Unbound Trilogy Boxset

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Unbound Trilogy Boxset Page 46

by Coopmans, Kathy

  Hours upon hours, I’ve sat around wanting to be out there looking for her while pangs of regret chip away, especially after watching the security footage of them kidnapping her. Drugging her, watching her go limp in Shadow’s arms and then the bastard threw her in the trunk of a car like she was garbage. Don’t think I can stomach watching it again.

  I could have killed Shadow many times. But, back then, I wanted to make him pay. I wanted him to suffer when he found out about the money and me and Ellie. I wanted him to beg me to end his life, and now Ellie is caught up in my revenge because the ruthless mind of Shadow would have killed me when he had the chance if he didn’t want me to suffer.

  Shadow would have never found her if I had listened to Lane when he told me to leave her be. I was too caught up in the way she made me feel to stay away. Too desperate to ignore the pull of having someone good in my life.

  Hatred shreds through my blood, giving me an unrelenting approach, allowing the stone-cold fury to run free when I need to think more like a criminal instead of the other way around.

  It floods my system.

  It soaks my skin in revenge.

  It won’t be contained, controlled, or unchecked until I kill Shadow.

  Outmaneuver. Outsmart. Outwit.


  Her name roars into a steaming boil in my head, a steady reminder that I have a purpose in life, that I’m no longer in this fucked up world alone.

  I’ve lost more than I care to as a result of the devious and psychotic mind of Shadow, not about to again.

  I want Ellie back, and I’m going to help find her whether anyone likes it or not.

  My entire body is coming alive the longer I sit here. My gaze is going back and forth between the laptop in front of me as we wait for Gabe to connect with hopefully a name to who is helping Shadow and a phone that I know is going to ring with destroying news that’s going to bend my mind.

  I’ve had the damn thing in my possession ever since my brothers told me what’s been going on. It’s not easy sitting around waiting with a lump the size of a boulder in my throat for the phone to ring, and wishing that when it does, Shadow asks if I’ll meet him somewhere.

  Come to find out; Shadow has been out for a week. A whole goddamn week and I’d bet my life he’s followed Ellie and me around the entire time. Sick fuck that he is.

  “Have faith, Logan. You and Shadow did a lot of talking back in the day. You sure you didn’t miss a place he might have mentioned?”

  Breaking from my thoughts, I glance at Seth. Andrew is the owner of the construction company that remodeled the house and Cassie is his wife. He’s also the one who happened to stumble upon the ring that’s now in my pocket. During our many visits, I told him about Ellie and Shadow and what he did. Just left out the details about me, my lifestyle, every illegal thing I’ve done.

  “They didn’t live here back then. Besides, the fewer people who know about this, the better.” Andrew is a legit guy, and even though we’ve become friends, that doesn’t mean I trust he wouldn’t go to the police. Not that I wouldn’t go to them if it guaranteed Ellie’s safety, I would. But after what she went through before, I’ve no idea who I can trust.

  Corruption. It’s a fucked-up way to live.

  It’s everywhere.

  I’ve questioned my mind over and over again since seeing Shadow in prison if someone was helping him. At the time, we had no idea it was Sadie. She’s just another reminder of how badly I’ve fucked up.

  If we weren’t positive she was involved before, we are with the items scattered all around us. Sadie’s father found pictures of Ellie strewn all over her house, men’s clothes. Shadow’s release papers. His old ID. Lane brought all of it with him. We’ve looked through it, and there’s not a sign anywhere of who else is helping or where they’ve gone. Until we hear from Gabe, we have nothing to go on.

  “Maybe we should ask Renita and Norah if they remember anyone again.”

  “They’d be in here telling us if they remembered anyone, Seth. Shadow had one place in mind when we’d come here. That was seeing Ellie. The only place I know she loves is the pier. Shadow wouldn’t take her there; it’s too obvious. There isn’t anywhere around there he’d go unnoticed.” Renita nor Norah can remember anyone coming over to visit Shadow, which surprises the hell out of me, especially with how sharp Renita is and how she kept her eye on things.

