Kase Of Deception

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Kase Of Deception Page 21

by Riann C. Miller

  “And in a lot of ways, you did. If we hadn’t gotten involved with each other, I probably would have sent you a thank you card.”

  With as much strength and conviction I can muster, I repeat my earlier words, “I love you. That might be hard for you to believe but it’s the truth. I want to share my life with you. I want to have kids and grow old together.”

  With the light from the TV still bouncing through the room, I watch as her back stiffens.

  “My mom told me she had plans to marry a guy who worked the fields for my grandparents, but they wanted more for her. They thought money was the answer when they couldn’t have been more wrong if they tried. My mom gave up her one true love to live a wealthy yet meaningless life.”

  Her mouth twists. “Her life wasn’t meaningless. She got you out of the deal.”

  “That might be true, but I’m not sure the trade-off was worth it in the end.”

  She scoots over on the couch and places her hand softly on my leg. The heat from her touch scorches my skin.

  “From what you’ve said and from that picture you have in your living room, I can tell you were worth every horrible second she lived through.”

  I place my hand over hers, debating my next move. If I have the say, I’d keep the wall open and she’d be sleeping in my bed, but if that does happen, it’s going to take time.

  I give her hand a light squeeze, then I stand up and walk back to the opening between our apartments. “My mother told me when I find the person I want to spend my life with, I need to be willing to move mountains to keep them. It seems kind of fitting that I played a huge part in you moving from the mountains to here.” I hate to rattle her again, but if we’re going to move forward, she needs to know everything. “I made sure you were offered a job you wouldn’t want to turn down. And I also had a hand in making sure Lester kept your mind off Bosa. I didn’t want to leave him any kind of opening to win you back.”

  The warmth that was slowly building in her eyes melts, and I’m scared shitless that I’m going to lose her for good.

  “I can’t change what I did and to be honest, I’m not sure I would if I was given the chance. We were destined to meet. I know that with every fiber of my being.”

  I walk to the opening in the wall and without looking her direction, I give her one last parting comment. “The ball’s in your court. Whatever happens next, it has to be your decision.”

  I step back into my apartment and even though it kills me, I wave the card in front of the sensor. As the wall slides closed, it feels like I left a piece of me on the other side… Probably because I did.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  The next few days seem to fly by. Yesterday, I stopped in a fancy bakery on Wilshire Boulevard. I was planning on rewarding myself with a few hundred unnecessary calories but I ended up walking out with a dozen cupcakes and a job offer.

  As it turns out, The Beverly Bakery appears to be the ‘it place’ for anything sweet. In addition to making quite possibly the most delicious sweets I’ve ever tasted, they are in the process of working out a deal to become a reality TV show.

  I wasn’t allowed in my mother’s kitchen growing up but when I was at my dad’s, I baked all the time. It slowly grew into a passion one I didn’t have a chance to explore. Baking, however, is not a part of my new job description. While Lynn, the owner, was selling me on the idea of purchasing more than one cupcake, she also mentioned she fired her accountant for skimming off her profits. I happen to mention I was an accountant and somehow I walked out the door with a pending job offer.

  After Lynn emailed me the contract to review, I almost knocked on Kase’s door because I needed someone’s opinion. While I love the idea of working at a bakery and the pay is fantastic, I’m required to sign an agreement—as is every employee—to be on their pending television show if they work out a final deal with the network.

  I’ve never been one to knowingly step into the spotlight. And I’m worried if this show becomes a hit, with a little digging, the last couple months of my life might become public knowledge.

  With the afternoon sun in full effect, I put on my swimsuit and make my way to the apartment pool. Everyone and their uncle seems to emerge out of nowhere during the weekend but that’s not the case during the week. Today I have it all to myself. The pool is nothing fancy but it’s a nice escape from my very small apartment. After diving in and swimming a lap, I climb out, pull my hair up and dig my phone out of my bag.

  Deciding against asking Kase for advice, I call Regan, who answers within seconds.

  “You’re freaking crazy if you pass this up. And I’m not trying to be rude, but your life is nothing compared to those crazy housewife shows. No one is going to give a damn who their accountant is.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “But nothing. Stop making excuses. In the sixth-grade, you told Mrs. Wells you wanted to own a bakery when you grew up. Your skills might not hold a candle to the owner’s, but this job sounds like the best of both worlds. Have you told Brenna yet?”

  “No, you’re the first person I called.”

  “She’s going to shit herself. She’s spent close to a decade trying to make it as an actress, and you manage to score a spot on a TV series by purchasing a freaking cupcake.”

  “This isn’t an acting job.”

  “Do you have any idea how many famous people made it big by shows like these?”

  “Regan, you’re not helping.”

  “Yes, I am. You’re looking for an excuse to say no, but I’m telling you to follow your heart.”

  “Look at how well that’s worked out for me.”

  “Give me a break,” she snaps as I catch the glimpse of someone walking through the pool gate. “Your life was spinning out of control before you met Malibu Ken. Yeah, he lied and it sucks, but you fell in love with him and you can’t just turn that off.”

  “I never told you I love him.”

