The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga)

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The Great Wolf: A Legacy of Kilkenny Novel Book Three (The Legacy of Kilkenny Saga) Page 4

by Dawson, Devyn

  “Ape-crazy? What’s that?” She asks straight-faced.

  I laugh at the absurdity of the question. “You know, like really crazy.”

  “Oh, I get it…you’re funny Abel. What do you do for fun?”

  We both turn around at the sound of a man and woman arguing.

  I shrug, “That’s easy, I run. I love shifting and taking a long run. It’s rare for me to do it alone, but that doesn’t bother me too much. We have a lot of rabbits and squirrels that we chase. I don’t kill them though. Raw meat doesn’t appeal to me.”

  “Eww, I know right! I bet its fun to have another animal to chase. We don’t have a lot of small prey. America is so mysterious to me. You’re the first American I’ve ever gone on a date with.”

  Date. So she does think of it as a date.

  “You’re my first Irish girl to go out with,” I say and bump her with my shoulder. “Would you like to go grab a cup of coffee?” I can tell she’s shivering, despite being warm blooded.

  She comes to a sudden stop and glances at me. “It’s getting late, I probably should get home before my brothers come looking for me.”

  I can’t help but watch her mouth as she talks. My wolf is begging me to kiss her, my head is telling me to keep it casual. Something tells me I could fall for this girl, the 4,000 miles tells me it’s too far for a long distance relationship to survive. We’re just hanging out, not falling in love - I think to myself.

  “Oh, okay. I don’t want to upset your brothers,” I laugh nervously. We’re both just standing and looking at each other. Her pouty lips are driving my wolf mad. Before either I or my wolf can think things through, I find myself asking if I can kiss her.

  She studies my face before nodding her head.

  I put my hand under her chin and tilt her head back. Her lips part as our lips meet and suddenly I’m lost without any thoughts of anything else but her. I struggle with my wolf not to go wild like a hunger starved were. The kiss is over too quickly but I want to respect her, especially since we’re in a public garden.

  She bashfully pulls away and blushes. My wolf wants to strut around and announce to everyone that he’s marked his territory.

  I take her gloved hand into mine and walk back to the limo. Shaynie joins us just as we get to the car. She has a dumb smirk on her face.

  “Brianna, after we work out tomorrow, would you like a lesson in knife throwing? It comes in handy to stake a vampire, if the situation calls for it. Dolly wants us all to practice our skills in case we end up competing in the Seeker event.” Shaynie pops her gum making Brianna jump.

  “Yeah, thanks for asking me. All of you are training for the Seeker competition?”

  “It’s a tradition within our pack not to announce the competitors until the night before. The alpha will gather the pack and have a pep rally of sorts and announce who’s competing.”

  Brianna looks puzzled. She takes her gloves off and I can tell she’s not shivering anymore. “What’s a pep rally?”

  Shaynie tilts her head, processing the question. “It’s just where we all get together and cheer for each other.”

  “Oh cool,” Brianna leans forward and fiddles with something in her purse. I recognize the sound of a text message.

  Shaynie takes advantage of the fact that Brianna can’t see her, and starts making kissing faces at me. Like a middle school kid, she makes a total ass out of herself as she teases me silently.

  We turn onto Bri’s street. Even though it’s pitch black outside, I recognize the neighborhood. All the lights are on at the house and I see Marc standing in front of one of the windows. Awesome. Nothing like kicking my date’s brother’s ass on the first date. It wouldn’t be a fair fight, my super-wolf abilities kick in whether I want them to or not and when my wolf is in charge, he doesn’t back down. I didn’t come here to make enemies, so I’ll be a gentleman.

  The driver gets out and comes around to open the door. I get out and she turns to Shaynie and says she’d love to come to practice. My wolf growls in appreciation. As we get to the front door she turns around to face me.

  “Abel, I had a great time tonight.” Her eyes sparkle under the house light.

  Without thinking, my hand reaches up for her face and I step in to close the space between us. “I had a great time too,” I say barely audible. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” Her head nods in agreement. My lips brush hers, lingering for only a moment…just long enough to stir my insides. “Good-night, Brianna.”