  Then again, after Lane and Seth filled me in, and I cleaned myself up and made my way downstairs, Renita wasn’t her usual self. Long gone is the woman who threatened me. In her place is one scared to death of losing someone she’d lay her life down for. Can’t say I blame her, none of us are the same.

  My thoughts drift to what Lane said about a lot happening. Lives have shifted, hearts are breaking all over again, and the living room in the house has turned into a secretive investigative headquarters. When Lane said he was taking care of it, he wasn’t fucking around. In less than twenty-four hours, my brother has collected an army. There are dozens of Lazaro’s men scouring this city. He even has Sadie’s father using his power to try to identify the man in the ski mask by some face recognition program just from the man’s eyes.

  Sitting forward, I scan every picture, every little detail — hundreds of photos. A half dozen notes scribbled with Ellie’s daily routine along with several copies of her birth certificate. Shadow was waiting for the right time to snatch her, and I led him to her.

  It doesn’t matter what Seth says; this is my fault. I’m nothing but a permanent stain full of blame.

  God, I miss her. I want her back.

  Where you’d take her? You set me up, Shadow. You knew I’d find this bullshit. You want me to pay; I’m paying, motherfucker.

  “He’s planning on taking her out of the country or else he left this to throw me off.” I shake my head and wave Ellie’s birth certificate in the air before placing it back down.

  Burning rage hisses through my body, shouting a demand in the form of violence. It’s like a volcanic eruption; the molten rock is dripping off me and onto the floor as more powerlessness slips inside.

  I can’t think straight anymore.

  “Shadow isn’t going to leave without finding out what happened to his sister. Think about it. You told him she was missing. It’ll drive a man like him crazier than he is if he doesn’t find out. And, where the hell would he get the money? I have friends, but I sure as shit wouldn’t give them money,” Lane says, placing a bottle of water and a pill in front of me. “You take it, or you’ll be no good once we find Ellie.”

  My anger expands. Lane has a point. Still, this is Shadow we are talking about. He’s a manipulator.

  “You answer me with a statement like that and expect me to take a pill that will knock me out when Ellie is out there with a man who has raped her once and won’t hesitate to do it again.”

  I want to punch him in the face again. Preferably his mouth.

  “And do you think if we found out anything, especially where she is that Seth, Rocco or me won’t kill Shadow and anyone else that stands in our way? Take a look around you, Logan. We have this.”

  “What if he’s already hurt her? What if…” I pause, every cell in my body freezing up. I start to shake.


  “Shit, you can’t think like that, Logan. I get it, you know I do. That pill will knock you out. You won’t think. You won’t dream, nothing my friend. Take it; I promise I’ll shake you until you are awake and alert if we find out anything. You won’t be any good to Ellie if you are worn down.”

  I hear the truth, see it loud and clear as Rocco edges forward and looks me in the eye. I feel the blast of protectiveness that flares up in the air. My best friend and brothers were coming through when I can’t, and Gabe is about to torture a little prick who has to have answers.

  I pick up a picture of Ellie and Norah walking out of the coffee shop. Both with smiles so full it’s blinding.

  Just one look at her takes away a little of what’
s slowly killing me.

  “For the first time in my life, I’m scared of Shadow. Scared of what he’ll do to her,” I admit, swallowing down tears that want to break away.

  “I know, Logan. You need to rest. I need to stop worrying that you’re going to stand up and pass the hell out on me. You fall and rip open those stitches, and you’ll be fucked. You don’t think I know what you need, well, I do. You need her. She needs you. Hold on to what the two of you found. I also know what Shadow needs, and it’s not only Whitney, it’s you. It’s money. He’s not going to leave without trying to kill you, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t going to use Ellie as a bargaining chip. He left you at a disadvantage for more reasons than to fuck with your head. I’m thinking about the need for Seth and me and everyone else. I’m thinking of what my daughter needs, and that would be you and Ellie to remain alive. Let us do this and rest.”

  “What would any of you do if you were me? Would you want to lie down, pass out and wake to the possibility that something bad could happen? You just said he wanted me. If he calls, are one of you going in my place? Fuck that noise. You might take control of this but the hell will I ever let you risk your life for me.” I could give a shit if Shadow wants to try to kill me. I might be wounded, but I’d fight to my death if it meant saving Ellie. Not these guys. My flesh and blood. My best friend. No goddamn way.

