Till The Dead Speak (Killer Affections Book 2)

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Till The Dead Speak (Killer Affections Book 2) Page 17

by Jerrie Alexander

  “Weir,” the male voice said.

  “Linc Hawkins, here. Did Rafe turn you into his admin?” Linc laughed, knowing Colton would have something smart to say.

  “Yeah. Bastard’s on his honeymoon. I was just sitting here pondering why they didn’t invite me to go with them.”

  “There’s no justice in the world.”

  “You got that right. How’s sunny California?” Colton’s drawl was just a thick as Linc remembered.

  “Sunny. Have you got time to hear a short story?”

  “Sure enough. I think the agent in charge is scared to send me into the field without my keeper.”

  “I can see that.” Again, Linc laughed. “I have someone with me, mind if I put you on speaker?”

  “Not at all.”

  Linc tapped the key and placed the cell on the table. “I need your help.”

  “She must be a beauty if you’re not going to introduce me. Ma’am, Colton Weir, at your service.”

  “I certainly appreciate that. I’m Samantha Anderson.”

  “Wait just a cotton picking minute,” Colton said. “Did I detect a Texas accent?”

  “You did,” Linc said. “She’s from Dallas.”

  “Well, that settles it. Hit me with your problem. If I can help, I will.”

  Linc wasted no time laying out the story, allowing Sam to explain what had brought her to California. Colton remained silent, which if Linc’s memory was right, was a miracle. Maybe they had captured his curiosity. “That Sam’s grandfather was upset with one of his staff is our one and only clue.”

  Sam leaned closer to the phone. “Plus he would have chosen any number of ways to end his life before he picked drowning.”

  “Maybe I should come out there. Unofficial like.”

  “You can run these background checks from there.”

  “I’m just jerking your chain. By the way, how are you?”

  “Hoping to get released in less than two weeks. I’ll be going back to work.”

  “Then we’d better get busy. Can you email me the files?”

  “No.” Sam leaned closer to the phone. “My grandfather was old school. How about I fax them to you after we get to the restaurant?”

  “Works for me.” Colton gave them a number. “I’ll snag them off the machine.”

  “I owe you.” Linc meant every word.

  “I’ve always wanted to try my hand at surfing.”

  “Stop fishing for an invitation.”

  “I’ll be in Dallas this Monday. You can contact me if you need something.” Sam rattled off her number.

  “Got it,” Colton drawled. “Get that information to me.”

  Linc ended the call. He could imagine the grin on Colton’s face, because Rafe had pointed out that Colton was a whore-dog when it came to women. “You can bet Colton will call you Monday.”

  “I do believe you’re jealous.” Her Texas drawl thickened just listening to Colton talk.

  “I would argue but we need to get ready for work.”


  Samantha did her best to enter The Cage with dignity, but it was hard not to burst inside and shout the news that she was beyond happy. Her shower with Linc had turned into an acrobatic performance on both their parts. Between the laughing, moaning, stumbling, and multiple orgasms, she’d discovered that she had incredible balance.

  Linc disappeared into Charlie’s office and hadn’t returned to the dining area. Samantha had to wonder if the search for the killer would permanently stall if they couldn’t figure out who Charlie was upset with. She caught herself watching and wondering about every member of the staff. If one of them was responsible, they certainly hid their guilt well.

  Samantha turned to greet a customer and found Mila carrying a flower arrangement. “Hello, again.”

  Mila smiled and handed over the flowers. “These are for you.”

  “Thank you.” Samantha reached for the card.

  “I’m behind on deliveries. Enjoy your bouquet.” Mila hurried out the door.

  Dave joined Samantha. He leaned over and smelled a red rose. “You have an admirer. I’m guessing we know who they are from.” He tilted his head toward the office area. “Go ahead, I’ll man the door.”


