Unbound Trilogy Boxset

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Unbound Trilogy Boxset Page 48

by Coopmans, Kathy

I’m going to die.

  “I love you, Logan.”

  If those are the last words that leave my lips, then I’m okay with dying.

  Chapter Eight


  I blink hard, staring at the black screen, trying to shove aside whether or not, what I’d seen earlier was the last time I’d ever see Ellie alive. I can’t remove the look on her face from my mind. It was full of heart-wrenching agony. It did more than kill me to see her suffering the way she was.

  It gutted me.

  My mind, my body, and my soul.


  In a blink of an eye.

  Christ, I’m all kinds of torn up on the inside and out. I can hear and feel my heart beating in my ears. The painful discomfort in my shoulder intensifies; blurry lines coat my vision, and I’m sweating like a stuck pig.

  It’s then that my guts overcome with the fear that mists my body with a haze. My legs feel weighted as I push out of my chair, dart up the stairs straight for the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. Bracing my hands on the counter, I hang my head to catch my breath.

  I can feel the blood drain from my face. It’s rushing through me at a rapid speed, demanding every organ to pound a furious blow to my heart.

  I begin pacing back and forth. Tears start forming in my eyes while revenge blisters in the blackest depths of my brain.

  I’m slowly going mad. I need to unleash fucking hell. I need answers. I need to save the other half of my soul.

  The wave of nausea that hits me out of nowhere is so intense that I hardly make it to the toilet before I empty my stomach. It bursts from my throat — hot scalding acid stinging and burning as it purges out of me.


  “She’s not going to be able to take much more before she breaks. I want your blood on my hands, Shadow, I want to finish what I started and seek Ellie’s revenge. I will find you, and you will wish like a motherfucker you were still safe behind bars.”

  Ice hits my veins when I turn on the faucet and splash cold water over my face. Grabbing my toothbrush, ignoring the fact that Ellie’s is next to mine, I apply a dab of toothpaste, scrub my teeth, and pull my shit together.

  After drying off my face, I push up the sleeve of my shirt, pull the bandage off my wound and stare at the pink inflamed skin staring back at me. All I can visualize as I glare is every time Shadow whipped Ellie. Every scream that tore from her mouth, every cry it drove a stake through my heart, but the one thing it didn’t do is make her beg to stop as Shadow wanted.

  “Hang on just a bit longer, Ellie. You’re the pillar of strength I need to hold me up and not let the weight of worry crush me. The answers to where you are coming.” Hope, that’s all I have left to cling to.

  Tugging the sleeve back down, I open the door, jog down the steps, and my eyes shoot in Rocco’s direction as he hands me a glass filled with a couple fingers of what he better have hidden from Seth. I swallow the bourbon in one gulp, letting it burn its way down my throat.

  “I hope you didn’t disappear to call someone for money. I’d kick your ass if you did.” Shaking his head, he continues. “I didn’t catch all of the video, don’t care to either. Stuff like that will make people do crazy shit, Logan, the kind that’ll fuck them up for life. Giving Shadow money and the club, it isn’t the answer, man.”

  I’d forgotten about the money. Ellie wouldn’t want me giving him a red cent. Wasn’t like Shadow would exchange it for her. Not after the hell we just bore witness to.

  “I might be losing my goddamn mind; it doesn’t mean I’m crazy. I’m at a loss, Rocco. If this guy Gabe doesn’t give us some answers.” I grind my teeth, throat going tight wishing like a motherfucker that luck would rain down and make it as easy as a kidnapping for ransom.

  “He has the answers, Logan. Trust me, he does. I’ve interrogated too many people in my life not to notice a liar when I see one. I sensed it a couple of minutes ago when Gabe connected and told me the little prick is giving him a hard time, which you know only fuels Gabe’s anger. Gabe will torture the hell out of him to get what we need. You know it as well as I do.”

  Low whimpering sounds come through the speakers of the laptop, and the view in front of me brings a smirk to my lips.

  Blood drips from the fingers of the man strapped to a chair, I focus on each droplet as it plops to the floor, and the urge to kill the gangly motherfucker myself taps into my skull.