  She smiles as the door opens, “Good-night Abel, see you tomorrow.”


  Chapter 4 Imposter

  I’ve seen Brianna every day this week. She’s come over and hung out with us at the hotel and we went to the movies. Her brothers aren’t happy with me being around, so we haven’t hung out at her house. Since the Olympics start in three days, we have to focus on our events and not get lost about why we’re here. I won’t see her again until the competition begins.

  During our morning workout, they gave us the schedule for the first day of the Olympics.

  Monday -

  5:00 a.m. - Everyone weigh in

  6:00 a.m. - Breakfast

  6:30 a.m. - Men’s Shifting Event on West Field

  Women’s Shifting Event on South Field

  8:00 a.m. Men vs Women Shifting Event on West Field

  9:00 a.m Award Ceremony for Shifting Events

  10:00 am Strong Man Event - East Field - no one under 15 allowed on the field

  12:00 p.m. Lunch

  2:00 p.m. Second half of Strong Man Event

  4:00 p.m. PeeWee Were Olympics

  7:00 p.m. Award Ceremony Strong Man

  Oakley and Dolly are competing in the shifting events and Parker will compete in the strong man part. Parker put on fifty pounds so he could compete with the big guys. He was 170 lbs and now he’s weighing in at 223. His wife, Sapphire, has sworn off chicken breast for a year after the competition. Parker said he was right there with her on that, he’s sick of chicken and tuna. When in wolf form, we all stay the same size, regardless of weight. We’re already big wolves, but our weight isn’t affected if we gain weight as a human. The main difference happens if we’re not healthy. Rouge wolfs often find themselves hungry during the winter months, especially wolves who don’t shift as often or have money for food. Many rogues stay in their wolf form for the winter so they can hunt without looking deranged. Not too many humans sit on a park bench eating a raw squirrel.


  I step out of the steaming shower and tighten a towel around my waist. My cell starts ringing; I rush over to answer it, hoping its Brianna.

  “Hey, my mom wants everyone down in the conference room right now, something has happened. Parker is on his way to your room, him and Oakley will escort you downstairs. Before you moan about it, you know the drill,” Pru says.

  We hang up and I turn to Oakley, he nods his head, letting me know he heard our conversation. A knock on the door and Parker’s voice is telling me it’s him. Parker has changed since I first met him. Two years ago, he was a douche-bag, always mad at something, until he found his true mate and she mended his cold heart. When he found out Sapphire was one of us, a werewolf, he became the nicest guy, ever.

  I love my pack, I do, but it gets old having to be escorted everywhere. Especially since we’re all werewolves and the place has been charmed against any intruders. I pull a slim black tee over my head. T-shirts no longer hang on me, now, they show off how much I work out. The shirt is snug on my biceps and across my chest. I slip on a pair of the ridiculously priced jeans Pru insisted I buy.

  Within five minutes the three of us enter the conference room. Dolly’s face is filled with worry as she stands up in the center of the room. She’s biting her lip which is her tell before she drops bad news on us. Something major has happened; she’d never stress out our team if it isn’t necessary.

  The room is filling up with everyone in the hotel as well as alphas from o
ther packs.

  “Okay everyone, if I can get your attention up here, I have an announcement,” Dolly pauses for a moment. “We’ll get down to it, Kane, the owner of this hotel, is missing. He went out to run errands earlier today and he has not returned. His wife MecKenzie was on the phone with him, he was in the market picking up stuff for the kitchen. She heard him yell and his phone hitting the floor. She hasn’t heard from him since. One of the local witches has tried a locator spell on him to no avail. Why Kane was abducted is anyone’s guess. From this point forward, EVERYONE must be escorted everywhere they go. As you know, Abel Casey is in our pack and he’s everyone’s priority to protect. I need everyone to be alert, and check in on a regular basis. We can’t slack just because we’re at the Olympics and there are so many of us around.”

  One of the alphas raises his hand. “Do we know who’s behind this?”

