The Seeker

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The Seeker Page 23

by Ronica Black

  Kennedy stood. “What is it?” What could it be now? They were so close to catching their UNSUB. So close.

  He motioned for her to follow. They entered the living room. He pointed at the television and turned up the volume. A radar image covered the screen, and in the center swirled a large green mass.

  A hurricane. Category four.

  “It’s headed here?”


  The green swirl moved closer as the weather man showed its trajectory. It was headed right for them.

  “How long?”

  “Less than forty-eight hours.”

  “Not now. No, not now.” She turned. Keri looked ashen.

  “We have to leave, don’t we?”

  Mike spoke. “I’m afraid so.”

  The boys rushed to Keri’s side. “What’s the matter, Mama?”

  Luke saw the TV. “A storm?”

  Living in Louisiana, they’d been through three hurricanes already. They knew the routine.

  “Another hurricane, baby.”

  “Again?” They walked closer to the TV.

  “Is this one gonna blow away our treehouse?”

  “Yeah, and Jaxx’s doghouse?”

  “Not this time,” Kennedy said. “This time the storm is coming here to South Carolina.”

  Keri retrieved Natalie and sat on the couch, bouncing her lightly.

  “Are we gonna cover the windows?”

  “We’re not going to be here. We’re leaving.”

  “Where are we going to go?” Keri asked softly. “I can’t go back to that house. Not without you and Tom.”

  “I know. We’ll figure something out.”

  “You better go tell Shawn. Better yet, hand me the phone.”

  Mike did so.

  “What for?” Kennedy asked.

  “I’m going to call and tell her to send the girls over because you have something to tell her.”


  “I’m dialing. Go.”

  Truth be told, she did have something to tell Shawn. Several things, in fact. So at Keri’s insistence she walked next door and greeted the girls and Monty and Phil as they crossed her path, heading to the Boudreaux house.

  “We’re gonna go play with Luke and Landon,” Rory said, skipping.

  “Have fun.”

  “We will. Have fun with Mommy.”

  Kennedy flushed. It had only been a matter of weeks, and she had already grown so attached to Shawn and the girls. They felt like family. Like she’d known them and cared for them for years. She wanted that feeling to continue.

  Entering the house, she waved at Larry, who sat watching TV. She told him to tune in to the Weather Channel. He sat forward, alarmed.

  “We’ll have to leave soon,” she said. “Where’s Shawn?”

  He thumbed up the volume. “Upstairs.”

  She approached the banister and stilled. Shawn was waiting. The image of her in the bathtub came. It smacked her ribs, knocking her heart around. She swallowed and ascended. More images came. Shawn on the beach, sun setting in her eyes. Shawn laughing with the girls. Shawn looking at her in the moonlight, touching her lips to hers.

  With every step her heart rate increased. Desire and nervousness flooded her body.

  She had to do this. For herself. For once.

  She stopped outside Shawn’s door.

  The light was on, a bar glowing at the base of the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked lightly.

  “Come in,” Shawn said.

  Kennedy opened the door and peeked in.

  “Yes?” Shawn was sitting on the bed. The photo album from before was gone, along with the cut-up photos. She sat reading a small paperback. She still appeared tired but not nearly as tired as before.

  “I was hoping we could talk? If not—”

  “Sure, come in.”


  Kennedy entered and gently closed the door behind her. Shawn tugged a wrap onto her shoulders, obviously cold. The room was a little chilly. She winced with pain.

  “Your shoulder,” Kennedy said.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Just taking a while to heal.”

  “A while?” Kennedy crossed to the bed. “I need to look at it.”

  “No, no,” Shawn said, trying to downplay it. “It’s nothing, really.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.” Kennedy locked eyes with her, and all the worry she’d ever had in regard to Shawn’s well-being now surfaced tenfold. “Not this time. Now, ease out of that shirt.”

  Shawn didn’t speak. It seemed that she didn’t know what to say.

  “Now,” Kennedy said softly.

  “It’s cold.”

