Taken by Moonlight: Shifters Wild & Free Reverse Harem Book 1

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Taken by Moonlight: Shifters Wild & Free Reverse Harem Book 1 Page 20

by Bonnie Vanak

  Dante stepped in front of me, shielding me from view.

  “Two minute warning,” Dante said softly.

  Paul ran. The assembled men waited watching Dante’s uplifted right hand.

  He dropped it and they tore off.

  Paul didn’t stand a chance. I heard a brief scream in the distance and then snarls as the wolves ripped and tore at him.

  This was the world of shifters.



  And savage.


  The images of blood and gore were stamped into my brain. I stumbled away, weary cold, and spent. Probably the adrenalin rush leaving me.

  Or maybe the violence had repulsed me to the point where I couldn’t function. The slick, coppery smell of blood and death lingered in the air, heavy and cloying. Colors swirled in the air as well, the muted black signaling death mingling with them. I ignored the colors. The auras.

  The gift that I used to help kill another.

  Dante followed me and shrugged out of his shirt. He draped it over my trembling shoulders. “You’re chilled.”

  I didn’t look at him. “Did you lose anyone?

  “A few wounds, scrapes. They’ll heal. Thanks to you, our pack remains safe.” He rubbed my shoulders, warming me, but the internal coldness remained.

  “I did it for you, Dante.” I finally did look at him. “Not because of any pack loyalty. I did it for you, Gabriel and Alex, and for Felicia and all those kids in the bunker who were pretending not to be scared out of their wits.”

  “I know, sweetheart. You’re amazing.” He kissed my cheek. “Thank you for caring.”

  Caring was dangerous. It could break my heart. I had come to care about this pack, about my boys. Sex was one thing. But engaging my heart and becoming further involved had shown me the flip side to the fun pack of shifters who had barbecues and rode horses and shared love and companionship.

  The deadly side of betrayal, and death.

  Dante glanced toward the gate. “The Council of Shifters are sending a representative to ensure all the rules were followed. I have to deal with him, and my men, but I want you to return to the lodge. Shower and rest, sweetheart, and when I finish with business I’ll join you.”

  “What business? More pack members to punish? To rip apart?”

  His expression darkened a minute and then he seemed to struggle with his emotions. “Peyton, this is our world. We protect our own and we punish those who betray us.”

  “I understand about Earl. He deserved it. But Paul… couldn’t you have given him another chance?”

  I barely whispered the words. Amber glowed in his gaze. His wolf still surfaced, clawing to get out.

  Dante took a deep breath.

  “I gave him three. I even promoted him to sous chef, even after I caught him in town fraternizing with members of the Brown pack. I thought the extra responsibility would appease him. I promised if he worked hard for a few years, there would be other opportunities. But always, he wanted more. He didn’t like hard work. He could have left on his own. I gave him the chance. Instead, he chose to remain and betray me, endanger the pack.”

  He kissed my forehead. “It will be all right, Peyton.”

  I stared up at him, my heart twisting. “Will it be?”

  Gabriel and Alex ran up to us. I turned and hugged each one of them, not caring about the blood on their shirts, the stench of violence surrounding them. I needed to touch them, assure myself they were safe.

  Dante searched my expression as I released his betas. “I’ve changed my mind. Gabe, you deal with the rep from the council. Alex, you’re in charge of cleanup. Peyton, come with me. Let’s check on the kids.”

  His betas nodded. Gabriel beamed at me. “Way to go, Peyton. You saved us.”

  I did not meet his fist bump. “I helped to kill a man. Excuse me if I don’t feel like celebrating.”

  But Alex, dear, sweet and gentle Alex, barred my way as I started to walk off. He clasped my face between his thumb and forefinger. “Stop it, Peyton. Stop it.”

  Wide-eyed, I stared. “Alex…”

  He dropped his hand and spread his arms out. “This is my family. We protect our own. Out there in the skin world, you have laws and authorities to enforce them. We have pack. The rules exist for a reason. Earl knew what he was doing. He’d been warned. Paul was given a chance. Dante gave him more than enough chance to save himself. Had he made it to the gate, we would have let him go.”

