Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2)

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Scorned (Surrender Series Book 2) Page 23

by J. G. Sumner

  Jasper grabs his phone and follows me to the door. “Let’s go.”

  My heart stops. “Don’t you need to do some computer crap? You can’t just put everything on hold for me.”

  Jasper lets out a slow chuckle. “Don’t you fucking know me better than that? I can run this entire operation from this little piece of equipment. Besides, I’m just waiting on a few calls. I don’t need to be in front of the screens.” Jasper shoves the high-tech piece of equipment into his back pocket. “Kendall, love. We’ll be back. Stay here.” He calls over his shoulder.

  I stop and turn back around. “Don’t you want to make sure she heard you?”

  His smile widens. “Wait for it.” Jasper holds a hand up to his ear and almost on cue, Kendall calls out from the back bedroom.

  “Hurry back, I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

  “Jesus, man. What is she doing in there?”

  Jasper shuts the door behind us. “Use your imagination. All I can tell you is the woman is like a bloody minx. She can’t get enough of my Woodrow.”

  We walk down the halls to the elevator. All the tension that was wound up tighter than a fiddle string only moments before has begun to dissipate, and I can breathe again. “Any chance of taming that wild cat?”

  “Why spoil a good thing?” Jasper winks.

  I’m not sure if he’ll ever settle down, but if he did, I suspect it might be with someone like Kendall.




  Yesterday was one of the worst days of my life. I seem to have a lot of those lately. Finding out that Tony and my family are still looking for me and what it’s done to their health, as well as finding out I’m pregnant, and being brutalized by the green-eyed monster in exchange for him not killing Tony seems like grounds for a horrible day.

  This morning has started off differently. Matteo woke me up by softly stroking my arm and providing soft kisses up and down it. When I opened my eyes, I expected to find Tony. Instead, I find a very apologetic man begging for my forgiveness. He blamed his anger on bad business dealings. I nodded and accepted his apology. What other option did I have? The last thing I wanted to do was give him another reason to get upset.

  When he was assured that I was in a better mood, Matteo went to get me breakfast. He came back with a bowl of vanilla yogurt with granola and fruit. He didn’t put any more milk on the tray since I told him I couldn’t stand it. I’m very thankful for that. When breakfast was done, I decided to start my morning workout. I already feel stronger than I did a week ago, which is great for my self-confidence. Between the weight gain from actually eating and the exercise I’ve been doing, I don’t feel like a frail little thing that can be blown away like a leaf in the wind.

  I’ve been back in bed for about five minutes, when a knock on the door startles me from the movie I just started watching. Matteo slowly opens the door and walks through with a gentle smile painted on his face. Behind him is a man I don’t recognize.

  “Princess, this is Doctor Reynaldo. He’s going to take a look at you and the baby and make sure everything is okay before we go on our vacation.” Matteo moves further in the room allowing the doctor to come in.

  He’s an older gentleman, I’d guess in his late fifties. His hair is graying and glasses take up the space on the bridge of his nose. He’s wearing a burgundy polo shirt with khaki pants and some brown loafers. Judging by the look of him, I’d say he’s not very comfortable being here. My guess is Matteo offered a very nice bribe in exchange for the good doctor’s silence. How fortunate for me. Any chance of being rescued from this man is pretty much non-existent. Part of me wants to give in to the life I promised to give to Matteo in exchange for Tony’s freedom, and the other part of me wants to fight and try to escape the inevitable.

  The doctor approaches the bed that is messy from me laying in it for the last six weeks. Matteo has not once changed the sheets and they smell like crap. How I miss the luxury of my thousand thread count Egyptian cotton bedding in my apartment. “Melissa, tell me how you’re feeling.”

  I furrow my brow and look to Matteo for direction. He provides me with a nice stink-eye, informing me to play along with my new name. If I dare cross the line, the good doctor could end up another statistic, and God only knows what will happen to me or Tony.

