Pillar And The Ivy Position

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Pillar And The Ivy Position Page 2

by J. M. Snyder

  He flashed her a grin that felt forced. "Hey yourself. Any calls for me?"

  With fingers tipped in black nail polish, Roxie twirled a blond strand that had somehow escaped the ponytail she wore...and the fire-engine red that dyed the rest of her hair. Behind her cat's eye glasses, she gave him a baleful look. "What, you think I wouldn't pass them back?"

  Which meant Vic hadn't called. Matt reached past her to deposit the bills he held in the mail's outgoing box on the top shelf of her desk and tried not to let himself feel too disappointed. Vic wasn't exactly Einstein in the morning. Chances were he'd forgotten all about Matt's request to join him at the pool, despite the fact that it had been his own idea in the first place.

  Before he could step away, Roxie nudged him in the ribs with one bony elbow. "What's up with you?"

  "Nothing," Matt replied. At the way she squinted at him, he asked, "What? I said nothing."

  "You look like your best friend just died." Cracking her gum, Roxie fixed him with a steady gaze and asked bluntly, "Are things okay with you and Vic?"

  Matt laughed. "Yeah. They're fine, Roxie. We're great. Vic is..."

  He trailed off as he felt his lover's presence yawn into his mind. ::Bet you thought I wasn't coming.::

  His lover's thoughts lifted his mood and Matt laughed--Vic had just pulled up into the gym's parking lot. When he realized Roxie was frowning at him as if he'd gone mad, Matt gave her a genuine grin this time, one that threatened to split his face in two. "He's awesome," he said simply. "Jesus, Roxie, you just don't know. He's fucking amazing."

  "Maybe he's amazing fucking," she suggested, raising one eyebrow in a coy gesture.

  Matt laughed again. "Oh yeah. That, too."

  "Okay," Roxie said, in a no-nonsense tone of voice, "what the hell's going on? You're like Mr. Bipolar all of a sudden." At Matt's confused look, she added, "A second ago you were moping all over the place and now you have this look in your eye that says, I'm gonna get laid. Which is it?"

  Through the plate glass doors that led to the gym's parking lot, Matt saw Vic approach. His heart fluttered in his chest the way it did every time he saw that man. There was a grumpy look on Vic's face that Matt couldn't wait to smooth out, and damn, but he could fill out a pair of sweatpants. His crotch bulged in the baggy pants, enhancing his large cock. As he opened the first door and reached for the second, Matt assured Roxie, "I'm gonna get laid."

  Roxie giggled as Vic entered the reception area. Through the thin material of the old T-shirt he wore, his tattoos looked like shadows rippling underwater. In one hand he carried a battered gym bag that Matt knew contained his work clothes. Vic glared at Roxie, who only giggled harder, then frowned at Matt. "What?"

  "Hey," Matt purred, leaning over the top of Roxie's desk. "You came."

  With a wink, Vic spoke through their mental connection. ::Not yet.::

  Looking from Vic to Matt and back again, Roxie got her giggles under control. After an awkward moment, she sighed. "Just kiss already, will you? Don't mind me."

  Matt stretched an arm out toward Vic, who took his hand and let himself be pulled toward the desk. "Hey," Matt murmured again as their lips touched.

  Beside him, Roxie made a disgusted sound. "Oh please," she cried. "You can do better than that."

  Matt smiled against Vic's mouth. ::Let's humor her.::


  Parting his mouth, Matt licked out and tasted Vic's lips with the tip of his tongue. He felt his lover relax beneath his touch and eased his way into Vic's mouth, turning his head to one side to delve deeper. Vic tasted clean and minty, like toothpaste; Matt ran his tongue over Vic's teeth, along the roof of his mouth, into the pocket of his cheek. Beneath the gentle kiss, Vic moved closer, dropping his gym bag to the floor with a hollow thud and grasping the top of Roxie's desk with one hand as the other glanced across Matt's face to plunge into his black curls.

  Matt's teeth caught Vic's lower lip and nibbled, then his tongue wanted another taste of Vic's. With a series of tiny little kisses, Matt dipped into Vic's mouth again and again. His lover moaned and bumped one knee against the front of the desk as he tried to close the distance between them. When Matt finally pulled back, Vic's eyes were shut, and the dreamy look of intense pleasure on his face softened his features. His lips were pinked and damp and slightly open, as if hungry for more. "Matt," he sighed. "God."

