Blood of the Dogs_Book I_Annihilation

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Blood of the Dogs_Book I_Annihilation Page 16

by Richard Cosme

  The fact that he begins in winter is brilliant because several of the bombs are ignited in the northern hemisphere cities—where millions are totally dependent upon technology to keep them from freezing to death. Imagine 9,000,000 people in New York City, many isolated in their boroughs by closed bridges and tunnels, losing all their food, water, power, transportation, and forms of communication when it is ten degrees below zero. That’s what happened. Before all electronic communication went dark, one of the last messages from NYC was that with the arrival of Spring, you could smell the rotting corpses from 10 miles out.

  Back to Dadras and his plan. The first move of his chess game occurs on January 16, 2023.

  Written memos from news organizations stated that January 16 in 2023 was Martin Luther King Day in America. Dadras despised all things American, particularly the concepts of diversity and equality. For Dadras, everything wrong with the world was caused by America’s influence and the only cure was his brand of Islam. So America is his endgame. But like all good chess players he takes a while to get there.

  Remember, in 2022 his agents planted lead-lined suitcase nukes in major cities all over the world. He bragged about how easy they were to hide. And they were set up to be triggered by a remote device. Some of the nukes were detonated by smart phones, but most by on site terrorists. Some with devices as simple as a child’s walkie-talkie.


  JANUARY 16, 2023

  First move—in the name of his god, Dadras nukes his ally, North Korea — twice. One in the capital of Pyongyang and another in the second largest city, Hamhung. Both bombs explode in the business districts of the cities near monuments of the Supreme Leader, Kim Jung-on. The problem with playing chess with human pieces is that they don’t always do what you intend or stay where you put them.

  North Korea’s leader, Kim Jung-on, a kid in his early 30’s with no conscience and no restraints, flips out. Gets really stupid and tries to nuke the United States. Small bomb, big missile. It doesn’t even make it past Japan before a U.S. nuclear sub blasts it out of the sky. Problem is the Korean nuclear weapon explodes over Japan and irradiates population centers. Japan does not have nukes and can’t figure out who to blame.

  Kim Jung-on launches two more missiles, but one fizzles out and crashes in the Pacific Ocean and the other is shot down over the northern Pacific by one of the U.S bases in Alaska.

  Every nuclear country on the planet goes to high alert. And that’s at least 13 countries. The world waits for the Kim Jung-on to react.

  That was day one.


  JANUARY 17, 2023

  North Korea’s leader can’t get his nukes to the U.S. And he really, really hates America. He is sort of allied with China, his next door neighbor. So he’s not messing with them. But—South Korea is right next door. And protected by the U.S. He hates South Korea and if he attacks them, he attacks the U.S. by proxy.

  So he flies two big nukes over South Korea with his fancy Chinese built bombers and blasts the southern part of the peninsula into the dark ages. He drops half a dozen nuclear bombs in the 20 to 40 KT range. The weather is crazy and the radioactive fallout is blown by a southern wind back over North Korea and into parts of China. Most of China’s population is south and west of the fallout, but China has so many citizens that over 100,000,000 Chinese are in the path of the nuclear radiation cloud. Those people are doomed. China is pissed.

  That was day two. Nations with nuclear weapons are talking nonstop both internally and with the other nuclear powers. Everyone wants it to stop. Each country is already dealing with starving citizens and food and water riots.


  JANUARY 18, 2023

  China has decades of history as a semi-ally of North Korea. China knows where all the secret shit is hidden. All the bases, all the bunkers, all the ships and subs. China’s leadership sends over planes — giant bombers with tons of bunker busters and non-nukes — and wipes all of North Korea’s military capacity off the map.