  Alex glanced at Gabriel, who nodded. “Tell her, Alex.”

  “I lead the charge against Paul. I reached him first. Instead of trying to escape, he turned.” Alex lifted his shirt and showed an angry line stretching across his torso, seeping blood.

  I gasped. “He did that?”

  Alex nodded. “Would have torn out my insides, had I not yanked away at the last minute, and if not for Gabe running to help me. Paul aimed to cause me die a slow, agonizing death.”

  Gabriel rested a hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Paul wasn’t defenseless, Peyton. Remember, he was a wolf and a vicious one. He wanted to kill us all. He would have, if we’d let him escape. Rogues like that return and when your guard is down, they attack. They hurt the ones you love to hurt you the most.”

  Dante’s eyes narrowed. “He wanted to hurt our children, Peyton. Tell her, Alex.”

  “We wanted to spare you details, Peyton, but it’s worse than a mere raid. I intercepted emails Paul sent to Earl. Paul intended to infiltrate the bunker and slaughter the children first. Then he planned to lead out the women for Earl to kidnap and give to his males as mates.”

  This not only put new light on Paul’s death. It also opened my eyes to how much danger Alex had faced. Alex wasn’t as quick and powerful as Dante, and he lacked the muscular strength of Gabriel.

  Yet he had charged full force at Paul to stop his escape. To protect the pack.

  To protect the kids.

  Dante went to Alex, clasped his arm in the style of warriors greeting each other. “Well done.”

  He did the same to Gabriel.

  Then he backed off, looking at me. All three studied me. Waiting. Watching.

  I went to Alex, dropped to my knees and lifted his shirt. I kissed the wound. Then I looked up at him. “I didn’t know.”

  Alex touched my head gently, almost like a benediction. “Now you do.”

  “That fucker. I’m glad he’s dead.”

  Alex began to laugh. He pulled me upright. “My fierce Peyton.”

  “You have no idea,” I told him.

  Dante took my elbow. “Peyton, go inside with Alex, get cleaned up and meet me at the bunker entrance in fifteen minutes. I need to check on Felicia and the young.”

  He glanced ruefully at his appearance. “But not like this.”

  I understood. As pack alpha, he wanted to reassure the children, but not scare them with his appearance.

  “All right. But first…”

  I crooked my finger at my boys. When they drew closer, I flung my arms around all of them.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe,” I whispered.

  They hugged me back.

  “Thanks to you, we are,” Dante told me. “I can never repay you for how you helped us save our pack, Peyton.”

  I grinned. “Oh, I think of a few ways you can pay me back. But not now. Later.”

  “Does it involve ropes and blindfolds?” Gabriel asked hopefully.

  Alex gave him a shove.

  I laughed. “Maybe. First, let’s deal with the kids. I’m sure they are anxious to know what’s going on.”

  Half an hour later, freshly showered and feeling better, I joined Dante in the underground bunker. Felicia came running down the hall to greet us.

  She hugged him tight. Tears streamed down her face. “You’re alive. I was so worried.”

  Closing his eyes, he hugged her back and then kissed her cheek. “Of course I am, sprout. Did you ever think I wouldn’t be?”

  Felicia peered at me as her
brother released her. “Thank you, Peyton.”

  Dante touched her nose. “You and I are going to have a little talk about breaking into my office.”

  She bit her lip.

  “But for now, I’m glad you did it. And I want you to take on new responsibility, Felicia. It’s time.”

  She looked so hopeful and happy my heart turned over. This was the right move.

  “I want you to organize the teens to rebuild the fence in the back and institute a junior patrol group.” Dante rested his hands on her shoulders. “Can you do that for me?”

  She nodded, her short hair bouncing.

  “It means shifting into wolf form at times to regulate the group. I’m trusting you can do this, Felicia. I’m trusting you will have control over your wolf.”

  His sister looked at him with shining eyes. “I can do it. If it means protecting our pack, I will do it.”

  A smile touched his handsome face. “Good. Now, organize all the young and have them make arts and crafts to welcome back our warriors. They’ve fought hard and they deserve a special thank you from all of you.”

  Felicia brightened. “Right away!”