  “You didn’t have to. I’m your best friend. I know you better than you know yourself. Now, figure out if you can imagine living your life with someone else. If you can, then get out there and start meeting people, but if you can’t… Then maybe it’s time you consider forgiving the guy.”

  My gaze moves across the pool when someone sits down in a recliner. “Holy shit.”

  “What?” Regan shrieks in my ear.

  I lower my voice to a whisper, “Kase is at the pool.”

  “I’d tell you this is fate but it’s not. He’s there because you are. He loves you and you love him, so figure your shit out before it’s too late.” She disconnects the call, leaving me rattled.

  I watch him walk to the end of the pool wearing a pair of bright orange board shorts. Seeing him with his shirt off makes my mouth water. But instead of rounding the pool, he dives in, never once looking my direction. I watch with interest as the water glides over the muscles in his arms and back while he swims back and forth.

  He’s goading me into talking to him. We’re the only two people at the pool, yet he’s pretending I’m not here, which pisses me off.

  I pick up my towel, toss it in my bag, and slip my sandals on, ready to leave when he swims to the edge. “Leaving already?”

  I swear it feels like he moves in slow motion when he uses his arms to lift himself out of the water. He wipes the water off his face and hair with his hands then he aims a breathtaking smile my direction.

  “If you wanted to talk, then why did you spend the last ten minutes pretending I wasn’t here?”

  One of his eyebrows raise. “I wasn’t pretending anything. I was swimming.”

  “Swimming at two in the afternoon on a Thursday, that’s normal for you?”

  He shakes his head, fighting back a smile. “I don’t work traditional hours. Earlier, I was going over a few files but I needed a break. I knocked on your door to see if you wanted to have a drink later and I spotted you down here.”

  “Oh…um…I…” Regan’s comment pops into my
head. I can’t picture myself with another man and worse, the idea of thinking of Kase with someone else makes my stomach turn. But how do I let him back into my life? Would I ever be able to trust him?”

  “I’m up for having a drink later.”

  He winks. “I’ll pick you up at six.” Then he turns around and dives back into the pool. If it weren’t for the fact that I picked up my stuff and told him I was leaving, I would happily sit out here and continue to watch him. Especially when the pool gate opens and three very attractive women wearing next to nothing park their butts in recliners like they just purchased a ticket to watch a show.

  Refusing to play the role of the jealous girlfriend, I make my way back to my apartment wishing it was already six.


  The door opens seconds after I knock. My jaw drops when my eyes linger down the front of her. She’s wearing a pair of very short red shorts that make her toned legs appear amazingly long, an off the shoulder black top, and heels. “I hope I’m dressed okay. I wasn’t sure where you taking me.”

  “You look amazing.”

  She practically guts me when I hold out my hand and she hesitates to take it. Slowly, her fingers wrap around my mine, and we walk to my car hand in hand. There are a ton of places in the area to eat, but like the bastard I am, I drive us almost an hour south, claiming she needs to try another one of my favorite restaurants.

  After I called ahead and agreed to drop a tremendous amount of money, the restaurant conceded to let us have the outside patio to ourselves—something I didn’t mention to Delanie.

  With a glass of wine and appetizers ordered, I sit back in my chair while my eyes hone in on the tattoo on her collarbone, a little black bird with a line attached to the word believe. It’s beautiful and fitting, and I hope she believes in herself, in us, as much as I do. My gaze moves to her face, where I find her staring at the ocean in awe.

  “It never gets old.”

  Her face turns toward mine. “What?”

  “I’ve lived here my whole life and I’ve watched the sunset countless times, but it never gets old.”

  “It’s heavenly.”

  My plan was to get her to agree to dinner—which was easier than I expected—then I was going to do my best to remind her why we’re so good together but instead, I go straight for the kill shot. “Are you here out of pity or are you considering forgiving me?”

  With her eyes wide, she stares at me for several long moments before answering. “Honestly, I don’t know why I’m here. A part of me wants to forgive you, but another part thinks I should walk away.”

  Her words send a jolt of adrenaline through my veins. With my forehead clinched, I remind her, “You didn’t follow your heart when you were with Bosa. Maybe this time you should.” She wouldn’t be here if she didn’t feel something for me.

  “I want to forgive you, God, do I ever.” Her voice cracks when she adds, “But I’m afraid.”

  I spent years pushing women away then I spent weeks lying to the one I’m desperate to keep. I didn’t need proof to know karma exists but I was given a healthy dose regardless. Opening my mouth, to say what exactly I’m unsure, but I’m given another second to debate my next move when our waiter sits a tray of oysters and calamari on the table.

  “I was offered a job,” she states when we’re alone again.

  “That’s great. Where at?”

  “The Beverly Bakery.”

  A bakery? “That’s definitely a change of pace.”

  She frowns. “Not really. They need an accountant.”

  “I don’t give a damn what your job title is. Working in a bakery is a huge change. Maybe just the one you were looking for.”

  “So you think I should take the offer?”

  Hell, yes. If it means she’s planning on permanently putting down roots in the area, I’m all for it. “If you think it will make you happy, then give it a shot.”

