Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

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Bailey, Shawn - A Lover's Concerto [Young, Hot, and Talented 1] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove) Page 1

by Shawn Bailey

  Young, Hot, and Talented 1

  A Lover’s Concerto

  Jonas, Frankie, and Kalen Kerry lost their parents in a terrible fire six months ago. Ever since then Jonas and Frankie have been entertaining people on the streets with their violin and guitar to feed themselves and to buy medication for Jonas, who suffered from diabetes and asthma.

  Adam Montgomery thought Frankie was just a little smart ass at first, but his heart melted once he discovered that Frankie not only was the glue that held this tiny group together but who also possessed an amazing musical talent that needed to be unleashed on the American public. Seventeen-year-old Frankie and twenty-year-old Jonas were carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders trying to look after their younger brother Kalen. But even as Adam got more and more involved in their lives there was no denying that it was Frankie who made Adam’s heart melt every time he looked into those deep blue eyes.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary

  Length: 59,606 words


  Young, Hot, and Talented 1

  Shawn Bailey



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2014 by Shawn Bailey

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-165-5

  First E-book Publication: August 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter to Readers

  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of A Lover’s Concerto by Shawn Bailey from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Shawn Bailey’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Bailey’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is dedicated to my son Brandon, who has aspirations of becoming a singer. Though the challenge seems rough at the moment, there is no obstacle you can’t overcome. You are truly a wonderful musician and lyricist and I see a bright future ahead for you.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  About the Author


  Young, Hot, and Talented 1


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “Thanks for the lift,” Adam Montgomery said to his chauffer George as he and Nico Washington, his current beau-in-the-making, got out of the town car and prepared to enter the Montgomery Arms Hotel. It was a beautiful fall evening in New Orleans, and he and Nico just spent their first date at the movies watching a romantic love story Nico just had to see. They had known each other a few months, and their relationship had the possibility of progressing.

  Nico looked like a million bucks in his double-breasted Armani suit. It fit his husky body like a glove and called attention to his nice ass. The deep blue was definitely his color, and it brought out the brown in his eyes. He wore his dark hair cut fashionably with the sides a little longer and the nape tapered. “What’s going on over there?” Nico asked. He pointed a manicured finger in the direction of the park across the street from the hotel. “I hear music.”

  George drove away from the curb.

  Adam turned his attention to the voices of the crowd as it formed. “It is music. I hear a violin.”

  “Since when does this city sponsor concerts over there?” Nico asked. He brushed a strand of brown hair away from his eye.

  Adam shrugged. He loved violin music, but he wanted to go up to his room and get busy in bed with Nico, who had been flirting excessively with him from the moment George picked him up.

  “I want to see what’s going on,” Nico begged.

  Adam smiled happily. Nico looked so excited he just couldn’t refuse. They dodged traffic as they made their way over to the park. Beautiful sounds resonated as they got closer to get a better look.

  “Oh my gosh, its kids,” Nico exclaimed.

  They were kids. The guitar player barely looked eighteen, with chin-length blond hair and a thin build. He had an attractive face, long fingers, and he played the instrument very well.

  The violinist appeared to be a little younger, and had a very serious look on his face as he glided the bow across the strings. He had eyes the color of a robin’s egg and a lithe, boyish body. His low-riding jeans exposed pale flesh just below his belly button. His cherubic face just
stole Adam’s breath away…pretty, but masculine with a head of thick curls that hung down to his shoulders.

  A blond toddler sat in a stroller close to them playing with a toy and ignoring the crowd.

  The song ended. People clapped and tossed money into the open guitar case on the ground at the musician’s feet.

  “Thank you,” the guitarist said in a deep voice. “You are most generous.”

  Nico tossed in a couple of bills and then put his arms around Adam’s waist.

  Adam reached into his wallet. The smallest bill he had was a hundred. “Oh well,” he said as he added it to the growing pile of money. He leaned over and kissed Nico. “Good music makes me horny.”

  The violinist looked at them oddly, blushed, and then looked away, but not before Adam got a good look at him and his dimples.

