The McKinnon

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The McKinnon Page 34

by James, Ranay

  She reached over and covered Morgan’s head with the hood of her cloak, not wanting to let anyone else see her before Nic had an opportunity to break the news as he saw fit.

  "Come on." Reagan pulled Morgan out into the early morning light.

  Reagan left them to find food, and Morgan wondered into the woods. She had not gone far until she heard footsteps behind her. Not knowing whom it could be, she hid behind a large tree, crouching down making her self as small as possible.

  “Get up!”

  It was Nic. “Nic, I-” Morgan was desperate to explain.

  “Shut up! Just shut your lying, deceitful mouth." He walked over to her and when she stood, he took her by the shoulders and shook her. "I don’t want to hear it. However, since you are here and there is nothing I can do about it, I might as well get some use out of you.”

  His grasp hurt, but she dare not make a sound.

  “If you wanted to be a camp follower then you had better be prepared for it.” He crushed her to him and began to kiss her harshly. There was nothing tender in his embrace. Morgan began to fight him off as best she could. But her defense was was futile, considering his size and his anger making him that much stronger. She never made a sound. Pushing against him with no effect, she was truly afraid. She was afraid of the man he had become because of her.

  “No! Nic, please! Not like this. No, never like this.”

  Her words got through to him. He abruptly released her and pushed her away. She fell backwards onto the ground. Placing a hand over her bruised mouth, she refused to cry. Their eyes met and Nic stared at her with a look of disgust clearly marked on his handsome face.

  He walked away feeling upset with himself and what he had so nearly done to the one woman he loved most in this world.

  She saw how he felt and it cut her to the quick.

  He hates me, Morgan thought, but she was resolved. She had done what she felt was right. Nic was angry with her well beyond anything she thought possible. Well, he would just have to resign himself to the fact she was standing by her decision.

  Nic walked out of the woods straight to Reagan who was standing next to the coach talking to Cullen.

  “Reagan, go to her.” He delivered his command and walked away.

  Cullen knew Nic was violently angry. “Go to who?” he asked as he turned to Reagan.

  “Morgan,” Reagan replied.

  “You mean the decoy,” Cullen asked confused.

  “No. I mean Morgan. She didn’t go with David,” Reagan explained, matter of factly.

  “Oh, shit,” Cullen said softly under his breath.

  “Yep, I would say that just about sums it up.” Reagan turned to go find her charge.

  Nic, Connor, and Cullen talked by the carriage about the development and their plans as the two women emerged from the woods. Nic was standing facing their direction, arms over his broad chest. He stopped in mid-sentence, looked at Morgan, and walked away. The cut he gave her went deep and straight to the quick. Morgan refused to hang her head. She walked back to the carriage, shattering into a thousand small pieces. He would never understand what she felt about him.

  Connor raised an eyebrow at Reagan. "Hey," she said, "don't look at me like that. I had nothing to do with this.” Reagan knew that was Connor’s unspoken question.

  “I find that hard to believe.” Conner had unconsciously taken hold of Reagan’s arm. She pulled her arm back from his hold. The quick move threw her off balance and she began to fall, but Connor stepped forward, wrapping her in his arms.

  “Oh, just bite me,” Reagan said, weakly fighting to free herself and having no success.

  “You would like that, I think,” Connor purred the reply. He was finally beginning to understand her. She was prickly as a means of defense. He no longer took it personally. He had finally found the chink in her armor, and any soldier worth his weight would never let an advantage go unpressed and push her, he would. She continued to struggle in his arms.

  "I would rather kiss a pig than have your mouth on me.” Her statement had no effect on Connor’s grip around her waist.

  Slowly, he began to slide his hand up her back. As he gazed down into her cinnamon eyes, he realized she had gone soft and deadly still in his arms.

  “Either of those choices, M'Lady, can be arranged. You have but to ask yourself which is the lesser of the evils.” He was only inches from her mouth, his warm breath spilling across her lips. He was going to kiss her, and she knew if he did, it would complicate things beyond belief.

