Fresh Cut Romance

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Fresh Cut Romance Page 8

by Dee Dawning

  Tess spoke, "Daddy, Laurel and I have some women's things to talk about until your alter ego gets here. Would you excuse us? I'll turn the TV on for you if you'd like."

  "No, no. You two stay right there. I'll go in the living room." He winked. "The TV's much bigger in there anyway."

  After he left, Tess asked sotto voce, "So you had oral sex last night, too."

  I nodded earnestly. "Did you?"

  She nodded. "Did we ever. Seth is a master."

  "I think Julian must be too, because I didn't even know it was possible to climax that way and he did it to me six times."

  "Wow, he must be good. Did you…ah."

  "Suck him off?" I ventured.

  Tess nodded.

  "Ah-huh. That's what I found so amazing. The thought of doing that had always sounded yucky, but once I started doing it, I loved it. Hearing his ragged breathing and moaning really aroused me. I liked the aroma and his taste, too. He showed me what he liked and once his thing was moving in my mouth, I felt closer to him. It wasn't dirty or disgusting, more like stimulating."

  Tess laughed. "I feel the same way. I guess you could say they're our stimulus packages.

  I laughed too. "He must have stimulated me real good too, because this morning, while he was still asleep, I put his thing inside me and made love to him."

  Sis's eyes grew wide—almost round. "Really, you finally had sex with him…again, I mean?

  I smiled broadly and nodded. "Yes and as I suspected, it was just as fantastic as the oral sex."

  "While he was asleep? And he didn't wake up?"

  "At first, but once I put him in me and started moving in and out and back and forth he woke up. At first he looked confused, but when he realized what I was doing he brightened right up and joined in."

  "I'll bet."

  "Funny thing is it hurt at first and like you said, I bled. It took awhile before it felt good."

  "Tell me, sis, how big is Julian?"

  "I shouldn't talk about that."

  "Why we're sisters. Don't we tell each other everything?"

  "You never told me how big Seth is?"

  "You never asked. He's six and a half inches long and a little wider than a jumbo hot dog. Now, how big is Julian?"

  My fingers rose between our gaze, and I held them roughly seven inches apart. Tess nodded. "And width?"

  I touched my long middle finger to my thumb and showed her the opening they had formed.

  She whistled. "Looks like about an inch and a half."

  Sounded right to me. I nodded. Then the doorbell rang.

  My heart jumped when I realized it had to be Julian. I ran to the front door and arrived just about the time my father arrived. We pulled the door open simultaneously and there stood Julian. He pulled the screen door open and handed me a large bouquet of at least two dozen red roses. "How beautiful."

  Julian stepped inside. "Thank you for the flowers." I kissed him on the cheek. "Julian Peters, this is my Dad, Albright Adams."

  They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

  I took Julian's hand and put my arm around Dad. "C'mon, let's go in the kitchen. That's where Tess and the coffee is."

  The three of us walked into the kitchen.

  "Hi Julian. Glad you could make our little family confab." Tess hugged and cheek kissed Julian.

  He flashed an effusive, 'aw shucks' smile. "Well, Since you're going to talk about one of my favorite subjects, me, I couldn't resist."

  When they parted, I handed the roses to Tess. "Oh, how beautiful." She raised a hand to her heart. "For moi?"

  I flashed an evil eye.

  "Just kidding. I always think of red roses as fresh cut romance."

  "Or seduction." Dad smiled at me and winked.

  My jaw dropped. "Dad!"

  Julian looped an arm over my shoulder. "Or love."

  Is that his way of saying he loves me?

  Tess pulled down a vase from the upper shelf of a cabinet, filled it with water, and added a touch of baking soda. She glanced over. "Yes all three. Red roses are fresh cut romance, seduction and love." Cutting the ends off, she put the flowers in the vase and set it in the middle of the table before grabbing a mug for Julian and bringing the carafe to the table. "It works every time on me. Seth brings me lots of flowers and I give him lots of babies."

  I glanced at Julian.

  Pouring cream in his coffee, Julian grinned. "Don't worry. I'd only want a boy and a girl."