  “I’ll start a fire.” Quickly, she moved over to the fireplace and tossed in two logs. Hungry flames started up in no time, warming the room. Behind her, Kennedy could hear Shawn moving.

  She turned. Shawn was standing next to the bed in a threadbare tank and sweatpants. Her shoulder looked bony and awkward from the way she carried herself, the injured side higher than the other.

  “Do you have that salve I gave you?”

  Shawn opened the night table drawer. She held out the round container.

  “Have you used it?”

  Shawn looked guilty, ashamed. “No.”

  “I won’t ask why. I’ll just assume that you’ve been stubborn.”

  Shawn laughed softly. “That’s probably wise.”

  Kennedy took the salve and then Shawn’s hand. She encouraged her to sit in front of the fire. Then Kennedy sat across from her, both of them settling in lotus style.

  “What is it?” Shawn asked, eyeing the jar.

  “It’s goldenseal salve.”


  “It’s made from goldenseal root. It helps to heal wounds and infections.” She carried it everywhere. It had been her grandmother’s creation and they’d used it frequently growing up. Now she was about to use it on someone very special.

  The moment was not lost on her.

  She swallowed hard as she took in Shawn by the firelight. The orange and yellow flickered across her face and teased with a dance in her eyes.

  “I’m going to need you to take off your shirt.” Kennedy spoke with a heated whisper and Shawn hesitated but then complied, her gaze never leaving Kennedy’s. She winced again as her shoulder protested over the removal of the thin tank top.

  Kennedy wavered slightly, doing her best not to stare at the exposed flesh before her. Seeing Shawn nude for the second time sent her head spinning out of control. Her breasts were smooth mounds of milky white flesh, her nipples soft and supple looking, the palest of pinks. Scared and aroused, Kennedy locked eyes with her once again, determined to control herself.

  “Should I cover up?” Shawn asked, sensing her discomfort.

  “Yes—no,” Kennedy answered quickly. “You’re fine. I mean, it’s fine.” She was nervous and her words were coming out jumbled and strange while excited heat rushed to her skin as if it, too, was hungry for Shawn. She wanted to touch her, feel her. Wanted Shawn to touch her and feel her. Never had she wanted anything so much.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Shawn asked, breathless.

  Kennedy nodded and forced down more saliva.

  Carefully, she removed the small bandage and exposed the wound. The scar appeared tender and red and open slightly. It had healed almost completely before Shawn had done something to aggravate it. A slight swelling around the wound caused some alarm.

  “Why haven’t you asked to see a doctor? You promised to think about it. I should’ve just called one myself.” The powerful arousal was instantly replaced with worry. She set the bandage down and opened the jar of salve.

  “Spite,” Shawn replied. “I guess I wanted to feel the pain. If you called, I probably would’ve refused to see him.”

  Kennedy didn’t respond. She understood. She could imagine needing to feel the physical pain. Any pain would be better than the emotional pain she was having to endure.
/>   “I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. Hold this right here. I need to pour in the peroxide.”

  Shawn held the thick towel below the wound as Kennedy poured. The liquid almost sizzled with foam. Kennedy took the towel and pressed. Shawn winced.

  “It’s infected. You’ll need to see a doctor as soon as we get back.”

  “Get back? Why can’t one come here?”

  “We have to leave tomorrow.”

  Shawn’s eyes grew wide. “Why? Is she here? The UNSUB?”

  “No, no. It’s not that. There’s a hurricane.”

  “A hurricane?”

  “Category four. It’s headed right for us.”


  “We need to leave tomorrow. We have less than forty-eight hours.”

  “This is what you had to talk to me about.”


  She looked a little disappointed. Kennedy poured in more peroxide and squeezed the wound.

  “Ow, God, it hurts.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “This is what I get for spite.”

  Kennedy chuckled. “Was it worth it?”


  They both laughed. Kennedy dried the wound and lifted the salve. “This should be a lot less painful.”

  “No more squeezing?”

  “Scout’s honor.”