  “I’m feeling pretty good. I haven’t had any nausea in a couple of days and overall, I’m healthy.” I’m not lying. I don’t feel any different. I guess pregnancy suits me well.

  “Do you have any trouble eating?” Doctor Reynaldo reaches into his bag, removes a blood pressure cuff, and places it on my arm.

  I think for a moment. I know I’ve had some issues with food, but they were for the most part after the green-eyed monster did something horrific. “No, I think I have a pretty good appetite.”

  He puts the stethoscope to his ears and pumps up the cuff. The room is silent while he’s taking my blood pressure. When all the air is finally released, he begins asking questions again. “Are you sleeping okay?”

  “Yes, I’ve had no issue with that. I’ve been a little more tired than usual, but nothing too bad.” My answer is honest.

  He places his fingers on the inside of my wrist to assess my pulse. Silence ensues again as we wait for him to count out the beats. “Well, everything looks good here. Your vital signs are all within normal limits. You’re going to need to continue to get plenty of rest and eat a well-balanced diet. In addition, it’s essential for you to start taking prenatal vitamins and eat foods with plenty of iron. You can get the vitamins over the counter at any drug store. I’m also going to have you take folic acid. You’ll need to take one a day to help prevent birth defects. Do you have any questions?”

  “How far along am I?”

  The doctor pulls out a pregnancy wheel. “Normally, I’d do an ultrasound on the first visit to get a look at the baby, the heart, and determine the approximate due date. Unfortunately, I can’t do that here. So, I’ll need you to tell me the date of your last menstrual period.”

  I think for a minute before answering. “I don’t know. I had an implant in place and then took it out to switch to the pill a few months ago so it would be easier to get pregnant when I was ready. I haven’t had a period in a few years.”

  The doctor puts his wheel away. “It could be anyone’s guess without an ultrasound. It would all depend on how the transition went. The pill doesn’t necessarily take effect right away, so if you haven’t been using any other form of protection since you had the implant removed, you could be a several months pregnant. It’s more likely that you’re just a few weeks because usually the implant has some residual coverage after it’s removed. You should really come in for an ultrasound when you get back from your vacation.”

  I bite my lip to prevent myself from smiling from the news. There’s a small possibility this baby could be Tony’s. Butterflies lift their wings and take flight in my stomach. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have his baby. All of a sudden, I have a renewed sense of energy and excitement.

  The doctor stands up from the chair and begins to walk out. “You’re all set for your trip. Just make sure you settle on an OB/GYN when you get back. It’s important to have routine prenatal check-ups. Have a great trip.” Matteo follows the doctor, shuts the door behind him, and leaves me alone to bask in the glory of possibilities.

  Matteo comes back only moments later with a perma-grin still consuming his face. I have the choice to rob him of his joy and let him know it could be Tony’s, or I can keep this little gem of hope all to myself. I choose the latter and hold onto a future of hope. We’ll find out for sure soon enough.

  Matteo crawls on the bed, up over me, and plants a tender kiss on my lips. The man who was so sweet with me only a couple of days ago, is back. I’m having such a hard time reading his moods swings, I don’t know how to react.

  He pulls back and looks into my eyes with a fiery passion I’ve seen only when he’s interested in
taking over my body. It’s like cupid shot an arrow in his butt, and now he’s a love-sick puppy. I like this side of him, and wish this is who he was all the time.

  “I can’t believe you’re having my baby. I couldn’t have picked a better mother if I tried.” Matteo’s words warm my heart, and make this pregnancy real. No matter who the father is, I’m still this baby’s mother, and it’s my job to care for him or her the best I can.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.” His mouth tantalizes my neck and makes its way to my neglected breasts, which act as though they’re starved for attention from any man who will give it to them. Traitors. Once the heat from his mouth erupts, my nipples turn into tight little buds, and my sex ignites my pilot light into a fiery inferno. God damned my body has a mind of its own, and I wish it weren’t so damned needy, and I wish even more Matteo was being the horrible person I know he’s capable of. Then, perhaps my body would be more inclined to turn him away.