  And the world takes another deep breath. And waits. Nobody really knows what’s going on. All leaders are satisfied with a nuke-free day. Nuclear powers are all scrambling to find out who nuked North Korea on the first day and why. And most of them are looking to the wild cards, Pakistan and The New Islamic State. The nuclear nations presume Kim Jung-on is toast. So now all the attention and diplomacy and bribes and threats are headed in the direction of the sociopath, General ul Haq of Pakistan, and the religious fanatic, Dadras, leader of The New Islamic State. The nuclear countries do not realize that Dadras has nine more suitcase bombs.

  Dadras is ready for stage two.


  JANUARY 19, 2023

  With the help of Mother Nature, Dadras has the world close to the edge. Now he needs to nudge it some more. As a true religious fanatic, Dadras feels his only allegiance is to his holy mission—make the world live under Shia rule. He does not worry about money or infrastructure or civilian deaths. Even if his war kills Shiite men and women, they will have a guaranteed sweet spot in the afterlife based upon his holy war.

  His next target is Pakistan. His other ally. His supplier of nuclear material. What’s brilliant about his is that over half of the human population on the planet is in Pakistan, China, and India. Dadras’s second move has him putting billions of people to death. He knows India and Pakistan have deep religious and political hatred going back decades. He knows they both have nukes. And China is the northern neighbor of both. Big bonus, India is politically aligned to the United States. So what does he do?

  He knows the President of Pakistan is bat shit crazy like the dead Korean guy, so he sets off two more nukes in Pakistan. One bomb in Lahore, in northern Pakistan and near the border with India. Lahore and its surrounding communities have a population of over 10,000,000. The other is Karachi, in the southern region, and it is huge, over 25,000,000 people. One of the top ten largest urban areas in the world at the time. Like all of the suitcase nukes, the bombs are relatively small compared to ICBM types of weapons. But the bombs make big, dirty explosions in two Pakistani cities, and the whole world knows about it. Most of the deaths and casualties are Muslim, but it works out for Dadras because over 70% are Sunni. Sunnis have no afterlife. And the Shiites who perish? No problem, they’ve got heaven, after all.

  A quick weather update here for World War III. In India and Pakistan, the cyclone season ended in November 2022. It is summer in the Southern Hemisphere. They don’t worry about freezing to death, but they are experiencing a three-year drought. There are no food surpluses. Citizens of India are already starving. Corpses are piled outside of villages and on roadsides in the rural areas. In the cities there is an endless march to the dumps to dispose of loved ones.


  JANUARY 20, 2023

  Pakistan has two major urban areas that have been nuked, a population in full panic mode, and a need for revenge.

  Back in the New Islamic State, Dadras watches his chess game proceed as he had envisioned for the past several years. He did not know that our planet’s weather and climate spasms would be beneficial to his pogrom. But he did plan for the president of Pakistan to nuke India. And he was correct.

  New Delhi went first. The second largest city in the world with a population of over 30,000,000 people. A beautiful sunny day in the 70’s. Most people were looking for food and fresh water or for a way to get out of India. Pakistan helped with the latter. At 8:15 in the morning, a Ghauri-I missile rose from the Sulaiman Mountain Range of central Pakistan and streaked across the clear skies of India and landed in the middle of New Delhi. The yield was 60 kilotons, five times larger than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Many parts of the world still had power and we have video of the missiles approach and the impact zone. Pakistan claimed credit and said another was coming. Two for two he said. Only two—one for Lahore and the other for Karachi.

  Two hours later another missile bursts from the Pakistani mountains and rushes toward Mumbai, a magnif
icent city of 25,000,000 whose citizens are already rationing food and water and slowly starving to death. Mumbai is a seaport that juts into the Arabian Sea. A blazing sun bakes the city in 90 degree temperatures when a 60 kiloton Pakistani missile destroys the center of the city and irradiates the sea water for several miles along India’s coast. Within a few days all information from Mumbai and New Delhi ceases. But it is clear that the initial burst of both weapons killed millions. But nearly everyone else died in the following weeks from burns, injuries, radiation poisoning, rioting, starvation, or dehydration.


