Stella in Stilettos

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Stella in Stilettos Page 12

by Romes, Jan

  “A secret rendezvous? At the mall? Come on, Stella. You can twist it better than that. Say something really mean. It’ll fumigate your mood.”

  Stella finally smiled. “How about this? Belinda is bottom-of-the-barrel and Alex is a bottom-feeder.”

  Trish sparkled with agreement. “Ooooooo, Stella. Keep going.”

  No. She wouldn’t keep going. Name calling was juvenile. Moping wasn’t mature either. “Thanks, Trish. I get the picture. I’m better now.”

  “Knew it would help. Now it’s time to hop in the chat room. Let’s find out what Mr. Right has been up to.”

  Stella double-clicked the icon on her desktop. Nothing happened. “Hmm.” She gave it another go. Still nothing. She tried her Internet Explorer, instant messenger, picture software program. Nothing.

  Trish pushed her way in. “Let me check something.” She made a few clicks. “You’ve lost your connection to the Internet.”

  “I’ve lost my connection all right. It’s a sign – to forget about men. All of them. I need coffee.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  In one short week, Stella could flick her overload-switch to the off position. The December sales madness would grind to a close. Belinda would most likely implode from bully-buildup. Maggie could clop around like a Clydesdale while knocking her irksome computer, Melvin, to the floor once and for all. And she’d be free from the man who was making her days…and nights…a living hell. She could focus on margaritas and sun block instead of watching her back and guarding her heart. Ah! Five blissful days free from chaos.

  A reminder that she still had one unresolved issue to conquer before she could lick salt from her margarita glass made her crack her knuckles and stretch her neck from side to side.

  She and Trish had messed with her computer for an hour and it had taken a techie from the help desk less than two minutes to identify the glitch. Geeks rule! She was back in business. Any second now she could click into her email account. Yep. Whenever she wanted, she could double click the icon. Stella tapped the computer mouse with her forefinger, not hard enough to give it a command.

  Coffee! She needed coffee. A big cup. A really big cup so she could…stall?

  Gah. Shouldn’t she be excited to confirm plans with Mr. Right?


  Stella shuffled to the kitchen and made a pot of pumpkin spice, which was fast becoming her favorite. Since the flavor was seasonable, she could stash bags of it in her freezer so she could enjoy it in July too. Yes. That’s what she’d do. When everyone else was drinking regular coffee she could smile and let cinnamon and nutmeg tantalize her taste buds. She shook her head. Centering her attention on pumpkin spice instead of her email was a clear sign that she wasn’t as excited to meet Mr. Right as she should be. She puffed out her cheeks and blew out a breath of…frustration? Confusion? What? She couldn’t even identify her feelings. The stress of the last few weeks must’ve short-circuited her ability to care about anything but pumpkin spice.

  Between slurps, she stared at the computer as though her email account would magically open itself if she waited long enough.

  What was wrong with her? Yesterday, she couldn’t wait to hear from Mr. Right. Today, not so much. This was weird. Excitement one minute, hesitation the next.

  The only explanation that made sense was the nonstop drama had spilled over to the last pure thing in her life – Mr. Right. Grr. The tiny rebel inside responsible for the thing she called a backbone made her stop being a wuss. She double clicked the email icon. Seven new messages popped in. Low and behold one from her…friend? Heart of hearts? What exactly were they? She opened the message and found a one-line invitation to join him in the chat room. Before she wussed-out again, she clicked into the room.

  To her surprise, he was there. It took less than a second for a private message to center her screen. “Blonde1. How are you?”

  Umm…more interested in coffee than whatever they might talk about.

  She couldn’t say that. She needed to sound upbeat. Ready to meet him. Eager. She typed, “Excited.”

  “To meet me?”

  The question made Stella dig deep. She did want to meet him so she could put her curiosity to rest. “Most definitely.”


  For what felt like five minutes there was nothing but dead air space. Stella sipped pumpkin spice. Lord only knows what he was doing.

  Finally, another line of text materialized.

