Fresh Cut Romance

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by Dee Dawning

  I was at a loss for words. Juliet looked so melancholy, I had no idea what to do or say. I reached for her and pulled her close for a warm embrace. Sotto voce, I explained, "And I would be proud to have you as my mother-in-law. My uncertainty has nothing to do with you."

  She pulled away, looking confused. "It doesn't. Then why?"

  "I can't go into that. But I'm glad you came by."

  Like everyone else who'd visited me, John and Juliet left disappointed.

  But the visitor that had the most influence on me was my new friend and beautician, Sarah. Poor Sarah. My heart went out to her. Her heart wasn't into it, but she put her best foot forward.

  Sarah's mouth stood open. "So he really didn't sleep with you that first night?"

  "Right. My sister cooked up this scheme and together they tricked me."

  Sarah gave a solo nod. "Good, it worked didn't it. You had sex with him and fell in love."

  "In a way, but in reverse order. I fell in love and then had sex."

  She scrunched her lips into a tight smile and wiggled her head up and down. "And it was extraordinary, wasn't it?"

  My hands rose up palms up and outward chest high. "Well, since Julian was my only lover, I have no basis of comparison. I will say this though." My fingers and thumb cupped my chin. "What's that saying…Oh, yeah, Julian knocked my socks off."

  She laughed. "I don't even know why you're hesitating. If I had Julian wrapped around my finger the way you have, I'd enjoy him socking it to me under a grove of palm trees on our honeymoon in Aruba or some other tropical paradise."

  Imagining her scenario, the area between my legs grew warm and I flushed. Snickering, I said, "Sarah. You're terrible."

  "Well it's true. I've been out with a dozen men since Ju and none of them made me feel even close. I'm afraid I may live an unfulfilled life." She turned to me, a huge smile on her face. "But you can have him. What the eff are you waiting for? I like you. I'd rather see you with him then anyone else but me. Like the Nike ads say, 'Just do it'!"

  Tomorrow was the big day. Numerous people have given me their opinion and every one said I should marry Julian. I even have a feeling Mother Superior wouldn't mind if I picked Julian, too.

  Have I made a decision yet? No, Sister Sue told me I could wait 'til the last minute and I may just do that, because no one, not even Julian has as much influence on me as My Lord Jesus. He will surely help me to make the right decision—won't he?

  Chapter Sixteen – D (Decision) Day & Celebration

  Where there is great love, there are always miracles. ~ Willa Cather ~

  The time had finally arrived, and words couldn't cannot express how nervous I felt. As I looked around, what surprised me was, beside the convent sisters, my friends and family who'd just tried to convince me to marry Julian instead of taking my vows, came to watch me take my permanent vows. Moreover, they were all dressed up so nice you'd think they were attending a ball.

  Tess even brought my nieces and nephew, who was fussing as usual

  I felt more nervous than the first time I went out with Julian sitting in front with the rest of the sisters. Mother Superior and the Head Priest walked in and stepped up to the pulpit. The Priest walked to the podium while Sue brought a cushion for me to kneel upon and placed it a few feet in front of the priest.

  My heart felt like it jumped into my throat when Sue waved for me to come and called my name, "Sister Laurel." Shaking like a leaf in a stiff breeze, I stood and looked at the audience.

  A million butterflies seemed to take flight in my stomach as I saw him leaning against a wall in the back of the chapel. He was in a tuxedo and looked so handsome. What on Earth, is he doing here? As our gazes met, he hitched his head and smiled. Goose bumps ran up my arms to my neck and I thought I might swoon.

  I partially smiled back. You can do this! I kept repeating to myself as I turned back to Sue. I took a step and my legs felt like rubber. I took another step and they turned to Jell-O.

  Sue must have sensed that I was having trouble for she came to me and lent support. "Are you sure?" She pressed me.

  We took a step. "I think so."

  Then another step. "That's not good enough. Are you sure?"

  We stood by the cushion. "When I kneel, Jesus will come and tell me."

  "And if he doesn't?"

  "He will."

  As I knelt, Father Christopher spoke, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the fulfillment of the contract between our Lord Jesus and our Sister Laurel, which commenced three years ago to the day. She is here to recite her permanent vows and become as one with our Lord." Father Christopher looked down on me and dipped his head. "Sister, you may begin."

  I'd been waiting for word, a sign, anything, but nothing came. Jesus what should I do?

  "Sister it is time."

  "I know father." I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Please Jesus, give me sign.

  Sister Sue eased up as close as she could get and spoke through her fixed smile as a ventriloquist might. "Sister Laurel, people are waiting."

  Jesus, please, people are waiting.

  "Sister," Urged Sue.

  Jesus if you love me. If you want me. You will let me know.

  "Sister we can't wait forever. Say your vows," pressed Father Christopher.

  I stood and stared at him. "I'm sorry but I can't. I love Jesus, but I love a mortal too."

  I smiled when I heard my sister yell, "Speak up. We can't hear you."

  Another said, "Yes, Speak up."

  I was elated. Jesus had given me a sign. He freed me. I turned. "All right. I will speak up. I want the world to know," she ran toward Julian bellowing, "I love Julian Peters." Seeing me running toward him, he ran toward me. As we met beside the row where my sister and brother-in-law sat, we embraced and kissed. Then I saw a bright flash of light and felt myself falling.

  "Augh" I shook my head to the distasteful odor of ammonia. "What is that crap."

  I looked up and saw Tess smiling. "Smelling salts."

  Music filtered down to my ears. It sounded like the 'Wedding March'. "What's that music I hear?"

  Mother Superior had joy in her eyes. "It's Plan B."

  "Plan B?"

  Teresa raised me a little and I noticed I had a wedding dress on. "What did you put on me?"

  Sister Sue rose and pulled on my arm. Sister Tess, followed. "It's your wedding dress, you lucky girl. We need to hurry. Your perfect man is waiting."

  With newfound resolve I flung off their helping hands, rose and looked Daddy in the eye. "Are you in on this?"

  "I'm afraid so."

  I spun around looking at all the expectant faces. Jessie flashed thumbs up. Smiling, Sarah threw me a kiss. Julian's Father John, with his arm around Juliet, winked and Agnes Goodbody stood nearby shooing me toward the dais while Teresa and Seth slipped away to join Julian.

  I wrapped my arm around his. "You know Dad, I have the best family and friends in the world."

  "Yes, you do."

  "It would be a shame to disappoint them all, don't you think?"

  "Yes it would."

  I kissed him on the cheek. "Then lead the way."

  The End

  Other Books you may enjoy by Dee Dawning

  • Alice in Eroticland *

  • Angel Love *

  • April Showers *

  • Blind Date

  • By the Book

  • Dreams

  • Dumped

  • Duped

  • Felicity Jones *

  • Felicity Jones – Rendezvous

  • Forbidden Passion

  • Fortune Cookie Magic

  • Getting Naked at the Hilton

  • GIRL POWER – War on Women #

  • Groovin in Waikiki

  • Hollywood Witches

  • Love & Seduction in Las Vegas

  • Mysta Ree *

  • Naked Research

  • Playing with the Band *

  • Seducing a GeeK *r />
  • Sister Laurel & the Atheist #

  • The Bastard Preacher #

  • & several shorter works

  * Straight Erotica, no romance

  # Mainstream

  Dee Dawning




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