  She tilts her head, staring at me like she wants to say something else. “I think I will. Baking was a short-lived passion when I was a kid. Who knows, maybe working there I’ll get the best of both worlds.”

  “Everything seems to be coming together.” Now, I just need her to forgive me.


  With the signed contract in hand, I returned to The Beverly Bakery.

  Lynn Ji Woo is a beautiful Korean model-turned-baker who was born and raised in southern California. When modeling stopped paying the bills, she followed her dream and opened a small cupcake shop. Once her skills were noticed, she slowly built a brand and now when she flips the open sign on, she usually has a line down the block waiting for their piece of heaven.

  “Skyler is my assistant. She’s in charge of ordering all the supplies. I hope you won’t take this personally, but I’m going to have her do a second monthly inventory. That’s how Maddie managed to skim off the store for so long.”

  “I completely understand.”

  “I oversee everything in the kitchen but I have seven people who work for me. We’re like a small, tightknit family. We like to joke and have fun on the job, so if anyone does anything that offends you, let me know.”

  “Thanks, but I’m sure that won’t be a problem.”

  She leads me into the kitchen and announces, “Guys, this is Delanie. Delanie, I want you to meet the team.” A group of people stop the conversation they were having and look to where we’re standing. “This guy here,” Lynn places her hand on an older balding man, “is Reno. He’s in charge when I’m not here. Next,” she waves her hands to others, “is Kayla, Elke, Mel, Simon, Belinda, and Skyler.”

  Everyone is wearing a warm smile except for Reno, who doesn’t acknowledge me. Instead, he turns to Lynn and barks, “So it’s official? You signed the papers?”

  Lynn slowly nods her head. “I told you I was going to.”

  He rumbles something under his breath while crossing his hands over his chest. “Reno wants to keep his job but he’s not in favor of opening our doors to the entire world.”

  Reno’s eyes turn hard. “You don’t need a TV deal. You already have a line of customers from the second you open until you close.”

  Lynn sighs. “I’m not going to discuss this with you right now. If you have an issue, we’ll talk in private.” She turns toward me, “Let me show you to your office.”

  I follow her out of the kitchen and down a hallway that’s significantly cooler, pausing at the last door. “Here you are.

  “Wow.” My office is at least triple the size of Dalton’s. “This is the main office. I don’t necessarily have one because well… Baking is my thing. I hate dealing with all the technical stuff.”

  There’s a large wooden desk in the middle of the room. A floor to ceiling window lines one wall, and a fish aquarium with bright colored fish lines the other.

  She points a finger at the computer. “All the login info is in the top drawer. Your title is Accountant, but to be honest, I need you to manage my business. I’ll make the schedule, and Kayla, Belinda, and Mel cover the front counter, but the rest is in your hands.”

  I glance at the desk then back to Lynn. “I’m excited to get started.”

  “Then I’ll leave you be.”

  She’s halfway through the door when I ask, “The TV deal, it’s happening?”

  She looks over her shoulder then back to me. “Yes, it’s official.”

  “Okay,” I reply through a breath. “I’m excited for you.”

  “Thank you, and welcome to the team.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Working for Lynn definitely has its perks, but if I’m going to eat a cupcake—or several—every day then I’m going need to find more time for the gym. With a skip in my step, I make my way to my apartment after my first day, only to come up short when I spot a short middle-aged man with dark hair and in desperate need of a shave standing in front of my door.

  “Can I help you?”

  At the sound of my voice, he spins around. “Yes, I’m
looking for Delanie Charles.”

  “I’m Delanie.”

  He extends his hand. “I’m detective Jess Ortiz. Your case against Carter Bosa was passed to me.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “I promise not to keep you long, but do you mind?” He tilts his head toward my apartment door.

  “Oh, gosh, yes, please come in.” Unlocking the door, I wave him in.

  Both Regan and Kase have been in my apartment, but standing here with a complete stranger, my space seems increasingly small.

  After looking around, he directs his gaze to me. “I’m going to be honest with you, Ms. Charles. Your case was passed to me because the DA’s office is thinking of dropping the charges.”


  “Well…” he drawls. “For starters, your only witness is your friend and roommate. Not to mention you have plenty of motive to want revenge on Mr. Bosa.”

  “But...” I gasp. “He broke my hand…” I wave my arm in front of him. “And he punched and kicked Brenna, who, yes, happens to be my friend, but that doesn’t change the fact that he attacked us.”

  He rolls his eyes, not caring in the least that I watched him do it. “Your story holds as much weight as a wet cat. You’re not only wasting my time but you’re wasting the courts as well. I highly recommend you drop the charges yourself.”

  In shock, I take a step back. “I guess it’s too much to ask you to do your job instead of coming here and pressuring me into letting a man who attacked two innocent women off the hook.”

  He laughs as though I said something amusing. “You just started a new job, isn’t that correct, Ms. Charles?”

  “Yes?” I’d take another step away from him but the wall is directly behind me.

  “And that job includes you starring in some new TV series? You wouldn’t want unnecessary drama showing up on your new employer’s doorstep, do you?”


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