Five Reasons To Go (The Risky Hearts Duet Book 2)

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Five Reasons To Go (The Risky Hearts Duet Book 2) Page 19

by Candace Knoebel

  “We will talk about this later, Hank. I can’t believe you. At their party?” I threw up a warding hand behind me as I headed toward Jack.

  “Sick, I tell you,” Hank shouted, snickering to himself as I furthered the distance. I knew Hank dabbled off and on with drugs in the past, but I’d thought all of that had ended.

  I guessed I was wrong.

  “I see you two are having fun,” I said, trying to smooth the brittle from my smile as I stood over Jack. “Nic, your grandparents are here. You should go say hi. And be sure to thank Grandma for the cake.”

  “Okay!” He took off in a sprint.

  Jack had his hand on his forehead, shielding the sun. “I’m wounded. Are you a nurse?”


  “I’m serious… though… I wish you’d worn the sexy nurse outfit.”

  “Jack,” I said, laughing.

  “Help me up?”

  I offered him my hand.

  A second later, I was pulled to the ground and rolling as he tickled me.

  “Wow, nurse, look at the tension in your shoulders. That must be a side effect from the in-laws-from-hell-itus. Oh, and look at that flush to your cheeks. Most definitely a case of the soon-to-be-ex-husband-jerk-off-eria.”

  Gasping amusement bubbled up from my throat. Jack stood and offered me a hand, ignoring the probing stares from Hank’s family’s table. Today, we were on stage, being watched. Being dissected.

  I had to keep it together.

  “You’re nuts, you know that?”

  He chuckled. “Bananas.”


  His finger rounded in lazy circles near his temple. “Cuckoo. Off my rocker. A total mental case.” He took my hand in his, guiding us back to the communal area.

  Being by his side made my shoulders relax, even if just a bit. The intense glares bounced off the shield Jack had unknowingly kept around us.

  “So,” he said as we passed the pinata. “On a scale of one to I’m fucked, how fucked am I going to be today?” He didn’t miss a single glare thrown his way. To the Krauses, he was an outsider. An unwelcome burglar, stealing my love and sanity.

  “How tall and vast is Mt. Fuji?”

  He gave a curt nod. “Got it, mega-fucked.” He rubbed his hands together. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. Swimming with piranhas is my specialty.”

  If only he knew just how deadly these piranhas were.

  Maria’s eyes were on my hand locked in Jack’s as we approached. Jack extended his hand to Joe. “I’m Jack. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Charm dripped off his words.

  Joe shook his hand, smiling and polite as ever.

  Jack turned to Maria, offering his hand. “I’m Jack. It’s nice—”

  “I know who you are.” Her shrill voice oozed poison. “No need for introductions.”

  Hank chuckled.

  “Okay.” Jack rubbed his hands against his pants. “Can I get you anything? A beer? Wine? Water?”

  I hadn’t thought her scowl could deepen anymore, but I was wrong.

  Jack seemed to realize then this wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought it was. Though he managed to swim through the thickets in his line of work, the Krauses were an entirely different breed.

  “I see how this is going to go.” Jack turned to me. “How about a beer? Want one?”


  A couple of hours later, I waved the kids off as they left with their grandparents. I put the rest of the decorations in the bin we brought, glancing up in search of Jack. He told me he was heading to the restroom before I walked Nic to the cab.

  I froze when I realized Hank had cornered him, finger pointed in Jack’s face. Jack’s hand was gripped around the collar of Hank’s shirt. They struggled against one another, vying for control.

  I took off in a sprint, panic rioting through my veins.

  “They’re not your family, you stupid fuck!” Hank yelled, spit flying past his lips.

  Jack’s voice was calm when he spoke, though his grip never wavered. “You’ve had one too many, Hank. Let’s not do this—”

  Hank shoved him. Hard. “Don’t you fucking talk down to me.”

  “Hank!” I shouted, moving in between them. My heart threatening to abandon me. “Please. Today was beautiful.” I pressed against his chest, moving him back. “Let’s not ruin it.”