  Yeah, the good ole’ warden knows who Shadow’s accomplice is. His problem? He has no idea the things Gabe will do to get him to answer.

  “I’m almost jealous Gabe gets to go at this crooked fucker.” Tapping my fingers, I wait for Gabe to make a move as I eye the warden.

  My body shakes, and my stomach churns as I hear a door slam and feet shuffling down the hallway of the house.


  “Are you women crazy? I told you there was shit happening in here we didn’t want you to see.” Rocco groans, running a hand over his face. His words harsh for my liking. I get it though, no matter how he tries to get me to remain calm, he’s as worked up and worried as the rest of us.

  Norah’s eyes widen as she walks into the living room, her brows shooting up as she pauses in front of Rocco and places her hands on her hips. Renita pushing Sandy in her wheelchair stops behind her.

  “I’m crazy enough to kick you in the junk if you tell me what I can and can’t do. For your information, we’re going outside. Sitting around is driving us insane.”

  I chuckle, and even though there’s no humor behind it, I sure as shit agree with what Norah said. My brain has already dipped into the pot of insanity. Could feel it wanting to pull me under like quicksand.

  I wince as a stab of pain lances from my shoulder to my wrist when I reach to click the volume down on the laptop — my move causing Renita to shift her eyes in my direction.

  I lift my brows. An indication Rocco is right. Hell would have to freeze before I’d ever let these women see that video of Ellie. It would ruin them possibly worse than it did me.

  “I’m here to tell you that what I have sure the fuck isn’t junk. Even if it was, you couldn’t handle it, princess. What’s going on in here isn’t something you should be seeing or hearing.”

  I damn near laugh when Norah places her hands on the table and gets within an inch of Rocco’s face.

  “Fuck you, you, you insensitive prick. If you think we can’t handle it, then you’d be wrong. We aren’t the type of women to scatter when the going gets rough. Give me a gun and put Shadow in front of me and I’ll prove it.”

  No, they aren’t, but when she rights herself and her mouth trembles, drowning in the same quicksand as the rest of us, it’s a sign Norah is losing hope.

  “Your friend is a piece of work, Logan. He needs a woman to put him in his place.”

  Apart from the tension surrounding us like a dark cloak with daggers ready to drop, she has no idea how valid her words are. I haven’t seen a woman get a rise out of Rocco since tragedy struck him.

  “That he is,” I mumble, turn the screen just as I catch a fist connect with flesh out of the corner of my eye. Have to say watching Gabe in action pumps my adrenaline.

  These ladies need to get out of here.

  “Norah, stop,” Renita says, her eyes latching onto mine. “Are you going to tell us what’s going on? Has Shadow called? Gabe? Anything?” Renita swipes at the tears that start falling down her face and sucks in a draining breath. Her eyes are darting back and forth from me to the laptop.

  “We have nothing yet. Hopefully soon. Gabe has the warden.”

  Grief. It shakes the floor underneath our feet.

  “Please promise you’ll come and get us if you find out anything, we can’t lose her, not like this.”

  “Norah, don’t you dare think that way. Don’t you fucking dare, Ellie, she’s going to make it, I know she is.” Renita’s tone comes out tattered.

  Worn to shreds and brimming with guilt.

  Renita starts to
sob into her hands, and tears drip between her fingers. Her breathing becomes ragged. Thank fuck Seth is next to her, he catches her before she hits the floor.

  I fist my hands at my side as her wails pierce right through me. My entire body locks tight. I can’t move as I watch Renita cry into my brother’s chest. Her small frame sagging in defeat.

  Hanging by a thread. That’s what we’re all doing.

  “Come on, ladies, we’ll get you settled outside.” Lane steps forward, takes hold of the wheelchair, Sandy not bothering to look up as he wheels her out of the room. I wait until Seth has the other two out the door before clearing my throat of the emotions.

  “Jesus, I didn’t mean for my words to come out like that.” Rocco rakes a hand through his hair, heaves out a breath and locks his hands behind his neck before turning the volume back up on the laptop.

  I keep my thoughts to myself. Rocco will straighten it out on his own.