  “I fucking know that alright? That’s my whole damn point. You can’t take him on. He made sure of that. We can, Logan. The three of us can. Do you hear me? I don’t want to bury my fucking brother. Deal with it and take the fucking pill.”

  I glare at Lane so hard I feel the vessels behind my lids pop. His face begins to fade through the throb in my shoulder, consuming my vision.

  I can’t speak. Can’t believe this fucking shit is happening. If I take the damn thing and wake to something happening to my brothers or Rocco, the last thread inside me will unravel. Then again, if I wake to some good news, my insides will untwist.

  “He’s right, Logan. Take it. Swear I’ll wake you by kicking you in the ass if we hear anything.”

  I shake my head and send a glare at Seth. Asshole.

  “I could punch you in the face when I wake you like you did Lane if that’s what you want.”

  I flip him off, glancing between the two of them and Rocco who laughs it off.

  “Thank you for being here, but I’m not taking it.” I swipe the pill onto the floor, pick up the bottle of water, twist off the cap, and chug the entire thing down.

  Sighing as Lane lets off a string of curses and takes a seat beside me, I open the screen on my phone and hit play for the hundredth time on the video that Shadow left for me to see. Swear to God, I never want to see another video in my life.

  This one I can look at if I skip over the first part that is. But like a man glutton for punishment, I don’t.


  It slams me in the head like a sledgehammer. Tightening my lungs and making it hard to breathe as I watch Ellie turn the knob on the kitchen door. Her smile falls along with her flip-flops that are still where they landed. Not even a split second later, the gun goes off, and her body goes out of view. The only noise is her hitting the floor. And then there’s nothing but that damn door until the backside of Shadow comes into view as he leans down and says something I can’t make out before stepping over her and disappearing.

  What chokes me up isn’t the sound of the shots firing at me. It’s not the look of pure evil that Renita was talking about on Shadow’s face when he comes back into view as he turns around and pins his gaze briefly toward the phone.

  No, it’s the bravery I see in Ellie. The way she moves fast on her toes and quick in her mind when I know she’s hurting.

  She was worried about saving me.

  Clutching the phone tighter, I growl when the guy in the ski mask walks toward the phone and doesn’t say a word before shutting it off.

  Groaning, I slump down in the chair, attempting to swallow around the unbearable lump that decides to park itself in my throat.

  A strangled sound rips out of me as the phone vibrates in my shaking hand.

  An unknown number.

  “Fuck,” I yell, exchange a glance with the guys, and press a finger to my lips.

  Swiping the screen, I connect, hit speaker, and without saying a word, I place it on the table.

  “Ahhh, so you are alive? Damn, I was hoping my eyes played tricks on me and I shot you through the heart or perhaps Logan is dead, and I’ll have the option of killing another Mitchell brother.”

  My brows raise as I glare at my brother and Rocco. Take a pill and let them go after Shadow. Not a chance in hell am I chancing anything happening to them. I can’t imagine what state of mine any of us would be in if something were to happen to one of them and Ellie.

  Sweat gathers at the nape of my neck.

  “Did you call to talk about old times or for a reason, you sick son of a bitch. I mean that in the literal sense, motherfucker.”

  “Now, Logan. I’d play nice if I were you. I’m calling about old times, alright. Not the mommy dearest ones.”

  Revulsion. Its bitter taste is about as bad as the sound of Shadow’s voice.

  A rotten sour apple that didn’t fall far from the tree.

  “You wouldn’t know nice if it bit you in the ass.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Logan. I have nice in my possession. The sweet nice that makes a man do things he normally wouldn’t do. Ellie is that fucking beautiful. She used to be sweet too. Untainted from the lives men like me and you live, that even a man like me becomes addicted to her. I’m not a man who takes kindly to someone trying to steal from me. Surely, you can understand that. When a person steals or betrays me, they don’t live. And you stole a lot from me.”