  I tapped his hand with a forefinger. "Not to change the subject, but Tess told me that you're aware that I am a sister in waiting. Is that right?"

  His lips tightened and his head dipped—a single short nod. "Yes, she told me."

  Dad spoke up, "Laurel thinks she's in love with you and you her. Would you agree with that assessment?"

  Julian nodded. "I can only speak for myself sir. Let me assure you I am smitten by your daughter."

  My hand reached for his. I chimed in, "I am smitten, too. Where is this headed?"

  Tess wriggled in her chair. "I should think it's obvious. Since you're thinking of renouncing your vows for this man, you need to know if there's a future with him."

  Julian face grew serious. "I would run away to Vegas and marry her tomorrow if I could."

  Dad laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves son. There's no rush. I'm sure Laurel would like, and I happen to think she deserves, a conventional wedding with all the trappings, bells and whistles." He glanced at me. "Am I right?"

  I kissed Daddy on the cheek. "That would be my preference."

  My sister's eyes narrowed. "Laurel. When are you supposed to say your permanent vows?"

  "In three weeks. Didn't you get the invitation?"

  Tess shook her head.

  "I didn't get one either," added Dad.

  Julian's gaze burned into me. "What are you talking about? Your permanent vows are only three weeks away?"

  Tess answered for me, "Yes and after the permanent vows they are true religious sisters."

  I finished, "After the permanent vows are spoken, it is considered a covenant and it is much harder to renounce the vows."

  Julian took a deep breath. "It looks like we're getting in just under the wire."

  Dad flashed a wall-to-wall smile at Julian. "It would seem so." He held his hand across the table. I got chills when he said, "Welcome to the family," and Julian shook it.

  Smiling widely Julian rubbed his hands together. "This calls for a celebration."

  I shook my head. "Not yet. I still have to talk to Mother Superior."

  Chapter Nine – Mother Superior

  "Other men say they have seen angels, but I have seen thee—And thou art enough." ~ by G. Moore ~

  I hadn't been at the dorm or the hospital for that matter for over two days. True, I was off from the hospital. Nevertheless, everyone had become so accustomed to me hanging around the dorm and the chapel that my absence had been noted and apparently became the subject of some gossip.

  My roommate, Sister Celeste told me Mother Superior had been asking about me. Good, this gives me an excuse to go see her.

  Since it was only eleven am, I headed down to the see her. Her office was located in the adjacent chapel building. I could see Sue—her name was Sue—through the glass in her office door. She was typing something on her computer keyboard. She glanced up when I knocked. Apparently, recognizing me even in the dark hall light, through the glass, she smiled and waved me in. I opened the door and stepped in. She teased, "Where have you been? Holding up in some shady motel room with a darkly handsome, Hollywood actor?"

  A flush coursed through me as I thought, she isn't far off.

  She snickered. "I see I hit a nerve. What can I do for you Sister?"

  I took a seat in front of her desk. "I have something to discuss with you and you're—"

  Sue finished my sentence. "Not, going to like it."

  It must've been obvious I was shocked, because she continued, "You want to or you're thinking of renounci
ng your vows, aren't you?"

  I just stared at her. "How did you…"

  Before I could finish she laughed and cut me off. "I hear this little speech at least a couple times a year and ninety percent of the time it involves a man."

  I knew I turned as red as fresh squeezed tomato juice when a hot flush passed through me again.

  Her brows rose and she smiled. "You're in the ninety percent aren't you?"

  I nodded. "He's a museum curator." My gaze averted to the floor. "I slept with him. We had sex."

  "Well don't worry about it. We're all flesh and blood. The church knows these things, that's why you don't say permanent vows for three years. You are a good sister and nurse. Certainly, if you leave, we'll miss you, however, knowing someone in the biblical sense before saying permanent vows does not preclude you from going on and becoming a full-fledged sister. I'm an example of that?"

  Without thinking, I blurted out, "You-u…had an affair?"

