Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories

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Lovers and Other Strangers Box Set: The Boston Stories Page 19

by L. C. Giroux

  "I can't sleep"


  "Its too quiet. I'm used to car alarms and rowdy neighbors and the occasional bar fight."

  "Sorry, I guess?"

  "What are you doing?"

  "Work stuff." He didn't want to say anything till he had something definite or at least more than a hunch. She was looking at him like she had never seen him before. "Is anything wrong with the way I look? My hair doing something weird?"

  "Oh! no, its just... the reading glasses with the half naked thing is um, interesting."

  "Who says I'm only half naked." Hey, she'd walked into his room, so all's fair. It didn't help any she was wearing his T-shirt again. Hell, at this point he had a few adolescent fantasies she could fulfill.


  "Was there something I could do for you Evie?"

  "I was wondering if you could rub my shoulders. I'll do yours if you do mine."

  "I don't think that would be a good idea right now."

  "Why not?" She sounded like a cranky child, a cute cranky child but still.

  "Because to tell you the truth, after taking the longest cold shower of my life, I went diamond hard the minute you walked in here. I understand and even agree that we should take all of this slow but frankly a few of my body parts disagree. Unfortunately, they have a habit of taking over at inopportune moments and I can't promise that I will stay on my best behavior."

  "Joseph Caminetti, I am not afraid of you. You have never been anything but a perfect gentleman. I don't think you have it in you to force me to do something I don't want to." She stuck out her chin and moved to sit on the bed.

  "Evie, I'm giving you fair warning. You sit down on this bed and I swear I will do everything in my power to seduce you. Every no from you will be met with a very persuasive physical reason you should say yes. I won't force you, and you know I would never hurt you but I'm still a man and well, I'm not above playing dirty to get what I want."

  "Suppose I want the same thing." He stared at her for a second. The damn woman was stoking the fire.

  "You have made it pretty clear that at least physically you wanted to take things slow. I... Evie, I can't lie to you. Part of me is scared shitless at how I am falling for you. So hard in fact, I'm okay with slowing things down a little. If we're still playing footsie two months from now I'm liable to kill myself but at least till I figure out all this stuff in my head, I think it is only fair to honor your wishes, for now."

  "And if I want to get underneath the covers and curl myself around you right now, are you still willing to honor my wishes."

  "If you're asking me to be a monk while you get to play the vixen, no. I can't do it."

  "I never said you had to be a monk." Cam closed his eyes and counted to twenty, maybe he should have made it fifty. She was still standing there looking like a teenage dream, all golden hair, bright blue eyes and rosy skin. Hell, he should have just given up when she walked in the door.

  "Have a seat." Damn her though, she couldn't just sit on the edge like a good girl. No, she has to go all sex kitten on him and crawl over to him on her hands and knees with her ass up in the air. "If you're spending the night in my bed, take off the T-shirt and panties. I never did get to see enough of you last night." He figured that would freak her out, she'd bolt for her room for sure. Nope, dead wrong on that one. She lifts up so she's still on her knees and grips the hem of the T.

  "Can we turn off the lights?"

  "Nope, I want to see every beautiful square inch of you. No hiding in the dark."

  "Oh." He watched her take a deep breath, saw the way her nipples caught at the cotton. She bit her lip and then pulled the T-shirt over her head in one pull. Damn, she was stunning. She still had the panties on and was starting to tuck her fingers into the waistband to take those off too.

  "Wait! I'll take care of those later. You're covered in goosebumps, come here." She walked on her knees the short gap between them. She was shaking. He yanked at the covers under her knees to get them loose and eased her back against the pillows tucking the covers around her. He practically threw his laptop on the floor. When he turned back to her she slipped the reading glasses off his face and put them on the bedside table.

  "Really, the half naked god thing with the reading glasses is a total turn on." Her voice had gone husky.

  "You're nuts." He chuckled.

  "I'm serious, The body made to run a woman's hands over combined with the touch of vulnerability. Like catnip."

