Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

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Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance Page 50

by R. R. Banks

  “I am for now,” said Alexis. “Fortunately, my bosses have agreed to give me an office here so that I can at least work from where I’m comfortable. As much as I love traveling, I really don’t like living out of a suitcase. It’s difficult to put any roots down when you’re constantly on the move.”

  Trish smiled. “That’s very true. Where’s Hannah tonight?”

  “She’s on a date,” answered Alexis. “Hannah decided that it was time for her to spend time with a boy finally.”

  “Oh, so is it going to be a one night event?”

  “Actually, this boy may have a chance to go the distance,” explained Alexis as she stepped away from Trish and walked toward the window to look out at the New York skyline. “I think Hannah is maturing and changing her stance about men. Perhaps, this man may be the one that finally convinces her to change her ways.”

  “That’ll never happen,” said Trish as she walked over toward the window as two movers stepped out of one of the bedrooms to continue moving boxes. “Thank you, guys!”

  Both men nodded without saying a word as they grabbed a few more boxes and moved them into the bedroom. “They’re working so hard,” said Trish with a smile as she stood beside Alexis. “The company I’m working for spared no expense in getting me some amazing interstate movers. These guys have been professional, fast, and very careful with my belongings.”

  “Well that’s good,” said Alexis as she turned and leaned her back against the window. “Are you going to try and get yourself settled in quickly or are you going to take your time and reintroduce yourself to New York City lifestyle at a much slower rate?”

  “I just moved from Chicago, not Iowa,” said Trish sarcastically. “It’s not like I’m coming off the farm. I grew up here and I’m used to the lifestyle. I’ll probably throw myself right back in.”

  “So, no time to really get adjusted then?”

  “I don’t think I’ll need it,” continued Trish. “I’ve got a support system here that’s really good for me. I’ve got friends, family, and I know what all New York has to offer. I don’t think I really need much time to adjust and reacquaint myself.”

  Alexis smiled. “Good, then you won’t have any objections about going out and getting something to eat in a few minutes?”

  “Oh, thank God,” she said. “I was hoping you’d bring that up first. I’ve been dying for some Chinese food from Chinatown.”

  “Then tell your movers you’re going to go grab a bite to eat and we can take a cab,” said Alexis. “We’re not that far and I don’t think the subway would save us much time.”

  Trish nodded while walking away, heading back toward the bedroom. “Oh, we have to talk to James though on the way out,” announced Trish. “He’s a bit creepy but he means well.”

  “Is that the doorman?” asked Alexis. “He creeped me out a bit.”

  Trish walked back into the living room and laughed. “Yeah, it took me a few times to get used to it, but he means well. He’s harmless.”

  “I felt like I was on display.”

  “Oh, you were,” said Trish. “He’s a dirty old man but he’s harmless. He’ll look all day, but there’s nothing you can do to stop him. Might as well at least embrace the fact that a man finds you attractive.”

  Alexis shook her head. “A lot of men find me attractive,” she said with a cocky tone. “I just prefer to not feel like a piece of meat.”

  “That’s fair,” said Trish as she grabbed her hand bag. “Come on, I’m craving an egg roll.”

  Alexis smiled as she walked behind her. “I could go for one as well,” she replied.

  Chapter 3

  Hannah stepped out of the cab, placing her feet on the concrete sidewalk while dusting off the back of her dress. She felt still uncomfortable, but wanted to go out of her way to impress Russell. “Thank you,” she said to the cab driver as she closed the back door and walked toward the door of the old, Italian restaurant in the heart of New York City. With a soft exhale, she looked through the window to see Russell sitting at a table waiting on her. She placed her right foot in front of her and started walking toward the old, glass door where a man in a tuxedo was waiting on her.

  “Hello, do you have a reservation?” he asked politely.

  “I’m here meeting someone,” she replied. “I can see him sitting at the table in there.”

  “Oh, great.”

