Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories Page 10

by L. C. Giroux

  Once they were in the car, "So you are not going to come up stairs with me tonight?" He felt like a disappointed five year old about to throw a tantrum.

  "Michael, I can't. I need to maintain some level of professionalism at work and that is tough to do when I am both exhausted and hyper-sexuallized."

  "I'm not sure that is even a word?"

  "Ugh, fine! I can't run around all day, every day with my panties soaked because I can't stop thinking about you or what you do to me. Is that better?"

  "Mmm, much. Can't stop thinking about me, hunh? You do realize that if we don't see each other all week then I just have all that time to think up new ways to torment you."

  "Oh dear God."

  "I'm not sure prayer will help in this case." He smiled down at her as he pulled her up against him. He gave her a melting kiss and slid his hand into the neckline of the dress, cupping one of her breasts. When she tried to pull away he said, "What about dessert? I never even got a taste of these. He rubbed his thumb over the nipple bringing it to a peak. Violet groaned but moved closer to him. As he bent his head to tease the nipple with his lips he chuckled at her willingness to let him do as he wished.

  Chapter Seven: Board of Directors meeting, Lyric Opera of Boston

  Michael hated being late but sometimes it was unavoidable. It could take forever to find the accessible entrances and exits so he tried to be early to every meeting. Unfortunately this mornings appointments had run over so now he was really running behind. At least he was better at managing his temper since he met Violet. Now things like being late when he really couldn't have done anything else rolled off his back instead of frustrating him to no end. Being the newest board member he wasn't likely to be able to contribute much anyway. The receptionist pointed out the conference room and he found it with little difficulty. On entering the chairwoman noticed him first.

  "I'm terribly sorry, Madeline. My patient appointments ran long this morning."

  "Michael, no worries. Everyone, I'd like to introduce our newest board member, Dr. Michael Dennison, brilliant surgeon and tremendous opera afficiando. Michael, I won't overwhelm you by introducing everyone at once. Why don't you take the space over there." When he was introduced he saw one dark, curly head snap to attention. As luck would have it the space he was directed to was right next to her.

  "Ms. Bellows, how nice to see you here. I had no idea you were on the board?"

  "I'm here as a representative of the foundation. You never mentioned you were going to be here either."

  "It must have slipped my mind the last time I saw you." Michael smiled at Violet's blush. No doubt she was remembering last weekend also. By the time she had left on Sunday night there wasn't a room in which he hadn't made her scream in orgasm. He loved that she was so responsive to him. Even here and now, he could see her becoming aroused. He leaned in closer to her.

  "You have a spanking coming my dear Kitten." He said under his breath so no one could hear but her. Her head shot up and she was completely red in the face now. Her breathing was short and quick. He'd never be able to wait till the weekend to touch her.

  "Why?" she whispered back

  "You have panties on, do you not?" He looked away from her ending the conversation but all through the meeting he could see Violet shifting in her seat and rubbing her legs together to assuage the ache that had over taken her. Michael tried to hide his smile of satisfaction. This was the most enjoyable meeting he had ever sat through. As it broke up he turned to Violet. "Ms. Bellows I have a couple more things I'd like to discuss with you. May I escort you down to your car?"

  Violet smiled politely. "But of course Dr. Dennison." Under her breath she added, "You are a truly evil man."

  Michael couldn't help himself and burst out laughing "But of course."

  By the time they reached Violet's car she was shaking in anticipation of what Michael was going to do. She didn't have to wait long.

  "Take them off."

  "Oh Michael, I... How was I supposed to know you were going to be there?"

  "Excuses will only make the punishment last longer. How long can you take being teased Violet?" She only hissed at him in response. After glaring at him for a few seconds she hid behind her car door and reached under her skirt shimmying out of the bit of lace. When she stepped out of it she handed them to Michael. "Happy now?"