  “Let me go. Please, just let me go,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “As you wish.” Connor hesitated to grant her request, but stepped away and released her. He was now looking at Nic and Cullen, knowing trouble was brewing between them.

  “Nic, I want a word with you,” Cullen demanded.

  Nic wheeled on his brother with his finger in his face. “Not one word out of you. Not a single, fucking word!”

  A wiser man or a lesser man would have left it alone. Cullen was neither where Morgan was concerned.

  “Did you hurt her? If you did, so help me Nic, I will kill you.” Cullen was angry.

  Unconsciously, Cullen had placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. The action was noticed by Connor who was close should the need arise to separate the brothers. The other men were beginning to take notice, as well. It was rare to see these two at odds.

  “Don’t threaten me, little brother. This is no concern of yours. So, don’t make it so.” Nic turned and began to walk away from Cullen.

  Cullen was having nothing of it. He placed his hand on Nic’s shoulder to turn him back around. “Don’t walk away from me, Nic.”

  Nic stopped, ridged with anger. Slowly, he turned to face his wife’s champion just a breath from striking point. Connor recognized it. Cullen sensed it. Years of discipline were the only thing holding Nic together.

  “Cullen, I will say this only once, so you had better listen well and heed my words. She is my wife, mine, not yours. She is not yours and never will be. She is mine to deal with as I see fit. So back off!” Nic tossed Cullen’s hand off his shoulder.

  “No, Nic, not this time. Did you hurt her? Answer me!”

  Nic glared at his brother. “You and she had both better be thankful I don't have her pretty heart-shaped ass bared for the sound thrashing she so richly deserves. Were she one of my men, I would have already punished her.” Turning to Connor, Nic added, “And as fair warning to you, Connor… I will include Reagan in there, too, if I find out she is in on the disobedience of my wife.”

  Nic’s comment took Connor by surprise. However, he managed to keep his astonishment from registering. Surely, Nic did not think he would care one way or the other if he punished Reagan for any part she might have played in this disaster.

  He did not care if Nic punished her.

  Or did he? There was not enough time to go any deeper into the question.

  Connor felt honestly that Reagan did not condone Morgan's deception. “If she is guilty you will receive no resistance from me, but I think you will find she is innocent in this action.”

  “Well, now. That remains to be seen, doesn’t it? And of your question, Brother, did I hurt her? Not yet. Have I scared her? Probably. Hell, I scare myself with the violence I want to do to her right this moment. How could she do this? After all the times I asked her to go with David, she still ends up here? And for Christ’s sake where are my children and who is taking care of them? Damn her! She is their mother and she leaves them. What kind of woman does something like that? I thought I knew her. Has she lost her mind?” Nic was rapid-firing the questions to Cullen, not expecting any answers.

  “Nic, lower your voice for Christ’s sake. She might hear you. It would kill her to hear you talk like this. And no, she hasn’t lost her mind. She is afraid of losing you, you big, dumb bastard. Why haven't you figured that out? You were not with her all those months. I was. You didn't see how the separation affected her. I did. I was the on
e who saw what it did to her. Not knowing what happened to you. I know exactly what is driving her. That is why I need to talk to you. I have to make you understand why she felt she had to be here.”

  “Go away, Cullen. In fact both of you just leave me the hell alone. I’m in no mood, Connor, to hear you say Reagan is innocent, or for Cullen to give me the reasons my wife directly disobeyed me. If there is any explaining to do, Morgan will do it herself. Or have you now taken up her causes and become her mouthpiece?”

  Both men were calmer, but still not settled.

  Cullen was not taking the bait. “I’m not going to go there, Nic. If you will not listen to me at least give her the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry, I will. Just as soon as I can look at her and not feel the driving urge to choke her.” Nic rarely got angry. “Connor, tell Reagan to keep my woman away from me and out of my way. I will deal with my disobedient wife when I’m damn good and ready.”

