Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2) Page 16

by J. G. Sumner

  “What are you doing here?” I’m shocked by Demetrio standing in front of me. No time for pleasantries here. This guy has been following me around for several weeks and now he shows up here and stares at me lying naked on this mattress. I don’t think I could get anymore humiliated.

  He shifts awkwardly, gives a half-hearted smile, and waves.

  I knew there was something that wasn’t quite right about him, but I would’ve never imagined this.

  “I see you’ve already become acquainted with Demetrio. How lovely. We can skip the introductions and get down to business.” Matteo clasps his hands together and produces a wide smile.

  I already know this isn’t going to be good. I don’t even have to see the uncomfortable look Demetrio has on his face. I can just tell by the green-eyed monster’s enthusiasm, he’s found yet another way to torture me.

  “It seems my son has been following you in order to track me down. This is the first time I’ve ever met him, and I think it’s only fair he proves his loyalty. That’s where you come in. I want you to give Demetrio the best blow job he’s ever had. If, at any second, he’s not satisfied or doesn’t appear to enjoy it, you will be punished. Is that understood?”

  I close my eyes. I try to think of some way out of this predicament. How on Earth can I get free?

  “Do. You. Understand?” Matteo slowly repeats.

  Instinctively, I nod. Dread fills my body and weighs on my chest like someone just set an anvil on top of me.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to answer me? Now open your eyes and give me the respect I deserve.”

  I open my eyes just in time to see the hand connect with my face. The stinging causes my cheek to heat up. My breath hitches as I try to recover from the blow. This pain, I can tolerate. I’ve mentally prepared for this. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to recover from what I’m about to be forced to perform.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I stare at Demetrio as I speak to Matteo. The look on his face says it all. He’s scared and appalled by what is going on. If I had to guess, he doesn’t want to be a part of this anymore than I do. So then why is he here? Why is he idly standing by allowing this to happen? Why isn’t he doing anything to prevent it?

  In my mind, I know the answer. He’s probably just as much a victim as I am. In my heart, I plead for mercy and for Demetrio to help me.

  Matteo takes his arm and pushes his son toward me. Demetrio loses his balance, but recovers quickly. My heart starts to race and my hands become sweaty.

  “Son, I expect you to make me proud here. Make her earn her right to lay her filthy mouth on you. Let her know you belong to royalty and you should be treated as such.”

  Demetrio comes closer to the bed. “Do you think we can untie her? I’d kind of like to be sitting down while she takes me.”

  The green-eyed monster laughs. “Of course. I like a man who knows just how he likes it.” He approaches my restraints. “Now, you remember the rules. No kicking, biting, scratching, no anything or things will get a whole lot worse.”

  What choice do I have? I’m completely outnumbered. Hopefully, while Matteo is out of the room, I can come up with a plan to escape. Demetrio isn’t a big guy, and I think with all of my self-defense training, I might be able to take him.

  Once my limbs are free, the green-eyed monster pulls me up by my arm and drags me to the floor. I don’t even get a chance to get my bearings and now my head is spinning as I’m completely off balance. Once I’m placed onto my knees, he begins to tie my hands behind my back.

  “Stop, I want her to be able to rub my balls.” Demetrio’s voice is strong with a hint of arrogance, like his father’s.

  He looks down on me with some weird grin on his face. The sick fuck is going to enjoy this a whole lot more than I would’ve suspected. All the more reason for me to overpower the jerk and get the hell out of here.

  The green-eyed monster releases my hands and instead, grabs my ankles and ties them together. As uncomfortable of a position this is, it’s a much-needed relief from the way I was tied before. I can actually feel my finger tips and toes again. The numbness has, for the most part, subsided.

  Demetrio stands up and releases his pants and allows them to drop to the floor. Judging by the looks of things, he’s not in the least bit stimulated. He uses his hand to arouse himself.

  “You know, she can do that for you.” The green-eyed monster stares at us with the grin that I hate so much. If I didn’t know better, I’d say there was drool coming out of his mouth, he’s enjoying this so much.