  She crossed the restaurant, slipped down the hall, and stopped inside Charlie’s office. Linc’s back was to her, providing an excellent view of his ass as he dug out an unopened package of printer paper. He stood and turned toward her. His right eyebrow arched. He filled the fax machine’s tray, hit a button and sat in Charlie’s chair.

  “Are those for me?”

  “I thought they were from you.” She sat the vase on the filing cabinet, removed the card, and then read. “Congratulations on an offer too good to refuse, Dylan.” Samantha’s patience with the Smythe family had worn out. “Throw them away for me, please. I don’t want them.” She dropped the card on the desk.

  “There’s a bigger question here.” Linc slid the card over in front of him. “He ordered these from Hearts and Flowers? It’s too much of a coincidence that he picked the same florist that Charlie had always used.”

  Samantha turned and sat on the edge of the desk. “Was he following us?”

  Linc rubbed his temples. “What the hell did Charlie have that got him killed?”

  “And where is it?” Her stomach clenched. “I was hungry, but not anymore.”

  Linc stood and pushed the desk chair in place. “That was the last form. Let’s go out front and help Dave. There’s nothing we can do right now but guess.”

  Samantha stood between him and the door. “Tomorrow is Sunday.”

  His usual smile waned, touching her heart. “Yes it is.”

  “After we close, will you take me by your place to get my overnight bag and then drive me to my hotel?”

  “Your plane doesn’t leave until midnight.”

  “That’s correct. I have to pack and arrange for the shuttle to the airport.”

  “The shuttle is not necessary. I’ll drive you.”

  Samantha cupped his face in her hands. “I don’t want to say goodbye at the airport. I’m subject to get teary-eyed, and I don’t want your last memory of me to be of mascara running down my cheeks. Will you stay with me until I have to leave?”

  “If that’s what you want, but if you’re coming back, this isn’t goodbye.”

  “We can’t know that. You may be gone before I return. What if you’re not assigned to the California division?”

  “Then we’ll do it your way.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  She rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. Could a person fall in love in just a few days? They hardly knew each other, yet it was going to tear her heart into pieces to leave him behind. “You’ll keep me in the loop if you find anything else on Charlie’s death?”

  “You have my word.”

  A knock on the door had them jumping apart and then delivering a weak laugh. Linc opened to door. Dave’s lips were drawn thin.

  “What is it,” Linc asked.

  “That guy who grabbed your arm is back. I didn’t seat him, told him to wait at the door. Want me to tell him to get lost?” Dave asked her.

  “I’ll go,” she said. “He needs to understand that no means no.”

  “We’ll both go,” Linc growled. “If he touches you, I’ll kick his ass.”

  Dave grinned. “Drag him outside first.”

  Linc followed her down the hall and to the front door. Dylan nodded as they approached.

  “Before you throw me out, I come in peace. I had to apologize in person for my inebriated phone calls. If you think of how I can make amends, please don’t hesitate to call.” He turned toward the door but looked back at Linc. “Congratulations. You won the girl and the restaurant.”

  Samantha sighed as Dylan got in his car and drove away. “Maybe he’s given up.”

  “You didn’t tell his attorney that you were keeping th
is place?”

  “I didn’t think it was any of his business. All he needed to know was that I was not interested in their offer.”

  “Why don’t you tell the team after closing? It will take a load off their minds.”

  “Good idea.” Samantha took her spot at the front door. As she greeted and then seated the guests, she discovered the lump in her throat was becoming harder to swallow.

  Linc had become important to her. Was it love? She didn’t think so, but why did the thought of him not being here when she returned feel as if railroad spikes were being driven into her heart? Had a weekend fling with Linc had been a stupid idea? Maybe, but she’d always cherish the amazing memories they had created. Maybe she would see him again. Maybe not. So tomorrow would be goodbye after all.

  The night ended on a high note. Everyone was pleased Samantha had decided to retain ownership and Dave would stay on as manager. He would funnel invoices to her attorney for payment. After her speech, it occurred to her that perhaps she didn’t need to return except for the will probate.