  I turn up the volume just in time to catch Gabe continue his interrogation.

  “A name, you pathetic pissant. I don’t have time to be fucking around with a crooked man who made a vow to honor the law then turn around and break it. My family needs me, fucker, now start goddamn talking or the first cut I make will be taking off your little boy balls.”

  I let out another chuckle, this one full of humor at the sound of Gabe’s pissed off voice, my hands gripping the edge of the table as the room suddenly begins to spin.

  I grind my back teeth as Gabe shifts behind Robert Kelly, the corrupted warden. I can’t help but wonder if Ellie is still strapped down and unable to move the same way Robert is. The thought alone tightens a knot in my stomach, and my vision blurs.

  “I don’t have a name. I’m sorry, alright. Whitney and Shadow tricked me. At first, I did what they asked; in return, Whitney was supposed to pay me. There was no communication between her and me for a long time. She’d visit and leave. Then, out of the blue, a woman named Sadie shows up with Whitney and pays me off.”

  I peer into the slime ball’s face. The man doesn’t look old enough to have graduated college, let alone holding down a prison as the warden. I want to tear him into pieces — money-hungry lying piece of shit.

  “I see, and there was no mention of Ellie Wynn?” Gabe asks, flicking the blade open and poking the point straight into the man’s balls.

  My own tightening when specks of blood seep through his jeans.

  “Stop. Stop. Motherfucking stop, please. I’ve never heard of an Ellie Wynn, nor did anyone bring up kidnapping a woman. I might have agreed to draw up false release documents, but I would never agree to what you’re accusing me of.”

  I scoff. “Liars can smell another liar even from this far away,” I mumble. His bullshit stinks.

  “Why would I accuse you when I have proof you’re a lying cockroach? You let two women into a federal prison, one so she could meet with a criminal and suck his dick while plotting to kidnap a woman who happens to have disappeared. Did you know they planned on kidnapping my five-year-old granddaughter too? Did you know the other woman, the one you were fucking over your desk promised you money she didn’t have? You padded your bank account, asshole. Committed a shit ton of wrongs against people I love. That doesn’t sit well with me.”

  I bow my head, shaking it angrily toward myself. How stupid I was to think I had this handled.

  We already knew Whitney was afraid for her life once Shadow found out there wasn’t any money for her to negotiate a deal. What I didn’t realize was how badly or for how long she wanted to fuck me over for what I did to her.

  “Where’d Gabe find the proof?” I slur, shaking the fuzz from my vision while Gabe drones on about the proof. I can’t quite make out what he says for some reason. Or maybe my ears are just too plugged up from Ellie’s screams earlier. Fuck if I know, but suddenly I feel like I drank an entire bottle of scotch instead of the little bit I did.

  “Security footage from the prison, he found it in the warden’s safe.” Well, hell that certainly clears my head. Fucking corrupt little prick thought he dotted his i’s and crossed his t’s.

  “Let’s not forget the murder you covered up that Shadow committed. Either you tell me where Shadow is, and who is helping him, or I’ll cut these off and then turn evidence over to the state. Wonder how the inmates will take it when they have their warden to do with as they please. The choice is yours. Not going to ask you again.”

  The sight of Robert’s jeans darkening as he pisses himself out of fear lifts a corner of my mouth. It won’t be long until he shits himself. I don’t want him scared; I want him in agony the way Ellie is. And, I want a goddamn name to find her before I pass out from exhaustion.

  “The motherfucker doesn’t know what fear is. He sure makes a lot of sense as to why Whitney came crawling back though, doesn’t he? Time was running out for her quicker than we thought.” I slur my words again, and my eyesight becomes distorted enough I have to lean in closer.

  “Whitney was a lot smarter than we gave her credit for. Too bad for her, in the end, she was fucking dumb. Bitch got what was coming to her. This guy will, and so will Shadow and whoever is helping him. We won’t rest until they are dead, Logan.” Out of my periphery, I notice the tic in Rocco’s jaw.

  Gabe flicks the blade closed, his hand whipping out, cracking Robert in the jaw. His skin splits open with a gaping wound, blood dripping down his face as he screams from the impact of the butt of the knife.