  Adam led Nico way. Blue eyes made him horny, too.

  “They are very talented,” Nico said as Adam held the hotel door open for him.

  “Yeah, they’re cute,” Adam replied as they walked through the busy lobby. “I wonder where their parents are.”

  * * * *

  The crowd went away, and Jonas Kerry removed the tips from his guitar case and placed the money into his wallet while his younger brother Frankie put his violin and bow away. “The people were in a giving mood today. One guy even tossed in a hundred dollar bill.”

  “Did you see his suit?” Frankie asked. “He can afford it.” He placed the violin case behind their baby brother’s stroller. “I think Kalen needs to be changed.”

  Jonas closed his guitar case and locked it. “We’ll change him at the gas station. I have to pee.” He carried his guitar while Frankie pushed the carriage. It was getting dark, and they would have to find a safe spot to sleep soon. They couldn’t go to one of the homeless shelters without drawing attention. Someone might call the local child protection agency and get Kalen taken away from them. They never camped out in the same place twice and tried to hide away at night.

  The brothers entered the men’s room at the gas station. Jonas used the toilet while Frankie washed Kalen up and changed his Pull-Up.

  “We need to potty train him. Disposable diapers are getting too expensive,” Frankie said.

  Jonas nodded in agreement as he washed his hands. Frankie was good with Kalen and made sure the infant ate and took naps. He also made sure they took Kalen to the local free clinic for his pediatric visits and immunizations. He freshened up and changed his shirt, too, while Frankie used the toilet.

  After leaving the station, Jonas ran into a couple of his friends from school.

  “I’ll be back,” Frankie said. “Keep an eye on Kalen.”

  “Where are you going?” Jonas asked. He didn’t like Frankie wandering around alone at night.

  “Not far,” Frankie said, not revealing his destination. “Just chill with your friends.” He walked away.

  Jonas frowned. Frankie didn’t like some of the guys he hung around with, which was understandable since his friends often teased him about his looks and tried to make passes at him. He sighed. Frankie had been going through some things lately, and Jonas worried about him. After all they’d been through, Frankie still wouldn’t open up and discuss his problems.

  * * * *

  “Mr. Montgomery, we had a problem,” Jed, the chief of security officer, said to Adam. “We need you to come to the security office.”

  Adam groaned. Nico had been in a romantic mood, and they were both trying to recover from their lovemaking. “Okay, I’ll be there.” He hung up and tugged on his briefs and pants.

  Nico lay on his stomach recovering. “Where are you going?”

  “Downstairs to the security office. Get some sleep. I’ll be back shortly.” He finished dressing.

  Nico stopped talking and dozed off.

  Adam left the suite and took the elevator down to the lobby. He entered the security office and shut the door.

  Jed and two other officers stood near a chair. They had a kid handcuffed to it.

  “What did he do?” Adam asked, walking further into the office. Adam gasped, but didn’t comment.

  “We found him behind the hotel rooting through one of the Dumpsters,” Jeb answered.

  The young man tried to get free.

  Adam walked closer. “What were you digging in the garbage bins for?”

  Blue Eyes glared at him. “What do you think?”

  That sweet voice did not go with the angry frown. Adam glared back at the beautiful blond-haired moppet. He was covered in trash and smelled awful.

  “He said he was hunting for food,” one of the other guards said.

  Great. “What happened to all the money you and that other kid raked in earlier when you performed in the park?”

  The young man refused to answer.

  “Listen, we can do this the easy way or I can call the police,” Adam threatened. He was tired from sexing up Nico, and all he wanted to do was take a shower and go back to bed.

  “I’ve committed no crime. Once it goes into the Dumpster it’s free game. The garbage men are just going to cart it away to the dump tomorrow.”

  His voice mesmerized Adam. It reminded him of a bird serenading the flowers. “True, but you earned enough money to buy food. Why dig in the garbage?”

  “The money isn’t for food. It’s for medicine.”

  Adam gasped. “Drugs?”

  The street urchin rolled those amazing blue eyes at him. “No, medicine. Insulin is very expensive. And Kalen needs diapers and milk.”