  Her body ached, as did her feet and back. Exhaustion hit and hit hard. She pulled out a chair, sat and removed her shoe. “These shoes will have to go.”

  Dave’s face filled with sympathy. “You and Linc go on. Maggie and I will lock up,” he said. “And I hope you call often for updates.”

  “Whatever is easiest for you. You may email me if you prefer.”

  Linc locked the door to the patio and joined them. “Busy Saturday night.”

  “Dave says we’re out of here, and I’m inclined to agree.” She slipped on her shoe. “What do you say?”

  “You’re the boss.” He grinned.

  Dave walked them to the door. “Maggie and I will take good care of the restaurant. Come back soon.”

  “I’ll let you know when I head back.”

  Linc caught her hand as they crossed the parking lot. It was a small gesture but the spikes in her heart seemed to be growing. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone just held her hand as they walked. The thought that it might never happen again caused her eyes to tear.

  He opened the car door. “You’re very quiet.

  “Whipped,” she joked, trying to pass off sadness as exhaustion.

  “As soon as we’re at the hotel, I’ll fix you a hot bubble bath. A good soak will ease those muscles.”

  “Sounds heavenly.” The bath would indeed rejuvenate her, and she intended to make the most out of tonight.


  Linc waited at the elevator while Sam informed the desk clerk that she’d be checking out tomorrow. He liked the idea that she was warming to the idea of living here. He pushed the up button as she approached. “All set?”

  “Yep. I asked for a late checkout.” She caught his hand as they boarded together. “The desk clerk as if I’d be returning soon. It just now occurred to me that I need somewhere other than a hotel to live.”

  “It wouldn’t take much to fix up the house. It belongs to you now.”

  “I might do that.”

  “Remember, you can afford to live where ever you want.”

  She laughed as the elevator stopped on her floor. “There is that.”

  “Come on, I’ll fix you that bath.” Linc let her open the door and enter. He placed her bag on a chair and went straight to the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, she knocked on the door. “Almost ready?”

  He opened the door and moved back. “Come in.”

  The jetted tub was running on low and the bubbles seemed to increase by the second. The label on the bottle claimed the contents to be lilac scented. Judging from the smile on Sam’s face, she liked it. He’d lit the lone candle on the countertop, and placed a soft robe, towel and washcloth on the table next to the tub.

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” She lifted up and kissed him.

  Every fiber in his being screamed to join her, but he stepped back, turned, and walked to the door. “You’ve earned some quiet time.”

  Standing alone in the suite, he questioned his sanity. He’d never gone to this kind of trouble for a woman. He’d never met one that made him think of hearts and flowers. Yet, here he stood, thrilled that he’d pleased her.

  He needed that doctor’s release. Work, a good assignment, would get him back on the right track. He kicked off his shoes and socks, and then stretched out on the bed.

  “Linc?” Her voice came muffled from behind the closed door.


  “Will you wash my back, please?”

  Three strides later, he opened the door and closed it behind him. He reached for the bar of soap. “Love to.”

  “Dressed like that?” Her eyes were full of mischief. Her smile playful.

  In that minute, his heart folded. He kicked his shoes across the room, stripped, then stepped in the tub behind her. She leaned forward, giving him her back. He lathered his hands and gently massaged her tight shoulder muscles. She slowly melted against him, resting her head on his chest. He soaped her body, kneading every inch, smoothing his fingers over her soft skin. Her soft moans found a permanent place in his memory. He knew that on long quiet nights alone, he’d play that sound in his head again and again. The memory of how she responded to his touch and the taste of her lips would keep him awake.



  “Take me to bed.”

  “Gladly.” Linc stepped out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and then helped Sam step onto the rug. He dried her off in a hurry, taking a couple of swipes at himself and tossing the towel to the side. “My God, you are beautiful.”

