Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

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Hot Daddy: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance Page 91

by R. R. Banks

  “It’s a mark. Letting others know you are one of us now. It’s means, ‘sister of our brethren’ in our language.”

  I knew they didn’t do this often—if at all, and I was honored. Tears filled my eyes and I sniffled. “Thank you. I promise you won’t regret it!”

  He smiled. “And you don’t have to worry about your problem back home anymore.”

  “I didn’t tell you what he did to have you fix it. I was dealing with it.”

  He rolled his eyes and I swear he looked just like his son. “I know which is why I did it.” He smiled and rubbed the mark. “And how exactly have you handled it? By ignoring his advances and threatening him. You’re tough, but apparently it didn’t work or he wouldn’t have sent you here to break our most sacred rule.”

  I slumped in my seat. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You can stay here.” Pyra said and I looked at him. I’d forgotten he was even in the room.

  “Uh, I don’t know if I’d fit in here too well. Besides you never let humans stay for more than six months, though I’ll stay the whole allotted time if that’s all right. The longer I’m away from home the better right now.”

  “There are exceptions to every rule,” he said but he watched his father as if waiting for him to chime in.

  The king nodded and smiled kindly at me. As much as Pyra drove me wild with anger and the harder it was getting to fight his advances, I felt the exact opposite about his father. I felt at ease with him. I’d never had a dad, but if I could imagine one, King Criea would be the perfect image.

  “You may stay. When my mate and I decide on what we plan to do we will have lunch, but for now you must get settled. Pyra will take you to your cabin.”

  I nodded and stood. “Thank you, I’m exhausted.” And I was. I’d ‘slept’ the whole way, but it wasn’t really sleeping. I was basically unconscious the whole time.

  Pyra stood and walked over to his father. They hugged and I heard faint whispers, but I was too tired to care. I picked up my laptop and slid it back into my bag.

  He took the strap from me. “I’ve got it.”

  Normally I would have fought him, but every part of me hurt. I don’t know why it took so long to kick in, but I wasn’t sure if I’d make it much longer before crashing. “Thanks,” I muttered.

  He nodded and I followed behind him leaving the house. He jogged down the stairs and I sighed. My legs were heavy, and it felt like I wasn’t moving at all. Pyra stopped and studied me.

  “I could carry you if you want.” I didn’t miss the tone. He was messing with me. I thought.

  That was all it took to wake my body up enough to get moving. “In your dreams warrior,” I sneered at him.

  He laughed and spun walking down a path. I followed as fast as I could. I would not give him the satisfaction of knowing I really wanted to drop to the ground and sleep for a week.

  Chapter 8

  He’d been so close to tasting those suckable lips, and then his father had to come back and ruin it all. She was so beautiful, perfect really. He loved that she was honest. The video had made him want to rip the man to shreds, but it was what his father had told him about the scumbag that really pushed him over the edge. Sexually harassing his mate, now that was grounds for killing.

  There was so much to her. She clearly had a problem with others touching her. He wanted to know what had happened. Why the thought of being touched turned her into a quivering mess or a ball of rage. Something happened to her, but he had no clue what it could have been. Humans were strange creatures. He’d find out everything one way or another.

  He turned and saw her standing on the porch. Exhaustion filled her eyes, but she was stubborn and wouldn’t admit how tired she was. Not to him at least, but she told his father. Pyra loved it. As soon as it looked like she was done all he had to do was taunt her, and she was back to being the independent woman he was becoming accustomed to. He’d noticed it right from the start.

  He shook his head when he saw the mark of his kind on her hand. She was the first in years. He couldn’t have been more shocked when his father marked her with their sign. He knew it wasn’t because she was his mate. The king wouldn’t honor someone with that status if he or she wasn’t worthy, and being his mate didn’t make her worthy, even if it made her family. She had already earned his respect and that was tough as shit to do.