  Dolly shakes her head back and forth. “We have our suspicions. If anyone has any information about any of the abductions, please get with your alpha. Let’s be clear about one thing…if I find out you know something and you’re not honest with us now, you’ll face your Great Wolf. Am I clear?” Dolly is in her strict mode.

  I get the feeling someone is watching me. I turn around and catch two alphas giving me the once over. It’s to be expected, they’re judging me because I’m young. Out of nowhere, my insides heat up so much it’s like my blood is literally boiling because I’m so defensive. They both freeze under the scrutiny of my glare.

  Pru tugs on my arm. “What’s up? You’re giving the stink-eye, why?”

  “I’m letting them know I am the Great Wolf.”

  “Okay… are you having an identity crisis?” Pru asks.

  “We’ll talk later.” My wolf is restless and senses another power is near.

  My dad and a big beefy were from another pack open the door. With them is a group of ten or so people. Everyone mutters under their breath and I catch a few people’s thoughts. Someone is a sorcerer and a few people are from a local coven of witches.

  “Quinney’s here,” Pru whispers to me. “He’s the really tall one, the bald guy with the goatee, I’ve seen him before at Quinney’s house. I think he’s one of the guys who works with him.”

  Dolly leans in for an air kiss on each side of her face from Quinney. He towers over everyone at 6’5”. He raises his hands in front of him with his palms up. “If I could have a minute of your time, I’d like to discuss how things are going to play out. My name is Quinney, and I’m here to help assure your Olympics will go as planned. I’m not a werewolf, as you probably already know. I’m a shaman like none other.” His voice is deep and authoritative with a Gaelic accent.

  “The Phelan Pack has invited me here to not only help you find the group responsible, but we’re going to protect you. This gentleman is my friend Jace O’Leary, and these lovely ladies are from a coven near my home in the countryside. Jace, will be doing a protection spell over everyone here and we’ll go from site to site to offer them the same protection. The rest of the coven is already on their way to the other packs to set charms. We’ll keep two surveillance vans on the location to observe comings and goings. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you need to report it to one of the vans. The fields being used for the Olympics have been charmed and protected by the best sorcerers and witches in the world. Right now, the fields are the safest place around; I suggest you do the rest of your preparations out there. We will do our best to blend in and not interfere with your competition. If you have questions, please raise your hand.” Quinney says and takes a sip of his coffee.

  One of the alphas raises his hand. Quinney doesn’t say anything, he just points his direction.

  “Who’s footing the bill for this protection?”

  “Good question…no one. As a collective, we’re all supernatural and we protect one another. The Phelan Pack has a block of rooms they graciously offered to our group to rest. The werewolves have helped us in the past; this is our way of paying it forward. Does anyone else have any questions?”

  No one raises their hands. Pru squeezes through the crowd to get closer to Quinney.

  She reaches him and they do the air kiss, when he stops he whispers a word to her. Dream-quest. She nods her head in agreement.

  “Hey everyone, I, too, have an announcement,” Pru shouts.

  The room goes quiet and everyone turns Pru’s direction.

  “I had a vision earlier today. I’ve been working with my mentor to understand the meaning. We all need to set our political views aside. I know some people within the werewolf community don’t want Abel to take over our packs. Good for you,” she says sarcastically, “there’s no escaping the fact, he is the Great Wolf. This legend has been a part of our lives, part of our future and our past. Abel will be stepping into his role soon, get over it and deal. What good will we be if we cause a war amongst ourselves? My vision has clearly shown me another werewolf pack is behind the abductions. What does that mean to us? That means we can’t trust anyone, we all must account for our pack. Our IT department is busy putting together a crisis line. If you see anything suspicious REPORT IT. This isn’t a game. Here’s what I know about the pack involved.” Pru’s voice is steady as she tells us about her visions. “They are not working alone. They aren’t American. Their language is a lost one, the kind that hasn’t been heard in centuries. I’ve had visions of them for the last few months. It never showed me what they were up to, until last night. They’re powerful, stronger than most. I’m guessing they’re a hybrid or genetically altered. From what I’ve seen, they relish in the fact that no one knows about them.”