  Hannah smiled as she stepped past him before stopping and turning around. “Hey, I have a weird question, and I’m sure you get this all the time.”

  The man turned and looked at her. “Yes, what is it?”

  “If a problem breaks out, can I go into the bathroom and find a gun above the toilet? I need to make sure I have all of my options open,” she quipped sarcastically with a coy smile, referencing an old mobster movie and provoking a hearty laugh from the Italian. She turned around and walked toward the table to see Russell waiting on her with a bottle of white wine already sitting in the chiller. “I see you already know me too well.”

  Russell stood up from his chair and walked over to Hannah’s, stepping in front of her quickly and pulling her chair out from under the table and allowing her to sit. “I’ve discovered your love for white wine, yes,” he said as he pushed the chair under the table. “I’ve also figured out that you’re a lot more fun when you’ve had a few glasses.” He looked dashing in his grey sports coat, dark jeans, and white button up shirt tucked into his pants.

  She laughed as she looked up at him walking around the table to sit down. “I tend to do better when my blood alcohol level is slightly elevated.” The restaurant was very old and possessed a great charm to it. The tables were all small but covered with red and white checkered table cloths and large, old chandeliers were hung over each table that provided a dimly lit ambience. The walls were all made of an old wood paneling and possessed several black and white photographs of the Italian countryside and small, Italian villages.

  “I think we all have that crux. How was your trip here?”

  Hannah reached forward and grabbed the glass of wine that was already waiting poured for her and took a sip. “The cab was dirty, but I’m used to it. It’s New York City, there is no such thing as a pristine taxi.”

  “I’m sure you’ve gotten accustomed to those on the other end of the world,” said Russell as he sipped from his small glass.

  “Believe it or not, New York City taxis make some of the ones that I’ve been in look sanitary,” she quipped sarcastically. “Last week, I was in Delhi to meet with several investors and made the mistake of taking a cab, even though it was the better choice than the overcrowded bus. I sat down in the back seat and it was wet and had an awful, pungent odor that was coming from the fabric. I sucked it up and dealt with it until I got to my destination, when I stepped out and saw chicken droppings in the floor board. I got so grossed out that I promised myself I would walk from my hotel to my meeting for the rest of my trip, which I did.”

  Russell laughed heartily at Hannah’s misfortune, turning his head slightly as the waiter walked up. The two placed their orders quickly and he turned away, leaving the two to continue their discussion. “So how was India?”

  “It was the worst place I’ve ever been to in my life,” she said. “That trip, I went to Shanghai, Delhi, Seoul, and Tokyo in four days before finally arriving in Sydney. My new job tends to send me all over the world, but I’ve been spending the first part of it in the Eastern Hemisphere.”

  “Does it bother you to be away from home for so long?”

  “No, not even a little,” she said with a smile. “I love to come home and I love knowing that I have a home, but traveling is a lot of fun,” she explained with a smile on her face, relaxing as the alcohol quickly began to course through her system. “That’s one of the things that I love about my job. I get to go and see things that many people can only see in a google search. I got to fly into Dubai a few weeks ago and look on at beautiful landscape and
scenery as we landed in the airport there. There are so many things that I get to do because of my job that really makes it amazing.”

  Russell nodded slowly as the waiter walked up to the table with two salads, placing them in front of them politely. “Thank you,” he said as he looked across the table at Hannah. “And thank you for actually going on a date with me tonight.”

  “Was hanging out on my couch eating Chinese food not good enough for you?”

  “I’m not saying that,” he continued. “I’m just saying that it is nice to actually spend time with a woman out in the city. I don’t get to date someone that often and to actually be out here with a beautiful woman really makes my life a bit better.”

  “Well I’m happy that I can make your life a bit better,” she said with a sarcastic smirk. “So, tell me, do you miss Wales?”