  "Darling you know the only time I am truly happy is when you are in the throes of an orgasm. Which brings me to your punishment, do you choose now or later? If you choose now it will be over fairly quickly but it will be right here so still somewhat public." She was bright red again. "If you choose later, well I can tell you it will definitely start with spanking but I would have till the weekend to think of all the things I want to do to you."

  "You aren't going to spank me here are you?"

  "No, Kitten, I have something much different in mind."

  "Oh, damn you! I guess now. I have visions of being tied to the bed for the weekend."

  "You seemed to like it the last time I did." He rolled closer to her trapping her in the space between her car and the door. "All you have to do is stand there Kitten. Well, that and not scream when you come, I'm afraid it will echo loudly in this parking garage." She gasped but he didn't give her time to think, sliding his hand up the inside of her thighs. Within minutes he had her hanging on to the car for support as she bit her lip to stifle her scream of pleasure. When he finally removed his hand from her he licked her juices from his fingers as she watched with her eyes half closed.

  "Enjoy the rest of your day Kitten. I know I will." he turned, and laughing, left her to go back to work without her panties.

  Chapter Eight: Logan Airport: Flight 486 arriving from Paris, a Saturday night in October

  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Logan Airport. The local time is 8:36PM. Connection information is on the monitors at the gate. For those of you staying in the Boston area, your bags will be on carousel 11. The captain has turned off the 'fasten seat belts sign' and you may now use your cell phones and electronic devices. Please be aware when opening the overhead bins as the contents may have shifted during the flight." With that it seemed everyone flipped on their phones or stood up and popped open the bins above them. Violet turned on her phone and speed dialed Michael. It had been three weeks since she had seen him last. Three very long weeks. She ached with need in a way she hadn't in all the years before she had met him. On the third ring Michael picked up.

  "Michael? I just landed. I should be there in about an hour."

  Violet looked over at the man sitting next to her as she started to answer Michael's questions. "Yes, I'm wearing the chains. Yes, all of them." She could feel her cheeks burning. "No, I didn't." Sneaking a peak at the guy next to her, silently wishing Michael wouldn't push. She grimaced when he of course, he did. "Fine, No, I didn't touch myself at all while I was gone. Happy now?" She was looking down at her lap and couldn't help but notice that the poor guy next to her now had an erection that looked uncomfortable. Without looking at him she threw her blanket on his lap, watching him clutch at it like someone drowning.

  "I'll be there as quick as I can. I missed you too." She was beet red but she grinned like a fool. Oh, that man made her crazy, also daring, horny, and alive, but mostly crazy. She took a deep breath and finally looked the poor guy next to her in the face.

  "Um, sorry about that."

  "I should be apologizing to you. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but..."

  "It wasn't like you could help it."

  "No, I suppose not. I really need to find a girlfriend. He, um, sounded demanding."

  "Its kind of all an act. He doesn't do anything that scares or hurts me, just likes to sort of, push my buttons sometimes. Its been a while since we've seen each other."

  "Lucky guy. Does he know you love him?"

  "Is it obvious? No, he probably doesn't, guys never seem to get when the right girl comes along until they leave."

  "Yeah, you're probably right. I'd te
ll you to enjoy the rest of your weekend but I need to be able to get out of here without embarrassing myself."

  Violet moved into the aisle and started laughing. She only had her carryon bag so she could catch a cab to Michael's right away. Forty-five minutes later she was ringing his doorbell which had to be a record for Boston traffic. When he answered the door she pounced on him. As she was kissing him she felt his hand wander up her thigh to her waist under her skirt.

  "I gave up and stopped wearing them, especially with skirts. Does that bother you?"

  "I'm not sure. I wanted you to do that just for me."

  "Oh, there are lots of other things I do just for you. If you'd let me I could think of a couple more you haven't let me do yet."

  "Get undressed."


  "No arguments. I can't wait any longer to touch you, it feels like you have been gone forever. Besides I have a very special present for you."

