Over the Net

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Over the Net Page 2

by Jake Maddox

  Allie was quiet as they started working on her approach. For the second Saturday in a row, what Nikki had said made sense. And for the second Saturday in a row, Allie felt more confident in herself.

  * * *

  The next match was on Tuesday afternoon. Just like she had at the match the week before, Allie started to feel nervous when she realized that it was her turn to spike.

  The more she worried about letting down her teammates and disappointing her coach, the worse she felt. All of the confidence Allie had gotten during practice with Nikki was gone.

  Lizzie called, “Allie!”

  Allie looked up. The ball was headed toward her.

  Just like Nikki had taught her, Allie took three steps, jumped, and swung. But at the very last second, she closed her eyes. The ball fell to the floor right next to her.

  The girls from the other team cheered and laughed. “Someone’s scared of the ball!” one of the girls said.

  Allie’s teammates patted her on the back. “Don’t worry about it,” Lizzie said. “You’ll get the next one.”

  Allie felt like she was going to cry. She looked over at Coach Anderson, who was sitting on the bench.

  Coach gave her a kind look, stood up, and motioned to the official for a substitution.

  Chapter 7


  That Saturday was Nikki and Allie’s last practice together. Allie’s team was playing their last match of the season on Tuesday.

  The varsity team was getting ready for the state volleyball tournament. That meant Nikki would have to practice with her own team on Saturdays.

  Nikki and Allie began practice. First, they stretched out their shoulders.

  As they stretched, Nikki said, “I don’t think my varsity Saturday practices are going to be as much fun as these.” She glanced at Allie and smiled.

  Allie didn’t smile back. “At least at those practices you’ll actually be doing some good,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Nikki, frowning. “Aren’t our practices helping you? You always do so great when we’re here. I really think you’ve improved a lot!”

  “I know,” said Allie. “This has helped me a lot. When it’s just us, I do great. But then when it’s time to hit in a real match, I don’t know.” She paused and bit her lip. Then she said quietly, “When I’m playing for real, I just sort of freeze up, and I can’t remember anything you’ve taught me.”

  Coach Anderson walked up. “Does that sound familiar, Nikki?” she asked, sitting down next to the two girls.

  Nikki gave a short laugh. “Yeah,” she said, shaking her head. “It does. It sounds really familiar.”

  “What do you mean? What sounds familiar?” asked Allie, confused.

  Coach Anderson and Nikki looked at each other. Coach smiled and said, “I’ll let you tell her all about it, Nikki.” She stood up. She added, “I’m going to my office to do some paperwork. Just let me know if you need anything.” Coach walked away.

  When Coach Anderson had left the gym, Allie turned to Nikki. “What’s she talking about? Tell me all about what?” asked Allie.

  Nikki sighed. Then she smiled and said, “Okay, here’s the story.” She took a deep breath. Then she went on, “Coach Anderson was my eighth grade coach too. And when I was in eighth grade, I was the tallest girl on my team.”

  “Just like me,” Allie said.

  Nikki smiled. “Yes, exactly like you,” she said. “And, just like you, I also had a really hard time spiking.”

  Allie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Nikki couldn’t hit when she was in eighth grade? But she had won every award possible for being one of the best hitters in high school.

  Allie shook her head. “You’re just trying to make me feel better,” she said. “You’re the best hitter on varsity! There’s no way you were ever not good at spiking.”

  Nikki smiled and said, “Thanks, Allie. But I’m telling you the truth. Just ask Coach Anderson. I used to have the same problems being confident that you have now. Especially about spiking.”

  “Then how did you get so good?” asked Allie. “What’s the secret?”

  Nikki shrugged. She said, “I practiced every day. I even had extra practice with my older sister. She was the best. And I just kept telling myself that I could do it.”

  Nikki paused, looking at Allie’s face. Then she continued, “It took kind of a long time. And I still had bad matches and practices and stuff sometimes. That’s normal. But I just kept trying. I really love volleyball, and I couldn’t imagine not playing anymore.”

  “That’s exactly how I feel! “ exclaimed Allie. “I love volleyball. And I really want to keep playing. I just don’t know if I’m good enough.”

  “You are good enough,” Nikki said. “And you should keep working hard. Keep pushing yourself and keep telling yourself that you can do it. If you believe you can do it, you’ll be able to do it. Seriously, I know it sounds really cheesy, but it’s true.”

  She smiled at Allie. Then Nikki asked, “Now, are you ready to practice?”

  Allie took a deep breath and looked at Nikki. “Yes, I am,” Allie said.

  Chapter 8


  Allie looked out her bedroom window on the morning of the last volleyball match of the season. It was cloudy and rainy outside. Great, she thought. I hope this isn’t the sign of a really bad day.