  He bent down and kissed the tip of her nose. Then she flipped him on his back.

  "What the hell..." She was stronger than she looked. All that work with big stones had made her sneaky strong.

  "You little..." Now she was on top of him. She thought she could be the one in control, hell if it meant they could finally do something about the rabid lust coursing through him, she could have all the control she wanted. As it was, she had perfectly placed those wonderful breasts of hers right in front of him. He needed some of those right now. His hands on her back held her in place. He sucked one dusty rose nipple between his lips. She arched harder against him. God, she looked so beautiful like this. If he had his way they would never have sex in the dark. He wanted to see her like this always. He smiled when her breath caught as he rolled her nipple between his lips. She shuddered when he grazed it with his teeth. The moaning started when he bathed it with his tongue. His thumb flicked the other one and she gasped.

  He wanted to play her like an orchestra. He kissed his way across her collar bone and then worked on the other breast. Her head was thrown back and her hair hanging down was as erotic an image as he'd ever seen. If he didn't get inside her now he was sure he'd die. Then she pulled away and moved down his body. He was so blinded by his desire it took him a minute to figure out what she was doing. Quick enough she was between his legs.

  "Joseph, you're magnificent. I swear, this is... beautiful. He closed his eyes, if she touched him he was going to come like a school boy. She decided to take it farther. Warm wet heaven, holy hell, she wasn't? He opened his eyes. Oh, yes she was. Slowly, even a little roughly, not that he minded, she was toying with the head of his cock. Would she even notice if he whimpered or was an all out moan more manly. Then she pulled all of it into her mouth and sucked hard. Fuck manly, he was prepared to beg if she stopped. He grabbed at the sheets to try to buy himself some more time, anything to make this heaven last a little longer. He didn't trust himself to touch her but he had to. Her hair was swinging like a curtain blocking her face from his view. He reached out to run his fingers through her hair and ended up trailing them across her cheek. She didn't stop what she was doing but nuzzled like a cat against his hand.

  He could feel how close he was his gut burned from trying to hold back. Then she skittered the fingers of one hand down his abdomen and stroked his balls. He was done. He nearly screamed his release was so strong. It seemed to go on forever and when there was nothing left she lay next to him. Almost as a reflex he curled up around her with his head on her belly. She played with his hair and stroked his back while his breathing returned to normal. He had never felt anything like that. He fought off the urge to sleep. Then noticed that her panties were still on her. That was wrong on so many levels. He sat up and hooked his thumbs under the elastic at her hips.

  "These have got to go, now." It came out as more a growl than he had intended but she didn't flinch. He pushed them down to her knees then she helped by bringing her legs up so he could take them off the rest of the way. When she started to straighten her legs he stopped her.

  "Don't move."


  "Not a word." He pivoted on the bed so he sat between her upraised knees. She was dark pink from blushing. He started kissing his way down her inner thigh. "This." He kissed her knee. "Is." He kissed the indent just above her knee. "The prettiest." He kissed the swell of her inner thigh. "pussy I have ever." He kissed at the top of her pubic bone. "Seen." She squeaked and tried to cover her face. He reach
ed through her legs and pulled her hands down holding them in each of his. "Oh, no. No hiding, gorgeous. You don't want to watch me worship you then you can close your eyes but I want to see all of your deliciousness." There was that squeak again. Oh this was going to be fun.


  Should she tell him? Was it so obvious that she didn't need to? Oh, God he was staring at her like she was dessert. Ahh, she had never ached like this. Did he like the blow job? She thought so, that half growl, half scream thing was pretty dramatic. If she had done a lousy job would he have even gotten off. She desperately wished she was more experienced when it came to sex. Who the hell was she going to ask though? Her little sister? Then she'd have to tell her... forget it.