  The hate smudged in his dark eyes was heavy, pressing, like cinderblocks tied around my lungs. “Ruin it? You’re the one fucking ruining things.” His fists banged against the sides of his head. “Because of you, we have to go to court. Because of you, I can’t see my kids every day.”

  “That isn’t true—”

  “Shut up!” Hank screeched over me, eyes clenched shut.

  “Hank, come on, man. Don’t talk to her like that.” Jack latched onto my arm, trying to move me behind him. “We can work through this.”

  It happened so fast, in a distraught blink. Hank’s fist flew by my ear, connecting with the edge of Jack’s jaw.

  I screamed, hands flying up to my mouth.

  “There is no we! Don’t you fucking talk to me! Ever.” Hank shoved me out of the way. “You think you’re going to just worm your way into my family? You’re fucking wrong. I will end you. Do you understand?”

  Rage boiled in Jack’s eyes. He wiped his mouth, and then squared off with Hank. “Is that a threat?”

  “You bet your fucking ass.”

  Jack smirked. A sickening danger swirling in his features. “Go ahead and try. All we need is one more reason to prove you’re unfit. You’re doing a swell job right now.” He shoved at Hank’s shoulders. “Why don’t I call the cops? Have it documented that you’re not only threatening, but also assaulting me. We could even go for a drug test.”

  Hank’s eyes widened.

  “Yeah. Didn’t think anyone would notice that strung-out look in your eyes? I know what cocaine does, Hank. So, go on. Keep up the threats. Because I fucking promise you it will be me ending you. Once and for all.”

  Hank shook. His knuckles completely white. He turned in my direction, and I backed up a step. “This isn’t over, Jess.”

  And then, he was gone.

  Chapter 26


  “Who are the kids staying with again?” I asked as I stood in front of the mirror, inspecting the bruise.

  “Their grandparents.” She let out a pent-up exhale. “You know, it’s always going to be like this.” She unbuttoned her pants. She’d been a bundle of nerves from the moment we left the park. It took all my imploring just to get her into the car. “He’s never going to stop. And it will only get worse after court.”

  I poured a small amount of bubbles into the tub, and then pulled her down on my lap. She was sitting sideways, her shoulders in a permanent hunch. A frown stealing away the beauty of her smile.

  “Woman, I’m telling you, it will all work out. He’s just scared.”

  When Hank punched me, it took every fucking inch of self-control I had not to return the favor. If it wasn’t for Jess and the fact she’d already been through enough, I would have put his ass on the ground. Hank might have had Jess shook, but I was used to schmucks like him. I was no stranger to bullies. Never had a problem with putting them in their place.

  Hank was no different, and if he kept up the disrespect, it would come to a head sooner or later.

  Jess dug her hands through her hair, her knees skimming the edges of the vanity, bouncing up and down a little. She was like a spooked cat. “Yes. And a scared Hank is a dangerous Hank. And I don’t want to know what dangerous Hank is capable of.”

  I pulled her hands from her hair. Pressed them against my chest. “Babe, listen to me, okay? Everything will be okay. Hank is all bark.”

  Her hand cupped the edge of my jaw where a bruise was forming. “All bark, huh?” She pressed her lips to the bruise. A sharp jab of pain shot through the underside of my teeth, but I welcomed it as she kissed a trail up to my ear where her teeth nipped and nib


  My fingers clenched her thighs, desire spooling in my belly.

  “That feels better,” I said as she coursed down to the underside of my chin, licking and kissing, my blood pulsing for her.

  “How about now?”

  “Still hurts.”


  I pointed to my mouth, smiling, enjoying the game. “Here.”

  Her tongue ran over the crease of my lips. I opened to her, hand cupping the back of her head. I’d never get enough of the taste of her. The sweet sugary bite to her lips. The velvet feel of her tongue as it played with mine. I wanted to be inside her. Wanted to fuck away all her sadness until she was exhausted and sated.