  “I think I should warn you that lately I seem to be saying all the wrong things.”

  The information made Stella lower her coffee cup and sit up straight. “Care to talk about it?”

  “No. Tonight is about us.”

  Hmm. “Okay. But if you need to vent, I’m a good listener.”

  “I’m trying to leave work at work. Do you mind?”

  Ouch. He was the one who brought the subject up. “No problem.”

  “The only thing I’ll say is that I upset someone I care about.”

  The man obviously needed to talk. They both did. And if they could get a dialogue going about real things like they did when they first met, maybe she would feel the same excitement as she did then. She chose her words carefully. “I can be objective.”

  “You’re not going to give up are you?”

  Stella drew back at the cyber-reprimand. “Sorry.”

  “Let’s just say I handled things like a self-absorbed jerk.”

  This guy needed sun and surf worse than she did. “Did you at least apologize?”

  Mr. Right cut her off short again. “Let’s talk about Key West.”

  “Good idea.”

  The next fifteen minutes was lighter. They talked about how great it would be to in the Gulf of Mexico enjoying eighty degree temperatures instead of zero like it had been the last couple of days in Ohio. He promised to have a drink with her to start things off and they would see what happened from there. Without warning, he said goodbye and clicked out.

  Stella looked around, not focusing on anything in particular. “That was different.” Their conversation felt forced tonight. Something had changed, for them both.

  Without flipping on the light, Stella traipsed to the bedroom and flopped on the bed. In the quiet darkness, she let her thoughts untangle. Alex had clearly distanced himself from her today. It felt as though Mr. Right had done the same thing just minutes before. And it seemed as though Maggie no longer cared about background music. A small whimper echoed in the abyss of her room. How had her life gotten so out of control? After Jace left, she vowed to make better choices; to keep her heart out of harm’s way. That promise was about as solid as a snowball in Fiji. As soon as Alex came to the department, her heart and brain tilted sideways. Trish talked her into meeting Mr. Right and she tilted a little more. Factor in Maggie Watkins and Belinda, and it was a wonder her addled brain could send impulses to her heart to keep beating.

  A powerful thought made Stella sit up. In the midst of all that mayhem, a transformation had taken place! Stella shook her head as though she couldn’t quite believe it. But it was true. Something great happened – she wanted to embrace life instead of hiding from it. And…as dangerous as it was to give someone her heart, she wanted to be in love again. Neither would happen without a game plan.

  * * * *

  Alex pretended to be absorbed in work when Stella walked in, but he hawk-eyed her every move. She gave the group standing by the copier a happy smile, before bouncing by Corrine with a bigger one. She looked cheerful, but her tight, guarded posture said otherwise.

  He recognized the façade because it mirrored his own. Beneath his smile was a man torn a thousand different ways; although, only one mattered – the attraction he had for Stella. He couldn’t accept the possibility that she had someone else in her life. Stella had kissed him with more passion than any other woman ever had and now, she dominated his thoughts and his heart. In the process of trying to figure things out, he’d hurt her and it was killing him.

  Alex wait
ed until Stella was situated in her cubicle before strolling by. He turned around and dialed down his usual flash and cockiness. “Good morning, Stella.” With pulse-pounding uncertainty he waited for her reaction.

  Gorgeous green eyes widened behind her glasses.

  Good. He caught her off guard.

  Their gazes connected for a second, but she quickly looked away. “Good morning, Alex.”

  When he continued to stand there, Stella allowed her eyes to drift back to him. An awkward lapse of silence zipped between them. And for the first time in forever, he was lost.

  How he ended up in the lobby of his stepdad’s business, he had no idea. His stepsister, Kelly, met him at the elevator. Her hazel eyes lit up and she threw her arms around his neck. “Bro.”

  “Missed me?” Alex laughed.

  “Always,” she said directly. “Have you finally come to your senses?”

  Alex put her in a gentle headlock. “Don’t bug me or I’ll mess up your hair.”

