Syn 2: Sex Is Syn, Love Is Pain

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Syn 2: Sex Is Syn, Love Is Pain Page 12

by J Peach

  I started laughing. “An army?”

  “Yes, you don’t think he worked as hard as he has just to sit on money? I’m sure you know my brother is well off in the pockets. Parker’s a planner and he’s had this whole thing thought out since we were kids. Why you think he let you be for so long?” She asked me curiously. “I don’t know about you, but six years waiting on a person ain’t happening. And he was young himself. Dudes that age, nineteen to twenty-three, ain’t thinking about nothing but coochie and blowing money. Parker had no problem saving his paper. And he was getting coochie on a regular which he was satisfied with,” she looked at me with a raised brow.

  My hand covered my face as my cheeks went hot. “He told you about that?” I laughed.

  “Of course. We don’t keep secrets. Hiding secrets only cause problems in the long run, so we’ve always been open with one another. Syn, I know everything about you,” she laughed. “You’ve impressed him, especially when he found out you wasn’t just a dancer and that the only reason you were doing it was to pay off school. He liked that. Girl, Parker always talking about you. Hell, it feels like I know you, honestly, which is why you’re so easy to read,” Meka continued to laugh at my grunting.

  “Don’t laugh at me. I can’t believe he told you that. I’m sorry but some things just ain’t meant to be shared, especially not that.” I was going to kill Parker’s honest ass. I couldn’t believe him. I didn’t know what I was going to do with that man.

  “Hey, Parker feels its best I hear it from him than finding out from a stranger. That’s part of the reason he’s honest.” She nudged my shoulder and then nodded toward Parker who was making his way to us.

  When he reached us, I moved over so he could sit between Meka and I. “Don’t get quiet because I’m here. What y’all talking about?” He asked as he sat down.

  “You,” I scooted closer to him.

  His arm went over my shoulder and he pulled me into his side. “Is that right?” He stared down at me.

  My head nodded as I bit into my bottom lip. His eyes followed the action and he licked his lips. My left leg crossed over my right thigh as the pit of my stomach grew tight from his stare.

  “Mhm,” I mumbled while my head moved up and down.

  With his arm still around my shoulder, his hand pushed my chin up, tilting my head back. His face moved closer to mine. “You better stop looking at me like that before you get yoself in trouble.”

  The promise to his tone had my sex contracting and a smile coming to my lips. I slipped my hand under the back of his shirt and dug my nails into his lower back. My teeth grabbed his bottom lip, sucking on it. I pecked his lips then pulled back. “Is that a promise?” My tongue flicked over his lips.

  “Fo’sho,” his lips pressed against mine.

  My lips parted and Parker slid his tongue into my mouth. My eyes closed and my body twisted more into his. Parker’s free hand went to my waist…

  “Okay, separate.” Meka wedged herself between us. “If you two love birds forgot, we are at a kid’s game. They don’t need to witness that kind of field play,” Meka grabbed Parker’s arm that was still around me and moved it back to him. “Keep your hands, arms, and feet in your own space. Damn, I felt that sexual tension,” she looked at us both and started laughing. “My damn!”

  “Wasn’t shit gon’ happen, I know where we at,” Parker informed her as he pulled at the crouch of his jeans.

  Meka, seeing that, laughed before she hit him. “Bullshit. P-Nut, you were seconds away from pulling Angel into your lap. And no telling what would have happened if I didn’t get between y’all,” she pointed out.

  Again, my hands covered my face because I knew she was right. Had she not stepped in, there was no telling what would’ve happened because I damn sho wasn’t going to stop him. The kids around us had quickly been forgotten and the only thing on my mind was the ride he was going to take me on. My teeth suddenly gripped my bottom lip as I began to picture what was just about to happen.

  “Angel?” Meka’s hand clapped in my face.

  My body jumped as I came from my dirty thoughts. “Hmm?” I hummed, looking away from the football field to them.

  “You okay? I was talking to you.” Her brows rose as she stared down at me. “Did you hear anything I said?”

  “Hell n’all, she didn’t. Look at how tight her legs are and the way her teeth gripping that bottom lip. Shorty zoned the fuck out,” Parker pointed out, laughing at me.