  He led her to the newest cabin. It was closest to his home. If he had his way she’d be in his home, and in his bed, but he knew that wouldn’t happen. Not until he got her to cave. She had to admit that she liked him at least a little bit, and right now by the way he felt her emotions and the fact she was glaring daggers at his back, he knew that wouldn’t be happening—today. He couldn’t help but laugh. She wasn’t going to make it easy and as frustrating as it was not to be able to pull her into his arms anytime he wanted, he was proud to have a mate that didn’t cave. He loved a challenge, and he always got what he wanted. And he wanted Eden.

  At first, the thought of having a human mate wasn’t appealing at all, but the more he was around her the more he wanted her, and it wasn’t just physical. That’s what shocked him the most. He was a sexual being and proved it time and time again with the females. None of them were anything more than gratification, and they knew that, but with her, he could imagine lying with her, holding her. He shook his head. His brothers would bust his nuts if they knew the soft thoughts running through his head. He never thought he’d be that way, but his father told him it would be the best and worst feeling in the world. Falling in love was everything to his kind.

  The path narrowed and dipped deeper behind the trees. She’d have all the privacy she wanted. The cabin was the most updated and he was glad he picked it. She followed behind him breathing heavily.

  “We’re almost there.”

  “I’m fine,” she replied.

  He sped up and jogged up the stairs. Pulling out her key he unlocked the door and went inside. He put her bags down. He was back outside and sitting on the steps before she made it.

  “You could have waited for me.”

  He shrugged. “You’re too slow.”

  She stomped a foot and cringed. “My legs are shorter than yours, you jerk.”

  He laughed. She was too tired to put any heat behind her voice. “Uh-huh, has nothing to do with how tired you are?”

  She jutted out her lip. “Nope, I’m fine.”

  “Okay well let’s go in. I’ll show you around your new home.”

  Her eyes widened and she licked her lips.


  His eyes tracked the movement and he wanted to trace the path her tongue made.

  “You don’t need to show me around. I’m sure I can figure it out.”

  His eyes shot back to hers. “You need to know how to work everything. There is no electricity here.”

  “I know.”

  “So I’ll help you get set up and then I promise I’ll leave you alone.”

  “Fine, let’s get it over with.” She said and pushed past him to climb the stairs.

  He watched the sway of her hips and it took all his will power to keep his hands to himself. He went in behind her and shut the door. He sighed in relief knowing he was alone with her. That’s all he wanted. If she would get to know him, the real him, maybe just maybe things would be different and she wouldn’t hate him so badly. He hoped she’d throw him a bone. His fingers itched to touch her skin, but he knew that one touch would lead to so much more, and she wouldn’t let that happen.

  Chapter 9

  The door clicked shut and I froze. I was too tired and that was worrisome. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself from falling into his arms. Not when my body seemed to crave the giant beast. I didn’t know what it was about him, but each time he was near me, my heart galloped and my core clenched in need.

  I smiled. If it was only physical attraction, if I caved maybe the need would go away? My time here would run smoother if I didn’t constantly feel
aroused, and from what I’d heard about his reputation, once he got what he wanted he’d leave me alone. It was a win-win, only my heart jumped at the thought of being just another woman he bedded.

  I took a deep breath and turned towards him. In the cabin he was even more imposing. He prowled toward me, with desire in his eyes. “I need to take a shower.”

  “Water runs well here. I’ll wait.”

  I glared. “Or you can leave and come back after I’m done so I can have some privacy.”

  “There’s a door.”

  I knew he wouldn’t give more than that. “Fine, but stay out of the room.”

  He held up his hands and smiled wide. “I’ll be on my best behavior.”

  I laughed. “Somehow I don’t think I should be reassured by that.”

  “Guess you’ll find out, yeah?” He started down the hall with my bags and I followed behind him. His shirt was so tight I could see each one of his muscles flex with every move he made.

  He pushed open the door and placed my bags by a large bed. “This is your room, and the bathroom is right over there. We may not have electricity, but we use solar power to work our heating system. You’ll get approximately ten minutes before the water turns cold.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I replied and waited for him to leave. He stood and stared for several seconds. “I think I can take it from here.”