  Beside them, Roxie squealed. "Woo," she said, fanning herself. "Oh my, that was hot. I wish my boyfriend kissed me like that."

  Matt gave Vic a wink. "There's more where that came from. Roxie, starting right now, the pool's closed until noon for cleaning."

  "Is that what you call it?" she asked with a knowing grin.

  * * * *

  Matt led the way down the hall to the pool's double doors, one hand laced through Vic's. Though Roxie was the only member of the staff who knew about their relationship, the back hallway was clear this early in the morning. The first swim class didn't meet until twelve-thirty, and Matt really did have to run the vacuum over the bottom of the pool. But that was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

  All he could think of was Vic.

  As he stopped at the doors to unlatch them, Vic pressed the full length of his body against Matt's backside. Matt arched his back and Vic ran his arms around Matt's waist, pulling him close. Through his shorts, Matt felt the solid weight of his lover's erection push against his buttocks. Melting in Vic's embrace, Matt murmured, "I thought you'd gone back to sleep or something."

  "And miss this?"

  With Vic kissing his neck, it took Matt several tries to get the key into the lock and the doors open. By the time they both tumbled into the pool area, the Speedos beneath Matt's shorts chafed his own hard cock. As he turned to relock the doors, Vic headed to the bleachers that lined one tiled wall. Dropping his gym bag on the lowest bench, Vic called out, "How's your day going so far?"

  His words had a ghostly, echoing quality to them, punctuated by the soft lap of water in the pool. Over the sound of the lock's tumblers, Matt started, "Oh, you know..."

  Then he turned and saw Vic. The T-shirt was gone, and the sweats were pulled down to his ankles. The few lights around the pool cast dappling blue shapes onto Vic's pale, nude skin. His dick jutted from its shaved mound, his balls ruddy and low. "Oh, Jesus," Matt whispered. "No underwear?"

  "You object?" Vic kicked the sweats aside.

  Removing the lanyard with his gym pass on it from around his neck, Matt tugged off his own shirt and dropped both to the floor. "I like." He pulled down his shorts and Speedos in one slick move. "Come here."

  But there was a twinkle in Vic's eye that told Matt this was going to be more fun than he'd anticipated. "Catch me."

  Matt took a stumbling step toward the bleachers. Free from the confines of his pants, his cock hummed to attention and Matt caught it with one hand as he tried to undress. Nodding at the sign of posted regulations, he reminded Vic, "No running around the pool."

  "Who's running?" Crossing to the pool's edge, Vic stood with his back toward Matt, his buttocks clenched like fists, every muscle in his body tensed. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then glanced over his shoulder at Matt with the hint of a smile on his face. "Well?" he prompted. "You gonna just stand there all day playing with yourself, or let me do it for you?"

  Pushing his clothing to the floor with one hand, unwilling to release the hold he had on himself with the other, Matt stepped out of the shorts. But at the first move he made toward Vic, his lover dove into the pool with a large belly flop that splashed the tiled floor. ::Vic!:: Matt cried out through their mental connection--his lover swam along the bottom of the pool, a dark shape in the water, unable to hear him otherwise. ::No fair.::

  Vic's response was simple. ::Catch me and I'm yours.::

  It would be no contest--Matt could out swim half the team that practiced at the pool; he was the fastest sidestroke swimmer at the gym. He practiced daily, every morning before he opened the pool to the pu
blic and every evening just before he headed home for the day. Both times he'd circle the pool, pulling himself through lap after lap of the backstroke, the breast stroke, the butterfly. Even with his lead, Vic could never outdistance him.

  But the thrill of the chase sparked Matt's blood, fueling the lust that fanned his desire. With a running start, he stepped up on one of the swim team's starting blocks and executed a perfect dive into the pool. Like a dolphin, he plunged into the water, parting it almost effortlessly. Once underwater, his strong arms pulled him halfway across the pool's length before he even opened his eyes. The sting of chlorine lasted only a moment; with his heart pounding in his ears, he swam in a tight circle, trying to see everywhere at once.

  He found Vic right behind him.