  JANUARY 21, 2023

  Amazingly, Dadras and The New Islamic State have seven suitcase bombs remaining. Each bomb has been in place for years. He has caused the deaths of nearly 100 million people by detonating four relatively small bombs.

  China’s got the biggest problem. Both India and Pakistan are on its southern borders and both are starting to move nuclear clouds in China’s direction. It had the same problem on its eastern borders because of the North Korea’s aggression. China’s nuclear arsenal is in the thousands, equivalent to that of Russia and the United States, with missiles and submarines to deliver them against any enemy. Nobody wants more missile launches. But China solved its North Korea problem by destroying North Korea’s military capacity. Both India and Pakistan are aware of this. And when China calls them to the table, they show up.

  China says if you don’t stop now, we will enter the fray. China’s delegates tell the counterparts from India and Pakistan to get in touch with their military people in Vishakapatnam in eastern India and Karachi in southern Pakistan and stay on the lines. Within five minutes, both bases have been carpet bombed. Most casualties are military personnel. Planes, supplies, ammunition, battleships, submarines, are reduced to smoldering scrap metal. The Pakistani/Indian War is over. China did not use nuclear weapons.


  JANUARY 22, 2016

  Dadras has not predicted this. But in chess there are always two players. Dadras is very good at countering an opponent’s move. And he has seven suitcase bombs left.

  First item on this agenda is to nuke Washington D.C. and New York. Then Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is winter in all four cities and he detonates his devices as the cities are sleeping. All four cities perch upon the edge of catastrophe with food, water, and power shortages. With their resources stretched to the maximum, the cities in the United States and Russia collapse under the weight of this new man-made assault and begin to slip into extinction. It makes no difference if the people try to hunker down or escape. There is no other side. They are doomed. Most freeze to death before radiation kills them.

  Dadras waits approximately three hours—until the sun has risen over The New Islamic State—and nukes two of his own cities. Esfahan and Kirkuk. Why? There are still some satellites remaining and internet and speculation ranges across the globe that The New Islamic State was attacked by Israel, or France, or another terrorist group. A couple of posts suggest he is doing to himself to deflect blame. Other experts and commentators say that Dadras is doing this to his own people to keep Israel out of the game. If Israel thinks the New Islamic State is under attack, Israel will stand down.

  Experts who speculated that Israel was Dadras’s greatest fear were correct. Israel had over 200 nukes and plenty of delivery systems and would back down from no one. Dadras knew that Israel’s fire power was impossible to withstand. But in Dadras’s mind, if he controlled the world, he could attack Israel from all directions.

  Israel was not buying. On day seven, after the two nukes in Esfahan and Kirkuk, Israel’s defense ministry met and unanimously decided to implement one of the plans that they had in place for decades. It was called “Operation Well-Oiled Machine.”

  All of oil fields of the New Islamic State were identified and targeted. All of the possible locations of Dadras and his leadership, as well as his navy and army bases, were also constantly updated in Israel’s targeting computers.

  Israel pushed the buttons and sent the planes and missiles on their paths. For the oil fields, they started with bunker busters, opening up the top surface of the oil fields and destroying the machinery. They followed with nukes. At least 15 oil fields were nuked to the level of the oil itself. Israel irradiated the future of oil for the middle east and much of the world for centuries to come.

  Israel also hit every New Islamic State ship, army or navy base, garrison, and bunker they could see or had locations on. They used a combination of nukes and conventional weapons.

  Within 24 hours, of Israel’s response, everything went dark and there is no information except journals, diaries, and word of mouth.

  • • • •

  No one spoke. Our table was a statuary.

  Sarah waited a few beats and said, “I’m not done yet.”

  Weasel said, “You know those anti-depressants we found in the hospital in Winfield? Shoulda brought some back.”

  • • • •

  Sarah says, So back to Weasel’s question about the missile silos and power plants. That’s where we’re going now. All of the nuclear weapons in the world had what they called “fail safes.” No would could launch them without codes and more than one person agreeing. In other words, if missiles flew, it wasn’t by accident.

