Saving Grace (Misty Grove Book 2)

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Saving Grace (Misty Grove Book 2) Page 18

by Paige, Victoria

  Something sliced through my thigh before blackness consumed me.

  I regained consciousness to chaos and screaming.

  Then I blacked out again.



  Grace had stopped thrashing. She uncurled from her fetal position and rolled on her back. She smiled at him weakly.

  “I’m whole, Matt,” she whispered.

  “You weren’t anything less to me, gypsy,” Matt whispered back as he gently positioned her further into the bed and got in beside her.

  Propping on his elbow, he searched her face. “Do you have anything you want to tell me?”

  “We need to go to Dallas.”

  Matt gave a brief nod. “I guess what you need is in a safety deposit box?”

  “Yes. It’s a flash drive,” Grace rubbed her face on his chest. “The accountant is dead.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. He was closest to the bomb that went off. I think it was in a suitcase of a person ahead of him.”

  Her body shuddered against him.

  “Shh … you can tell me about it tomorrow. Why don’t you go to sleep?”

  “The man who died beside me?” Grace looked up at him, but there was a faraway look in her eyes. “He held me at gun point. He was the one who told me to trust no one. I guess he’d been double-crossed, a loose end that needed finishing.”

  “Matt, only Troy knew about my meeting with the accountant.”

  He stiffened. “Are you telling me Troy sold you out?”

  “I don’t know anything anymore.”

  He leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. “Sleep.”

  She appeared too tired to do anything but comply. Her steady breathing a few minutes later told him she had dozed off. Matt lowered one leg to the floor and was about to get off the bed when her delicate hand grabbed his arm.

  “Don’t leave me,” she murmured. Was she dreaming? His throat constricted with emotion, shaken by the knowledge how three simple words could empower him as well as bring him to his knees.

  “Matt,” her eyes half-opened. “Stay.”

  A sense of ownership, responsibility, and most of all, love—yes, love—swept through him. He was in love with Grace.

  “Shh … I’m not going anywhere,” he said softly. He stood up and quickly removed his jeans and shirt. He somehow maneuvered Grace under the covers and climbed back into bed with her.

  Decisions needed to be made tomorrow. He was determined more than ever to tie her to him, but for now it was enough that she was snuggled close to him. There was nothing else that felt more right in this world.



  I stared at the brilliant-cut diamond engagement ring set in a platinum band. Little micropavé stones surrounded the 3-carat center rock. For someone who didn’t do hearts and flowers, Matt surprised me.

  Did he propose?


  I woke up wearing the ring on my finger. Kate wasn’t his only business in Atlanta the day before. He actually went ring shopping with his sister. I should’ve been mad at him, feel cheated of a proposal every woman dreamed of, but I was anything but traditional. Instead, something warm and tender bloomed in my heart. Matt was uncomfortable with the whole engagement ring thing. I sensed it when I awakened to him staring at me.

  “That’s creepy,” I muttered. “Watching me while I sleep.”

  “I could watch you sleep for hours,” he whispered. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I grinned. “Matt, I didn’t take you for a romantic.”

  He smirked. “Good. Then you wouldn’t mind that we got engaged while you were sleeping.”

  It was then I felt the weight on my hand. The large rock on my finger blinked at me, and I, in my confusion, blinked back dumbly.

  “Uh, what’s this?” I asked.

  “We’re getting married next week,” Matt informed me. “Kate asked me to wait until she gets here. I hope that’s okay.”

  Shaking the cobwebs of sleep from my head, I scooted back and sat up. “Back up. I haven’t had coffee. How can it be okay when I haven’t agreed to marry you?”

  “We applied for a marriage license,” Matt reminded me.

  “You blackmailed me!”

  “Would you be more agreeable if I got down on one knee and proposed?”


  “Then what’s the fucking problem?”

  Was it a crime to strangle one’s future husband?

  Husband? Huh?

  Had my mind married me to him already? There was no problem. I think that was why I was panicking.