  Warmth spread around my feet as she turned in my arms, deepening her kiss. Fuck, she knew how to use that sexy mouth of hers. Visions of her sucking my dick pushed to the front of my mind, but then I stilled, eyes widening as I realized where the warmth was coming from.

  I’d left the water running.

  “Fuck.” I reached past her to turn the faucet off. Water spilled over the edges, bubbles swirling around our feet.

  She was laughing so hard she snorted as I jumped up and reached for the drain, tugging to remove some of the water.

  “Oh my god.” She reached for a towel. “I can’t believe we did that.”

  “We?” I found another towel and placed it on the floor, trying to keep it from spreading into the hallway. “You’re the one distracting me with that sexy mouth of yours.”

  She was on her knees, licking her lips, trying to be sexy when she slipped and rolled. Water soaked through her shirt. “It’s a field of bubbles,” she managed to work out as she cupped her stomach in laughter. She grabbed a fistful before blowing them toward me. “They’re everywhere!”

  “Oh, no you don’t. Don’t start that again.” I picked her up despite her feeble protests, then dumped her in the tub.

  Water sloshed everywhere when she came up for air. The shock on her face split through any resolve I had. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t stop her as she tugged on my arm, pulling me into the tub with her, clothes and all.

  “We’re like wet dogs.” My jeans and shirt clung to my skin.

  She pulled at her shirt. Tossed it on the floor, then pulled off her panties.

  Lust consumed me as I drank in her beautiful body. Slender stomach rippled with goose bumps. Nipples a rosy pink. Golden hair slicked back, eyes exposed and bare. Her long legs wrapping around me as she moved in like a temptress.

  There was something so fucking sexy about having a naked woman on top while I was fully clothed. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled, exposing the long line of her neck. She moaned as I sucked hard enough to leave a mark. I wanted the world to know she was mine. Wanted her to see my presence when the mark was reflected in the mirror.

  She tugged at my shirt, pulling it over my head. I stood and fought with my jeans, trying to get them off. She giggled as I dropped them on the floor, but that quickly faded when I pulled her on top of me and slid inside her.

  So fucking hot. Wet. Tight.

  There was desperation in the way she clung to me. Her sadness fueling her desire. This wasn’t how she normally held onto me, like she was hiding within me. Like she was begging for me to chase her demons away.

  I held her closer as the water disappeared around us, slowing my movements, kissing the salt away from her eyes. Lifting her up, I carried her to the bed. Pulled her close under the covers as she sobbed against my shoulder. Her naked body trembled in waves against mine.

  I just held on. Let her release all the years she’d kept inside her. All the hurt. All the disappointment. Her parents deserting her. Hank. Maria. Me…

  When her tears subsided, I turned her chin up to me. Nuzzled my nose against hers, using the pad of my thumb to wipe her eyes. “I love you, Jess,” I said, brushing her hair back from her face.

  She tried to get closer. “I love you more.”

  I tucked her head against my chest, rubbing the back of her hair. Stared at the wall, wishing I knew how to take her pain away. Wishing I could make everything better for her.

  I vowed to myself then that I’d never let Hank hurt her. Never again.

  Chapter 27


  The Past

  “Hank,” I called, sitting on the edge of my bed. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there, contemplating my next move.

  He poked his head through my door. “Hmm?”

  I patted the spot on the bed next to me. “I need to talk to you.”.

  He grinned. “If this is a lure to get me into your bed, you know you don’t have to ask. After that last time, I’d be more than happy to sate your need.”

  I grimaced at his harsh words. It was because of that last time that I needed to talk to him. It was because I’d been weak when he’d decided to play at being kind and let him back into my bed even though I knew he was still seeing other people. It had been nearly a year since the last time I had slept with him.

  Throughout the years, he came and went like we originally agreed, only falling into my bed when I was at my weakest.

  This time, though, we’d screwed up.

  “What is it?” he asked when he realized how nervous I was.

  Ciana was five. Our only child.