  “Okay.” She breathed deep and relaxed. Kennedy rubbed the salve in gently, working her way from the inside out and then back in again.

  “It almost feels good.” She winced. “Almost.” She set her jaw, fighting the pain. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Is it difficult for you to imagine love?”

  Kennedy thought for a moment. Her body had already reacted but she fought hard not to show it. “It used to be.”

  “But now?” Shawn reached up and grabbed hold of her hand, stilling it. Her eyes were burning in the firelight.

  “It’s not difficult at all,” Kennedy whispered.

  “What’s different about now?”

  She breathed deep, watching the heat rise in Shawn’s cheeks. “You.”

  Shawn’s face lit up in the dancing, hot firelight. Her breasts swelled and rose with deep, quickening breaths.

  Shawn brought Kennedy’s hand up to her mouth where she gently kissed the back of it. The heat from her mouth seared into Kennedy and sank into her blood, rushing throughout her body. Burning alive, Kennedy moved in and took Shawn’s face in her hands. Then, as if she had been waiting to her whole life, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Shawn’s.

  The kiss was warm and tender, Shawn’s lips like plumps of satin beneath her own.

  Shawn moaned into the kiss and wrapped her good arm around Kennedy, pulling her down atop her. They kissed hungrily, their tongues dancing like the flames of the fire. Kennedy’s head swam and her body growled as she felt Shawn respond underneath her. Shawn was clinging to her, digging her nails into her back, aching for the closeness.

  Needing, wanting, dying to get ever closer to her, Kennedy positioned herself between Shawn’s legs and thrust herself against her. Shawn bucked upward, desperate for her heated pressure. Hungry blood surged between Kennedy’s legs, demanding, a sensation she’d never had before.

  A beast was clawing within her, wanting desperately to remain atop Shawn, to ravish her, to taste and consume every last part of her. She groaned as she gyrated against her. She could feel the meaty heat of Shawn’s sex through the thin fabric of her sweatpants and it only fed the fire of the monster. She clenched her jaw as she moved, knowing by Shawn’s thrusts and moans that she was dangerously close to orgasm.

  “Kennedy. Oh God, Kennedy. Yes.”

  Shawn looked up at her with fierce need, her teeth pressing into her lower lip. Her hand found the back of Kennedy’s neck, nails biting in.

  “Yes,” she cried out, straining to reach Kennedy. “I’ve wanted you for so long.” She nearly choked out the words as she pulled Kennedy down for another heated, starving kiss. Then she tore her mouth away and whispered, “Take me. Make me feel. Make me feel, please. All those thoughts I’ve had…about you. All the feelings. Please, Kennedy. Let me have them. Let me have you.”

  “I—oh God, I want you so bad.” Shawn spoke directly into her ear and then extended her tongue to seal the message.

  The sensation bolted through Kennedy’s body and then sparked to life between her legs.

  Rational thought kept fighting for dominance in her mind but the beast raged on, determined. Shawn’s mouth found her neck, nearly melting her, nearly causing her eyes to roll back in her head. Shawn groaned in her ear.

  “Yes. Kennedy. Yes. Oh, God, baby.”

  The words were weapons. Wanton weapons of passion and desire. She would remember them always, seek them out always, do anything for them…always.

  Shawn bucked up against her, her flesh hungry and wet.

  “Touch me. Touch me, Kennedy.” She took her hand and led it downward. Kennedy knew if she felt her flesh she would die. All reason would be forever gone. Nothing would ever be the same.

  An image flashed in her mind. The letters. Then came an image of the girls. She looked down and caught sight of the red wound.

  “Wait,” she cried out softly. The beast growled in protest within her and she fought to keep it harbored inside.

  “What is it?” Shawn asked breathlessly, her entire being seemingly alive with need.

  “I can’t do this,” Kennedy whispered.

  “Why? I want you to.” Shawn reached up and tried to pull her down once again.

  “It’s not right. For so many reasons.” Kennedy pushed herself up, her body instantly crying out at the absence of Shawn beneath her. “Not right now.”