  “Often, but not every day,” he replied. “And there are certain things that I miss about Wales. I miss the football, or soccer as you say, and the overall culture. I miss my family, but in reality, I cannot have the life that I want living in Wales. I cannot work for the firm that I want to work for if I live in the United Kingdom, unless I’m living in London. I cannot be a part of a city that possesses hundreds of different cultures or be the person that I want to be if I’m not living in New York City. I do enjoy traveling and helping with the various acquisitions of companies for my clients, but honestly, I enjoy living here far more than I ever would’ve imagined.”

  Hannah smiled. “What about relationships? Have you had a girlfriend since being in New York?”

  “I’ve had one serious one, or at least semi-serious,” he said as he took a bite from his salad. “It lasted for about eight months, but she wanted it to go a lot further than I ever intended on it going and she wanted it to make it there at light speed. I wasn’t at a point in my life where I was ready for a relationship of substance, and to be honest, she wasn’t the woman I wanted to be with anyway. The sex was great, but that’s all she really offered.”

  “All she really offered?”

  “Yes, she was an idiot,” he said with a smile. “Everything was about appearance and how things seemed. She refused to have a conversation about anything meaningful and instead, focused on what she saw on television and took it all as fact. If she saw a beautiful new trend somewhere, she did what she could to mimic it instead of trying to find out why it was a trend and whether or not that trend would last. It was boring.”

  Hannah laughed. “I’m sure it was,” she said as she took a bite from her salad. “I don’t think I could handle being around someone who spent all day talking about fashion and popular culture. I do a good job to just not look like I rolled out of bed.”

  “I do a good job to put on pants,” he replied. “If I could walk out of my apartment in my underwear, I would make that happen.”

  “I completely agree,” she joked. “Honestly, I wear the same style of clothes every day, no matter the occasion.”

  “Then why are you wearing a dress?”

  Hannah sighed, knowing that this question would have came up but still not prepared to answer it. “Honestly, I did it to impress you,” she confessed. “I wanted to look good for you.”

  Russell shook his head as a light smirk appeared over his face. “That’s cute,” he stated calmly. “But you didn’t have to put on a dress to impress me. I’m more attracted to your personality than anything. I love your sarcasm and wit more than your taste in fashion.”

  Hannah scowled as she turned her head to see the waiter walking up with their entrees. “Are you telling me I put on this damn dress for absolutely nothing?”

  Russell shook his head in disbelief. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”

  “When we leave here, if we go somewhere else, I’m going home to change,” she announced. “I’m getting out of this dress as quickly as possible and forgetting about it.”

  “Are you going to bury it in your closet and pretend it doesn’t exist?”

  “I’m going to potentially place it in my garbage disposal,” she continued in anger as she looked at the entrée that was placed in front of her.

  Russell laughed as he grabbed his fork and placed it into his lasagna. “It’s a great dress though,” he said, doing his best to console and comfort her. “You have great taste in clothing, even if you choose not to exercise it very often. I’m sure there have been many men in your life who have enjoyed seeing you dress up from time to time.”

  “Ha!” she exclaimed as she looked across the table. “I don’t typically date.”

  “What?” he asked, perplexed at the statement. “What do you mean, you don’t typically date?”

  Hannah smiled as she placed the fork down and sat up in her chair. “Usually, I don’t go on many dates with men. I meet up with them, have a few drinks, and it ends later on in the bedroom. I’ve never wanted to date anyone because I’ve never felt a genuine connection with someone. I’ve never wanted to actually be at an Italian restaurant with a man until I met you.”

  Russell placed the small piece of lasagna in his mouth as he listened to Hannah speak, digesting what she was talking about as he listened closely. He chewed softly as he looked across the table at her, allowing for a few seconds of silence to fill the area while he figured out a way to make his next statement. “So why me?” he asked. “What made you want to go on a date with me?”

