Fresh Cut Romance

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Fresh Cut Romance Page 6

by Dee Dawning

  "Yes, a little, but this ointment is made to deaden the nerve endings. I'll put it on, then massage you and by the time I finish, the area will be numb enough that you shouldn't be too uncomfortable. Now, before I apply the ointment, let's trim you up."

  But sis acted uncomfortable, this was a little much for someone as bashful as Laurel to swallow at one time. I held her hand through the whole episode. She balked when Marla tried to trim the hairs around her vagina. I kept reminding her she was doing this for Julian. Poor Laurel, to make matters worse, she had to get into some uncomfortable and absolutely mortifying positions. The things we do for our men.

  After Marla finished the trim and applied the ointment, she gave her the massage. Marla's kneading hands seemed to calm Laurel, but the minute she began applying the hot wax to her pubis, sis started shaking. A towel over the upper torso helped, but the shaking continued throughout her ordeal. Even after the wax embedded cloth was removed, straggling hairs needed to be tweezed.

  It was a good thing I insisted she go first. If she'd have watched me first, she wouldn't have gone through with it, but after it was done and Marla had applied cooling antiseptic lotions and hair growth inhibitors, Laurel seemed genuinely pleased.

  Marla handed her a mirror and excused herself to cleanup and get ready for me. Laurel held the mirror she'd given her in place and smiled. "What do you think, Tess?"

  "I think it looks spectacular."

  Poor Laurel. I made her blush. "I gotta admit I like it, but describing my vulva as spectacular is a little much. Don't you think?"

  "Maybe, but I'll bet Julian would agree with me. It's spectacular. By the way—"

  "Okay, I'm finished with you Laurel. You can get dressed now and Tess, It's your turn. Up on the table."

  Laurel scooted off and as I readied to mount the table whispered in my ear, "By the way what?"

  "Your pussy will be too sore to have sex tonight," I whispered.

  Laurel's jaw dropped and eyebrows rose, resulting in the open mouth, big-eyed surprised syndrome. She hissed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

  I patted her on the cheek and flashed a naughty smile as I sat up on the table and reclined. "Thought I just did. Don't worry, he'll wait."

  * * * *

  "Daddy? This is Laur."

  "Hi Baby. Good to hear your voice."

  "You too. I was wondering. If you're not doing anything, can I come up to see you."

  "Sure. I'm free. What time?"

  "I can be there in twenty minutes."

  "Good. I can't wait to see you. I'll have a pitcher of lemonade waiting."



  "I love you."

  "I love you too, babycakes."

  * * * *

  "Hi Julian. It's Tess."

  "Hi Tess. How was the spa?

  "It was marvelous. Please thank your sister for both of us. Julian, remember what we talked about this morning? How you want my sister, but not for the wrong reasons?"


  "Well, I think I bought you some time. Laurel's nether regions should be out of commission for a day or two."

  "What, on earth, are you talking about?"

  "Laurel and I both had Brazilian wax jobs. I think you know what that means.

  "Do I. Thanks Tess. I think you'll make a great sister-in-law."

  "What did you say?"

  "Hmmm. If Laurel and I were to marry."

  * * * *

  Daddy lived about twenty miles northwest of the spa, in Encino. In thirty minutes, I was on his front porch standing at his front door. I was about to ring the doorbell, when the door swung in and there, topping six-one on a trim frame, with salt and pepper hair was the smiling face of the man I truly loved—my mother, father, teacher, friend—in other words my rock.

  He stood there in the doorway, hands urging me into him for the big welcoming hug I longed for.

  I ran into the familiar arms of Albright Adams. "Oh Daddy, I miss you so."

  His keen blue eyes twinkled as he backed away and put his forefinger upon the tip of my nose. "And I miss you too, sweet-pea. What's it been two weeks since I last saw you?"

  "A month and I'm sorry. It's just that they keep me so busy between the church, my lessons and the hospital it seems like I barely have time for anything and now…now my life has become even more complicated. Truthfully Dad, that's why I came to see you, I met a man."