  His lover rose out of the water, giving Matt a distorted view of his genitals and legs. He looked impossibly huge, and Matt swam closer, mouth opening to take in Vic's length. As Matt's lips closed over the tip of his lover's cock, he felt a heavy hand on top of his head, pushing him down.

  ::So that's how you want to play,:: Matt said, sending the thought directly into Vic's mind. ::A little roughhousing, huh?::

  He grabbed Vic's knees and pulled them out from under him, dropping his lover into the water with another loud splash. Breaking the surface to gulp in a lungful of air, Matt dove down again, fingers pinching over Vic's body like the claws of an insistent crab. He felt Vic lick one of his nipples, the touch warm in the cool water, and when he found his lover's hard dick again, both hands encircled the thick shaft. Strong arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him close, clutching him tight. Kicking his legs hard, Matt swam for the surface. This time when he broke through, Vic held him close, his mouth kissing a trail that led from Matt's left breast, up his neck, under his chin, before covering his lips.

  "Got you," Vic whispered as they kissed.

  Matt rubbed his hands over his lover's bald scalp, pulling him closer. Water runneled down Vic's face, beaded in his eyebrows and goatee, steepled his eyelashes together. It made him look beautiful, sparkling and fae. "I thought I was the one chasing you," Matt murmured against his lover's cheek, his breath warming Vic's cool skin.

  "Doesn't matter." Vic kissed around Matt's jaw, behind his ear. Beneath the water, Matt felt his lover's legs wrap around his own. "We caught each other."

  Their kissed grew heated, ardent; Vic swam with slow, easy strokes, moving them together toward the pool's edge. Matt bumped against the tiled gutter, caught between his lover and the side of the pool. Holding onto the gutter, Vic pinned Matt in place with kisses, his body rubbing against Matt's, his erection hard along Matt's stomach. Sinking down a little, Matt could barely touch the bottom of the pool with his toes. The buoyant water held his lover's weight aloft--perfect.

  Dropping his hands into the water, Matt took Vic's thighs in his palms. Experimentally, he thrust up; the tip of his shaft brushed over the smooth skin between Vic's legs. Repositioning his lover, Matt tried again--this time he caught on the puckered hole at the center of Vic's ass. Vic arched against him, spreading himself wide, his hands alternatively grasping at the gutter behind Matt and roaming through Matt's thick head of hair. "Fuck me, Matty," Vic sighed between kisses. "Don't make me beg."

  Here in the pool Matt felt as if those lips alone kept him from drowning. With the velvet press of Vic's mouth on his, Matt gave into the moment and the man. He thrust up, holding Vic's thighs apart, and slid into his lover's tight ass with a slow burn that he felt sear his own tight hole through their mental connection. Vic came immediately--he liked rough sex with little lubricant; it made the fire of entry burn that much brighter for him. Matt felt his lover's cock spasm against his stomach, saw the white cum bubble to the surface of the water, and dipped down a little to rest his feet flat on the pool's floor. His dick slid almost completely out of Vic, who sank a bit to keep it inside. "God, Matty," he sighed. "Don't do me like this."

  Pushing up off the bottom of the pool, Matt bobbed to the surface and thrust into Vic, deeper than before. "Yes!" Vic cried, his legs tightening around Matt's waist. They moved together like dancers in a slow, ancient rhythm, their movements hindered by the water. It drew the moment out, made every motion more immediate, every touch more real. Grappling with Matt's shoulders, Vic rode up and down his shaft like a fisherman's lure; each time Matt rose up, Vic was pushed higher in the water, and each thrust clawed another affirmation from his throat, "Yes, yes, yes."

  Together they goaded each other toward orgasm. Matt loved the feel of Vic's body against his, the steady rhythm of their coupling, the sound of water splashing in their wake. Through their connection, he could feel what Vic did, a thick cock deep in his ass, as well as the sweet clench of flesh and muscle around his dick. The water added a weightless dimension to their lovemaking, a freedom that allowed Matt to savor what little touch he had of his lover and not lose that sensation in the heavy press of another's body on his.

