Courting the Darkness

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Courting the Darkness Page 15

by Fuller, Karen

  “That remains to be seen!”

  She sighed. “Oh, Caleb, please just give it up.”

  “I told you. I’m not giving up.”

  “Then you’ll have to leave.” Mica glared into his eyes “If I can’t trust you, I won’t allow you to be around Desiree. I’m sorry, Caleb. We’ve been friends a long time. When you get your head back on straight, call me and we’ll talk.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Wrong answer.” He grabbed Caleb by the scruff of the neck, slamming him hard against the wall. “Desiree, go get Caleb some clothes. He’s leaving.” She hurried from the room, returning with Caleb’s clothes. She handed them to Mica. He, in turn, shoved them at Caleb. “Get dressed. I’m taking you to the bus station and putting you on the next bus to New Orleans.”


  The sun was setting on the horizon. Mica and Desiree sat in the Express Van watching the bus for New Orleans leave with Caleb on it. She leaned her head on his shoulder, whispering softly, “I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t do anything to apologize for.”

  “If it wasn’t for me, you two would still be friends.”

  “We’re still friends.” He put his arm around her. “He just has to get over his temper tantrum and he’ll remember that too.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. He seemed pretty upset to me. It’s my fault too.”

  “Caleb’s grown and responsible for his own actions. You didn’t ask him to attack you. Besides, he’s been acting strange for a couple of days now. With him gone, it’s one less thing to worry about. We need to focus our attention on finding Hargrove and stopping him. Once we’ve done that, I’m going to take you back to New Orleans and you can free yourself of Drake.”

  She bit her lip apprehensively, looking into his eyes. “What then?”

  “What are you asking?”

  “What happens after I give Drake the amulets? Where does that leave us?”

  He looked deeply into her eyes. “You’re coming home with me.”

  “I thought you said you were a loner.”

  He sat back, staring at her hard. “Are you trying to tell me that you don’t plan to come with me?”

  “I don’t want you to feel like you’re obligated or anything.” She looked away. “I know you like your solitude . . .”

  He cocked his eyebrow at her statement. “Desiree, when I started on this assignment, I did so reluctantly. I was perfectly happy with my life as it was. But I found a connection with you. Our kind finds only one mate in a lifetime. For me, being without you is no longer an option. I’m not letting you go. I will continue to protect what belongs to me, and that is you. So, you’re either coming to be with me, or I’m following you.”

  She smiled. “Are those my only two choices?” she remarked playfully. He nodded seriously and then she laughed. “Then I’m coming home with you, if that’s what you really want. I don’t want to live without you either.”

  “I’m glad you agree,” he remarked seriously, “because it wouldn’t have mattered if you didn’t.” Her mouth dropped open at his words. “The only way to break the connection we share is for one of us to die. If one of us is killed, the other will die soon after.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying we don’t have a choice. We now need each other to survive.”

  Desiree let his words sink in. “So, how do you plan on flushing Jason out?”

  “Since he already knows where we are, I think he’ll try to come back to the cave and trap you again. I’ll be waiting.” He reached down, turning the key, and the Express Van’s engine roared to life.

  * * *

  Once inside the bus Caleb, sat in the nearest seat, staring out into the darkness, stewing over the events of the last four hours. “Mica had no right to send me back to New Orleans. Who does he think he is? He’s not my boss, that’s for sure. Desiree should have been mine. He didn’t even want anything to do with her in the beginning.”

  A couple of passengers in the seat across from him looked at him curiously. “What are you lookin’ at?” he snapped in their direction, and they averted their eyes. “Hey, driver, how much longer until this bus pulls into the next stop?”

  “We’re pulling into the Chattanooga terminal now.”

  “Good. I’m getting off.” Grabbing his bag, he threw it over his shoulder, and made his way the front of the bus. The driver opened the door and Caleb got out. He started walking back to Pigeon Forge.

  * * *

  Desiree closed her eyes, nodding off to sleep about halfway back from the bus station. Mica carefully lifted her out of the van and carried her back into the cavern. He placed her gently on the air mattress, covering her with a blanket.

  He briefly left her there to make a quick scouting of the area to make sure Hargrove had not come back. After a thorough search of the area and the cavern, he was satisfied that they were alone.

  He went back into the cave to check on her. She was sleeping peacefully. Slipping off his shoes, he carefully eased down onto the air mattress next to her, being careful not to wake her, and gathered her into his arms. He was just going to close his eyes for just a few minutes . . .

  “Mica,” Desiree whispered urgently. His eyes flew open and he looked into her frightened eyes. “I heard footsteps.”

  He sat up straight. “Stay here. It could be Hargrove.”

  She shook her head violently no. “You’re not leaving me here by myself in this dark cave.”

  He placed his hands gently on her shoulders. “Calm down and stay here where it’s safe.”