  "Hmmm. Sounds like we need to sit down for a serious discussion. Let's go into the kitchen." He squeezed my shoulder. "That lemonade is waiting."

  With his arm around my shoulder and my head resting on his shoulder, we went into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. He poured my glass full and was filling his when he asked, "Do you love him?"

  I'd just started to swallow my drink and the question so threw me that my throat constricted and I spit out a mouthful of lemonade. I jumped up grabbed a dish towel and began to clean up when he followed with, "Does that mean yes?" and a wink.

  Do I love him? Would I, could I sleep with him if I didn't love him? "Possibly. That's why I'm here. I don't know what to do. I know I should tell him I can't see him anymore, but I'm even chicken to tell him about the Sisterhood. And Dad, He's an atheist. I should have run the other way when he told me that, but I didn't. He's just so clever, charming and articulate and guess what? He works at the Natural History Museum as the Assistant Antiquities Acquisition Director."

  "The fact that he's an atheist shouldn't matter. I myself have questioned organized religion from time to time. It's his character that counts. What's he like?"

  My eyes opened wide. "Daddy, you don't believe in God?"

  "Let's say I don't believe in his certainty. Too many prayers go unanswered. Too many hideous things happening. Genocide, mass starvation and so forth. But that's a discussion for your friend. Tell me about him, please.

  "His name is Julian Peters."

  Dad nodded. "A good name, go on."

  "He's tall and fabulous looking. Smart too, funny and well educated."

  "Of course. Go on."

  "I'm afraid he probably has slept around a lot, but he seems genuinely interested in me. Teresa thinks he is. She says he's a catch and she seems to be pushing him at me."

  Dad chuckled. "That's my Tessa, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. He sounds very nice, but since he's been around you better be extra careful before you have sex."

  I felt the heat in my face and I just knew I turned red.


  "Daddy. I took vows of abstinence."

  "Which you're considering rescinding if I'm reading things right. But that isn't why you blushed. Have you had sex?"

  I was frozen. My mouth moved, but words could not form. Even if I knew what I wanted to say, I couldn't speak.

  "You did. How long have you known him?"

  I croaked out, "Since yesterday?" It was a statement that sounded like a beg for forgiveness.

  "Uh huh. A little quick I would say, but since your dear mother and I did something almost as quick, I understand."

  "Daddy, swear to God, I didn't even know it happened. I just woke up in his bed without my clothes. I must've drunk too much."

  "When're you seeing your young man again?"

  "Tonight. He's making dinner for us—veal picata—in…" I glanced at my watch. Five-thirty. "Goodness, Daddy. I have to run, I have to be at Julian's in a little over an hour."

  Okay Baby-doll. Thanks for coming and thanks for telling me about your man, he sounds…nice."

  He walked me to the door and gave me a fatherly good-bye hug. I gave him a daughterly kiss. "Goodbye Daddy." And turned and ran for my car.

  * * * *

  As soon as I walked in the door, Seth looked up from the TV. "Hi sweetheart, where are the kids?"

  "At your mother's. They're spending the night. Meet me in the bedroom. I have a surprise for you."

  "Bedroom, surprise?" He rose as the corners of his mouth curled up. "Those two words used
in the same sentence sound very promising."

  "Don't get too excited." I smiled back and took the big guy's large hand in mine. "You might be able to only look for now and not touch."

  As we entered the bedroom I explained, "Laurel and I spent the day at a spa and guess what?"

  "I'm sure I don't know, but from the way you're acting I'd guess you got that Brazilian wax treatment you've been threatening to get for months."

  Was I disappointed? Of course, but I was also pleased. I stood in front of him and pinched his nose as he lifted my skirt and started to drag my panties down. "You're just too smart for your own good, doctor. Maybe that's why I love you."

  "And you are too sexy for your own good and that is why I love you. Mmmm. Look at this? It's all red." He touched me. "It's warm too. Let me lick it better."

  "Seth, the sex crazed doctor."

  "Only with you baby and the doctor prescribes copious amounts of cooling saliva upon the injured area." He stuck out his long tongue, wiggling it, slowly heading in the direction of my suddenly sodden pussy.