  Oh, she couldn't breathe when he was blowing on the edges of her labia like that. She couldn't do anything but lay there with the way he was pinning her in place by holding her hands. It should have felt confining but instead it felt comforting. She closed her eyes and let the sensations wash over her. She felt his hair tickle her inner thigh. Heard him groan and say he was going to taste her. Oh my God! Would he be repulsed? He sure as hell didn't sound like he was grossed out. She tensed when she felt his tongue tease her labia apart. His fingers stroked the inside of her wrists. He was taking his time, did he know she needed to get used to the way all this felt?

  Then his tongue was on her clit and a sob burst from her throat. It wasn't like she hadn't ever touched herself but it was nothing like this. She had no idea that a tongue could feel so good so many different ways. One second it was firm, the next soft, next it was rough. Then she felt his lips there and started panting. He was turning her into an animal. When he sucked that tender spot between his lips she almost launched off the bed. Was it even possible to be cool and detached about something like this?

  She felt like her every action just reinforced the fact that she hadn't spent a hell of a lot of time in a man's bed. She tried to shut her mind to everything but how this felt. He had let go of one of her hands and was using his free hand to add to the stroking his tongue was doing. She was drowning in the sensations. She felt him slide his thumb slowly in and out. Oh, oh, no. Oh God, yes! She couldn't keep still, or quiet. Then he started working on her clit with determination as if everything previously had just been the overture and now he was getting to the symphony.

  "Oh, fuck, yes, Oh! Joseph!" She felt her climax start from the top of her head and rolled out from her pussy like an atomic blast. She could hear the ridiculous noises she was making and couldn't stop. Her breath shuddered when she spoke, "Oh, Jo- seph! Ugh, Huhh, Huhh, Jos-eph! The waves just kept washing over her till she was incapable of making any noise except for her panting. He kissed the inside of her thigh and then came up and kissed her on the mouth.

  She could taste herself on his lips. A little salty, like brine or the ocean, not what she would have thought at all, definitely not gross.

  "You miss, are something else." The look in his eyes when he said it told her what ever else she might be he liked it, a lot."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" She was teasing him but she really did want to know if she had done something she shouldn't have.

  "You've been hiding the truth all along." Shit, how could he have known. Had her body given her away? Did she do something wrong? She couldn't say it herself, maybe if she forced him to say it she'd be less terrified.

  "And what truth is that?"

  "You, my dear sweet, innocent Evie, are a wild cat in bed!" She wanted to collapse with laughter. She would have if she could have moved but her limbs weighed too much. All she could do was pull him closer.

  "And you, my dear sweet, wonderful man are a satyr. So I think we'll get along fine."

  "We do, don't we." He kissed his way back down her body finally resting his head over her belly button. Evie threaded her fingers in his hair as she fell asleep.


  He didn't want her to catch cold but it was so perfect listening to her stomach gurgle. He rubbed his cheek against her soft skin. This is what it would be like to listen to their kid's heart beat. Whoa! That got him sitting up quick. Where the hell had that come from? He'd always thought about kids in the abstract as something other people had. He loved Delia and while he hadn't been any kind of traditional father figure he hadn't been too bad an influence.Violet and Michael having a kid made the idea seem less crazy. Kids? With Evie? He felt like he should be more panicked at the thought but he wasn't. Confused? Sure, but not scared. Damn, he barely even knew this woman. Although what more did he need to know to understand that he was falling in love with her. Hell, he wasn't falling, he'd fallen and hard. The scary part was how fast it had happened.

  Chapter Four

  She woke up slowly. She was achey but not in a bad way, like she had been really tense for way too long but now it was gone. She opened her eyes and nearly panicked, then she remembered last night. Mmmm, saying that was fun was like the sun was a little warm on its surface. She was finally starting to get what all the excitement was about. Of course where the hell was lover boy now. Ooh, she liked that.

  "Joseph Camenitti is my lover." Then she slapped her hand over her mouth. Shit! What if he was in the bathroom and heard her. Of course, knowing him he'd probably be thrilled. She listened hard but there was no noise coming from inside so he must be somewhere else. She got out of bed and found his, or rather now- her, T-shirt and pulled it on. She looked everywhere for her panties but they were just gone. Eh, she was feeling daring after last night and the T-shirt came almost to her knees. She found her way down stairs and walked into the kitchen where he was reading the paper.