  “You’re not an idiot,” she replied with a smile, making Russell chuckle under his breath as she explained herself. “I look at you as more than just a means to an end. Now, don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t mind reaching that end with you, but I think I’m at a point in my life where I actually want more. I actually want to spend time with a man and I want to spend it with you. I’m ready to try something new.”

  “That’s sweet,” he said with a smirk. “Well, perhaps tonight we can have a great time with one another.”

  “That’d be nice,” she replied. “That’d be really nice.”

  Chapter 4

  Alexis and Trisha sat in a restaurant in Chinatown with two small plates in front of them and two larger ones in the center of the table, sharing food with one another. The restaurant was very bright with fluorescent lights above them illuminating the entire restaurant. The walls were covered in white wall paper with a floral pattern with green panels underneath and a divider between the layers. Stereotypical Asian music played in the background as the two girls looked across the basic table with only a center leg to keep it up and standard, plastic back chairs to support them.

  “So, are you still talking to that real estate broker you met last time you were in New York?” asked Alexis as leaned back against the chair, resting her back on the hard plastic.

  “Yeah, I’ve been talking to Davis a bit here and there, letting him know about how my progress has been going with the relocation,” she said, dropping the name of the man she had a brief encounter with. “What about you? Have you still been talking to his friend, Steven?”

  Alexis smiled as she looked down at her phone. “No, I haven’t spoken to him since that night,” she said with a shy grin. “I’ve been a bit preoccupied with my career and a few other things going on in my life.”

  “Like what?” asked Trish.

  “I don’t know,” she replied sarcastically. “I think my career took off and I decided to travel around the world.”

  Trish laughed while she listened to Alexis’s sarcasm. “Text messages work around the world, Alexis,” she explained with a hint of sass. “You can be half way around the world and still receive a text message.”

  Alexis smiled and continued to look down at her phone to see a message blinking on it. She ran her thumb over the screen to unlock it and look at the message. “Do you have a few minutes to talk?” read the message as the color escaped her face. It’d been two days since she had spoken to the man who captured her heart in Dubai and he was reaching out to her.

  “I started dating a man in Dubai and stayed wi
th him for a few weeks,” said Alexis as she kept her eyes affixed to the phone. “I fell for a man who I thought was going to be great for me, and in turn, I thought I’d be great for him.”

  “Well what happened?”

  “It turns out we weren’t good for each other,” she replied. “He’s a great guy and I want the best for him, but I just don’t think we are compatible with one another.”

  Trisha grinned. “How so? You liked him at first and then you suddenly changed your mind. What happened?”

  Alexis composed herself and placed her phone on the table. “He was forced out of his company, which to be honest, he didn’t have much business to be involved with it anyway. However, he was forced to sell his shares and he resented me for supporting the other people. Hannah and I saved his company from bankruptcy and he even admitted that he knew he would be asked to sell at some point. Nathanial, however, didn’t think it’d be that soon. He was caught off guard and his ego got in the way of us and, unfortunately, I couldn’t handle it anymore.”

  “So, is that who’s texting you now?” asked Trish with a coy smile. “Do you think he may have realized what he’s missing?”

  “Maybe,” said Alexis as she picked up the phone and unlocked it again, typing a response to Nathanial before placing the phone back down. “He wants to talk and, honestly, I feel like I owe him that.”

  “Alexis, you don’t owe him anything,” she said. “I’ve never met the man, but I will tell you this, no woman owes a man anything. Relationships are amicable and symbiotic. Without both parties working equally as hard with one another, it can’t work. Clearly, the two of you just weren’t meant to be. He’ll move on.”

  Alexis smiled. “I just feel like I didn’t get the closure I wanted or needed.”


  “Yeah, I hate how it ended and how I saw that side of him,” she continued. “He was clearly upset and he lashed out at me. Yes, I’m mad at him for it and yes, I don’t want a relationship with him at this second, but I do want to talk to him. Now that he has had a couple of days to think about it, I wonder what’s going on in his mind. I really want to know what he thinks about everything.”


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