  Meka stared me down and joined him in laughing. “Damn, P-Nut, you got her all messed up.”

  I uncrossed my legs and released my lip. “Fuck both of y’all. Don’t laugh at me,” I blurted out before I groaned. “Was I that obvious?”

  “To me, hell yeah. I know your facial expressions by now. And you want it bad. You craving that shit, huh?” Parker’s thick pink tongue slowly ran across his lips as he smiled at me.

  “Parker, leave her alone. Angel, don’t pay him know mind, I know how you feeling. You got the love bug, girl. It’s only a matter of time before you’re fully gone— Go La’Var! Run, baby run!” Meka suddenly jumped up, screaming as her son ran with the football.

  I didn’t understand a thing about the game, but I hooted and hollered for him as well. All the while, my mind was thinking about what she said. I had a love bug? What the hell did that mean? I knew she wasn’t implying I was in love with Parker because I wasn’t. Not yet anyway. A deep like most definitely, but not quite love.

  I looked over at Parker only to find him already staring at me. A smile came to my lips and I rolled my eyes at him.

  No I wasn’t in love just yet, but I could see myself falling hard for him.

  Chapter 11


  Once La’Var’s game was over, we all went back to Parker’s house. It was a beautiful day out so the guys decided to throw some meat on the grill and just chill. What was supposed to be a small group of us turned into this huge cookout family reunion type of get-together. There were so many freaking bad ass kids running around yelling, playing, cussing and fighting that I couldn’t see how many of the adults could function with the kids.

  The grown men and a couple of females were outside playing pool or dice in a shed that looked to be a freaking house.

  “You know too many people,” I whispered to Parker, sitting in his lap.

  He looked up at me and laughed. “Yeah, it’s a lot of us. Shid, I ain’t seen my fam in a minute so I had to bring us all together while I was home. Plus, I had to introduce my girl to my people. It’s only right,” he pulled me into him and kissed me.

  I sat back and my eyes squinted at him. “Wait, you been planned this?” His eyebrows rose and I hit him. “You did! Yo ass could’ve warned me.” I was not prepared to be bum rushed by all of his friends.

  “Why, so you could damn near freak out like you had before you met Meka’s ass? Hell n’all, shy ass. You talk too gotdamn much when you’re nervous. If you knew they was gon’ be here, yo ass would’ve asked me a million times, ‘what should I wear, is they gon like me—’” Parker covered up as I tried to muff his head to the side. “Gon’, man, damn. Black ass,” he laughed.

  “Yo ass is not funny. I only asked that about your sister, that’s it. Ugh, you get on my damn nerves,” I mugged him hard before I started laughing. “Stupid self. And so what if I did ask all that. You better had answered anyways. This is nice, tho, I wish I did know for real because I would have invited my girls.”

  My fingers caressed the back of his head as I sighed. I was starting to feel like a bad friend because I had basically abandoned my girls for Parker. Whatever free time I had outside of work and school was literally spent with him. I didn’t regret spending time with Parker, though, because he made me feel so good about myself. He replaced the loneliness I’d always felt, a part of myself that my girls couldn’t even fill. Even thinking that about my girls made me feel bad because I wished they could, yet I didn’t want to see any less of Parker.

nbsp; Parker shrugged, taking a drink from his beer. “Syn, yo friends won’t fit in around me.”

  My brows furrowed in confusion at what he said. “How come they wouldn’t? My friends are cool as hell and would get along good with you.”

  He shook his head, no. “N’all, those little mothafuckas violent and I honestly don’t want to hurt them mothafuckas, for real. I can’t get over folks shooting at me.”

  Taking in his seriousness, I hollered out laughing. “Oh, my God! You are so serious. Baby, you got to let that go. Parker, that was an accident. Peaches wasn’t trying to shoot at you in real life. You ain’t right,” I told him. “Daddy, you got to like my friends because they are a part of my life. I deal with your friends and I don’t care for Mane,” I shrugged before I turned myself around on him, straddling his hips. “Besides, it’s only right you forgive her. Hell, Blaze shot at me and blew out my car window when they first got together—”

  “Blaze shot at you? What the fuck you mean, he shot at you?” He looked pissed.