  Cullen let Nic walk away this time, satisfied he was not going to do Morgan any lasting harm. He could see both sides of the argument. It still did not make it any easier for him. Morgan was Nic’s wife to discipline as he saw fit. Cullen hoped Nic would come to his senses, and that it would not come down to physical punishment. Morgan had already experienced enough of that to last her a lifetime.

  Chapter 104

  They stopped and made camp just an hour from the estate. Nic had wisely stayed away from Morgan for the last two days of the trip to Seabridge. She was in agony emotionally and physically. Mentally she was a wreck. Coming back to the place of her torment and imprisonment was proving to be a disaster in her current emotional condition. Reagan was fearful for Morgan on several levels. She was afraid if Nic did not talk to Morgan soon and begin to mend the rift then her state would continue to degenerate.

  “Morgan, you need to eat. You're dehydrated, your color is off, and you haven’t been sleeping.”

  “I’m not hungry.” Morgan pushed the food aside.

  “It doesn’t matter if you feel hungry or not. You still need to eat. As your doctor, I am insisting you eat. You haven’t eaten enough for two days to keep a bird alive." Reagan recognized the signs of deep depression. It was in her training to see such things. Morgan was displaying all the classic signs: Lack of appetite, listlessness, edginess, and anger.

  “Why can he not open his eyes and see I can help him? The man is driving me crazy!”

  “So, I see.” Reagan had tried to remain neutral. At least Morgan was not tucking into a shell of retreat. That was a good sign.

  “Oh, Reagan, I really miss my children. I had not considered the full extent I would miss them. However, I know I will see then soon. I’m more worried about Nic. I feel like I am losing him. I have requested he speak to me and he keeps denying that request. He says he is busy formulating a new plan of attack and directing his men. I think it is a crock of crap, personally. If this is his way of punishing me then it is working.” Morgan paced the tent in frustration.

  “Nic is not that petty, Morgan. He is just giving himself space before he talks to you. He was very angry and I would much rather that he avoid you than confront you while he is still on the edge of losing control. He is cognizant enough to recognize that fact and is wise enough to keep clear until he can deal with you rationally and effectively and not run on pure emotion.” Reagan was right and she knew it. A man the size of Nic McKinnon could hurt or kill a person before fully realizing it.

  Reagan took Morgan’s hands into her own. “Morgan, listen to me. Nic loves you. This will not drive him away. What you have together is much stronger than that. It may take some work to patch this up because you broke his faith, but give him credit. He understands that he needs to be able to deal with this on his own terms, and I have every faith he will come to you when he feels he can. Now, eat. You will need your strength if you are to face him with your head held high. You did what you felt you needed to do. There is no shame in that.”

  “Fine.” Morgan sat down in a near huff. Reagan was grateful for any improvement. At least Morgan was back on more even ground. Then Reagan struck on an idea.

  “You stay here and finish eating. I have a few details I need to take care of. I’ll be back, all right?”

  Morgan nodded as Reagan exited the tent.

  She found Connor by a cluster of tents. “Hey, English? Over here.” She waved him to her.

  “You need to speak with me?” Connor’s attractive face was just visible in the waning daylight. She conceded he was a handsome devil, and when he looked at her the way he was doing now, her heart skip a beat.

  "I need you.” The words were easier to say than she had thought. That was progress, she supposed.

  “Really?” Connor raised a dark brow in question. He was teasing her and she knew it. “You need me?” His smile was beautiful and disarming. Rarely having seen it, she was thankful. Her body's reaction to him was about to throw her under the supply wagon.

  “I don’t need you, well, I do sort of. More like, I need your help. Just leave it at that.” Reagan was flustered.

  “Never thought I'd see the day you would come willingly to me. What could I possibly have you need badly enough to come looking for me? Shall I guess?” He was teasing her again.

  She did not fail to feel the undercurrent surrounding them lately; the sexual tension between them was thick tonight.

