Kase Of Deception

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Kase Of Deception Page 6

by Riann C. Miller

  Chapter Eight


  When I walk into Dalton’s office, he does a double take from behind his computer, taking in my outfit. “You look amazing, as always.”


  “I hope you had a good evening. I was stuck here working with Paula until after nine.”

  “Oh, umm, yeah,” I stumble over my words, tucking my purse under my desk. “My evening was fine.”

  I can feel his eyes on me but when I sit down, I fire up my computer and immediately start reading my emails.

  “Our morning is booked with back to back appointment. I reserved conference room B. I emailed you the files you’ll need to review.”

  I swivel in my chair, aiming a smile his direction. “Thanks.”

  He looks like he wants to say something more, but instead he tucks his face behind his computer. I spend the next hour memorizing the files he sent, then the two of us head off for a day filled with back to back meetings.

  By Friday, thoughts of Kase and our night together have faded from my every thought. Dalton kept pushing files in front of me to review, which kept me busy. The two of us are turning out to be quite a team. I can’t officially sign off on contracts, but with me scouting all the information, he’s able to meet with twice as many clients.

  We went out for dinner twice, disguised as study dates. Unfortunately, whatever magic I felt with Kase is nowhere to be found when I’m with Dalton.

  Friday during lunch, Dalton mention Paula requested the two of us to attend a monthly meeting with the CEO. I feel like I’m just another employee—a nobody—and the idea of meeting the CEO during a meeting that most of my peers aren’t attending could be a career deal breaker.

  As to be expected, my nerves were on fire all day expecting the worst. I had pictured one of my step-father’s many heartless business partners but what I found was Roan…Roan McGuire, the same guy who’s currently dating my roommate. Wearing a dark suit, he appears just as polished as the night I met him at Stella but unlike the CEOs I’ve met in the past, he’s not oozing with wealth and power. Instead, he took a seat at the middle of the table, allowing Paula to run the show, only chiming in when he had a question. He smiled and shook my hand, acting like he’d never met me before when Paula introduced me as the newest member of the team, then like everyone else, he was out the door the second the meeting concluded.

  When Dalton asked me to meet him for a drink after work, I turned him down. I can’t seem to muster up any romantic feelings for the guy, and continuing to do anything with him outside of work isn’t fair.

  When I arrived home, I found an empty apartment and two bottles of wine in the fridge. An hour and a bottle of wine later, I’m standing in front of Brenna’s full-length mirror, completely naked.

  Pulling my blonde hair to the side, my gaze trails down the length of my body, pausing on my breasts, which are a solid C cup, then down to my stomach, taking in every imperfection. My hips are too wide. I’m carrying extra weight in my stomach, and my complexion is too fair. I already go to the gym five days a week and I enjoy wine too much to give it up completely.

  “Damn you, wine,” I groan, jumping when the apartment buzzer sounds. I slip on my robe and walk to the door, yanking it open without looking through the peephole.

  I stumble a step back when my eyes land on Kase in a dark blue dress shirt, tie, and black pants. He looks like he came straight from work, even though it’s after eight in the evening.

  “How did you know where I live?”

  He unnecessarily straightens his tie. “I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by and see if you had plans tonight.” Without waiting to be invited in, he steps around me and inside. His eyes narrow, picking up the empty wine bottle I left on the kitchen table. “Last weekend, a kid was shot and killed at the gas station a half a mile from here. You shouldn’t open the door until you know who’s standing on the other side.”

  I kick the door shut with my foot. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  “Do you want to put some clothes on and go out for dinner or would you rather order in?”

  His eyes move to my chest when I cross my arms. “I don’t remember agreeing to have dinner with you?”

  His hand goes back to his tie, but this time, he loosens it. “I think you agreed to a lot more than dinner the second you open the door.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Let’s order in. There’s no sense in putting on clothing that’s only to going come off in a matter of hours.”

  Men are fickle creatures. They can make you feel like the world revolves around you one second only to yank the rug out from under you the next. “I thought the other night was a one-time thing?”

  His eyebrows rise. “I enjoyed myself the other night and I think you did too.” He removes his tie, then untucks his shirt. “If you want me to leave, I will.”

  My eyes close, uncertainty working its way through my mind. He’s not asking me for a relationship, however, I’m unsure if I’m emotionally capable of handling a casual fling—at least not with a man my body already craves. Opening my eyes, I breathe out a long sigh. “The other night was…great, perfect even, but I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “Is that because you’re dating your new co-worker?”

  “What?” I practically holler. “What are you talking about? Are you having me followed?”

  He rakes his hand through his hair and groans. “No, and you didn’t answer my question.”

  “You first.”

  Kase stares at me, his eyes darting back and forth between mine. “I have an office in the same building as Thornton.” He takes a step toward me. “And I’m good friends with Roan McGuire.”

  First Brenna is sleeping with the man. Now he’s friends with the man I’m sleeping with?

  What are the freaking odds?

  “You’re good friends with the CEO? That’s even more of a reason we shouldn’t see each other.”

  “Roan is a good guy. He’s not going to hold anything that happens between us over your head.”