  When Vic sensed Matt was close to coming, he pressed his knees flat against the side of the pool and lay back on the water. Matt's hands spread out beneath his lover's back, holding him afloat. The water moved around them, splashing Vic's exposed chest and arms and face; it swirled around his stiff cock, toyed with his floating balls. Matt moved his hips faster, using the edge of the pool to push against, each thrust accompanied by the slap of his ass on the tiled wall. Vic's words were a mere litany now, "Yes, yes, yes," picking up speed to match Matt's driving fucks.

  At the last moment, Vic ducked under the water, thrusting his hips up as he grabbed his own dick. With a hard squeeze, he came in a thick spurt that erupted from the water to slick Matt's face. Matt closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and stuck out his tongue to catch the rain of his lover's juices.

  Then Matt came deep within him, his semen like liquid fire shooting through Vic's body. When he relaxed, Vic slipped free to drop into the water, and Matt leaned his arms back against the edge of the pool like a prize fighter in his corner before the bell. ::God,:: Vic moaned from under the water, his thoughts heavy with lust. ::Matty, damn. Just...damn.::

  With a laugh, Matt asked, ::That good, eh?::

  Vic said again, ::Damn. All I gotta say is, I'm glad you're mine.::

  Just as Matt began to catch his breath, he felt something twine around his legs. Then, with one hard yank, he was pulled under the water. Warm lips pressed to his, and beneath the surface of the pool, Matt opened his mouth to his lover's tender kiss. ::Me, too.::

  * * * *

  Invigorated by their lovemaking, Vic challenged Matt to a series of laps around the pool. The clock above the door to Matt's office showed it was barely eleven--they had another half hour at least before Vic had to leave for work. And Matt never passed up a chance to out swim anyone.

  He won the first few laps, as he knew he would--his slim body had been made for the water, and he pulled himself through it with ease. He swam from the shallow end to the deep end and back again, kicking off the side of the pool each time to increase his speed. The water filled his world, numbed his body and mind, until all that existed for him was the pace he set as he crossed the pool.

  But by the fifth lap, he stopped at the deep end for a breather and frowned at the empty water around him. Vic wasn't churning up the wake on a path toward Matt's end of the pool; in fact, he was no where to be found, and the water was eerily still. ::Vic?:: Matt called out with his mind, running a hand down his face to wipe away the water. He tried to do the same to the fear he felt gnawing at the edges of his heart. ::Vic, this isn't funny. Where are you?::

  Something brushed against his legs under the water. With a faint squeal he couldn't contain, Matt hoisted himself up onto the edge of the pool. He expected to see Vic break the surface between his legs, his lover's wet goatee slicked down against his face...


  ::Vic?:: Concern colored Matt's thoughts. ::Where--::

  His lover's voice cut through his fear like sunshine through the clouds. ::I'm in the lead now.::<
br />
  ::Where are you?:: Matt wanted to know. He scanned the pool's flat surface...

  There, at the shallow end now, he saw a dark shape moving beneath the water. With shark-like speed and uncommon grace, Vic dashed at the end of the pool, bounced off it with a somersault under the water, and then raced back toward Matt. Where the pool's depth increased and the water darkened, his sleek shape again disappeared. Matt felt hands rub over his feet, which still dangled in the water, and then Vic was off again, tearing down the length of the pool.

  Matt watched the second hand on the clock as Vic swam. Less than ten seconds later, he reached the shallow end. Turned, swam back, brushed Matt's feet--a hundred meters crossed in under thirty seconds. The record set at the Olympics was just under a minute, but Vic had that beat. And he hadn't yet come up for air.

  "Jesus," Matt muttered. Reaching out with his thoughts, he asked Vic, ::How are you doing that?::

  ::Doing what?:: Beneath the water, his lover pulled up short and returned to the edge of the pool. Matt felt Vic nibbling on his toes, a playful gesture that did little to alleviate his troubled spirit. ::I thought we were racing.::

  "Come up out of the water," Matt said.

  Vic stroked Matt's feet, tickling the soles, tweaking his toes. Then his hands cupped around Matt's ankles, strummed up his legs. As they broke the surface of the water, Matt saw fine webbing stretched between his lover's fingers. "Oh my God, Vic." He grabbed one of his lover's hands, spread the fingers wide, and pinched the slick skin stretched between them. "Oh, shit."

  Then Vic's bald pate crested the water. He raised his head, spurted a mouthful of water at Matt, his lips pulled into a grin. "Oh, shit...what now?"


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