  Violet started undressing. "You didn't go crazy I hope?"

  "Umm, no this is something very personal I had made for you. Go get into bed."

  Violet had butterflies which seemed crazy considering how often they did this. When they got to the bedroom Michael had her put on a blindfold saying it would help her feel less inhibited. She would have laughed if Michael hadn't been looking so serious. Any inhibitions she had ever had were gone. Where she had always been quiet and shy now she spoke her mind and didn't panic being the center of attention if she had to. She was much more confident in her work, even Allyn had noticed and commented that maybe Michael was good for her after all.

  "Michael, if I have this blindfold on how am I going to see my present?"

  "This one I want you to feel first." Violet gave an involuntary shiver. Even after all these months his way of making the most normal thing sound so erotic still caught her off guard. "Can you keep your hands above your head or should I tie you up?"

  "You want me to choose?" The thought seemed absurd?

  "Either you choose or I will."

  "Oh God, I guess... Tie me, I have no idea what you are going to do."

  He whispered in her ear. "I knew you were going to choose that. Restraint always lets you get a little wilder." Violet could only softly moan but he knew her too well. With her hands tied together over her head and the blindfold on she was completely at his mercy. Her nipples were already hard and she had been wet since she heard his voice on the plane.

  "Now Kitten, This is going to feel cold at first but it will warm up with your body heat. I'm going to start where the cold might be... interesting. Tell me what you feel."

  She felt a shock of cold on one of her nipples. "Oh!", she squirmed, "It is cold, but also pebbled." Michael moved the pebbled surface over her nipple. It felt almost like a cat's tongue. "Oh, that feels good though." So he started on the other one. What ever it was it felt hard and seemed heavy but was also getting warmer the longer Michael massaged her with it. By the time he finished with her nipples they ached and she couldn't help whimpering when he stopped. "Michael, I need to feel you too."

  "Always my greedy Kitten." But she heard him go around to the other side of the bed, heard the rustling of his clothes and felt the bed dip as he got in it. His body touching hers felt electric he was so warm against her. He placed a warm kiss on one of her nipples and then took her mouth. Warm, liquid kisses, sweet and rich like good port and just as likely to make her senseless but she had missed these most of all. Except that with her hands ties she couldn't touch him which was frustrating the hell out of her.

  "Michael, this is too frustrating. Please, please untie me. I need to be able to touch you.

  "No, remember I told you I wouldn't always grant your requests." Violet answered him with a growl. She felt him pick up the present that had fallen between them. It had absorbed both of their heat so it was now warm. He stroked her inner thighs with it. Instinctively she opened herself for him and he moved to stroking the length of her cleft. After of a few minutes of that slow torture, he found her opening and slowly slid the phalus in.

  "How does that feel Kitten?"

  "Full, but not painful at all. Oh, Ugh, like its hitting all the right spots at once."

  "Perfect. I designed it just for you. I had an artist carve it from marble. Your own miniature work of art. Let me attach these." Violet felt chains like the ones she wore drip between her legs. Then she could feel Michael connecting them to the belly chain. When he finished he kissed her again and started massaging her clit.

  "Oh! Michael. Oh! I can't take being tied up anymore. I need you to untie me now, I need this blindfold off!" She sounded so distressed that Michael stopped and removed the tie and blindfold.

  "Too much? I didn't mean to scare you."

  "Yes, too much but you didn't scare me I just... Michael, I need to touch you. I need to make love to you too. Can I move with this thing?"

  "You should be able to. It might feel a little heavy so you will need to use your Kegel muscles to hold it. It isn't any longer than say, my fingers for instance.

  "Michael it has been months and I have been patient, I want to get you off, the whole 9 yards, I mean it. No matter what happens, and yes, I’ve read the horror stories. I need to at least try. We've come close but you won't let yourself go. You like seeing me in full climax. Why won't you let me see you that vulnerable."