  Shawn sighed and looked away. She closed her legs and sat up, the heat from their encounter still high on her cheeks. She stared into the fire and the fire stared back, caressing her beautifully sad face, her large liquid eyes ready to spill over with tears.

  “Hey,” Kennedy said softly, moving to her. She reached out and gently touched her face as her own voice threatened to cave from the rush of emotion. “It’s me. I need to be sure of some things.”

  “Like what?”

  “I need to be sure I can handle this. You. I’ve never had anyone and—”

  “You don’t think you can commit?” She sounded hurt. Angry.

  “No, it’s not that. I’ve just had to deal with a lot.”

  Shawn just stared at her.

  “I see. So you think it’s too soon. You and I…”

  “You feel right to me. You are right. But the situation we’re in isn’t. Things need to be sorted out first. I don’t want this to be something rash and quick. I want more than that.”

  Shawn stared into the fire. “I don’t know, Kennedy. I don’t want to hurt any more. I don’t want to give anyone that power. Right now, this. You not being sure. It just scared me.”

  “I understand.”

  They sat in silence for a while.

  “How’s your shoulder?”

  Shawn hugged herself. “It feels a little better.” She slipped the shirt back on.

  “I’m glad.” Kennedy knew at once she would not sleep that night. The feel of Shawn underneath her, crying out for her with her body and soul, it would weigh heavily on her mind and in her heart. She tilted Shawn’s chin up to her own.


  “Don’t. Don’t say it unless you absolutely mean it.”

  Kennedy stared into her eyes. She saw the world. Her world. Shawn’s world. The hurt, betrayal, passion.

  “Please. Please just go. I need to be alone.”

  Kennedy hesitated but then rose. She placed the salve on the night table.

  “If you need me, I’m here.”

  Shawn stared into the fire. “I know. And that means more than you know.”

  Shawn turned over and pulled the covers closer to her chest. Knowing hands traced up her arms
to her shoulders.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Kennedy greeted her in a deep, sexy whisper. She’d crawled into bed with her, planting soft kisses on her neck.

  “Mmm…good morning yourself,” she replied with a sheepish grin. “When did you get here?” Shawn couldn’t remember why she was gone, just that she’d missed her terribly.

  “Just a few minutes ago.” Her brown eyes were the color of honey, warm and mesmerizing.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” she said, her emotions threatening to spill over.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “You make me feel so good. So safe.” She held her face.

  Kennedy moved in slowly, painfully slowly, and kissed her. “I love you, Shawn. I love you.”

  The words came out on a whisper and danced in the air. They tickled her ears and warmed her skin.

  “I love you, too,” she said softly. She found her full lips and kissed her. There was warmth and softness. Hands sought and found. Touching, holding, insisting. “Mmm, make love to me.”

  “I…I’ve never…”

  She understood and she silenced her with a gentle finger. “Shh.” She kissed her again, this time softly and slowly, carefully exploring and awakening. She eased Kennedy down and placed her full weight atop her. “Just relax,” she said as she examined Kennedy in her jeans and soft T-shirt.

  Slowly, she eased up her shirt and lifted it over her head. Then, sighing breathlessly at the exposed breasts beneath her, she traced her fingers around the small mounds of soft flesh, watching them gather in response. Leaning closer, she breathed upon the dark rose of nipples and felt her own hot blood surge with excitement as Kennedy cried out with pleasure.

  Not yet.


  She traced her fingers over Kennedy’s stomach down to the waistband of her jeans. Once there, she slowly unbuttoned them and eased down the zipper before she slid the jeans down over her hips.

  Kennedy tried to sit up to speak but Shawn gently pushed her back down, pulling her long legs free one at a time. Then, tossing the jeans on the floor, she breathed upon the naked skin of her legs, moving up toward the small patch of hair.

  “I’m going to make love to you all morning long,” she said huskily, careful to breathe upon the awakening skin of her inner thighs.

  Kennedy cried out again and lifted her hips.


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