  As for nuclear power plants, in 2023 there were over 300 in operation. Most of them in America, Europe, and Russia. At least a hundred more were under construction. Any power plant that was not shut down with the proper procedure continued to run and eventually became a dirty bomb.

  What happens next is mostly speculation. But accurate, I think.

  Some ability to communicate electronically existed in pockets in the United States. We have reports from witnesses who were over a hundred or two hundred miles away from major cities that multiple locations were struck. Consistent descriptions of huge mushroom clouds and a roar like no other. Some people said they had drones up to see the devastation. We have accounts that people read text messages that went dark mid-word. But most information is second or third hand.

  After Israel nullified the New Islamic State and radiated future middle east oil production for centuries, someone in the big three loosed the dogs of war. Probably all three—China, Russia, United States. We have some insight to the North American destruction. Nothing else. We don’t know about Europe or Asia or Russia. Many of the 21st cen nukes were 1000 times more powerful than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And we’ve all seen pictures of that destruction.

  So here are our best guesses. There were at least three EMP’s on American targets, probably more. One each in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. There were multiple nuclear hits across the country. Probably hundreds. From diaries and photos and word of mouth, we have witnesses to many rockets blasting from United States’ cornfields, suburbs, small towns, submarines, and ships in response to the attacks. The United States had thousands of nukes, based all over the world. How many did we launch? No one knows.

  For America, there were several strikes in water. One in the Gulf of Mexico near the west coast of Florida. The intent probably was to make Florida disappear and flood coastal cities like New Orleans. Lake Eerie got one, not sure why. But there is an industrial corridor and a huge fresh water supply endangered. Or maybe someone just missed a target. There were two hits between Milwaukee and Chicago. I’m guessing those were supposed to hit Chicago.

  On the east coast of the United States, the urban corridor with over a hundred million citizens, nuclear strikes in Chesapeake Bay and Long Island Sound severely damaged New York, Washington D.C., and Baltimore. The west coast was hit several times, as was Atlanta. Chicago got an EMP and two nuclear plant meltdowns. Nothing in St. Louis or smaller midwestern cities. Nothing nuclear, that is. No cities survived the aftermath.

  Who launched first, how long did it last, how many world-wide hits? We don’t know. More than a hundred nuclear bombs landed in the United States. Probably several hundred. But we do know that we probably could hav
e survived a nuclear war or an environmental apocalypse with all of our support systems in place. But the human race couldn’t survive both.

  Do we know what happened to Dadras? I asked.

  If not dead, he’s probably in cave in Afghanistan with goat herd and a flock of sycophants.

  So, Weasel said, his situation is similar to ours.

  Question, Stevie asked. Did you say Dadras had eleven suitcase bombs?

  You noticed, Sarah said. Yeah, only ten got detonated.




  EARLY MAY 2056

  “You and Duke,” Sarah said, “be careful.”

  We were in our basement, next to one of the tunnel doors. Duke and I were doing a night scout. Sometimes we would solo, usually two, never more. In this case me and a dog. Duke’s read of any environment was far beyond our capacity. He was a good companion.

  In a world where a broken ankle could be a death sentence and an ingrown toenail could lead to an amputation, we were always careful. We knew about the collapse now. Were aware that our group was alone and should remain so in order to be safe. After nearly a year of hard work, the compound was nearly invisible. Our escape routes were plentiful. None of us had encountered any clans within miles of our location. Nobody spoke the words, but a feeling of well being was creeping into our lives.

  “I’ve got Duke,” I told Sarah.

  “Yeah,” she said. “He’s a great partner. Keep him safe too.” She hugged me, knelt down and fluffed Duke’s ears, and went upstairs to Stevie. “I love you,” she tossed over her right shoulder.

  “Thanks, Babe. Me too.”

  The door in the wall opened. Weasel stuck his head out. “You done with the lovey doveys? Ready to go?”

  I smiled. “You’re just jealous.”

  “Maybe some truth in that,” he said.


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