  “Even if that’s true, he’s my—”

  He wraps his hands around my neck, brings his lips to mine. Instead of telling him no, I melt into his arms. His tongue moves with mine while my body hums to life. When he pulls back, he searches my eyes for something, then smiles. “Mexican or Chinese?”


  “On second thought, I know a good Thai restaurant in the area that delivers.” He pulls his phone from his pant pocket, dials then ordered enough food to feed an army.

  “I’m still not sure this is a good idea.”

  “I happen to agree with you. The two of us is probably the worst idea I’ve had in years. I told myself to leave you alone, yet here I am.” His throat moves when he swallows. “I had business this week in New York I needed to take care of. When my plane landed tonight, I planned on going home.” With a shrug, he adds, “Somehow, I ended up outside of your apartment.”

  My heart races with the idea that maybe he’s experiencing even a fraction of what I’m feeling.

  “Delanie, I’d love nothing more than to promise you the world, but… I can’t. I suck at relationships and at some point, I’ll probably end up hurting you, but…” He steps closer, brushing a thumb across my cheek. “I’ve never wanted to be more wrong in my life than I do right now.”

  My mind runs wild, debating whether I should take a chance on him. Maybe knowing the score from the beginning will lessen the blow in the end. He’s not lying, he’s not pretending to be someone he’s not. He feels this same crazy connection and unlike me, he’s willing to act on it. I have a feeling if I walk away from him, I could live to be a hundred and I’ll always wonder. I just need to guard my heart, and everything will be okay.

  “No commitments, no promises, just sex.”

  His eyes darken with my comment. “For however long this arrangement lasts, there’s no one else.”

t goes for both of us.”

  My belly flutters when he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, kissing his way down my neck while muttering, “That goes without saying.”

  A rush of adrenaline hits me at the idea of being exclusive, even if it’s only a temporary arrangement. I lack experience with men, and Kase is exactly the type of man who’ll teach me what I want, what I desire from a relationship. I just need to remember to guard my heart at all cost and I’ll be fine.

  I look up at him from under my lashes and moan, “I want you to fuck me. Right, now.”


  I told myself to stay away, but thoughts of sinking inside her again have played on my mind all week. Tossing my shirt off, I quickly dig a condom out of my wallet, pick her up, and place her on the edge of the kitchen table. Unzipping my pants, we both groan when I stroke my cock through her silky folds. Thoughts of slamming into her bare dance through my head, but instead, I slide the protection on then bury myself between her legs.

  “Fuck,” I curse before crushing my lips to hers.

  My tongue and cock move in the same rhythm while I untie her robe, exposing her fantastic tits. My hands fist the back of her hair, tilting her head back, working my lips down her neck, only stopping once I suck one of her hard nipples into my mouth.

  “Oh, God. Kase,” she pants, her nails raking down my arms.

  My balls tighten while her back arches and her legs tremble. I can tell she’s as close as I am. Lightly stroking her clit, I watch as she falls over the edge, calling out my name. Resting my head against hers, I continue thrusting in and out until my balls finally empty deep inside of her.

  I can’t figure out what it is about this woman that has me mesmerized and acting like a Neanderthal. My usual one and done attitude seems to have taken a hiatus for the first time since I was a clueless teenager.

  She cups my face and sighs with satisfaction. “That was the perfect way to end a shitty week.”

  “I hope you don’t have plans this weekend because I plan on offering a repeat performance.”

  “Oh yeah?” She taps her finger on lip, pretending to think. Still connected, I thrust my hard cock deeper inside of her.

  “I think my calendar just opened up.”

  “Damn right, it did. Now let’s clean up. Our dinner should be here soon.”

  After I pull out, she hops off the table completely naked and heads toward the bathroom with a strut in her step.

  I’m an asshole of epic portions. I want this woman, even though I know better. I made a bullshit comment about not making a promise, knowing the end result could possibly destroy both of us.


  It was after ten before we finally ate dinner. Afterward, we crashed in my bed, where I lost count how many times he slid between my legs. The next morning, I showered while Kase put yesterday’s clothes back on. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I find Kase and Brenna carrying on a conversation in the kitchen. He laughs after she says something, and I instantly became jealous.

  Neither of them tried to hide the fact that they enjoy casual sex. And they both have a membership at Stella, which means it’s very likely they’ve slept together. The thought has my stomach twisting.

  Is it too much to ask to want a guy your friend hasn’t already slept with?

  When I walk into the kitchen, Kase turns toward me with a smile. “Hey, babe, do you want to grab some breakfast on our way to my place?”

  “Actually, I totally forgot. I’m expected to pass my broker’s exam within the next couple of weeks, and there’s no way I’m ready.”

  “An exam?” he questions, his eyes narrowing on mine.

  “Yeah, it’s a pretty rigorous process.”

  “You don’t have your broker’s license?”

  “I do, just not—” I wave off his question. “I have another test I need to pass, and a very short window of opportunity to do so.”

  “Grab your stuff. I’ll help you study at my place.”

  Brenna sits her coffee mug on the table. “I’ll let you two have some privacy. It was nice to meet you, Kase.”