  Releasing his hold, Gabe steps back, allowing the man to fight against his restraints to free himself.

  “You think I don’t know what you’re doing here? It wouldn’t matter if I told you or not, you’ll kill me anyway. You don’t think I know who took me? You and whoever is behind that camera are a bunch of fucking criminals who are as corrupt as me. I know how the minds of criminals work. I deal with them daily. Go ahead and turn me in. Go ahead and kill me. I have security cameras all over my home. Wouldn’t surprise me if the FBI isn’t looking for me as we speak.”

  Gabe’s eyes narrow as he looks into the camera. Face uncoiling from his dangerous look and softens as if he can see me. I feel him telling me to hang on. That he’ll get here as soon as he can, that after all I’ve been through, my revenge and Ellie’s suffering isn’t going to end this way. That we’ll find her and get her back.

  “Hmm. Not all criminals are dumb enough to get caught. If you know how our minds work, then you know all your security cameras were shut down by a trustworthy source. It appears there was a power outage in your area for fifteen or so minutes. You don’t have evidence on anyone, Robert. But you have a name, and you’re going to give it to me, or you’ll be squealing like a pig by the time I’m finished breaking bones.”

  Another blow, this one comes down on his kneecap. I hear the bones snap, crackle, and crunch. A smile stretches across my face at the same time; my vision becomes so damn misleading; I start seeing two of everything.

  Shaking my head for what seems like the hundredth time, my vision clears, and I take a seat, slumping in the chair.

  “Cole something, I don’t remember his last name. I swear it.” Robert shakes his head. His jaw is going slack, eyes filling with what looks like remorse.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard now, was it? Ellie was kidnapped by a man you let out early because of good behavior. A man you covered up the murder he committed in your fucking prison. We have the evidence to prove it. You are guilty as charged. Meaning, it’s time to end your life.”

  Dizziness whooshes over me, and a warning blares in my ears as I slump farther in the chair. All I hear is a man’s tortured scream.

  “The fuck, Rocco, did you put one of those pills in my drink?”

  Chapter Nine


  “You good over there?”

  I glance to the side at Rocco who is sitting in the passenger seat, bouncing his leg as I drive down the street.

  With a firm nod, I remove my shaky hand from the console and place it on the steering wheel.

  Rocco’s witnessed me shake a hell of a lot worse than this. Night tremors, day tremors, the middle of the afternoon tremors. Nighttime was the worst; the body shakes that would end me drunk on my ass so bad that I’d wake not having a clue what the fuck I’d done or who I’d done it with.

  Stupid and idiotic is what I was. Thinking some bottle and chicks were going to cure the chaos in my head.

  Hell, after a month or so in rehab, I’m still there. With the alcohol anyway. The nightmares that have my entire body trembling until I’m sweating my ass off one minute from cold sweats, breaking out in fever the next, the undeniable inability to talk about the shit that fucked me up in the first place.

  “If you’re worried about me not being able to hold a steady aim, don’t be.” If I can stand and watch Rocco pour scotch into a glass, I can shoot a gun to save the woman who unknowingly helped me decide to enter rehab.

  “Not worried about that, worried about you.”

  I should ask him the same question.

  “I’m going to make it. It’ll suck the life out of me until I do, but I am not going back to being haunted.”

  Jaw clenching, anger like a stick of dynamite ready to blow, I recall the pain on Logan’s face, the holding onto hope in Ellie’s eyes as a nightmare from hell that’s gotten away with what he’s done and did for far too long.

  Shadow needs to die.

  I’m hoping it doesn’t come to me having to kill Shadow because his death belongs to Logan. But I will if it means getting Ellie back. And the intoxication from it will be better than any drunken night I’ve had.

  Out of habit, my hand stays in the numbers ten and two positions on the steering wheel as I round the bend in the road just like Logan taught me when he took me out on a two-track in the middle of nowhere to teach me how to drive.

  “Hold it like that until you pass driver’s training. After that, I don’t give a shit if you steer it with your knee. And don’t get behind it while drunk or I’ll beat your little punk ass.”


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