Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2) Page 19

by J. G. Sumner

  He walks back in with a pink box. I’d know it from anywhere. Victoria’s Secret. One can only guess what it is; I just hope it’s not something too trashy.

  Matteo releases one of my arms. I move it around to get some feeling back. It’s the same routine I go through every few hours when he allows me to stretch one limb at a time. Once the blood is flowing again, I take my one free hand and remove the cover while he holds the box in place. I pull back the tissue paper and gasp at the contents. Inside is a navy-blue silk negligée. I hold what I can of it up. It’s beautiful and is heavenly against my skin. It’s been so long since I’ve worn silk or anything for that matter. A smile covers my entire face. I feel like a young girl opening a birthday present to find that Daddy purchased her first doll house.

  I glance up at Matteo, whose eyes have softened. In fact, I’d say they have a warm glow about them. “Can I wear it?”

  “I was hoping you would. I’d love to see you in this, and I thought it might provide you with a little more of the privacy you were wanting.”

  It’s such a small thing, but the thought of wearing clothing is like how I felt having that first meal after several days of not eating. I hand the silk garment to him. “Will you put it on me?”

  His face lights up as his smile grows into a full grin. “I thought you’d never ask.” He walks to the other side of the bed and releases my other arm. It’s the first time since he’s taken me that both of my arms have been free at the same time, except for when I had to give Demetrio a blow job. Instead of letting the feeling back into the arm, I bring my hands together and hold them. I’m not sure why it feels amazing to hold my own hands, but it does, and I hope it’s something I never take for granted again.

  “Lift your arms.” I do as I’m told. The blanket falls from my breasts, exposing them to the blast of air which forms my nipples into stiff peaks. Normally, I might be modest, but this man took all that away from me.

  Matteo gently pulls the fabric over my head and breasts. The softness against my skin is better than I remember. It’s like bathing in rose petals. I’m instantly transformed from a hostage to a beautiful woman. I’m alive, and it feels amazing. I reach up and wrap my arms around Matteo’s neck. I plant a kiss on his cheek and thank him. A happy tear escapes my eye. I can’t believe how emotional I am about a piece of clothing.

  Matteo pulls the blanket off my legs and brings down the negligée all the way before stopping to appreciate what is before him. “It looks beautiful on you. I couldn’t have picked a better color. The blue makes your eyes turn a darker, stormier shade of blue. I think you’re sexier in this than you are naked, if that’s even possible.”

  The redness returns to my cheeks. Matteo is drunk on my body and can’t get enough of it. It’s flattering but, at the same time, a little overwhelming. The bulge in his pants tells me he likes what he sees.

  “I need you, Katherine. I need to be inside of you.” He moves to the side of the bed and grabs one of the restraints.

  “Please, no,” I beg. I’m not ready to be tied up again. It’s only been a few short minutes that I’ve had both of my arms free at the same time. “I want to touch you with my hands while you’re in me. I want to feel the muscles in your back contract as you plant your seed inside. Please.”

  He stands there staring at me, obviously conflicted as to what he should do. For a brief moment, I think he’s going to tie me up and then he climbs on the bed, crashing his mouth against mine. I think I’ve found his weakness. It’s me and the loving touch I can provide. The man just needs to be loved. In a way, I feel sorry for him. The other part of me says to use it toward my advantage to make every day with him a little bit easier.

  Matteo straddles his hips across my body. He tugs on his shirt, but I stop him.

  “Please, let me do it.”

  I gently take the rayon fabric and slip it over his head, delicately placing kisses up his rock-hard stomach and onto his chest as I do so. Matteo isn’t as fit as Tony, but he’s definitely good looking in his own right. I could’ve done worse as far as my captor is concerned.

  Once his shirt is off, Matteo’s gaze penetrates mine and I’m unable to look away. His eyes are a turbulent sea green. There’s so much going on in them, I gasp at the emotion and the connection he’s sharing with me right now. The man may be pure evil, but he’s also hurting. He needs someone, whether a companion or lover, but he needs someone he can trust.

  I reach up and touch his face. Despite my current predicament, I do feel sorry for him. I don’t like to see anyone hurt. He takes my hand and plants his lips to it and seemingly inhales my scent before reaching down to wipe the hair from my forehead. There’s an unspoken dialogue and for a few fleeting moments, I feel like I’m the one in control.

  Matteo scoots down my body and pulls up the negligée, exposing my tummy. He circles my navel with his tongue while gliding his hands up to my breast giving them the gentle tug they’re so desperately craving. His lips are gentle but electrifying and his hands torturous, leaving me craving very little but more of the expert stimulation my body can’t seem to get enough of.

  He gently spreads my legs, exposing the delicate pink flesh that screams for his nurturing. I’ve given up trying to fight my body and instead have succumbed to the ecstasy that unfolds several times a day. It’s not such a bad thing if I don’t think too much.

  He uses his thumb and presses against the bundle of nerves that have taken control of my mind and body. My eyes roll into the back of my head as his mouth makes contact to my most sensitive parts. I put my hands through his hair, pulling his head closer and giving the pressure I need to reach the ledge and dive off into the unknown world waiting below.