  She dashed off, the younger children following her like Felicia was the Pied Piper of wolves.

  Dante glanced at Leila, one of the women in charge. “Keep them busy here for at least two more hours while we clean up the grounds.”

  We returned outside. Dante leaned against the fake tree and crossed his arms. He closed his eyes for a moment and I sensed his tremendous weariness and relief. For a moment, he appeared like any other guy who’d been through a horrid day and needed a respite.

  And then his eyes opened and he became the alpha again.

  “I have a favor to request, Peyton.”


  “I need your help.” Dante rubbed my arms again, the contact between us warming me all over again. “I need you to assess the auras of each pack member, children included, as they swear a new oath of loyalty. If any of them is lying or isn’t since, I need to know.”

  I understood. “No more betrayals or risks.”

  “None.” He searched my face. “Will you do this for me? For us?”

  “Of course.” I bit my lower lip. “What will you do with the ones who aren’t sincere?”

  Impish mischief twinkled in his dark gaze. “Force them to eat junk food and deny them watching Animal Planet for a month.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Seriously?”

  He smiled. “I’ll turn them out of the pack. The council will find them jobs, places to live. They understand how dangerous it is for rogue shifters to live in a pack where they feel uncomfortable.”

  The loyalty swearing procedure took less time than anticipated. By lunch, all members of the pack, the children as well, had sworn a new oath of loyalty to Dante. Not one flicker of lying colors or hesitation.

  We celebrated by ordering takeout lunch, a gift from the representative from the Council of Shifters for keeping the pack troubles confined to the ranch. As I nibbled on a turkey sub, I listened to the representative assure Dante that Earl’s pack members would be found, and dealt with.

  I had more faith in Dante and his betas than the council politician, but it would have to suffice.

  After lunch, I went upstairs to Dante’s bedroom to rest. I crashed for two hours and slept.

  When I awoke I was no longer alone.

  All three of my boys were in bed with me.

  And I knew what they needed. What I needed.

  It was time.


  In Dante’s bedroom, we gathered. Dante dimmed the lights while Alex lowered the shades.

  Gabriel pulled back the sheets on the bed, and pulled a bottle of oil from the nightstand.

  He poured it into a warming tray.

  “Get undressed, Peyton,” Dante ordered.

  I did, trembling with excitement. No matter what happened, I was prepared. I wanted them.

  All of them.

  Dante took the warm scented oil, poured some in his palm. He began stroking my body in slow, sure caresses. Rubbed the tension from her shoulders, massaging the stiffened muscles. His big hands, strong and sure, caressed my flesh as I lay on my back.

  Lightly he caressed my breasts, stroking the oil into my skin. His oiled fingers circled my nipples, flicked over them. I squirmed in pleasure.

  “Remember, Peyton, only our touch will give you the fulfillment you crave,” he said softly.

  Dante slid his fingers down my belly, rubbing small circles there. He tunneled past the curls on my mound, then slid his oiled fingers into my slit. I moaned as he touched my swollen, aching clit.

  Next, Alex oiled his hands, and touched me. He rubbed gently, tenderly, the way I liked best. The ache between my legs intensified. I tossed my head, moaning, arching off the bed.

  Suddenly my arms were stretched over my head. A silk blindfold was tied over my eyes, preventing me from seeing.


  Three pairs of oiled hands worked on my body, massaging me, kneading my flesh. A light teasing touch between my legs, and palms on my breasts.

  Just prior to climax, they stopped. Left perched on the edge of pleasure, I bit back a frustrated moan.

  “Soon, baby,” Gabriel’s deep voice promised.

  Someone brushed my mouth in a tender kiss.

  “Remember that, Peyton,” Dante told me. “Only we can give you what you crave. You will achieve orgasm only through us.”

  The earthy smell of males and leather and spices teased my nostrils as they continued to massage my skin. I felt a large, thick finger inserted into my passage, and bore down, squeezing hard. Then I heard a sigh of approval.

  I swallowed hard as the finger moved deeper inside me.

  “So tight,” Alex murmured. “So very sweet.”

  The finger left me and the massaging stopped. Disappointed, I writhed. My bonds were released and I was turned over.