  I waved him off and rolled my eyes. “That was over a year ago. But I did drive on the sidewalk and try to run him over. And had he not jumped out of the way, I would’ve hit him. But it was because he hurt Peaches’ feelings. See, that’s how we are with each other. So if you look at it, you put yourself in that situation because she thought you were going to hurt me,” I pointed out.

  Parker barked out a laugh. “Man, all y’all mothafuckas crazy. He hurt her feelings and you tried to run him over. Where the fuck y’all chicks come from?” He continued to laugh.

  “We’re not crazy. We just don’t like stupid shit is all,” I shrugged before I got serious. “But I’m trying to be serious right now. I want you to like my girls. I’ve never gone long without seeing or talking to them. They would really like you and once you get to know them you’ll feel the same. I promise.” My arms went around his neck and my fingers massaged from his neck to the back of his head.

  Parker didn’t look like he was going for it. “We’ll set something up.”

  A smile came to my lips. “Okay.” That was a start and all I needed to hear. I already knew the girls were going to love Parker, I just needed for him to love them back.

  “What up, Lord?” Chris walked over to us with a pretty Puerto Rican female on his arm.

  “What’s up? It’s about time yo ass got here. Fuck took you so long?” He slapped hands with Chris.

  Chris pointed to the chick he was with. “Xantina ass was taking all fuckin’ day to get ready. Then we had to swing by to pick up her sister and that bitch took another fuckin’ hour.” When he walked past me, he muffed me in the back of my head. “What’s up?”

  I glared at him as Parker laughed. “Don’t get fuck’d up, Chris,” I snapped at him before I glared at Parker. “That shit ain’t funny.”

  “Chris, you gon’ make me beat yo ass. What I tell you about fuckin’ with my shorty. Leave her crazy ass alone,” Parkers hands went to my waist and he pulled me up on him. He then grabbed the nape of my neck, bringing my face closer to his. “We should go in the house and talk,” he mumbled as he kissed me.

  “There y’all go with that shit, cut that bullshit out,” Chris laughed. “Man, sit yo ass down. Why the fuck you just standing there,” he suddenly snapped at the girl he was with.

  I glanced back at them.

  “Chris, don’t start with me, ignorant ass.” She grabbed a chair and sat down next to Chris, then she glanced our way. When she looked at me, her eyes rolled before she looked at Parker. “Hey, Parker,” she said in a funky tone of voice.

  Okay… I didn’t know if he had any intentions on speaking back to that funky little bitch nor did I care. I rolled my eyes at her before I focused back on Parker. My lips pressed against his, making sure he wasn’t going to respond. I didn’t know what her deal was, but she had the right one to get funky with because my black ass could surely get ignorant with her.

  “What’s her deal?” I asked Parker, not bothered by the fact that she was close to us and could possibly overhear me.

  “That’s just her. She’s a bitch, ignore her ass, though,” Parker shrugged as one of his hands rubbed along my butt and the other took the blunt from Chris. Parker took a long pull of the swisher.

  “Yeah, I can tell she is. And she better ignore me before I get my bitch to fuck her nigga,” I told him.

  Immediately, Parker started choking on the weed smoke. His eyes had turned red as he hit his chest. “Yo, shut the fuck up with that shit,” he laughed as he still choked.

  I got up and went to the cooler to grab him a beer. “What? I’m just saying.” I was only half joking about making Missy fuck Chris.

  “What the fuck yo ass say?” Chris asked me.

  I looked at Parker and then to his girl.

  “Syn, shut the fuck up. She ain’t said shit that need to be repeated,” Parker told him, still laughing.

  “Parker, so we not speaking today? Ugh, why you acting funny?” Xantina asked him with her face scrunched up.

  “What’s up, Tina?” He nodded his head at her before looking over at Chris. “Which one of her sisters you bring over here? And where the fuck she at?”

  “Porsha ol’ worrisome ass, and that bitch said she had to use the bathroom. Meka took her for me,” Chris took the blunt from Parker and puffed on it.

  “Chris, don’t be talking about my sister, and she not going to be too many of your bitches either. Don’t try to show out,” she muffed his head to the side.