  Without warning, Matteo pulls away and looks me in the eye with that sadistic grin I haven’t seen in a while. My breath hitches and I immediately move to cover up. The grin disappears and changes to concern. “I’m not going to hurt you. I was just going to comment on how greedy you are. Your body is insatiable for me.”

  I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding. I force a smile, not completely ready to let my guard back down. He leans down and plants kisses along my inner thigh. My sex is clenching, searching for something to grab onto and take it for a pleasure ride. My mind wanders and is lost into why I get so worked up over that hateful grin. He’s done nothing to hurt me lately. I need to trust in that.

  He comes back up and brushes his hand against my cheek as he stares deeply into my eyes. “I’m falling in love with you. I’ve never experienced anything like this. You’ve taken a hold of my heart, put a chain around it, and won’t let go. I just want to be with you, just the two of us all the time. I want your body next to me and for us to be one—partners and soul mates.” He crashes down on my lips pushing against them with his tongue and connecting with mine. The man is staking claim to me right here and now, and there’s no way for me to escape it. All I can do is concede the battle and allow him to ravage and mark me as his own. Perhaps, one day I can learn to love him.




  Matteo stayed with me the entire night. It’s the first time he’s ever done that. It was comforting having a warm body next to me while I slept. He even allowed me to sleep with an arm and leg untied so he could spoon me. It’s the first time since I’ve been here that I didn’t wake up startled and wondering where I was. Instead, I woke up to the sound of the train going by and birds chirping. Not so bad.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Matteo startles me out of my thoughts. I turn my head toward him to find his green eyes beaming. He’s happier than I’ve ever seen. I did that for him. I’ve turned an angry monster into a man who has something worth living for. There’s something very empowering about that.

  I smile and attempt to cover up my dragon breath from not brushing my teeth in a couple of days. What I wouldn’t give for some floss, a toothbrush, and mouthwash. “Good morning.”

  He tak
es a tendril of my hair and begins to curl it around his fingers. “How did you sleep?”

  “Hmmm, like a baby. I think it’s the best night sleep I’ve had.” I close my eyes and shimmy into a more comfortable position.

  “I’m glad. Are you hungry? I could make you something to eat.” He’s never offered to make any food. He’s always had something delivered by one of his men from a local restaurant.

  “I am, but I really have to pee. Do you think I could use the bathroom instead of the bedpan this time?” I don’t expect to hear the answer I want. He’s only allowed me to go the bathroom just the once. He’s insisted that he take care of every one of my needs. While I’ve become accustomed to him waiting on me hand and foot, it would be nice to get out of this bed if only for a little bit.

  “I’m not sure I can trust you completely yet.” He’s apprehensive and the look on his face is all business. At least I know what he’s thinking about and he might be getting closer to allowing me some freedom and privileges.

  I think I need to give it one more shot. I’m not worried about being punished. I think we’ve reached a new phase in our relationship or whatever you’d call this. “Please, it’s so awkward going on that pan, and I’d love just to be able to stand up for a few minutes. My back is a little sore from lying flat for so long.”

  “Fine, but your hands will be tied the entire time.”

  Despite his intense stare, I’m giddy. I feel a sense of victory. I’m able to use a bathroom like a normal human being. I want to jump up and down, and do the happy dance, but my restraints prevent that from happening.

  Matteo quickly unties my other arm restraint and then ties my hands together before releasing my legs. He helps me sit up on the side of the bed. I’m a little light-headed at first, but it goes away quickly. My knees become wobbly the instant I stand up. I can’t believe how weak they’ve become in such a short amount of time. I need to practice some calisthenics or something to keep my strength up. I don’t want an opportunity to become more vulnerable than I already am.

  I take my time walking into the bathroom. Even though I have to go bad, I’m afraid of falling. Matteo doesn’t push, but instead stays with me the entire time. In a way, this is comforting. On the other hand, it would be awesome to go to the bathroom in private for once. I don’t mind peeing in front of someone, but it’s embarrassing when I have to poop.

  Matteo tries to help me sit down. I let him know that I want to do it on my own. This is a chance for me to use my leg muscles and do a squat or several if I can manage it. I need to see what my body can do. I beg for it not to disappoint me.

  “Do you think we can brush my teeth while I’m here? My breath smells like it could kill flowers.”

  Matteo laughs. It’s a real belly laugh that I’ve never really heard from him. His others have all been sarcastic or an attempt to belittle me. “There’s nothing on you that could kill anything. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

  Either this man is completely full of crap, which wouldn’t surprise me, or he’s really fallen head over heels in love with me. “You’re very kind, but I’m sure the sugar bugs are having a field day trying to make cavities in my mouth. I’ve always had really good oral hygiene and I’d like to try and keep that up if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Certainly.” Matteo moves over to the sink and prepares my toothbrush while I finish my business. Since I’ve been fed on a more regular basis, I tend to use the restroom much more. I can’t say I’m happy about that aspect.

  When I finish, Matteo walks me over to the sink where he begins the process of cleaning my mouth and teeth. I practice standing on one leg at a time.