  She lifted up and her lips found his, demanding and hungry. His muscles tightened like coils when she fisted a handful of his hair. Her action shook him to the soles of his feet. He dragged himself away from her mouth to kiss her neck and bare shoulders. The need to drive her passion to new heights swamped him. He scooped her into his arms, walked to the bedroom and lowered her. Sitting beside her, he captured her lips, ravaging them until he heard that soft moan she made when aroused. Taking his time, he touched, kissed, stroked, until she quivered from need, and her breathing grew ragged.

  Tonight would be special, one they would both remember. Cupping her breast in his hand, he circled her nipple with his tongue. He took her breast with his mouth, scraping gently with his teeth. His free hand slid down her body seeking out her most private, vulnerable part.

  She lifted her hips as he slipped a finger inside her and then two. Pushing, circling until she moaned his name.

  “Come for me,” he whispered, increasing the pressure with his fingers. “Now.”

  Her eyes closed, and her body bucked into his hand as she rode out the storm. Slowly she relaxed and looked at him. Her lips curved into a sensuous smile and his heart folded.

  “I love how responsive you are,” he whispered into her lips.

  “I want you inside me.” She opened her legs wider, reached her hand down, grasping him, guiding him to her.

  “Wait.” Reluctantly, he pulled away, frantically looking for his jeans. He scrambled for a condom, covered himself and then settled between her thighs.

  “Sam,” he murmured. “Look at me, open your eyes.”

  He thrust inside her, burying himself in her incredible heat. They moved as one until he couldn’t hold back any longer. He didn’t breathe, couldn’t breathe, as she clenched around him, pulling him to completion. Their bodies glistening with sweat, they lay in each other’s arms.

  Sam stretched like a cat waking from a long nap, slid away from him, and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she was back and cuddled against him, eyes heavy with need for sleep. He pulled her head onto his shoulder and held her until she drifted off.

  Linc stretched his free arm out, turned off the lamp, and lay staring into the darkness. He couldn’t let this become more than what they’d agreed on, a weekend of enjoying each other. Soon he’d be a memory. Sam would soon move in a different circle than he did, whi
ch was as it should be. He’d have to wait and see how she felt after they’d been apart a few months.


  His buzzing cell woke Linc from a dreamless slumber. He slid out of bed, trying not to disturb Sam. A quick glance at his watch had him double checking to be sure it read eleven o’clock. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d stayed in bed this late. He fished out his phone and read the text message. Shit. One of Hector’s family members had been in an accident and he’d been called home.

  Linc sat down on the edge of the bed and pushed the hair off Sam’s face. Her eyelids fluttered and then blue eyes stared up at him. “How can you be this beautiful first thing in the morning. Correction…midday.”

  “You lie.” She lifted her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. “Midday is right. Was that your friend Colton?”

  “No. It was Dave. Hector had a family emergency and went home.”

  “Oh.” She dropped her head to the pillow. “You have to go so Dave can work the kitchen.”

  “Yeah. The boss wouldn’t like it if we closed on a Sunday.” He swallowed the golf ball size knot in his throat. “I’m sorry.”

  Sam blinked a couple of times. “It’s alright. I’ve got things I need to do.” She rolled out of bed, went to the bathroom and grabbed the robe he’d set out for her. She lifted the room phone. “I’ll call down for coffee.”

  Before he could speak, she’d dismissed him. It was a damn good front, but he wasn’t letting her off so easy. He slipped on his underwear and jeans. “I truly am sorry.”

  “I believe you.” She sank down into the chair by the balcony.

  Linc sank down in front of her. “Meeting you has been the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. We’ll talk and see each other again.”

  “I’d like to believe that, but you’ll get folded up in your work. There’s no telling where you’ll be assigned. Both our lives are up in the air.”

  Linc recoiled. He’d been trained to read people’s reactions and emotions. He was damned good at his job, but Sam had hidden hers. Her eyes were icy as the Antarctica.


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