  "Morning sleepyhead."

  "Morning." She stretched to bring her limbs back to life. Her body was acting like she had been asleep for weeks not just overnight. When she looked at him again, he had taken his reading glasses off and had the devil's grin on his face. He was also coming toward her in a way that was making her shiver in anticipation. She gulped hard and finally found her voice. "What?"

  "You are full of contradictions aren't you? He had circled around the back of her now so she turned to face him.

  "What does that mean? He kept coming toward her and she kept backing up. Finally she bumped into the table where they had eaten dinner last night. He put out his hands on either side of her.

  "It means that if you are going to walk around my kitchen without panties on my dear sweet wildcat. There are going to be consequences."

  "Wha... What are you going to do?" Her voice shook.

  "Up on the table."


  "Sweetheart, you will be worshiped like the goddess you are or... I could take you over my knee first and then worship that sweet pussy."

  She could feel her eyes getting wider. "Now?, Delia?"

  "Left half an hour ago. Up. Now." She perched on the edge of the table. She was already panting. This wasn't any different than last night except that it was. This felt naughty and daring. God, how she wanted to be that way with him. "Can I get a kiss good morning first before you 'worship' me. She leaned forward and he gave her a blistering kiss. The heat from it burst in her body setting fire to all her most sensitive spots. She told her self to stop thinking and just feel. So for once in her life she did. The kiss left her weak so he half lifted her onto the table. He held her hand while she lay back. His gentle touch on the inside of her thighs told her that he wanted her legs wider, so she moved them.

  "The beautiful goddess on her altar." Something about the way he said it rolled a wave of desire over her so strong she shuddered before he even touched her. He kissed her thighs and ran his fingers through the curls between them.

  "Oh God, I want you to worship me!" It came out as a sob she was so desperate for his touch.

  "As you command!" Could she actually feel him smiling against her thigh? Then she stopped thinking, just felt how wonderful this all was, luxurious, decadent rapture. When her orgasm started he had to hold her down so she didn't fly off the table. As it was she
ended up banging her head back on the table repeatedly, not in any way that would do real damage but it made her feel silly afterwards. Her hands had been free this time but there weren't sheets to grab so she had ended up slamming her fists against the table too. When she had finally come back to her senses he pulled her off the table on to his lap. If she could she would have purred. She felt well loved, warm and fuzzy. Curling up against his chest, listening to his heart beat was heavenly. He dipped his head to kiss her breast through the cotton of the T-shirt.

  "You have the most wonderful tits."

  "No I don't. I'm not big enough and my nipples stick out too far."

  He jerked back. "Why do you do that?"


  "Stand up, take that shirt off, now." He sounded angry but why, what had she done? He also didn't sound like no was an acceptable answer so she slid off his lap. Her body missed the warmth of his almost immediately. She stood in the center of the room.

  "I'm waiting. I want that damn shirt off now. I want to see every inch of you."

  "Why?" Even though he was angry she wasn't afraid for some reason. She knew he would never hurt her no matter what.

  "You wanted me to give you an honest critique of your sculpture even though I said I knew nothing about art. Well, you are going to get my honest appraisal of every square inch of your body and I can tell you I have been a connoisseur of women my whole life. Now. Get. The. Shirt. Off!" She jumped when he yelled that time. She pulled the shirt over her head and felt like a fool standing in the middle of the kitchen stark naked.

  "Joseph, I..."

  "You are going to stand there if it takes me all damn day and as much as I like the different parts of you it might. Got it. I think I'll start from the top down. So first, let's start with your hair. Your hair is long, thick, straight and heavy. And when it slid down my body last night I went from 'damn this is uncomfortable' hard to 'have mercy on my soul, I'm gonna die' hard. Do you have any idea what that does to a man?"

  "Thanks but..."


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