  She laughed, "Am I so old and decrepit that you cannot visualize me with a man?" The she grew maudlin. "Forty years ago I was a young, attractive woman who fell in love. I went so far as to renounce my temporary vows and shared an apartment with him. This was during the Viet Nam war and my man was a soldier. We met and fell in love between tours. Two weeks after we moved in together, he was sent on another tour—a tour from which he returned in a coffin.

  "I became a bumbling mess. Thank God for the sisterhood. Going back and saying my permanent vows, making the sisterhood my life saved my sanity.

  "I don't begrudge any woman for seeking happiness with a man. I still think of the glorious five weeks I spent with him. Those were the happiest days of my life." A tear rolled down her cheek, matched by another on the other cheek. She brushed her tears and straightened up. "And these are the most meaningful times of my life."

  What a tragedy. I can't even conceive of losing Julian like that.

  "Now, enough about me and back to you. We understand love is a very strong emotion. If you renounce your temporary vows, there will be no hard feelings and should you wish to return, you would be welcomed with open arms." Sue winked. "And I would be at the head of the line."

  "Should you and your man go forward and get married we ask only two things. That you marry in our chapel and any children resulting from your union be raised with Catholic values."

  Big Problem! My hands became sweaty. "Ah, there could be a slight problem."

  Sue cocked her head and the bottom of her wimple covered her chin. "Oh!"

  My nose scrunched from my reluctance to explain, "Julian is…" I sighed. "An atheist."

  Mother Superior's face contorted, evolving through a series of emotions and finally settling on condescension. "More than likely he's never been exposed to the teachings of our Lord. We must talk. Can you bring him by?"

  I knew better. Suddenly, my arms began to itch, something that occasionally happened when I get agitated. As I rubbed my forearms, I explained. "No, he's very smart and thoughtful. Julian was raised as a Christian, I'm not sure which denomination. However, after a thorough examination of the facts in favor and against God, he decided God is a hoax, perpetrated upon the unsuspecting for the elevation of the few."

  "But surely you don't agree with him?"

  "He has some very persuasive arguments, but no, in my heart I can feel him, I can feel God. Julian is a fair and honorable man and he's graciously consented to let me sustain my belief."

  "Still, atheist or not I would like to meet with your young man."

  * * * *

  "No! I see no reason to meet with your Mother Superior. I know there's no God. As sure as I know you are sweet and beautiful and I love you, I know there's no God. And if you'd open your mind instead of your heart, you'd know it, too."

  I'd never seen Julian so…so pig headed! "I know no such thing. I don't want to get into it with you. My Mother Superior merely wishes to meet you. That's it."

  His head shook in obvious disbelief. "Yeah right. She's not going to proselytize or discuss religion in any manner?"

  Without thinking I took a defiant pose—hands on hips, feet spread. "I didn't say that. Of course, she'll discuss religion, but with the certitude of your beliefs why should you worry? You have to realize a deeply religious person has trouble believing anyone can believe any other way."

  "And you have to understand a person with an open, logical mind has trouble believing anyone could buy the obvious hocus pocus, being touted in churches and even by the evangelists on TV, which by the way are the biggest frauds of all."

  I wagged a finger in his beautiful face and he mockingly snapped at it with his teeth. "Fine if you're too stubborn to go to her. I'll bring her here."

  Julian sat on his living room couch and crossed his arms. "Fine, I'll be waiting." He crossed his arms and gave a 'so there' nod with his head.

  I grabbed my purse and headed toward the front door. Julian rose and intercepted me, grabbing and holding my hand tightly. "I have one thing to say to you before you leave."

  I looked up into his jocular, blue eyes. "What."

  "I love you!" His other arm wove around my backside and he pulled me in close. Embracing me, his lips lowered to mine. I closed my eyes and felt the moistness of his slippery tongue on the crease of my lips. They parted and his tongue languorously washed across my teeth and into the slick trough between my lips and gums. Warmth and moisture collected between my legs, my breathing becoming a mixture of gasps and pants. I loved how his tongue felt in my mouth. Then my mind wandered to last night and how good it had felt in another more personal area, not to mention how good his other lower placed organ felt in the same place.