  As she got ready for school, Allie thought about what Nikki had said at their last practice. Nikki had seemed so sure that all Allie needed to do was believe she could do it.

  Easier said than done, Allie thought as she walked downstairs for breakfast.

  She dropped her duffle bag and backpack by the kitchen table. She flopped into a chair with a sigh.

  Allie’s mom raised her eyebrows and asked, “Is something wrong, honey? You seem stressed.”

  “No,” said Allie. “Not really. I’m just nervous. It’s the last match today. I just want to do well.”

  “Just do your best,” said Mom. “You know what they say — if you believe you can do something, you will be able to do it.” She smiled at Allie.

  “Yeah, that’s what I hear,” Allie said.

  * * *

  At lunch, Allie sat with Kate.

  “So, how’s everything going?” asked Kate. “Are you nervous about the game tonight?”

  “I don’t know,’’ said Allie. She ate a tater tot. Then she went on, “I’m kind of sad that it’s the last match for this year. And I’m really nervous about how I’m going to do. Are you coming?”

  “Of course I’m coming! I wouldn’t miss it!” said Kate, smiling at her friend. “And don’t be nervous. Here’s a trick I learned for when I’m in a play and I’m scared. I just tell myself to believe that I’m the person I’m playing. Then I’m not as nervous. So you should just tell yourself, ‘I’m Allie, the awesome volleyball player.’ And you’ll feel way better!”

  Allie smiled. “That’s great advice, Kate,” she said. “Thanks.”

  * * *

  After school, Allie sat by her locker doing homework while she waited for the other school’s bus to show up. She had her math book open in front of her, but she was having a really hard time paying attention.

  More than once, she caught herself staring at the wall on the other side of the hallway. She just kept thinking about all of those Saturday practices with Nikki. Had she really learned anything?

  Allie sighed. She still hadn’t decided if she would sign up for summer league yet. She knew she had to sign up if she wanted to play next year.

  For about the hundredth time that season, Allie thought about how much she wanted to play volleyball the next year. She’d always planned to play when she was a freshman.

  Volleyball was her favorite thing. She loved blocking, and she liked serving. Plus, playing as a freshman would mean spending time in practices and at games with Nikki, who would be a senior next year.

  The problem was, Allie didn’t know if she would mak
e the team without being able to spike. She could do everything else well. But was that enough?

  She heard a large group of girls talking and giggling at the other end of the hall. It was time to get ready for the match.

  Chapter 9


  When she and the rest of her teammates walked into the gym to start doing their warm-ups, Allie looked at the bleachers. Her mom was there. She was sitting with Kate and Nikki, a few rows behind Allie’s team’s bench.

  When they saw Allie looking at them, Kate, Nikki, and Mom pulled out a white sign. It read, “GO ALLIE!” in blue and gold, the school’s colors.

  For the first time, Allie started to feel like that day’s match would be different. Before, she would have worried that Nikki would see her mess up or that she would make a mistake and disappoint her team. Today, though, Allie was happy and excited to see her friends and mom there to cheer her on.

  She thought about the advice all three people had given her. I can do it, Allie thought. I know I can.

  The first four games of the five-game match were very close. Allie’s team won the first and fourth games. The other team won the second and third games.

  Allie and her teammates really wanted to end their season with a win. It was their last eighth-grade game. Plus, it was the last game they’d ever play in that gym, where they’d played all through middle school.

  In the fifth game, the score was 22–20. Allie’s team was winning. And it was Allie’s turn in the rotation to hit.

  Three points, thought Allie. I have to hang in here for three points. I can do it.

  It was Allie’s team’s turn to serve. The first serve went over the net.

  Two players from the other team yelled, “Mine!” But both of them backed away, expecting the other girl to hit the ball. It hit the floor between the two girls.

  Allie’s team cheered. The other team’s coach called for a time-out. Then both squads jogged to their benches.

  Allie took a deep breath. One point down, she thought. Just two more to go.

  Chapter 10


  When the time-out was over, Allie’s team served again. This time, the other team returned the serve.

  Someone in the back row on Allie’s side bumped the ball into the air. It flew right to Lizzie, who tipped it just over the top of the net.

  A girl from the other team dove for the ball, but she slid too far under the net. Allie’s team had scored again!

  Allie glanced up into the stands. All of the fans were excited. Kate, Nikki, and Mom were jumping up and down and cheering.

  Allie caught Nikki’s eye. Nikki yelled, “Just watch the ball! You can do it!” Allie smiled and gave her a thumbs-up. Then she took a deep breath and faced the net.

  The next serve flew over the net. A girl from the other team called for the ball and bumped it to their setter. The setter called the name of their hitter. The hitter stepped forward, wound up, and spiked the ball over the net.