  “I don’t appreciate being bullied,” I griped instead.

  “You’ll get used to it,” Matt said, kissing me on my brow.

  “What? Your sneak attacks in the morning?”

  “You’re so cute when you’re riled up, babe,” he grinned. “Makes me want to hang around and fuck you, but I’ve got shit to do.” His eyes crinkled at the corners. “You’re pissed. Your eyes look like they could kill me. I’ll give you as many orgasms as you want when I get back.”

  He got up from the bed and started to walk away.


  “If you want a grand wedding, I’ll give it to you after we’ve taken care of The Reaper. But I’m not waiting six months or more to marry you,” he said, pausing by the door. “Do you want your mom here for this one? There’s time to fly her in.”

  My mom? Shit. His ability to sidetrack me blew my mind.

  “She’ll find it strange if I’d tell her not to mention anything to Elliot. She doesn’t know I’m pregnant either. Besides, I don’t think it’s safe to be around me at the moment.”

  Matt nodded. “I can hire some security for her, but yeah, that will only make her worry.”

  “Maybe we can delay getting married,” I said sweetly.

  His face hardened at this. “That’s not even on the table. I’m not giving you any opportunity to change your mind.”

  I laughed. “I wasn’t aware I had any choice.”

  His eyes softened a bit, but his features remained resolute. “We’re signing those papers next week stating you’re mine and mine alone.”

  Good Lord! What was with all this ‘mine’ bullshit?

  “You’re so primitive.” I shook my head in amusement.

  “Yeah, that’s how I fuck too.” He smirked and left the room.

  Oh my, I felt that in my pussy. Are women supposed to be this horny in their first trimester? Whatever it was, this man kept me on my toes because I didn’t even discuss with him our need to get to Dallas. And I had a sneaking suspicion he’d manipulated that conversation deliberately.

  A text message on my phone drew me out of my head.

  Millie: Can I come over? Matt told me to keep an eye on you.

  Me: Give me five minutes. I’m just getting out of bed.

  I wondered what Matt had and had not told Millie. There couldn’t have been enough time to tell her about the return of my memory and my doubts of Troy.

  Millie: Matt should really take it easy on you. ;)

  Me: Not what you’re thinking!

  Millie: What do you want for breakfast?

  Like Matt, Millie was adept at changing the topic. It also seemed everyone wanted to feed the pregnant woman.

  Me: Waffles. What else?

  I didn’t wait for Millie to respond and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, took off the robe I had on since the night before and donned a pink long-sleeved tee and heather gray yoga pants. I gathered my hair in a loose pony tail and made my way to the kitchen to make some coffee.

  I saw a note on the kitchen counter. “Coffee is ready to go, babe. Just push the button.”

  Matt and I were beginning to sound like an old married couple.

  Ten minutes later, a knock sounded on the door.

  I headed to the entrance and threw the door open. Millie walked past me.

  “You didn’t even chec
k if it was really me,” she muttered in disapproval.

  “Matt just installed a temporary webcam.” I pointed to the tablet by the kitchen counter.

  “I guess I shouldn’t worry too much,” she quipped and set the bags on the table. “Hmm, that coffee smells good. I thought Matt wouldn’t let you drink coffee.”

  “If he values his life and sanity, he better let me have at least a cup,” I said as I brought out the utensils and coffee mugs. “I’m sorry you have to babysit me. You have more problems to deal with than to make sure the pregnant woman is fed.”

  Millie shrugged her shoulders. “The diner could run itself.”

  I went to the kitchen to get the carafe of coffee after it finished brewing. “Did you talk to Kyra?” I asked over my shoulder.

  “She’s not at home,” Millie answered. “I called her a couple of times last night and this morning, but my calls were going straight to voicemail. Lucas is coming home tomorrow with Trent and Colt. I’ll have him trace Kyra’s cell.” Her eyes zeroed in on my engagement ring as I leaned over to pour her some coffee.