  “Would you stay still? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  All the movement from my stand in place exercises is making it hard not to jam the brush into my gums. “It just feels so good to move around. I’m sorry.”

  Matteo continues plugging away at cleaning my teeth. It’s almost as if he’s a dentist; he’s been in there so long. When Matteo finishes, he washes my face with a washcloth, and I feel like a whole new woman. I have renewed energy and a growing sense of happiness that my day has started off so well.

  “How about you walk back and forth the length of the room a few times to stretch your legs out a little more.”

  I stare at Matteo, unable to fathom what I’m hearing. He’s actually allowing me to stay out of bed a while longer. This time, I do jump up and down and I lean in and kiss him on the cheek. Instead of walking, I do lunges back and forth across the room until my legs begin to shake and I just can’t do another one. I’ve always had great legs and I’m not ready to give up my greatest asset.

  “What would you like for breakfast?” he asks while assisting me back into bed and tying the restraints.

  “You’re asking my opinion?” I’m shocked. He’s never once asked me what I wanted to eat. He just serves me whatever he wants.

  “Yes. I think you deserve a special treat. You’ve been very well behaved as of late.” He smiles down at me and if I’m not mistaken, there might even be a twinkle in his eye.


  He laughs. “Yes, anything.”

  “I’d kill for eggs benedict with some spinach and avocado on top. Oh, and I’d love some greasy hash browns with lots of salt.” My mouth is already salivating at the thought of it. I know I should probably ask for something healthy, but after not being able to have what you want to eat, I decided to be gluttonous and go the entire nine yards.

  One of his eyebrows shoots up. “Are you sure?”

  My stomach is growling, and now I’m getting anxious. He better get a move on or I think my stomach may eat itself. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

  “I’m just a little surprised. I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone who eats greasy hash browns.”

  “Bring it on. And bring a side order of bacon if you can.” Now, I’m just being a pig.

  “What the lady wants, the lady gets.” Matteo walks out the door and closes it behind him.

  He didn’t turn on the television before he left, so I’m alone and forced to focus on things going on in my head. I think about the food for a little too long before I figure if I keep it up, I’ll drive myself insane. Instead, I decide to focus on keeping myself strong. I don’t have a lot of movement with the restraints, but I have enough to where I’m able to do some crunches. I probably do a couple hundred before my stomach muscles begin to cramp up and scream obscenities at me.

  Next I decide to do a modified pull up with the ropes. It’s not much, but my arms and chest muscles contract enough to make me feel like it’s working just a little bit. By the time Matteo comes back with my food, I think I’ve had a pretty good workout despite my circumstances, which has only served to increase my appetite more if that’s even possible.

  Matteo puts the tray of food down on the table. I look over and see that he has everything I’ve ordered. In addition, there’s a second plate which I presume is for him. He unties both my hands, puts the tray over my lap, and then goes to the other side of the bed with his own plate. We are sitting there in bed eating like a normal couple. It seems a little weird at first, but then it is comfortable. We engage in mindless chitchat before I decide to push my limits.

  “Tell me about your son. I didn’t know you had one.” I know I probably shouldn’t ask, but I’ve gotten everything I wanted today up until this point, why not try to find out more about this deranged killer turned into nice guy?

  Matteo chews his food for what seems like an eternity. Just when I think he’s not going to answer the question, he speaks up. “It’s a long story, and I’m not sure how to explain it.”

  He sounds sad, but I decide to press it anyway. “I have all the time in the world.” I motion to the restraints around my ankles and laugh. Who would’ve thought I’d ever make a joke about being held captive? “How about you start the story from the beginning?”

  Matteo swallows before speaking. “I was about sixteen years old
when I met this girl. She was the most beautiful person I’d ever met. Her long black hair was perfectly straight, and she had the most amazing piercing grey eyes I’d ever seen. She was a couple of years older and more experienced than me. One night, she met me out in the fields behind my house after everyone went to bed. We laid there for several hours talking about things, when finally, one thing led to another and we made love under the stars. At the time, I thought it was the best day of my life. My first time was perfect or so I thought.

  We continued to see each other for a while after that, then we found out she was pregnant. I was ready to marry her and start a family. She was the love of my life. When my father found out about it, he refused to allow me to see her anymore. She was from a very poor family, and he felt she was trying to trap me so she could gain better status and access to our money. At least that’s what he told me. Long story short, I found out that she’d been sleeping with a bunch of other guys, and we weren’t sure if the baby was really mine. My father paid her to get out of my life. I never heard from her again until about the time you entered my world the first time. She provided a paternity test and threatened to let the authorities know where I was if I didn’t pay her twenty million euros for all the struggles she’s had to endure because of my father and having to raise a bastard child.

  “Anyway, I tried to talk with her and find out more about my son, but she refused to ever let me see him. It’s fair to say she became a pain in my ass and wanted me to support some drug and gambling habit she’d acquired. Next thing I know she turns up dead, and Demetrio finds me at your old apartment. I’m not sure how he tracked me down, but I’m glad he did. Now, I’m just trying to make sure I can trust him. It’s not just anyone who can be in the line of work I’m in, but I think he’ll turn out fine.”


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