  “So this call isn’t about you wanting to meet me and fight man to man. Fist to fist. An eye for an eye and all that? Fucked up thing, you aren’t a man, are you? It’s not stealing when it wasn’t yours in the first place. There’s a difference between possessive and possession, you dumb fuck.”

  “I’ll get to the heart of my phone call in a minute. Name-calling doesn’t win you points, Logan. It makes matters worse. I have Ellie, and you don’t. That’s a big problem for you. Do you know how many days I waited to find Ellie only to smell you on her? Over thirty-seven-hundred-days. Ellie was mine, and you spoiled her. She’s like rotten meat to me now, and that pisses me off. I’m going to hurt her because I can. I’m going to take from her because you owe me. Hearing her scream, watching her try to be resilient to seeing me, all has gotten my dick hard. Listen to this and tell me if it’s music to your ears.” Shadow’s cold laugh comes through the line unforgivingly.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her, Shadow,” I growl. My sanity is long gone. All reason is blowing in the wind. I need to do away with him. Nail his death certificate to the back of his head.

  “I told you paybacks were a bitch. I can see you now, Logan. I bet you have steam rolling out of your ears. You should have known Ellie wasn’t yours to keep and she sure the hell wasn’t yours to touch.”

  Panic soaks through my skin at what sounds like a whip hitting flesh. It’s followed by a frightening, soul-crushing scream I will never forget in my life as it hits me dead center like someone took a knife and cut right through my ribs and ripped me open. Another strike and Ellie cries out again.

  Blood-curdling screams fill the room. I can’t breathe. Pretty sure none of us in this room can.

  Tightness. It clamps down on my neck, choking me like notches on a guillotine.

  “Tell me where you are and face me like a man, you soul-sucking leech.” I grind my teeth, my body convulsing into spasms.

  “I’m so close yet so far away. It sucks not being able to hold on to something you thought was yours. Goddamn, I can feel your pain.” He laughs, a cruel, chilling, body-freezing sound that hits me in my bones.

  Guilt wraps around my throat — that little friend is coming
back to squeeze the life out of me. I scrub my hands down my face, the overwhelming urge to fucking explode crawling into my skin like fucking poison.

  Fuck, what Ellie must be feeling right now. Frightened out of her mind and wondering what to do.

  “Do you know what’s going to happen to you once I find you? You are one sick bastard. When I get my hands on you, you’ll wish you were still behind bars counting down the days.” I’m unable to speak any further. All I have are images in my head of the horrendous things he will do to Ellie if we don’t find her.

  “Sick, smart, what the hell is the difference when I have the woman you want. I’d offer a trade for my sister since Ellie is no good to me now. The problem for you and her, Whitney is dead, isn’t she? You don’t have to answer; I know she is.”

  “Go to hell.” I refuse to give him any more than those words. He might think he’s breaking me down, scaring me by mentioning Whitney, but I’ll be damned if I tell him she’s dead. Not until he chokes on his blood after I slice his throat.

  “Now, that is something I can agree with. We all live in some kind of hell, don’t we? Life is pure hell for some, a piece of it for others. One thing’s for sure; I’ll see you there, but not before I make Ellie’s life a living one.”

  Cocking my head toward my brothers, my heart slams in its confines to pound out of my chest. Lane sits rubbing his temples while Seth, his entire body shakes the same way it used to do when he wanted a drink.

  I expect them to say something, but they have the same helpless and scared look that has to be staring at them.

  My gaze trails to Rocco and the pain on his ashen face puts a crack in my skull. Every fucking memory of what he went through comes pouring out like a flash of blinding light.

  “This is what’s going to happen, Logan. I’m going to torture Ellie before I fuck her. Then I’m going to kill her unless you come up with ten million dollars — one million for every year you fucked over my sister. I’ll take ownership of Behind Closed Doors while you’re at it, and if you don’t have it by the next time I call, well, I recorded something for you as a reminder as to how I’ll kill her. It’s just some heavy petting to get Ellie prepped to be fucked. There’s no negotiating when it comes to me fucking her. That’s a given for you fucking me over. Looks to me like she’s ripe, ready and waiting for me. I hope you enjoy it. Rest assured, Logan, I sure did, and I’m about to enjoy her more.”


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