  Kelly snorted in the crick of his elbow. “Release me, ya goon.” Alex complied, but she kept the mischief going. “Dad has a room all picked out for you.”

  Alex made a move like he was going to resume the wrestling hold. Kelly flinched out of the way. “Is Dad in?” he asked.

  “Nope. Flew to Houston this morning.”

  “Are you hungry, Kel?”

  Kelly listened for an hour. She gave her honest opinion – it was time for Alex to quit the lingerie company. She told him to stop being stupid with Stella and hook up. It was exactly what he wanted to hear, yet it wasn’t.

  Now he was in Steve’s office. Of course, Steve was nowhere to be seen. Alex turned to leave. He had to get out of there before Jett spotted him. He was almost to the door when a familiar head of blond hair and goofy grin made him stop.

  “It’s about time you wandered back to your real job.”

  “Funny,” Alex replied blandly.

  Steve looked him over. “What’s up?”

  “Nothing’s up. Does something have to be up for me to pay you a visit?”

  “Yessss.” Steve threw his coat over the back of his chair and sat down.

  Alex put his feet up on Steve’s desk. Paybacks. “I’m here because I’m bored.”

  “Mmm-hmm. What about the work you always say you have to do?”

  Alex changed his mind. There was no way Steve could help. He removed his feet from the desk and was about to remove them from Steve’s office. He ran a hand over his face.

  “What is it?”

  “Hell, Steve, I don’t know.”

  “Does this have anything to do with Stella?”

  “No,” Alex projected with lightning speed.

  Steve arched a knowing brow, and Alex wanted to tug the damned thing back down.

  “Lie to everyone else; even to yourself, but give it to me straight. There’s something wrong between you two. Yesterday she had the same look.”

  “What look? How’d she look?” Alex crossed his arms as though it would settle his sudden rapid heartbeat. “Tell me.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” Steve spouted.

  “How’d she look?” Not knowing was clawing him to death from the inside out.

  “Like she’d lost her best friend. Although Trish is her best friend and they’re cool, so whatever is bugging her has to do with you.”

  Alex laid his forearms on his thighs and hung his head. “I messed up, Steve.”

  Steve stood up, grabbed his coat and headed to the door. “Let’s take this conversation elsewhere.”

  “This is better. We have the perfect blend of coffee and commotion, so tell me what’s on your mind,” Steve said, after they settled in a booth.

  Alex agreed to make the short trip to the coffee shop, but he was rethinking the sanity of pouring out his thoughts. “I don’t have time for this. I’m supposed to meet Maggie in forty-five minutes to decorate for the freaking party.”

  “You started this damned therapy session and you’re going to finish it.”

  Alex sighed. “I’ve been fighting with myself since I met Stella. And I’ve been a bastard to Jett and Marc.” He stretched his hands like they were tight. “I’ve decided to quit, Steve. I’m not sure when, but I’m not staying. Don’t breathe a word, okay?”

  Steve started to say something but stopped when the waitress came to refill their coffee cups. “Not a word. I promise. What about Stella?”

  “That’s the part I’m struggling with. When she finds out they offered me that assistant VP job she’s going to be hurt.”

  Steve’s blue eyes rounded with surprise. “They offered you the VP position? I mean the assistant’s position. Son of a bitch! Another stepping stone. You lucky bastard.” He stopped when he realized he was the only one tickled with the news. His bushy, blond brows knit to the center when the information sank in. “That’s the job Stella had her heart set on. Shit.”

  Alex pulled in a short breath. “Yeah. No kidding.”

  Steve frowned and dropped the f-bomb a few times. “You didn’t go after the damned thing, did you?”

  “Hell no, I didn’t.”

  “Stella’s a great gal. All you have to do is explain that you had nothing to do with the offer and she’ll understand.”

  Alex shook his head. “The last couple of days I’ve stayed away from her because I felt guilty. I know I should just tell her instead of confusing her.”

  “You weren’t distancing yourself the other night,” Steve reminded him.