  “Oh, Kalen is the baby,” Adam said, remembering the child in the stroller. “Is he yours?”

  The lad shook his head. “No, he’s our baby brother.”

  “The guitarist is your brother, too?” Now that he thought about it they did resemble, but this one was cuter even under the dirt and grime. “Is the insulin for you?”

  “No, for Jonas. He’s the oldest.”

  “And your name is?”

  “Frank. Frankie Kerry.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Frankie Kerry. My name is Adam Montgomery, and this is my hotel. But even though Dumpster-diving isn’t illegal, being on hotel property without permission is. Do you understand?”

  “Of course I do. I’m not ignorant, just poor. So what are you going to do, call the police and have me arrested? I’ll be out in less than seventy-two hours.”

  Frankie made one of the scary security guards chuckle.

  Adam wasn’t amused. “You’ve been arrested before?”

  “I wouldn’t call it arrested. Detained is a more appropriate word.”

  Cute and intelligent. The kid had quite a mouth on him. “How old are you, Frankie?”

  “Seventeen. I’ll be eighteen in a couple of weeks.”

  Aye? Adam had guessed him younger. Being seventeen also meant sooner or later he’d end up in an adult prison. Adam eyed him up again. Gawd, he’s cute. He couldn’t let Frankie go to jail. He groaned, knowing he could be arrested for what he was thinking.

  Frankie’s stomach growled loudly.

  “When was the last time you ate?” Adam asked.

  Frankie looked away embarrassed. “I don’t remember. Maybe two or three days ago.”

  “What?” Adam fumed. “Where are your parents?” He’d get their names and have them charged with child neglect.

  “They’re dead,” Frankie answered. Tears threatened to spill from those beautiful eyes. The brave pout had disappeared, and the bottom lip trembled. “They were killed in a fire about six months ago. Jonas has been taking care of us so we won’t be separated or placed in foster care.”

  Adam continued to frown. “Well, he hasn’t been taking very good care of you. How old is he, anyway?”

  “Twenty, and he’s doing the best he can, considering.”

  “Considering what?” Adam asked. “Why can’t a twenty-year old get a job and take care of his siblings?”

  “Considering he’s sick. He has diabetes and asthma,” Frankie answered. “He c
an’t do any hard labor like construction work because of the dust. We’ve been able to work at the fast food restaurants, but because of the erratic schedules, we had to quit because one of us has to watch Kalen.”

  Adam signaled for the guard. “Turn him loose, Jed.”

  Jed walked around Frankie and took the handcuffs off him.

  Frankie rubbed his small wrists.

  “Are you sure you’re seventeen?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. I graduated from high school just before my parents died. Jonas had to drop out of college to take care of us.”

  The story just got sadder and sadder. “You play the violin really well.”

  “My father taught me. He used to play in a symphony orchestra before he died.” Frankie continued to rub his wrists. “I have a music scholarship, but it wasn’t right for me to let Jonas quit and do all the work.”

  “Don’t you have any relatives who can take in and watch after Kalen while you two go back to school?”

  Frankie shook his head. “It’s just us. I’m going to audition for the New Orleans Symphony when I turn eighteen. Then I can get us a home and Jonas can go back to school.”

  Adam sighed. This is too fricking much. He took out his cell phone and dialed a number. “This is Adam. I need you to open the Roosevelt Suite. I’m expecting guests for the weekend.”

  * * * *

  Who in the hell does he think he is anyway? Frankie stormed down the street heading back to find Jonas after the security and Adam Montgomery finally let him go. And why did the security have to get him anyway? The man even looked good with mussed hair and wrinkled clothes. Frankie sighed. Rich people had all the luck. Now he had to go to his sibling and tell him he’d been bullied into accepting a room at a fancy hotel for the weekend. Of course he should have been excited to be off the streets for a couple of nights. Still, he didn’t like to be bossed around by some good-smelling handsome guy who made his heart race. When he got rich and famous, he was going to wear tailored suits and expensive cologne and no one would look down on him ever again.


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