  “Oh, my that’s a beautiful rock,” she murmured. “Matthew did well.”

  “Thank you,” I responded, feeling my cheeks blush, resisting the urge to hide my hand.

  Poised as always, Millie slowly stirred the milk into her coffee, took a sip, and lowered the mug. She held out her hand. “Let me look.”

  I put my hand in hers even if I had the desire to snatch it away from her scrutiny. She smiled in satisfaction. “If I’m not mistaken, that’s a Harry Winston ring. Matt couldn’t have paid any less than one hundred and twenty grand for it.”

  “What?” I gaped. “He’s crazy if he thinks I’m going to wear more than a hundred grand of jewelry.” I tried to remove the ring, wanting to hide it in a safe somewhere, but Millie put her hand over mine, stopping me.

  “Wear it,” Millie advised. “Believe me, Matthew can afford it. If I’m not mistaken, Kate probably talked him down from buying a bigger, more ostentatious-looking ring.”

  “But why? Bribery? If he knew me at all, he knows I wouldn’t care about something like this.”

  “I don’t think it’s bribery, but rather overcompensating for something he knows nothing about—namely commitment.”

  “He’s thinking the size of the ring shows how committed he is?” I felt my heart drop to my stomach. “Oh, my God, we’re not ready for this.”

  The older woman looked alarmed. “Grace, calm yourself. You’re making a big deal about the engagement ring. Matt’s crazy about you. And you feel the same about him otherwise you wouldn’t still be here putting up with his bossy ass.”

  “I care about him and I’m pretty sure he cares about me, but is it even close to love?”

  Millie pursed her lips. “Only you and he can answer that. I don’t want to muddle what you feel with what I see.” She smiled encouragingly. “All I’ll say is I’m very optimistic about both of you. It’s quite entertaining to see Matt not knowing which end is up anymore.”

  I gave a short chuckle. “Not sure if I should be flattered or offended by that.”

  “Oh, flattered, definitely. Matt needs someone who won’t put up with his crap,” Millie said with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. “Now, let’s eat before the food gets cold.”



  “You may now kiss the bride.”

  Fucking finally, Matt thought impatiently before he scooped Grace into his arms and captured her lips with his. His tongue swept into her mouth in a claiming kiss. She gasped before melting into him. He’d been in a shit mood for the past few days considering he was looking forward to getting married. For some harebrained reason, his sisters decided to sequester his woman in Cassie’s house where Kate was currently staying. Matt couldn’t argue about security because Trent had that place locked up like Fort Knox. Plus, Grace had two deadly former assassins with her. Nope, he couldn’t complain, but he missed his woman.

  He ended the kiss, satisfied he’d left Grace breathless. He stared down at her green luminous eyes.

  His wife.

  The walls of his chest expanded then contracted tightly, making it difficult to exhale. Eyes locked together, everyone else receded in the room.

  Except they wouldn’t be ignored.

  “You can monopolize your wife later,” Colt clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Right now, we want to thank her for making you a better man.”

  How could Matt argue with that? And as his friend hugged Grace, he was pulled aside by Millie in a tight embrace.

  “You did good, Matthew,” Millie whispered. “Couldn’t be more proud of you, picking a woman like Grace to be your wife. You better not screw this up.”

  Duly noted.

  He stood back as his wife was welcomed into his family. By family, he meant his siblings and the folks of Misty Grove who’d been with him from the beginning. It was a close-knit and small gathering.

  Millie and her people from the diner were here because they did their catering around the whole hog Mac had roasted. John, who officiated the ceremony, and his employees from the general store completed the party. And the guys from the garage and the ranch were here as well.

  Troy and his biker gang were not invited. He didn’t want this moment fraught with awkwardness. He was certain the biker boss was going to be suspicious because he considered himself Grace’s friend. As far as Matt was concerned, he could be suspicious all he wanted, because he and his wife were leaving immediately after the festivities.

  He sensed Kate beside him.