  “I know.” Alex wished he could go back to that night. He would’ve never left Stella at her door. He would’ve made love to her and things would be great right now.

  “Listen, lame brain. Stop the madness. Tell her about the job and let her know how you feel.”

  “Why does everything seem simple to you?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Alex had thawed a little by saying hello, but it’s all she got. Maggie and Belinda had taken vacation days, so she didn’t have to deal with their nonsense. All in all, it hadn’t been a horrible day.

  Stella thought about the magazine article she read last night. It talked about the best way to seek revenge when your guy dumps you. Technically, Alex wasn’t her guy and he didn’t exactly dump her, but it was a universal message. The article said the best way to survive your latest heartbreak, was to look like a million bucks. Make him take notice. Make him regret tossing you aside.

  Stella rummaged through her near-empty closet. Nothing in there would make anyone take notice. She groaned because she’d had an opportunity to buy some spectacular dresses when she and Trish went shopping, but she’d been too bullheaded to consider them. Now she had zilch.

  She dialed Misty’s number. “I need your help.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m okay, Mist’,” she said halfheartedly. “Actually, I’m not. I’m a mess. But I know you can help.” Everything about the last several days tumbled out. By the time she finished, she was holding off tears and Misty was ready to wring Alex’s neck.

  “Can I borrow something to wear?” Misty had a wardrobe to die for. Her full-ride scholarship covered tuition, books, and housing. Any money her parents gave her was spent on a few necessities and the rest on some great clothes. After all, a soon-to-be doctor couldn’t walk around in rags.

  “I have just the thing. It still has the price tag on it. How soon do you need it?’

  A frantic look at the clock made the effort seem lost. “Seven.”

  “Well then, I’m going to have to meet you somewhere to save time. How about the Easton Mall restroom?”

  Stella laughed nervously. “You’re kidding right?”

  “You wish.”

  Stella paced like a crazy woman while she waited for Misty. She checked her watch, checked it again and paced a little more. It was almost six-forty-five and there was no sign of her sister.

  She traipsed to the main entrance and grimaced at the falling snow. Misty should’ve been there alrea
dy. Maybe she was stuck in traffic. Stella took a deep breath and refused to think of worse possibilities. Misty would be there soon. She just needed to exercise a little patience.

  She fumbled with her cell phone. Call. Don’t call. What if she called and distracted Misty and caused an accident.

  A muffled ring in her pocket gave her hope. “Hello,” she said, trying to sound calm.

  “Where are you, Stella? I’ve been in the restroom for a half hour. People are going to report me as a shady character pretty soon.”

  Stella had a sinking feeling. “Which mall are you at?”

  “Tuttle Crossing.” Misty let a few cuss words fly. “I said Easton, didn’t I? Why am I at Tuttle? I remember saying Easton. I’m sorry, Stella.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up, Mist’. It’s a sign I shouldn’t go. You actually did me a favor.”

  “Bull. You’re going. You have to. If you don’t, the hooligans and the handsome thug win.”

  “He’s not a thug,” rushed out. Stella was surprised by her sudden defense of Alex.

  Misty was just as surprised. “Interesting.”

  “No it isn’t. Nothing is interesting.”

  * * * *

  Trish was probably climbing the banquet hall walls. Stella had called her cell phone but it went to voice mail.

  Ten minutes after seven, the door to the Ladies room opened and Misty ran in, out of breath, toting the dress and a shoe bag. “Sorry.”

  “I’m the one who’s sorry. You shouldn’t be out in this weather, delivering clothes to your sister.”

  “Keyword there is sisters, Stella. Delivering clothes or whatever is what we do for each other.” Misty wrapped Stella in a quick hug and then held up the dress for her inspection.

  “It’s beautiful, Mist’.” Stella was blown away. The soft-pink dress had a slit up the side, two thin straps that crisscrossed at the neckline and was gathered beneath the bust.

  Misty pulled a pair of silver stilettos with a thin ankle-strap from the bag. “What’s with the dark circles under the eyes?”


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