  He took a step forward.

  She put her palm on his chest. “Oh, enough already! I need you to convince Nic to talk to Morgan.”

  That shut the teasing down. “Oh, no. No. No. No. You are not going to interfere and neither am I, Reagan. This is between husband and wife. I have not lived to the ripe age of thirty and not learned a few lessons. One being: never step between a man and his woman. Not on my life will I do this.”

  She took a step closer.

  “English, Please. I don't want to beg you, but will if I must. Help me to help Morgan. She is anxious. You know I would not ask if I did not feel it necessary.” She gently laid a pleading hand on his sleeve then fisted the material into her fingers.


  He looked down at her hand and back to her face. A foreign sensation shot through him as he looked at this woman standing only inches away. He had never heard her say his name. It sounded almost magical coming from her lips, as if she was a siren from the sea.

  “Nay, Reagan, I will not do this. Ask me for anything, but not this.” Why did he feel remorse in refusing her? He was right not to interfere.

  “Please, Connor, do not refuse me. Not in this. I beg you for Morgan’s sake.”

  Connor closed his eyes and shook his head. He knew he was about to go to a place he swore to never go, but how could he possible refuse her. He knew what the cost to her pride had to have been to ask for his help. He laid his hand over hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

  “Tell me again, just so I’m sure, Reagan, that you did not have a hand in this deception.”

  “No, English. I would not lie to you about this. I did not. I would never have gone along with it had I known. But, Morgan is here and I feel that I need to do whatever is possible to help her.”

  They stood looking at each other as time began to stretch out. She could see he was weighing it out.

  “Connor?” Reagan gently squeezed his forearm.

  “Very well. But….”

  “Oh, thank you.” She impulsively drew her arms around his waist and was hugging him in gratitude. Then realizing what she had done quickly, stepped back, embarrassed at her show of emotion. He caught her arms before she could totally make good her retreat and did not let her go.

  “As I was saying, yes, I will help you. However, my help will come at a price.”

  “Fine. Whatever. Now, let’s go get Nic.” She was trying to pull him with her.

  He was resisting her unsuccessful tries to move him. “Not so fast, Love. Don’t you want to know the price I shall extort fo
r my assistance?”

  “Later.” She was impatient now that she secured his agreement. “We have work to do. In addition, you may ‘extort’ your payment as you choose to call it only if we are successful, and I mean successful by him staying the night in her tent. I will settle for nothing less. Agreed?”

  She stood looking up at his towering form and wondered why she had never noticed he had a cleft in his chin. It made him look devastatingly handsome.

  “As my Lady wishes. You wait here. I’ll go to Nic in private.” He turned her loose and stepped back.


  He put a finger to her lips.

  “No, Reagan. We do this my way or not at all.” He cut off any argument she may have had.

  Reagan nodded. He took a last look at her before turning to go back the way he had just come and headed to Nic’s tent.

  Approaching cautiously, but none too quietly, he gave Nic some warning he was there.

  “Nic, may I enter?” he asked outside the tent.

  “Yes. Come in.”

  Connor entered to see Nic sitting in front of a folding table with maps of Seabridge that Morgan had drawn for them spread out in front of him.

  Nic waved him over.

  “Come here and look at these. The architects were brilliant in their design and location of this stronghold. It should not be hard to take under the current circumstances. However, any other and it would be near impossible to overtake. Come and sit. Have a drink with me and let me show you what I’m talking about.”

  “I’ll have that drink. I have need of it right about now. It would seem I have met my match, Nic."

  His statement got Nic's attention. "Hum, really?" Nic asked, wondering where this was going.

  "I have finally found a woman who can readily say no to me, but I cannot say no to her in return.”

  Nic pushed the maps aside, stood and went to the decanter. He filled a glass for Connor and refilled his own. “It's a sinking feeling, isn’t it. We are talking Reagan aren’t we?” Nic asked as he studied Connor.


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