  "Because what if it all goes wrong? What if something happens and you are so disgusted you never want to touch me again? What if nothing at all happens? Are you going to be able to deal with that? Violet, I... I love you and I would rather you have this piece of me than risk you leaving. Can you understand?"

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. This was going to hurt like hell but there wasn't any other way. She just hoped eventually he would forgive her. "Michael, No, I don't understand and I can't do it anymore. You are using your situation to hide from me. You say you love me and I think you believe it but if you can't let yourself be vulnerable with me then you don't truly trust me to be there when things are really bad. I can't accept just a piece of you. I can't be your Kitten and just take from you. I am done."

  She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When she came back Michael was still in bed, she left the chains and carving on the end of the bed. Michael just stared at her as she went to the living room. A short while later he heard the front door open and close and then nothing. Violet made it to the lobby before the tears started falling. She made it into the taxi before she started sobbing outright. The poor Indian cabbie had no idea what to do so he just kept mumbling endearments in Hindi.

  By the time she got home she was cried out, at least for the moment. She was exhausted, wired, and hungry so she made her way to the kitchen hoping she wouldn't run into Allyn. The last thing she wanted to hear was 'I told you so' from her brother. She should have stopped when she saw the light on but in her dazed state she just walked right into Allyn. He put his arms around her to stop from falling and she clutched at him and started crying all over again.

  "Hey, it can't be as bad as that?" he said stroking her hair. "Um, did the good doctor do something stupid?"

  "No" she croaked, "I did. I ended it at least for now. Oh, Allyn. It really does hurt! I mean, physically hurts."

  "I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry."

  "Is this it, is this why you never date, because someone broke your heart like this."

  "Not quite, she didn't mean to, she couldn't help...Never mind, What can I do? Should I be the obnoxious big brother and go beat him up for you." That made her laugh.

  "Don't you touch a hair on his head!"

  "Still in love with him then?"


  "I'd tell you to start drinking but I think it only works for men. Shopping? Isn't that what women do?" He turned away and opened the freezer. When he turned back he had a quart of ice cream in his hand. "I believe under the circumstances this becomes a single serving."

  "Oh good, so I'll be miserable and fat." He turned to
put it away. "Hey, I didn't say I wasn't going to eat it!"

  "Are you going to be okay?"

  "Eventually, I just hope he comes to his senses soon. Thanks, you are a great big brother."

  "Thanks, I'll cue up a bunch of sappy chick flicks in the screening room for you." Allyn said as he was walking away.

  Chapter Nine: The following Friday at the Gym

  "Jeez Dennison, you look like shit and where is the cream puff?"

  "Cam, for once in your life can you shut the fuck up?"

  "Oh damn, you didn't screw that up did you? Fuck, you did? Didn't you. That girl had it so bad for you, how the hell did you manage to push her away? After all this time I figured you were good to go. Early on she must have realized what an asshole you were.

  "I'm out of here shithead! I..." Michael wheeled himself outside the air was cold but he didn't care. He was so miserable he barely felt it.

  "Michael wait up!"

  "What? Come to get more licks in?"

  "No, look I'm really sorry. I was kidding, I didn't think you two had really broken up. She really was crazy about you so what the hell happened?"

  "She walked out, said I couldn't give her enough."

  "She didn't strike me as the spoiled heiress type. True, she's got more money than God but she never seemed in your face about it."

  "What the hell are you talking about? She's got some non-profit job at some foundation. She's comfortable but rich, I don't think so?"

  "You really need to look at something besides medical journals. My niece, Delia, you met her, almost blew a gasket when I told her you were dating Violet. Violet doesn't work at the foundation, she is the foundation, well her and her brother. They have like Gates/Buffet kind of money but are seriously quiet about it. Delia is getting her degree in information security and one of her classes she had to find out everything she could about a local celebrity so she scoped out Violet. I only realized when I saw one of the pictures she pulled off the internet."

  "You mean to tell me... I gotta go."


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