  I watch as everyone hangs from every word Pru says. She goes on to reiterate what Quinney said about reporting anything suspicious. It’s hard to hide my irritation with everyone for keeping this from me, but I do my best. Dolly and I walk around to each of the alphas and make sure they’re okay with the plans for protection. I sense confusion, but there isn’t much I can do at this point to clarify anything. It isn’t as though anyone has kept me in the loop.

  Quinney comes over to me and asks if we can have a private conversation. I invite him up to my room, although I’d rather go swimming in a sea of jelly fish. His demeanor is intimidating, by the way he moves and talks, he reminds me of Lurch from The Addams Family. Oakley and Pru are going to stand guard, but before we go up to my room, Quinney sends Jace to sweep it. Come to find out, Jace is the sorcerer I sensed earlier. He’s going to check for bugs; just to be sure we’re not being spied on from within.


  Quinney and I take a seat in the small sitting area of my room. I sit perfectly still, waiting for him to start the conversation. Pru’s always praised him as someone who’s wise beyond his years.

  “Thank you, for agreeing to talk to me. It’s an honor to meet you,” he says sincerely.

  “Thank you, sir.” I didn’t know what else to say. I sit through the awkward silence; wishing for someone to come rescue me.

  “Abel, I want to make this quick. As you know, I’m a shaman and I’ve had visions about your pack. When I say pack, I am meaning all pack wolves. You’re the leader of everyone, whether you’ve taken charge or not. One of the alphas from an American pack has made a deal with a Middle Eastern terrorist supernatural group. They’re planning on abducting Pru. She’s one of the only shamans in America and unknown to them, she’s going to be in my position in the coming years. I know she wants to protect you, but she’s the one who needs protecting right now. Oakley isn’t capable of protecting her; he won’t think logically when his heart is involved. You’re going to be the one to keep her safe. My visions don’t come with a time-stamp or expiration date. What I can go by is her looks and what I see going on around her. Most of my visions happen relatively quickly, typically within six months. Some of the visions have taken a year to happen.”

  I concentrate on what he’s told me, trying to absorb it as best as I can. He watches me earnestly as I think it

  “What can I do to protect her?”

  “You’re powerful Abel, so powerful in fact, you’ll be the strongest supernatural being in the world. The minute you take your intended place as the Great Wolf you’ll gain the knowledge about everything. You’ll know every detail of every person who carries the wolf gene. With power comes danger. If you don’t harness your abilities, you’re a danger to those closest to you. Everything will be tenfold. You can’t be in two places at once though. This is what I see, Pru doesn’t have a wedding band on and her hair is the length it is now. I’m thinking the trouble will happen while you’re in Ireland. You must not share this information with anyone; including Dolly. Other people are open to vision quests, you aren’t. If you give the information to someone else, they may pass the information to the terrorist. Unfortunately, you’ll have many burdens you’ll carry alone.” The intensity of his words pound me like an iron fist, punching me in the gut.

  We sit for a million moments before I find the ability to speak again. “Is it a fact that she’ll be abducted?”

  “No. Everything in our future is subjective to what we do to correct a path we may have traveled if not warned. She means a lot to me too. I’ll do what I can from my end to protect her.”

  I sit stunned.

  “I’m going to show you some techniques I use to meditate. Once you’ve become aware of your inner strength, you’ll need to focus on how to harness the power. There’ll be times you’ll have the stress of the world on your shoulders and meditation will help you ground yourself. Let’s move the furniture over and we’ll sit on the floor.”

  We move the furniture and sit down on the floor. I can’t help but wonder when the last time the floors were cleaned. But Quinney doesn’t seem to mind.

  Girls pull off sitting in middle of the floor facing another girl, much better than two men. My Doc Martens are clunky feeling as I sit Indian Style. Quinney sits without any issues, so I work on looking comfortable in front of him. He stretches his arms out with his hands palms-up, in front of him.


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