  For now, I let him work me into breathless hunger searching for a release. This isn’t like when I’m with Tony. I have no emotion; I’m just having sex, and trying not to think about who it’s with. Detaching my mind is the only way I can allow this to happen, and it seems to be working so far.

  Matteo works two fingers past my folds into the base of my volcano. He moves his fingers around with such precision, it builds up the fire within, causing me to buck my body against his and ride along with the rhythm of his hand. Before I can stop it, the volcano explodes and lava is quickly escaping from the apex and down through the crevices. My body changes from angry and ready to explode, to warm molten lava softening to the inner core.

  Before I can catch my breath, Matteo plunges into me, moving slowly at first as though he’s paddling out to the break to catch a wave. His rocking becomes a more consistent and steady pace. My body revs up all over again, and follows his lead. We shift on the surfboard waiting for the perfect set to come in. As a set begins to build, Matteo paddles faster, moving our bodies rhythmically as one. He rides me into the crest and we both crescendo down the wave riding out the ecstasy of the white water around us. My heart is pounding a million miles per hour as I gasp for air. Matteo buries his head in the crook of my neck attempting to catch his breath.

  “I love you.” I can’t believe the words that just came out of my mouth. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, or perhaps I’m just out of my mind.

  Matteo pops his head up with a big goofy grin. “Did you just say what I think you did?”

  I nod, and wait for his reaction. Matteo wipes the hair from my face and looks tenderly into my eyes. “I had hoped you would feel that way about me someday. It was a little sooner than I expected, but we have so many great things happening, that I understand why you’d be overcome with emotion.” Matteo presses small kisses to the tip of my nose and makes his way to my mouth. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  My cheeks warm, kicking up to a boiling hot temperature. I’m still uncomfortable with compliments from Matteo. It’s hard to tell if he’s sincere or putting on an act. Matteo slowly rises off of me.

  “Where are you going?” I’m curious as to why he’d get up so quickly after I just professed my love to him.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you. I’ll be back in a little bit. Do not get out of this bed.” It’s hard to tell if he has plans for me when he returns or if this is a warning. I’m going to take it as the latter. I can’t take the chance being hurt again while I’m pregnant.

  I cover myself with the sheet, and plant a smile on my face. “I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

  Matteo puts his pants back on and exits the room.

  Honestly, I can’t believe those three words escaped my mouth. I was thinking about making love to Tony. I imagined him next to me and not Matteo. The words just slipped out and I was shocked when I heard them. There was no way I could take them back or Matteo would know that I’ve been thinking of Tony instead of him while having sex. I can only imagine the rage spell that would throw him into.

  Now I’m left here waiting for him, wondering what sort of surprise he has in store for me. I can only imagine.




  We’ve been searching the neighborhood Jasper suggested for hours. There’s no sign of Kate or anything suspicious. I haven’t had any premonitions of her being near. My feet are aching, my stomach growling, and my head hurting. I haven’t eaten all day, nor have I stopped to take a break. I can’t, knowing that Kate is lying somewhere being subjected to random men taking advantage of her. I need to find her.

  Jasper and I decided to separate and cover more ground. The ten men he’s got assembled are combing every street, alley, and corridor. It’s only a matter of time before we find Kate. We have to. I don’t know what I’m going to do if we don’t. My life would be over. I’d have nothing more to live for.

  I turn down an alley just as a freight train roars by. The horn it blows is loud, and it shakes the ground I’m walking on. Despite it being daylight, the alley is dark and shaded. Several big green dumpsters line the road. Cardboard boxes lay scattered next to them. An orange tabby cat meanders across the narrow street. I think you could only get one car through here. I hate to see what would happen if there were two.

  Other than the cat, it’s empty. I continue walking and as I get closer to the light at the end, someone grabs me from behind. He covers my mouth and presses what I’d guess is a gun into my back. I freeze while I assess who has me and how many people are around.

  “Non ti muovere!” He tells me not to move and nuzzles the gun deeper into my back.

