ritual for us every time we open a new bottle of wine. I know it’s sappy, but I really like it.

  I hold my glass next to his, and he lets out a heavy sigh. “So much has happened since the first time we shared this bottle of wine. Not all of it was good, but I wouldn’t trade any of it as long as I can have you by my side. Here’s to many more firsts.” He clinks his glass against mine.

  I don’t know how this man does it, but he always seems to have just the right things to say. Every moment that we spend together, I fall deeper in love with him. I can’t put into words the feelings I have for this incredible human being. He truly is my soul mate, and I’m so glad our paths crossed in Italy. I wouldn’t change all the bad things that happened if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with this remarkable person.

  I wipe the rogue tear from my eye before opening the menu. The last thing I want to do is get teary-eyed when we’re having such a great time. I glance down at the crème-colored paper the selections are printed on. I skim over the dishes before going back up to the top and read everything more thoroughly. In italic cursive print at the top of the page, it reads:

  Welcome, Kate and Tony. Thank you for sharing this special day with us. We look forward to being a part of many more.

  Tony is again smiling at me with that beautiful crooked grin I’ve come to adore. What am I missing? I get the impression something big is supposed to happen.

  “What’s going on?” For some reason, I’m nervous. My hands are shaking and I’m biting my lip. Not a good thing.

  “What do you mean?” Tony’s smile hasn’t disappeared.

  “Did I forget something? Why is this our special day?”

  “Ha! You can stop biting your lip. You didn’t forget anything. This is a day of firsts. We’re experiencing everything for the first time together. You’ve lived here all your life, and I wanted to make the sights special and provide you with new memories. I hope I’m doing that.”

  I think back to the Statue of Liberty and the Freedom Tower. I couldn’t imagine my experience there to be any more perfect than if I dreamt them. It’s like a storybook day. I’ve met Prince Charming, and he’s whisking me away on his horse to his magical kingdom. Who would’ve known when I eyed that handsome stranger on the train a year ago he would’ve turned out to be Mr. Right?

  I lean across the table and kiss him. I’m not usually a fan of public displays of affection, but I’m so overcome with emotion I can’t stop myself. The bubble that seemed to surround us in the Freedom Tower is around us once again. There’s no one but the two of us. I’m lost in Tony more now than ever.

  We take our time eating and finishing our bottle of wine. When we finally feel as though we’ve worn out our welcome, Tony escorts me out of
the restaurant. Before we get out the door, the host hands me another message.

  This one isn’t folded so I read it without any delay.

  After a filling lunch, you may need an evening stroll. Make your way to Central Park and take a moment to smell the flowers.

  Warmth spreads over my body as though I’ve been covered with a down blanket on a cold day. Central Park can be such a romantic and magical place. Tony and I haven’t been there together, and I look forward to yet another first.

  A limo waits for us as we exit the restaurant. The driver opens the sleek black door and escorts me inside. There’s a bottle of champagne chilling on ice and two glasses perched beside it. There’s something good about sitting in a clean car with a privacy window. I now understand why Kendall refuses to travel any other way.

  I take the opportunity to nuzzle up next to Tony and languishly plant soft kisses on his neck and work my way up to his ear. I nibble the silky lobe, knowing it drives him crazy. He lets out a low growl. I continue to torture him with the kissing as he begins to grow firm against his pants. My attempt to make him feel good and tease him a bit backfires and now I’m getting worked up. I’ve never had sex in a car before, let alone one in which there was a private driver escorting us. Katherine would’ve never even contemplated it, but Kate is ready to explore another first.

  I unzip Tony’s pants and release the beast that’s caged within. I look at it, tempted to devour it with my mouth. Our time is limited, as Central Park isn’t very far away. I choose the option to satisfy both of us. I pull my dress up and climb on top of his lap.

  Tony rips away my silk underwear and growls a little louder, causing my sex to clench. The combination of the wine and the sexy moan emanating from Tony makes me wanton. I position myself over his waiting cock and slowly settle, sliding it into my needy body.


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