  Demetrio glances at me and then to his father before he takes a seat in the chair. He taps his leg, motioning for me to come to him.

  I glare at him before slowly making my way to his lap. I’m so disgusted right now, I could vomit. This is now the second man who has forced himself on me. I feel dirty and disgusting. All I want is to take a hot shower and get rid of the filth they’ve spread over my body like a poison.

  “Move it along, princess.” I glance at the green-eyed monster, who seems to be getting his rocks off seeing me in pain. I’m not so sure this is about seeking revenge on Tony anymore. I’m under the impression that this is just way too fun for him.

  “Matteo, sir, are you going to stand there and watch the entire time?”

  “Yeah, that was the plan. Last thing I need is that one to start any problems that you can’t handle.” Matteo bends over and smacks my bare ass.

  “I don’t know if I can do it with you standing there. It’s kind of uncomfortable having my dad see me with a hard-on.”

  The smile disappears from Matteo’s face. “I said that you would have to prove yourself worthy of taking my name. You don’t just get to waltz into my life and expect to be handed everything I’ve worked so hard for. You need to earn my trust. That starts now. Get going. I want to see this bitch give you the best damned blow job you’ve ever had.” He waves Demetrio on before kicking me in the butt.

  I let out a squeal. It was such a surprise; I never had the chance to prepare myself for it. God, I feel like a stray dog, a useless animal, a piece of trash someone throws on the street. I’ve never felt so low in my entire life.

  Demetrio grabs my head and plants it between his legs. The smell of cologne and sweat almost make me want to hurl. I used to like the smell of cologne on men, but now it’s repulsive.

  I begin to lick the head of his penis. I try to take myself out of my body and just make this a mindless task. Like before, I think of another place and another time. I remember a family vacation to Hawaii and the sound of the waves crashing down on the beach creating an almost rhythmic harmony. The song “Somewhere over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole plays in my head, creating a calmness within. The laughter of children playing in the sand and waves warms my heart. I think about having my own children one day. I’d love to have a daughter. She would have long brown hair like Tony’s. I could brush and braid it. I could read her bedtime stories. The happy thoughts that fill my mind quickly dissipate as the green-eyed monster’s shoe lands in my ribs, knocking the wind out of me.

  The pain is excruciating. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try to prevent any tears from forming. As I take a deep breath, I think I feel one of them moving. It’s then that I know he’s broken one of my ribs. The throbbing is relentless. I try to take my mind off of it, but my face is pulled back to where Demetrio’s cock is standing erect. I swallow down the lump that has formed in my throat and continue doing what I’m told.

  “You need to pay better attention. Fucking focus on getting him off; rub his fucking balls!” the green-eyed monster yells in my ear. I refuse to cry. I won’t let him defeat me. I take my hands and use one to rub Demetrio just as I’m told, and I use the other to stroke the base of his cock. All I can do is make this as pleasurable as possible for Demetrio and get this over with. Hopefully then, I can be tied back into the bed, have the blind fold back on, and cry myself to sleep. If I could crawl under a rock and die right now,
I would. I just want this to be over with either way—dead or alive.

  Demetrio’s muscles grow tense and I know he’s close. He’s breathing heavily and telling me how awesome I am. The words mean nothing. He could put an ice pick through my eyeballs and I still wouldn’t feel anything. I’m numb and dead inside. I’m just a shell of the woman I was only days ago.

  Demetrio pulls out of my mouth and takes his cock in his hand and continues to stroke himself. “I want to cum on you.” Before I know it, he’s shooting the warm liquid all over my face and neck. I’ve been marked by this horrible man. It was bad enough I had to touch him and give him pleasure, but now he’s left a lasting reminder on me. One that I’m sure will stay until I die or the moment I’m found. That’s because Matteo sure as hell won’t wash it off me.