  Someone delivered a swift, hard slap to my bottom. “Stay still,” Gabriel commanded.

  Someone began massaging the oil into my back. Loosening the muscles, kneading my skin in light, circular strokes. They teased me, sliding fingers along the crevice of my bottom as I moaned.

  Two hands stroked my bottom, kneading my tender flesh. Soothing, masculine murmurs sounded as someone spread my cheeks open. Oiled fingers probed my anus.

  Stiffening, I felt a finger easing inside the passage.

  “What a sweet ass you have, baby. Soft and plump with a pretty little rosebud so tight and firm. This will ease you, make you ready for what is to come, sweetheart,” Dante said softly.

  “Make sure you coat the plug with lots of oil, Dante,” Gabriel warned. “She’s virgin there.”

  My bonds were untied, but they left the blindfold on.

  “Get on your hands and knees, Peyton, and arch your sweet ass toward the ceiling.”

  Tensing, I obeyed, pillowing my head on her folded arms. Someone kissed my bottom, positioned the instrument. He eased it in, stretching me. It hurt a little, but the pressure was more intense. I arched in startled shock and bit back a moan of pleasure. Another thrust, deeper now. Arousal bit, sharp as wolf fangs.

  “Stay with me,” Alex crooned. “That’s it, take it all.”

  It was Alex doing this. Someone else was stroking my skin as he thrust the plug inside my body. I turned my head and someone kissed me. I tasted Dante and kissed him back.

  My vagina ached and squeezed with each insistent thrust of the plug deeper into my bottom. Alex picked up the rhythm, thrusting it in, deeper and deeper. I felt stretched full, vulnerable. Just as I thought I couldn’t take any more, Gabriel’s hand slipped between my legs.

  He flicked a finger across my clit as Alex thrust the dildo in to the root. Fisting my hands in the sheets, I wailed.

  But the hand stopped short of my achieving climax. Frustrated, I wailed.

  “Not until I say so,” Dante said firmly. “Remain there, in that position. Stay sti
ll until I order you to move.”

  Biting my lip, I remained motionless. Tormented by the fullness, I hung my head. Finally the plug was pulled from my body. Someone pulled the blindfold off me. Dante turned me over and kissed me. “You did well. Now you are ready.”

  Other senses kicked into full throttle. Scent increased. I smelled the freshness of clean bodies, warm skin, male flesh and leather.

  The empty space between my legs throbbed.

  I watched Alex spread my cleft open with gentle fingers. Warm lips settled on my clit as he kissed me and then suckled my clit.

  Pleasure speared me and I cried out, feeling the burning tension threaten to splinter me. Suddenly he withdrew. Left frustrated, aching with arousal, I bit my lip, waiting for what came next.

  Dante approached, lifted my chin. He growled, his dark gaze burning. His shaft stood thickly out from his body.

  “Taste me.”

  I took his erect penis in hand and sank my eager mouth around him. Sucking him, licking my tongue along the long shaft, feeling the veins and the ridge of the head. My tongue danced across the rounded knob, tasting the delicious drop of pre-cum. He groaned and fisted his hands in my hair.

  “Enough,” he snarled, and drew away.

  “Pleasure my betas,” he commanded.

  I did as he ordered, sucking Alex and Gabriel’s cocks. When they bucked and groaned, they pushed me away and did not climax.

  Alex prepared my ass, applying a generous amount of gel. His warm palm teased, sent heat coursing through my veins.

  Lying down at the bed’s edge, Dante gestured for me to mount him. I climbed atop him and he lifted me onto his throbbing penis.

  Bracing my hands on his muscled chest, I did as he ordered. He was huge, stretching me, the friction of his cock sliding against my slick channel making the pleasure nearly unbearable. Dante pulled me down to his chest.

  “Raise your bottom up,” he ordered, his deep voice rasping.

  I did so, trembling with anticipation. I turned my head to see Alex, his long cock bobbing before him. A look of concentration and lust tightened his face.

  I raised her head to regard Dante, his dark gaze nearly black with desire. His jaw clenched, breathing heavily, he fought for control. Not thrusting, remaining perfectly still.


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