  I jerked away and a surprised look formed on his face. Though not as surprised as when I took his hand and led him into his bedroom. "Mother Superior can wait until tomorrow. First, I want you to teach me—I want to explore all the nuances of sex.

  Chapter Ten – Engagement

  Love is a many splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love! ~ From the movie Moulin Rouge ~

  I twisted and stretched as slivers of morning light penetrated the window coverings giving the dark room a warm rosy glow. I put a hand to my mouth and my yawn gave way to a blissfully happy, top of the world smile. My world was wonderful, made even more wonderful with the addition of Julian. I glanced his way. He was awake and watching me.

  "You are the most exquisite creature in the universe."

  I looked at the ceiling and laughed. Then I rolled on my side and touched his nose with a forefinger. "And you sir, are an unabashed flatterer, whose nose by now should be at least two feet long. However, I am hopelessly in love with you."

  Julian rolled over toward me and leaning on his elbows bent over and kissed me. "You make me so happy, I could scream. So I think I will. Julian Peters loves Laurel Adams!"

  I covered my ears from his loud exclamation and laughed. "Now that I made my mind up to be a wretched sinner, I've never been happier."

  "There's nothing wretched or sinful in what we do. Even if I believed in God, I find it hard to believe he would find fault with two people deeply in love, sharing intimacies and finding fulfillment with each other."

  "You may be right. A week ago, I would have cringed at the thought of what we've done, yet now I feel as if I've done nothing wrong. No regret, no remorse." I suddenly choked up at the thought of the life changing transition I was making.

  A tear rolled down my cheek and Julian wiped it away with a finger. "What's the matter baby?"

  "Loving you so much scares me. I would die if I lost you. Promise me you'll never leave me."

  Now Julian's eyes grew watery. "I love you more than life itself. I would never leave you."

  "Swear to G—" I paused at the absurdity of an atheist swearing to God.

  Instinctively Julian knew why I paused. "I so swear on the Atheist Creed."

  I jumped into him and squeezed so hard I heard his breath push out. "Ooh. Careful."

"I'm sorry. Is it okay if I get Mother Superior and bring her over now, Mr. Atheist?"

  "Of course."

  "How about Father Brennen?"

  "Sure, bring forth all your heavy ammunition. You have inspired me. I feel like debating, but not until I fix you breakfast."

  Julian insisted I stay in bed. His home was so small; I heard his busyness in the kitchen, while he fixed me, what he called 'a gourmet' breakfast.' Recalling the previous evening and all the sensuous things we did, I knew I wouldn't be satisfied unless we made love one more time before I went to the dormitory.

  Even though I never experienced sex before three days ago, I seemed to have become addicted to it.

  Initially, wearing only an apron, Julian brought coffee and that day's LA Times. "What I have planned will take a few minutes, so I hope this will help you pass the time."

  I giggled quietly when he turned to leave the room and his cute buns were revealed to me.

  After roughly thirty minutes, my love returned carefully carrying two trays. He set one down on the nightstand. "Sit up please."

  I did and it exposed the upper half of my body, including my breasts. Initially embarrassed, I thought about pulling up the sheet, but decided against it.

  "Thanks." He folded the tray legs down and set the tray across my thighs. Then he got in bed and did the same with the other tray.

  The first thing I noticed was the bud vase with three beautiful roses—one red, one white and one pink. I leaned over and smelled them. "Teresa thinks roses equal romance."

  "I remember."

  "Dad said seduction."

  Julian smiled. "I know, and I said love."

  "I think they're all three."

  "Me too, that's why I brought you three."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Which is which?"

  He laughed. That should be obvious. White is for romance, red is--"

  "For seduction." I giggled. And pink is for love!"

  He laughed. "Smart girl."

  "Thank you. This all looks wonderful."

  He smiled. "You're welcome, dig in before breakfast gets cold."

  The meal consisted of two pieces of cinnamon swirl French toast, blueberry compote, three sausages and a bowl of mixed fresh fruit. "That was scrumptious," I said as I finished. You are really a great cook."


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