  I go through the same ritual every day. I wake up, rub my hand across the sheets where Kate is supposed to be, and then ball my hands into fists with anger before I climb out of bed and get coffee. As nice as it sounds to get some sleep every night, it’s really only a couple of hours of tossing and turning before I just can’t stand lying there anymore. I feel so hopeless. I’ve done everything in my power to find her and nothing seems to be working.

  This morning is no different than the others. I call Kate’s dad to see if he’s learned anything. Unfortunately, he has no news for me. The FBI hasn’t found any clues in Demetrio’s car—at least not that they’re telling us. It’s only been less than a day since they impounded it. I’m not so sure that if they found something, they would report it out this early. They want to find Kate as much as we do, but for different reasons. However, I think they’d like to get the credit for it.

  I go to the kitchen and refill my coffee. I stare down at it, thinking this was the reason Kate was kidnapped. She was trying to make me happy and get my espresso. I shake my head in defeat and throw the mug against the wall. I watch as it shatters into a million pieces. Every day that goes by without finding Kate, my heart breaks a little bit more, and I’m sure it looks similar to the shattered ceramic that is now scattered on the floor.

  I walk over to the table and sit down with my head resting in my hands. I think of where Matteo might be. He doesn’t know this city, at least not that I’m aware of. Could he have already left? But then why would Demetrio still be here. Somehow Demetrio’s presence seems to correlate with Matteo kidnapping Kate. The same scenarios keep going through my head like a skipping record. Nothing ever comes of it and I don’t find any answers. It’s so frustrating I could scream.

  I pick up the stack of mail I’ve neglected to go through. The doorman finally brought it up to me last night because I hadn’t been picking it up. It really wasn’t on my list of priorities to take care of. Unfortunately, it was creating a lot of clutter for them. We accumulate a lot of mail very quickly with all the magazines that Kate subscribes to. Most of them are something cooking or food related. Others are entertainment. I once asked why she reads the smut when most of it is lies. She told me it was because the stories they would come up with were funny. It was an escape from her own life. I still don’t understand, but I don’t have to read them.

  I finish putting the magazines in a pile for Kate to read later, and then place all the bills and random stuff in another pile. I mindlessly start opening the envelopes. I open the credit card statement Kate uses the most to see if there were any clues about where she may have gone in the past few weeks that Matteo could’ve found her. Unfortunately, nothing stood out and the cycle ended a few days before she went missing.

  I grab another envelope and tear it open. Inside is just a picture. I pull it out and I almost vomit the coffee I just drank. It’s Kate on her hands and knees completely naked and giving that bastard Demetrio a blow job. I push my chair back from the table, walk to the first wall I see, and slam my fist into it. It caves in under the pressure, and I pull out a bloody mess. My heart is racing frantically. My veins are surging with white hot anger. What the fuck is she doing? Is this what it’s been about? Has she been having some sort of relationship with the guy and all of the sudden he wants more? I grit my teeth, trying to control the waves of testosterone that are shooting through my body waiting to find something else to destroy. This is my woman. What the fuck is she doing with that other guy? He’s a fucking loser kid.

  I begin screaming obscenities at the top of my lungs. I throw the chair I was just sitting in against the wall. All I see is red, and I don’t care if I destroy everything. Kate has fucking tainted herself with another man. Could she have run off with him? Maybe Matteo isn’t even a part of this. I don’t fucking know anymore. All I want is to get the image I just saw out of my head. I want to completely erase it from my memory.

  Just as I’m holding another chair over my head and getting ready to break against the floor, Jasper comes flying into the apartment with Kendall right behind him.

  “What the fuck are you doing, mate? I can hear you all the way down the hall!”

  I run toward Jasper and clock him in the jaw. I don’t know why I did it, but that was the only punch I was able to release before he had me in a choke hold on the floor in the blink an eye. I must have a death wish, because if Jasper wasn’t my friend he would’ve probably just ended my life.

  “Are you going to calm down and tell me what’s going on? Or am I going to have to twat you some more?” His British accent is strong as ever. It always comes out more when he’s fired up. I try to slow down my breathing and get myself under control. This fit of rage I’m having isn’t helping anyone; especially myself.