  I reciprocated by edging in toward him. "You are evil."

  "I know and you love it."

  My cell phone rang.

  "Let it ring."

  I wanted to. I wanted that tongue bad. "I can't. It could be your mother—the kids."

  He groaned as I kicked the panties around my ankles off and pulled down my skirt. I reached in my purse, which I'd set on the nightstand, grasped the ringing phone and quickly flipped open the cover.


  "Hi Baby. It's Dad. I didn't disturb anything, did I?"

  Only a little blissful oral sex. "Of course not! Nice of you to call."

  "I've been meaning to ring you, but this isn't a social call."


  "No. Laurel just visited me. She's very conflicted about this young man."

  I shooed Seth over. He flashed a disgusted look, but moved and I sat on the bed. "I know. I met him. I like him. I think he'll be good for her."

  "That's what she said. That you seem to be pushing him on her."

  "Daddy, I don't have to push very hard. I know they've only known each other a short time, but she is enthralled by him. And frankly, he seems every bit as beguiled by her."

  "I know. They even slept together."

  "She told you that?"

  "You know Laurel. She's an open book. After I figured it out she admitted it. That bothers me some, but not as much as the fact she can't remember."

  "Why Daddy?"

  "Something bad must have happened for her subconscious to expunge the memory."

  "Daddy. I think we better talk. I'll be there at eleven tomorrow. And don't make lemonade."

  "I thought you like my lemonade."

  "I do but for this discussion, coffee is in order. Oh. One more thing Daddy."

  "What Sweetheart?"

  "Julian reminds me of you."

  Chapter Seven – Laurel does it (sort of)

  "Thou art to me a delicious torment." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

  I closed the lid on the cauliflower, flung off the apron and raced to the door. Peeking through the peephole confirmed my expectation. It was her. I yanked the door open, stepped outside, directly in front of her and taking her in my arms, kissed her madly.

  Coming up for breath and backing away slightly, she sighed, "Wow. That was some greeting."

  Smiling, I took hold of her hand and led her inside. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I haven't seen you for ten and a half hours. You monopolized my thoughts all day." I lifted her hand as I bent down and kissed it.

  "I missed you too."

  I broke an awkward moment by shrugging and asking, "So would you like a glass of wine? Oh that's right, no wine or alcohol."

  * * * *

  A flash of heat surged though me. Darn, once again my body betrayed me at the mere suggestion of what I'd planned tonight. I smiled at Julian. "It's alright a glass of wine would be nice. Could you water it down though?"

  "Sure have a seat, dinner will be right up." I sat on the couch and he turned to go into his kitchen. All of a sudden, he stopped and turned back toward me. "If you would like, I could add sparkling water and make it a spritzer?"

  "That sounds nice."

  He started to turn again. "Julian, before you leave. There is something I should tell you."


  "I know it was my idea to make love tonight, but I'm afraid I've gone and done something that is going to cause us to postpone it, if you want to do it at all."

  "Why's that sweetheart?"

  "Tess and I went to your sister's spa this afternoon."


  "I wasn't using my head and to make a long story short I got a Brazilian wax and well…"

  "I know what you're going to say. You're a little raw. It doesn't matter. We can take it easy or we don't have to do anything. I love your company. Let me get dinner up and afterward we can talk about it."

  Dinner was delicious. Julian is a fantastic cook. After dinner, Julian made coffee. We had coffee and dessert—homemade lemon bars in the living room on the couch. We talked. He told funny stories about his work and I told him about our day at the spa. I mentioned my meeting with father and how he wanted to meet him. Then I asked him about Sarah. He didn't really want to talk about her.

  He set his coffee down on the coffee table and took my hands. "Damn, I wish she hadn't told you. I actually liked Sarah. Not like I do you, but enough that I would have kept seeing her if she hadn't become so needy. She became possessive, buying me presents, dropping in, trying to monopolize my time."

  "Sounds like "Fatal Attraction.'"

  "No, I'm still alive. Luckily, she wasn't like that. We had a talk. I told her she was a great gal, but too old for me."