  “Tina, gon’ now. You know yo sister worrisome,” he chuckled before he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the chair. He then sat her in his lap. Chris brought his mouth to her ear, whispering something that made her laugh.

  “Whatever, Chris,” she giggled. Chris doing that seemed to put her in a better mood. “Stop, stupid,” she pushed Chris’ head away from her neck and then glanced over to us. “So, Parker, this your girl?” She asked him.

  “Is who Parker’s girl?” A female who looked just like Xantina asked.

  Xantina let out a loud scream as she jumped out of Chris’ lap. “Roxy, what are you doing here?” She pulled the girl into a hug.

  “I invited her, I hope you fellas didn’t mind. But she just got home this morning and we needed to see her,” another female said. She favored Xantina and that Roxy chick, she was just a slightly darker shade than them.

  “N’all, we don’t mind,” Chris answered for both him and Parker.

  Parker wasn’t paying them no attention, he was too busy rubbing my booty and thighs while he kissed on my neck. I didn’t mind one bit, hell, I was enjoying his affection.

  “Porsha, you hoe! Why didn’t you tell me?” Xantina pushed her sister before she hugged Roxy again. “Here, sit down. I can’t believe I’m looking at you right now.” Xantina took her spot back on Chris’ lap. “Chris, you remember my sister, Roxy?”

  Chris’ eyes were focused on Roxy, he was openly checking that chick out in front of his girl. “Yeah, I remember her.”

  I turned back to Parker and buried my face into his neck so I could low key talk shit about Chris. “Yo damn friend is sad. He dead ass eye fuckin’ that chick. I wish you would do some shit like that, I’ll pull yo damn eyes out.”

  Parker started laughing. “Man, shut the fuck up. And I wouldn’t disrespect you like that,” he said out loud, not bothering to be low about our conversation.

  I pulled back and glared at him. “You’re an asshole, I swear. I was whispering for a reason.”

  “I know yo black ass over there talking about me,” Chris blasted me.

  “Parker, you better get yo friend before I hurt his feelings. Ol’ punk ass,” I stuck my middle finger up at him.

  “Parker, you better get yo girl—” Chris started to mimic my voice.

  Both Parker and I started laughing at his squeaky voice. “You childish as hell, I don’t even sound like that. Parker, stop biting me! What the hell?” I pulled away from him, laughing.

; “I’ight, bet. I quit.” He brought me back down to him, bringing his mouth to my ear. “You need to stop moving, my shit already hard and you playing. Let’s go in the house real quick.”

  I shifted myself on his lap, feeling his hard man. “You got a house full of people, we can’t just run off.”

  “Yes the fuck we can. And we gon’ lock ourselves in the room,” he mumbled against my neck and then sucked on the skin.

  That most definitely sounded like a plan. I started to tell him that, but Chris’ girl started talking.

  “Oh, Parker, I was asking you if she’s yo girl,” Xantina repeated.

  Parker’s head quickly left my neck and he looked at her like she was the stupidest person ever. I couldn’t help but start laughing. “What type of dumb ass question is that? N’all, I just let random bitches sit on my lap and kiss me. Chris, where you find these mothafuckas at, yo?” Parker’s head shook and he looked at me.

  “Well, I’m glad you don’t just let random bitches sit on your lap and especially not kiss you. I would not like that at all,” I told him, still laughing. Parker was just mean, but I was no better to play into his foolishness.

  Xantina cut her eyes at Parker.

  “Oops, guilty, random bitch,” Roxy feigned a look of shock before she broke into a fit of laughter.

  “I was just about to say but, Roxy, didn’t you do all that once upon a time?” Porsha laughed as she slapped hands with her sister.

  “Yeah, I did. I feel some type of way, I must admit. A random bitch can’t even get a, hey out of you, huh, Parker?” Roxy asked with a slight pout.

  I looked at the sisters and started laughing at them. “Y’all some sad ass bitches. Obviously yo random ass was forgotten after that once upon a time moment you had. Which was once upon a time before him and I got together. And there’s a reason yo ass was a once upon a time thing, past tense, so leave the moment you had with him in the past. But I do see why it didn’t last. Parker don’t fuck desperate or thirsty and bitch you got pitiful and dehydrated written all over you.


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