  “I never thought I’d see the day my brother would fall for the marriage trap,” Kate said with a smile in her voice. He looked at the blonde beside him. If people saw them side-by-side, they’d be surprised to know that they were twins because Matt and Kate looked nothing alike.

  “FYI, I did the trapping,” Matt replied. “And maybe if you’d stuck around here, you wouldn’t be so surprised.”

  “Hey, none of that now,” she chided as she tucked her arm in his. “It’s a happy occasion. We’ll butt heads later … well, when you guys get back.”

  “Have you talked to Colt?”

  He felt his twin stiffen. “I’m trying to avoid him for now.”

  “What? By hiding out at Cassie’s house? They’re newlyweds, Kate, you should either find a place of your own or stay at the ranch where there’s plenty of room.”

  “I didn’t figure you to be a matchmaker. And thanks for hinting that I can’t stay with you,” she teased.

  “Seriously, you and Colt need to get your shit together.”

  “There’s no shit to get together because there never was anything between us.”

  “Then talk to him. Don’t leave him hanging, sis. He needs to move on.”

  “From what I’ve heard from Cassie he had no problem doing that.”

  “Is that why you suddenly came back?”

  “I didn’t suddenly come back,” Kate retorted. “My brother was getting married. He convinced me to move here, and yet, he wouldn’t let me stay with him.” She smirked when she saw the guilt on Matt’s face.

  “Oh, don’t feel guilty.” She nudged him teasingly. “I totally understand. I’m moving into the Timberline apartments for now.”

  “I doubt Colt will let you.”

  “Colt doesn’t have a say in this.”

  “My dear sister, you’re one of the toughest women I know, but Montgomery is eyeing you like prey right now. I doubt you’ll stand a chance.” Matt looked over to where the former SEAL stood and, indeed, he was watching Kate like a hawk. He laughed. “Is that why you’re sticking close to me right now?”

  “Of course not!” Kate denied, but the pitch in her voice gave her away. Montgomery was making his sister nervous. Matt would normally be protective of her, but, like him, she needed to have a stick taken out of her ass. And he wasn’t going to do it for her.

  “I’m going to talk to Millie,” she muttered.

bsp; “Run off, little Kate,” Matt called after her.

  “Hey, I’m older than you,” she threw over her shoulder. He shook his head as he watched her take the long route around the room to get to Millie so she could avoid Colt. What was this—high school? Matt inwardly snorted. They never went to high school or experienced any social setting that could have helped them handle a simple relationship. Maybe that was why they floundered when emotions came into play, and why he had nearly fucked up with Grace.

  After about another hour and just before dinner, Grace finally made it to his side.

  “Sorry, I abandoned you,” she said, laughing. “Your family is crazy, especially when Millie and Cassie go at it.”

  Matt chuckled. “Glad they’re not scaring you off yet.”

  “Nah, they’re different and sometimes I get unsettled by their dark sense of humor, but I guess it’s because of what they’ve seen and gone through.”

  The life of an assassin, she meant.

  He shrugged. It was a life from a long time ago and many things had happened since then. “Makes you not sweat the small stuff.”

  “I’m seeing that!” Grace exclaimed. “I would think that a crazy stalker after me would make me a pariah. You know, someone you shouldn’t be hanging around with.”

  “It takes a lot to faze us, babe.”

  She gazed up at him, and Matt’s breath caught at the tenderness, and what he dared hope was love shining through her eyes. He dipped his head and kissed her hard. He was a man of action after all.

  “All right, Foster, you have to save that for later,” Millie hollered across the room. “Dinner is served, people!”


  Matt jolted awake when the flight’s captain announced their approach to George Bush Intercontinental Airport. He glanced at the sleeping woman beside him and couldn’t believe for the millionth time that she was his wife. Despite his adamance that she didn’t have a choice, there was always that nagging fear she would change her mind, and he would have to resort to another blackmail scheme for her to sign the marriage contract.


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