  “She’s fucking that other guy!” The voice that comes out isn’t mine. It’s a cross between crying and screaming and I don’t recognize this person.

  “What are you talking about?” Jaspers voice is calm. It’s just what I need to mellow out. If he would’ve responded angrily to me hitting him, we may have ended up in a pretty bloody battle.

  “It’s on the table. See for yourself.” I motion to the filth.

  Jasper slowly releases me from the hold. “Are you okay?” I nod knowing he’s not referring to my feelings over the picture, but more so to make sure I’m not going to start jacking anything else up.

  I slowly stand up as Jasper picks up the photograph. He stares at the image, expressionless. It doesn’t seem to bother him in the least. Why would it? It’s not his girlfriend sucking off some other guy.

  “It’s not what it looks like.” Jasper holds up the picture and glances at me.

  “What do you mean? I think it’s pretty obvious what she’s doing there.” My tone is sarcastic. I can’t believe he’s sticking up for her.

  “I think you need to take another look.” Jasper holds out the photo for me.

  “No thank you, I’ve seen enough and now it’s permanently imprinted in my mind.” I turn my head and walk toward the kitchen to rinse the blood from my hands.

  “You jackass! She’s tied up, and it looks like she’s been beaten. She’s not doing this because she wants to. He’s fucking forcing her.” Jasper waves the image in my face. “Look at it!”

  I grab the photo from his hand and take another look. Sure enough, her feet are bound together. As I look closer, I see she’s dropped a lot of weight. She was skinny to begin with, so losing five pounds would make her look sick. Her ribs are sticking out and her hair is matted. I look for bruises but don’t see what Jasper is referring to. “What makes you think she’s been beaten?”

  Jasper comes in close and points to Kate’s side. “She’s got a red print there. I think I see some deformity. Look how her skin pops up just a bit there. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she has a couple of broken ribs. It looks fresh, so I think if we saw this picture in a couple more days, that area would be black and blue. Your woman isn’t cheating on you. She’s being forced into providing sexual favors.”

  I use the chair I almost broke to sit down. I take a deep breath and run my hands
through my hair. I’m such a fucking jerk. Why would I ever think she would betray me like that? She’s never given me any reason to suspect otherwise. Now, she’s being forced to do things all because she’s in love with me. Her commitment and loyalty to me have never wavered.

  I ball my hands into fists and scream at the top of my lungs. Anger takes over me this time and not because of Kate, but what my bastard cousin is doing to her. He’s even a sicker fuck than I originally thought.

  Jasper places his hand on my shoulder to ease me down. “Relax, mate. Save that anger for when we find him. It’s not going to do you any good right now.”

  Jasper is right, but knowing my woman is being subjected to God knows what, makes it very difficult for me to control anything.

  “Oh my, God. I can’t believe it!” I glance up to find Kendall with one hand over her mouth and the other holding the picture. I put my head back down. Clearly, it was just as shocking for her.

  “You guys, that’s her old apartment. That’s the one she lived in before she came back from Italy. He’s keeping her there.”

  My head springs up, and I’m sure my eyes are as wide as saucers. “What are you talking about?”

  Kendall gets a crooked smile on her face. “That’s her apartment. He must’ve somehow got in. I’m not sure where the other tenants went.”

  Jasper holds onto Kendall’s shoulders and looks her in the eye. “Do you know anything about the old tenants?”

  Kendall shakes her head. “Nothing. When Kate got this place, she pretty much washed her hands of the other one. She never really talked about it again after that.”

  “Where is it located?” There’s a bit of excitement in Jasper’s voice.

  “It’s on the Upper East Side on Sixty-Eighth Street.”

  I leap out of my chair. That’s exactly where I was standing when I felt Kate’s presence. She was right there within reach, and I didn’t even know. I could’ve saved her then. “That’s right by where we found Demetrio’s car. He was there with her then. If he knows his car was impounded, then they already may have moved Kate. We’ve got to go there now!” I grab my wallet and start for the door.


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