  But that was all about to change.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I didn’t look at him. It wasn’t necessary. I could more than feel the tension building within him.

  “It’s mine?”

  My head dipped in conformation, already knowing he’d ask. This—I was living through a repeat of my first pregnancy. Hell. Doubt. Loneliness.

  “Yes, Hank.”

  He sucked in a large inhale. “What the fuck is it with you, Jess? How the fuck are you always getting pregnant?”

  Hate pushed through my gaze. “I’m not always getting pregnant, Hank. We’ve slept together how many times?”

  “Yeah, but I thought you were on the pill.”

  “I am.”

  He grunted. “Like hell you are.”

  I thought I was prepared for his reaction, but every word he spoke pricked against my skin. “I knew you would be like this.”

  He leaned forward, against his thighs. “Are you… going to keep it? The baby, I mean?”

  I’d been sure there was nothing he could say that would shock me anymore, but there it was, hitting me square in the chest like a bulldozer.

  “How can you even ask that?” I hissed. “What about Ciana? How could I get rid of a child knowing what we have out there?”

  He shook his head. “Jess, we can’t afford another baby. Hell, I don’t want another baby.”

  I crossed my arms, heat bubbling behind my eyes. “Tough shit. I didn’t force you into my bed, and I sure as hell didn’t keep you from wearing a condom.”

  He stood, his hand rearing back. I winced, waiting for the pain, but it never came. He pushed past me, slamming my door shut. I collapsed onto my bed, holding my stomach, crying into my pillow.

  “You are wanted,” I said to my stomach, wishing I could I could take back that night on the roof.

  Knowing I never would, because then I wouldn’t have Ciana.

  I was on the toilet for the fifth time within a couple of hours, staring at the wall, thinking about the next flavor of ice cream we were going to roll out for summer promotion, when dread rolled down the back of my neck.

  I stilled, mentally calculating in a panic. It had been a while since my last period. I’d been so busy preparing for the opening of the new shelter I hadn’t paid much mind. My hands cupped my breasts, and I winced at the soreness.

  A sickness washed over me. Oh, no.

  I wiped, and then flushed. “No. No. No. No. No,” I chanted as I reached under the cabinet, searching through the back, knowing I had a pregnancy test somewhere in there. When I found it, I sat it on the counter. After turning the faucet on, I filled a small glass. I downed it and two more,
then sat on the toilet lid, determined to wait until I had to go again.

  It took about thirty minutes. I left the water running, the sound increasing my need. When I felt as if I could go, I peed on the stick and stood back, waiting for the results.

  Within seconds, two lines appeared.

  I was pregnant.

  With Jack’s baby.


  What if he didn’t want a baby? My kids were older. They could fend for themselves, which made the transition easier for him. But a newborn? Jack had said he’d never really considered having kids. Though he loved me, what if this would be too much for him? What if it drove a wedge between us?

  All my fears came crashing down. I slid against the wall, down to the floor, pulling my knees against my chest. Rocked back and forth, salt staining my cheeks as I tried to figure out a way to tell him.

  I didn’t want to lose him.

  What if he found another reason to go? A new reason? A reason we had created together?

  I rubbed my temples, trying to pull myself together. He would stay. He had to. He loved me. I chanted these words to myself, but they were outweighed by history. This wasn’t something we planned. Hell, we hadn’t even discussed it.

  And I was still married to Hank. The divorce was still being finalized with the lawyer. How would Jack feel knowing I was pregnant with his child while married to another man?

  This was such a fucking mess.

  “Mom?” Ciana knocked on the door. “I have to go.”

  I wiped the tears with the back of my hand and stood, putting the stick in my back pocket. Quickly stopped to see into the mirror, trying to clean myself before I unlocked the door.

  “Sorry.” I moved past her. She shut the door behind her without sparing me a glance, and I exhaled a small relief.

  Jack was on the couch, watching the game. He smiled as I curled against his side. “You okay?” he asked, rubbing his hand over my shoulder. “You were gone for a while.”


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