  She continued to shake her head no, stubbornly. “I’m coming with you.”

  He closed his eyes, sighing heavily. He opened his eyes, peering into hers. “Stay a few steps behind me. I don’t want you getting hurt.” He slipped back on his shoes.

  She bobbed her head nervously. “Okay, I’ll hang back.”

  He stood up, easing his way to the opening of their smaller cave, listening. He heard the faint echo of footsteps coming toward them. He motioned with his hand for her to hang back, and inched his way into the dark passageway. There was no way he could prepare himself for what happened next.

  “Hello, lover,” Denise whispered seductively, stepping out of the darkness. “I have missed you. Why didn’t you call me and tell me you would be delayed in getting back home? I had been keeping our bed warm, but I grew restless.”

  Mica’s mouth dropped open. “Denise… How?”

  She smiled, tapping her nose. “I traced your scent. A woman can always track her one true love.” She walked boldly up to him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him.

  In Desiree’s eyes, all she could see was a beautiful woman wrapped around Mica, and the only thing her mind comprehended were the words “one true love.” Desiree drew in a quick, sharp breath. “Mica, who is this woman?”

  Mica pried Denise’s arms from around his neck, pushing her away.

  “I should be the one asking who you are, honey,” Denise remarked boldly. “He is my mate, after all.”

  “Denise! If you know what’s good for you, you will shut up. Who put you up to this?”

  “Your mate!” Desiree gasped in shock. “Mica, how could you?” She turned and ran back into the cavern.

  Denise laughed long and loud. “What’s the matter, honey? Did he tell you that you were his mate? You can’t be, because I am.”

  Mica closed his eyes, trying to take a calming breath. When he opened them, Denise backed up in fear. His eyes burned and his fangs fully extended as he advanced toward her. He pinned her by the throat to the rocky wall. “I’m a hair’s breath away from ripping your throat out,” he remarked with a deadly calm. “Nod your head if you understand.” Denise swallowed hard, giving a brief nod. “Who put you up to this?” She clamped her mouth shut, staring at him mutely, and he tightened his grip on her throat. “Who was it, damn it?”


  “What did Caleb say to you that convinced you to come and face me after all these years?”

  “He—he said you were involved with a human. I can see for myself that part, at least, is true. He said I needed to come out here and save you from yourself.”

  “Did Caleb say why he wanted you to come here?”

  “Yeah, he said he wanted the girl for himself. He did sound rather drunk. Where is Caleb? I’m going to give him a piece of my mind for getting me in more trouble with you.” He released Denise’s throat, but did not back off.

  “I kicked him out and put him on a bus back to New Orleans a few hours ago for attacking Desiree.”

  She rubbed her throat with her fingers. “What are you doing with her anyway?”

  “She’s a witch. Drake sent me to rescue her from a witch hunter in Salem. My interest in her was not intentional, and that’s what set Caleb off.”

  “Then free yourself of her. We’re supposed to be with our own kind, not humans, and definitely not witches.”

  “Haven’t you learned by now you can’t tell me what to do? I’m with her because I want to be.”

  “But she’s human, Mica. That should be enough reason to stay away from her.”

  “She is my mate, Denise. Our souls are bound. I cannot live without her. I won’t live without her. You need to leave before I change my mind and rip your throat out anyway on pure principle.”

  She winced. “I can’t leave.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “The sun was starting to rise.” She shrugged. “I’m stuck here until sunset.”

  A sudden pain struck Mica’s heart. “Desiree,” he whispered in agony. Fresh anger washed over him and he shoved Denise up against the wall again. “I can feel her pain,” he snarled. “I should kill you now.”


  Blinded by her own tears, Desiree stumbled her way into the cavern to her Altar. She took a piece of chalk, drew a large pentagram on the stone floor, and placed the candles on the points, lighting them. She cut her hand, spilling her blood, and chanted a protection spell. She then collapsed on the stone floor and cried. She felt like someone had reached inside her chest to wrench out her still beating heart, leaving her more miserable that she had ever been in her life.

  In her misery, she did not hear Mica enter the room. “Desiree, please look at me.”

  She shrugged, staring at the opposite wall. “What’s the point?” She wiped the tears away with her fingers. “Just go back to your mate; she seems to want you bad enough.”

  “Denise is not my mate. For that matter, she has never been my mate.”

  “Tell it to someone who cares.”

  “You care.”

  She shook her head stubbornly. “Not anymore.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Yes, it is true.”

  “Desiree, I know it’s not true. I know because I can feel the pain in your heart. You’re hurting and there is no reason to.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “No reason,” she huffed. “No reason?” She spoke a little louder, anger replacing the hurt. “Just go—leave me alone.”

  The muscle in his jaw ticked. “I’m not leaving you alone… You will listen to me.” He took a step forward and the protective force field knocked him back a few feet. “Desiree…”

  “You can’t enter the circle; it protects me.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Desiree, come out of that circle.”