  "Well, I'm glad, 'cause now I have a shot at you." Did I just say that?

  He laughed. "You have better than a shot. Is thirty-six hours enough time to fall in love?"

  Love? He's talking love and I'm committed to God. Then I remembered—he took my virginity. "I hope so since we had sex after what, fourteen hours?"

  His bright smile faded as his gaze lowered. "Yeah right. There's something I should tell you."

  "And there's something I should tell you. Tess got a wax job also and she told me that her you know where, was too sore for sex, so she and Seth were going to have oral sex. We could try that tonight and maybe by tomorrow I could find out what it's like to have you inside me."

  "That's one of the things I wanted to discuss with you."

  I didn't respond, but my eyes urged him to continue.

  He pursed his lips as he framed his words, "I feel a little uncomfortable having sex just so you could see what you missed. It's just not romantic."

  "That's easy for you to say seeing as how you didn't miss a thing. What reason should I have for having sex with you?"

  I could tell that fine mind of his was working as he stared off up toward the ceiling. "That you feel close to me. So close that you want to share the closest, most intimate thing in the world with me."

  My eyebrows rose even as my eyes narrowed. "Is that why you had sex with Sarah and other girls?"

  His beautiful, silver blue eyes showed conflicted frustration. He blushed. Then he smiled and his silver tongue flowed, "No, I was filling a physical need, but with you it's different. When I first saw and talked with you, it was like my life, which had been on hold, was finally starting. It was as if what had happened before I met you had lost most of its importance and only you and life with you from this point on really mattered. Does that make sense?"

  I had to admit it made sense because I felt the exact same way. What am I to do? I need to talk with Mother Superior or Father Brennen. But not until Julian and I make love again. I want to confess all my sins. "You misunderstand my motives. I want to be intimate with you, because I need to know if what I'm experiencing is real. I need to feel you inside me, to be an extension of you. All sleeping with you last night
did was speed things up." I rose and took his hand. "My sister says oral sex is just as good as intercourse. I'd like to find out. You're the experienced one. I'm counting on you. Will you show me how?"

  Julian rose and placed one hand behind my thighs, the other behind my back and swooped me into his arms. My heart fluttered as he carried me toward his bedroom. I wrapped my arm around his neck as we passed through the portal to the room we'd made love in last night.

  He set me beside the large bed with his arms still wrapped around me. As he leaned his head down to for a kiss, I raised up on my toes to meet those luscious lips. His lips pecked mine gently two or three times, then I felt his silky, moist tongue traversing the groove between my lips.

  I sighed, parting my lips and teeth as if it was a symbol of his seduction and my submission.

  His tongue slipped into the opening and swirled across the length and breadth of my mouth.

  The warmth I felt was overpowering, but I welcomed it. My vagina was getting warm, too…and damp. Our kiss in the museum came back to me as his large hands took hold of my breasts and squeezed. After I regained the breath I'd lost, I begged him, "Undress me, please."

  He chuckled and backed away staring at me with a naughty sparkle in his eye. "With pleasure." His hands released my breasts and grasped the hem of my sweater, raising it until it had cleared my hair. My pulse raced as he bent down to my neck, where his lips perforated it with tiny wet spots while his clever fingers maneuvered the clasp of my bra. When he'd succeeded, my bra fell loose and fresh air assaulted my nipples. Stepping back he pulled the straps over my arms. Topless, his steel blue eyes gaped at my naked breasts, hardening my nipples and pebbling my areolas even more than the cool currents had.

  My heart raced as a large hand surrounded each breast and squeezed softly.

  "I have never beheld such beautiful breasts." As his thumbs began to pleasure my jutting nipples by circling each nipple, a tingly feeling teased my clitoris. He smiled and leaned his head down. Topless, I closed my eyes and readied myself for a new extraordinary sensation—a man suckling upon my nipples. I fought off the dizziness, but not the pleasure I felt by grasping the bulge in his pants. Pausing at my nipple, he gasped loudly. I liked it. I wanted to make him gasp more, so I undid his belt and unzipped him.


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