  It was nice to meet you? At her comment, tension drains from my body. Once her bedroom door click shuts, Kase walks around the table, concern sketched in his eyes. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, I just…”

  He tugs on my hand until I fall into his arms. Breathing in his scent, I close my eyes.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “I know you’re not mine to keep, but I don’t like the idea of sharing you.”

  “Ditto. Now, what seems to be the…oh. You think I’ve fucked your roommate?”

  I pull out of his arms when he laughs. “Green is a nice look on you, but you can reel in your attitude. Today is the first time I’ve met your friend. I definitely haven’t had sex with her.”

  “You haven’t?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not going to pretend like I haven’t been with more than my fair share of women, but that doesn’t mean I’ve screwed every female in the greater Los Angeles area.”

  “You’re both members of a sex club—the same sex club at that—you can’t exactly fault me for thinking you’ve slept with her.”

  “No, I can’t. But I’m telling you, today was the first day I’ve laid on eyes on your friend. Now, go pack a bag. I’m keeping you at my place until you need to leave for work Monday morning.”

  “You’re so bossy,” I tease.

  “Keep this up…” He pecks his lips on mine then lightly smacks my ass. “And I’ll show you bossy.”

  I pull out of his arms, biting back a smile when his eyes darken with lust. “Give me a second, and I’ll be ready to go.” Once I’m in my room, I toss a few things into an overnight bag. Seconds later, we’re walking out the door.

  Growing up in the mountains, I never imagined a place more peaceful, until now. We stopped for breakfast on the way to his house. Once we arrived, we spent a few hours in the pool. Afterward, he helped me study for my exam, followed by a much-needed nap.

  Now, with the sky glowing orange and pink, we’re walking hand in hand down the beach toward an oyster bar Kase claims is the best seafood you’ll find in southern California.

  “Lonnie’s opened about ten years ago. I stopped one night for a quick meal and a cold beer, only to discover one of the best restaurants on the Pacific coast is less than a mile from my house. I probably eat here at least once a week now.”

  “I like seafood but I’ve never eaten an oyster.”

  “Really? Well, then you’re in for a treat.”

  We step through a large wooden door and into the smallest restaurant I have ever seen, with a total of only seven tables, all with a red candle jar sitting in the middle. We make our way through the practically empty restaurant to a table in the corner with a view of the ocean. The bartender, an older man with gray—almost white hair—stops wiping down the bar with a huge grin. “I was starting to wonder if you had disappeared.”

  “No, just out of town on business.”

  He looks at me and says, “This boy works too hard. I keep telling him to slow down and enjoy life before it’s too late, but he never seems to listen.”

  Kase ignores his comment. “How about you send over two drafts, an order of oysters, and some of those smoked trout deviled eggs of yours?”

  “You got it.”

  Kase pulls a chair out for me, then takes the seat next to me.

  “I don’t think it would take much for me to become a beach bum.”

  “Didn’t you say you grew up in Colorado?”

  “Yes, and unfortunately, I waited until now to discover how wrong the mountains were for me.”

  “Why is that?”

  “My mother came from nothing. At nineteen, while she was pregnant with me, she married my dad but she was still determined to make something of herself.”

  “That’s very admirable.”

  “Yeah, well, her way of going about that was by
landing a man with money. Once she married my step-dad, image became everything. She told me what to wear, how to fix my hair, who to date...”

  Lonnie places two beers on the table and a tray filled with food. “Enjoy.”

  Once he steps away from our table, Kase looks at me and says, “Your mom sounds like a real bitch.”

  A bubble of laughter burst from my chest. “That’s putting it mildly.”

  “My father wrote the book on how to be an asshole. They would have made for quite the pair.”

  Cutting an egg into two, I fork a bite, moaning in pleasure when the flavor explodes in my mouth. “Holy shit, these are good.”

  “Tell me about it. I don’t even like deviled eggs.”

  Kase gave me a quick rundown on how to eat an oyster, which I ended up loving. After ordering another tray and two more beers, he places his hand on my knee. “Tell me something else about you.”

  I down a sip of beer before glancing at him. “Carter, my ex, his mom and mine are best friends. For years, they’ve had this notion their kids should get married. They pushed us together by the time we were sixteen, and the truth is, I don’t think we ever loved each other.”

  “That’s fucked up.”

  “Believe me, I know, but telling them no is not as easy as it sounds.”

  “My parents were married less than forty-eight hours after they met. An arranged marriage that was supposedly good for business.”

  My mouth drops open. “Well, I guess it can work for some.”

  “No, it can’t. If you don’t love the person you’re with, they’ll suck the life right out of you. I watched from the sidelines as my dad slowly ruined my mother until she was nothing…literally, nothing.”

  His hand tightens on my knee while he stares out the window, his mind miles away. Clearing my throat, his eyes dart back to mine. “I guess I lucked out. I knew a life with Carter wasn’t going to be fulfilling, but once I found out he was cheating on me, it was easy to walk away.”

  “He’s a fucking fool.”

  “Maybe, but I think deep down, he just wasn’t in love with me.”


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