  Jackpot! Kate’s close. For sure, this is one of Matteo’s men. I know I should be afraid, but right now, I’m ecstatic. This is the closest I’ve been to her in longer than I can remember. I’m going to get my baby back.

  As I further assess the situation, I know he’s alone. I can easily take him; I’ve been trained for this. But, I need him to lead me to Matteo and Kate so I hang on just to see what he’s got in store. I slowly reach to the phone in my pocket and press the panic button notifying Jasper of where I am and that there’s trouble. He’ll be here before this guy knows what hit him.

  “Who are you?” I don’t really give a crap who he is, but hopefully, it’ll put him on edge and make it so he doesn’t notice when Jasper comes up behind him.

  “That’s none of your fucking business. Walk!” The dick-weed pushes me forward and has me walking toward the end of the alley. We turn right into the sun, and then make a left into another dark alley.

  That’s when the hairs on my skin stand up, my heart races, and I know I’m standing in front of the building Kate is in. Now, I just need to figure out which apartment Matteo is keeping her in. That might prove to be a bit challenging.

  “Where is she? I know she’s close. Tell me what apartment she’s in.”

  The man laughs. “You don’t need to worry about that. It’s not like you’re ever going to see her again. You’ve made your bed, now you’ll have to lie in it.”

  I’m not sure what he’s talking about, but I can assume he’s going to bring me to Matteo who’s planning on making sure I never take another breath. The gun is suddenly gone from my back, and a thud sound erupts as the man falls to the ground.

  I turn around and find Jasper standing over the man who was following me yesterday. I don’t recognize him, not that I expected to. The last time I saw Matteo’s men, they were rounded up by the Italian authorities or killed.

  “You okay?” Jasper looks me up and down.

  “Yeah. Kate’s in this building.”

  Jasper looks up the six-story brick apartment structure. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I can feel her.” Excitement builds, and I can’t stop the smile from finding its way to my lips. It’s only a matter of time before we bring her back home. I can’t wait to hold her in my arms and sink my nose into her flowery-scented hair.
r />   “This scum bag didn’t happen to tell you which one she’s in, did he?” Jasper kicks his side to make sure he’s not going to get up any time soon. I’m not sure what Jasper did to drop the guy, but he’s out for the count.

  “Nope, you got here too quickly.”

  Jasper gestures to the run-down old building. “Well, mate, it looks like we have some work to do. Let me call my men to help us out and take care of this piece of shit.” Jasper pulls his phone out and dials. “Meet me here ASAP. We’ve identified the location.” Jasper hangs up the phone and pulls a zip tie from his back pocket, and restrains the unconscious sap on the ground. Urine permeates the air and I have to wonder if it was always there of if this guy just pissed himself.

  “What’s the plan?” Jasper’s the expert on this sort of thing and he better know what to do, because I sure as hell don’t. If it were left up to me, I’d frickin’ storm every goddamned apartment until I found my woman, and then I’d go postal on that jackass cousin of mine to make sure the prick never bothered us again. I take a deep breath. My heart rate is soaring from thinking about Matteo. A vein on my forehead is twitching and my jaw is tight. I’m about ready to blow a gasket, and I don’t feel like waiting another minute before we go in.

  “Look, mate, we don’t want to upset the natives in there. So, we’ll have to play it cool. Our best bet is you walk the halls and see if your weird Spidey sense kicks in, and go with that. Our other option is to wait for this wanker to wake up and spill the beans, although I think it’s fairly unlikely he’ll do that. Your cousin would have him killed if he ever found out this guy ratted him out. I’ll have one of my guys hang back with him just in case and see if he’ll talk. In the meantime, you better keen in on your weird affinity for identifying Kate’s whereabouts.”

  I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the most important thing I’ve ever done. If I can find Kate and bring her home, all the agonizing that’s taken place over the past few weeks will be worth it. I just need to hold her, feel her heartbeat against my chest, and make sure nothing ever happens to her again.


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