  She raised her chin defiantly. “No.”

  He raised an eyebrow, setting his jaw. “Desiree, come out of that circle now.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring. “No, you’re angry.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m not angry.”

  “Yes, you are. I can feel it.”

  He threw out his hands. “Ha! You can feel my anger. That proves my point.”

  “What point are you referring to? The point that Denise is your mate?”

  “Denise is not my mate! No, the point is you can feel my anger, just like I can feel your pain. It proves we’re connected. You can’t live without me anymore than I can live without you.”

  She narrowed her eyes rebelliously. “Watch me!”

  Mica stormed out of the room to find Denise. “She started this, she can fix this. Denise!”

  Denise rolled her eyes sarcastically. “You bellowed?”

  “Don’t test me. You’re already walking on thin ice.”

  She rolled her eyes again, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m sorry, master. Your wish is my command. Is that any better?” She smiled, batting her eyes at him.


  She threw out her hands. “Oh, very well, what?”

  “I need you to talk to Desiree.” She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “She chooses to believe your lies and won’t listen to me.”

  She grinned. “Why don’t you just pin her up against a wall like you did me? That should get her attention.” He clenched his fists, glaring at her. The smile dropped from her face and she backed up. “Uh—I mean, Mica, you can be a charmer when you want to. What do you need me for?”

  “I need you to tell her the truth.”

  “The truth…” She rolled her eyes. “You want me to tell her that you’re a self-riotous ass?” She laughed, shaking her head. “I think you demonstrate that well enough on your own. She doesn’t need me to tell her that.”

  “Denise, I’ve had about enough…”

  She backed up again. “Okay, okay, I’ll tell her Caleb put me up to it. Don't vamp out on me.” She brushed past Mica, giving him an uneasy glance as she went by. “This should be interesting.”

  Denise stopped in the doorway and saw Desiree sitting slumped in the circle staring into space. Her face was still wet with tears. Denise looked back over her shoulder at Mica, taking a deep breath, and then marched in to confront Desiree.

  “Desiree, I need to talk to you.”

  Desiree sat up, ramrod straight when she heard Denise's voice. Her head whipped around and she glared in her direction. “I think you said enough to me earlier. I can’t think of a thing you could possibly say to me that I’d want to hear. Just go back to your mate and leave me alone.” She turned her head away from Denise, staring into the darkness.

  “Mica’s not my mate. In fact, we haven’t even dated for about ten years.”

  Desiree did not turn around. “I don't believe you.” She sniffed.

  “You believe the lie, but don’t want to believe the truth.” Denise took a deep breath and blew it out. “Caleb called me night before last and told me I had to come save Mica from himself. Caleb said that Mica was involved with a human and I needed to break it up.”

  Desiree’s shoulders slumped again; she could believe Caleb would pull something like that after the way he’d acted earlier.

  “Mica and I broke up ten years ago because we didn’t get along with each other. I’m a smartass and he’s hot tempered when it comes to my mouth.” She laughed. “I do so enjoy pissing him off. I took it too far one night and we broke up. He hasn’t spoken to me again, until tonight when I showed up here.” She laughed harder. “I wish I had brought a camera. The look on his face was priceless when I put my arms around him and kissed him in front of you.”

  Desiree whipped her head around, standing up. “You think this is funny? I’ll show you funny.” A fireball formed in her hand and she threw it right at Denise.

  She dodged the fireball, putting her hands on her hips. “Hey, you almost hit me with that thing.”

  Desiree’s eyes flashed with barely suppressed rage. “I’m only sorry I missed.” They both turned their heads to the sound of Mica's laughter in the doorway.

  Denise looked between them. “Your temper is no better than his. You two deserve each other.”

  “That’s the first statement you’ve made in ten years that I agree with.” He reached out his hand. “Desiree, please come out of the circle and talk to me.”

  She thanked the spirits, picked up a candle, and blew it out. All the candles extinguished at the same time.


  Mica pulled Desiree into his arms. “It seems I have underestimated Caleb. I hope this is the only distraction that he was able to come up with before I sent him back to New Orleans. We need to be prepared in case he has something else up his sleeve in his quest to claim you.

  She put her arms around his waist, placing her cheek on his chest, speaking softly. “Even if he did manage to split us up, what did he hope to accomplish?”

  “I don't know.”

  Denise stepped up. “I can answer that.” They both looked at her. “He told me that if Mica was out of the way, Desiree would come running to him for comfort and he would take it from there.”

  Desiree shook her head. “I wouldn’t have run to Caleb. Even though I thought he was a nice guy up until a few hours ago, I wouldn’t have let him into the circle. I’m just simply not attracted to him.”

  “You are attracted to me. I know you are. I can feel it,” Caleb remarked forcefully. All three of them turned to the doorway, surprised to see Caleb.


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