  Allie’s teammates were ready. The first hit headed toward Lizzie. Lizzie got ready. She spread her fingers wide to set the ball up for a spike.

  Then Allie heard Lizzie call her name.

  This time, Allie wasn’t worried. She knew she had to make the hit. That was the only thing on her mind.

  Just like Nikki had taught her, Allie didn’t take her eyes off of the ball. She stepped forward with her right foot, then her left. She stuck out her arm. With her right foot still in the air, she jumped up and swung her right arm down onto the ball as hard as she could.

  The ball hit the floor on the other side of the net. It made a loud noise that echoed through the gym. Smack! It was Allie’s favorite sound.

  The fans in the stands, the players on the bench, and Allie’s teammates on the court all cheered and shouted.

  Allie looked up at the stands. She could see her mom, Kate, and Nikki jumping up and down next to each other in the bleachers.

  Allie smiled. She had done it! She had made a great hit! And her team had won!

  After the game, Coach Anderson took Allie aside.

  “That was a great game, Allie,” said Coach. “I am really proud of you. You worked very hard this season, and your hard work has really paid off.”

  “Thanks, Coach,” Allie said.

  Coach went on, “Now, I still haven’t gotten your sign-up slip for summer league. Are you going to turn that in?”

  “Of course, Coach!” said Allie. “I can’t wait to play this summer.”

  “And next year,” said Nikki, walking up to them.

  “Right,” Allie said. “And next year. And the year after that, and the year after that . . .”

  Smiling, she and Nikki walked off the court.


  Val Priebe lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her two crazy wiener dogs, Bruce and Lily. Besides writing books, she loves to spend her time reading, knitting, cooking, and coaching basketball. Other books that Val has written in this series include Full Court Dreams and Stolen Bases.


  When Tuesday Mourning was a little girl, she knew she wanted to be an artist when she grew up. Now, she is an illustrator who lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. She especially loves illustrating books for kids and teenagers. When she isn’t illustrating, Tuesday loves spending time with her husband, who is an actor, and their son, Atticus.


  approach (uh-PROCH)—the beginning part of a spike, in volleyball

  confident (KON-fuh-duhnt)—having a strong belief in your own abilities

  familiar (fuh-MIL-yur)—well-known or easily recognized

  huddle (HUDDLE)—to gather together in a group

  league (LEEG)—a group of sports teams

  reaction (ree-AK-shuhn)—an action in response to another action

  rotated (ROH-tayt-id)—took turns doing something

  serve (SURV)—to begin play by hitting the ball

  substitution (suhb-stih-TOO-shuhn)—a replacement

  techniques (tek-NEEKS)—ways of doing something

  varsity (VAR-sih-tee)—the highest-level team at a school


  In 1895, William G. Morgan created a game called mintonette. He worked at the YMCA in Massachusetts. Morgan created the game for older members of the YMCA.

  In 1896, the game was renamed volleyball. The game quickly spread to YMCAs around the United States.

  Throughout the years, volleyball has continued to change. In the beginning, teams could have as many players as they wanted on the court. Players could hit the ball unlimited times before hitting it over the net.

  The rules are different now. Now, only six players are allowed on the court, and the ball can only be hit three times by a team.

  Flo Hymna, Paula Weishoff, Logan Tom, Danielle Scott, and Steve Timmons are some indoor volleyball greats.

  Since its start in 1895, volleyball has become one of the most popular sports in the world. Every week, about 800 million people participate in a volleyball game. Whether played in a back yard or in the Olympics, its popularity continues to grow.


  Allie asks her coach for help spiking. What else could she have done to get help and improve her skills?

  Why does Allie keep losing her confidence during volleyball games?

  Allie gets advice from lots of people during chapter 8. Who else could she have asked for advice?


  In this book, Allie really looks up to Nikki. Write about someone you admire. What do you admire about that person?

  Allie loves volleyball, but at the beginning of this book, she has some problems. Write about a time you had a problem doing something you loved. What happened? How did you fix the problem?

  At the end of this book, Allie plans to join the summer volleyball league. Write a story that begins when this book ends. What happens next?


bsp; Maggie and Shannon are figure skaters and sisters. For once, Maggie is determined to come out from behind her sister’s shadow. Can Maggie learn to shine, even when Shannon always seems to get in her way?

  Molly has always dreamed of taking horseback riding lessons, and now she is! Everything is great . . . except that two girls at school keep making fun of Molly. She’ll need to figure out a way to keep her confidence both in and out of the saddle.


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  Jake Maddox Books are published by Stone Arch Books,

  A Capstone Imprint

  1710 Roe Crest Drive

  North Mankato, Minnesota 56003


  Copyright © 2009 by Stone Arch Books

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