  “Are you sure? I could help.”

  He chuckled but it sounded like he was struggling. He wasn’t messing with me like he had since I stepped foot on Uoria. I’d have to get better at controlling myself. Or maybe I needed to loosen up. Here was sexy man in my room who obviously wanted me. The lust bubbled over with how he devoured my body. I wanted see how far he’d go.

  He stood facing me and I smiled. It was a real smile and I stepped in his direction. He flinched but didn’t move back. I shrugged and before he knew it I pulled my shirt off over my head. All thoughts left me. At that moment the only thing that mattered was him touching me.

  He groaned and his eyes widened. The orangish color I’d seen a few time was back. I cocked my head to the side watching him, waiting, but he was frozen.

  I reached behind my back and undid the clasp to my bra and slid it to the floor. His giant body shook and it looked like he was using every ounce of his self-control to keep his feet planted on the floor. He was surprisingly in control. It was impressive, but I wanted him to break. I wanted to feel the heat I saw behind the depths of his strange colored eyes that did strange things to me. They called to me, said I needed to submit to him. I was his for the taking. Instead of getting pissed I moaned and my eyes fluttered shut long enough to let the feelings of his desire wash over me.

  When I opened my eyes he was still watching me. His chest heaved and his lips parted when I slid my hand underneath the waist band of my jeans. I wiggled my hips and pushed them down my legs taking my panties with them. In a matter of minutes I stood naked in front of a man I really couldn’t stand, but one I wanted desperately.

  “Oh goddess, you’re perfect,” he whispered.

  I hadn’t expected him to say something so perfect and his reverence shot to my core. I nibbled my lip waiting for him to take control, but he was still frozen in his spot.

  “Are you going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to move your ass over here?” My snarky attitude shook him out of his daze and he growled.

  He strode to me in two giant steps and crushed my body to his. His mouth slammed down on mine and I lost my breath. There was so much power behind his kiss, and when his tongue entered my mouth I was done for. I gasped and wrapped my arms around him. He lifted me from the floor and tightened his hold. My body lit on fire.

  When he pulled back he was panting for breath. “I thought you didn’t like me,” he said.

  “I don’t.”

  “Sure,” he replied with a small smile and kissed me again.

  My shower was forgotten when he tossed me on the bed. I watched as his clothes were shredded from his body. The pile on the floor built and then he climbed on the bed hovering over me. I wanted to warn him, but it was too late. He slid into me with a speed unknown to man. I screamed and my muscles clenched. He froze and stared down at me.

  “You were an innocent?”

  I glared. “Not exactly, but it’s been a long time, like years, and that fucking hurt.” Tears slid down my cheeks.

  “I’m so sorry Eden.” And for the first time I saw real regret in his eyes.

  My heart clenched I didn’t like him upset. “Hey, it’s okay, but be gentle with me.”

  I wasn’t sure if he was capable of gentle, but he proved me wrong. He took his time making love to my body. Each thrust was slow and steady. I caught on to his movements and lifted my hips meeting each new thrust. My body stretched and it no longer hurt. It was as if I was made for him. He fit me perfectly and when he twisted his hips the tip of his erection hit with such a force I climaxed without warning. My body bowed and my muscles tensed around him, holding him in place. I felt him come and we stayed locked together until both of our bodies came down from release.

  Chapter 10

  I lay looking at the ceiling wondering what the hell I just did. My body ached, but mostly I felt more relaxed than I ever had. Pyra was next to me, and even though I could feel his eyes on me I didn’t look at him.

  “You weren’t ready.”

  My eyes filled with tears. No I most certainly was not ready. No matter how much I enjoyed it at the moment, now—now I felt dirty. I shook my head doing my best to hold the tears back.

  “I’m not sorry we made love, but I am sorry it was too soon for you.”

  I looked at him to see how his eyes glowed orange at me. I don’t think they ever turned back to his normal blue since I had stripped. “I need to go for a walk.”

  He nodded and got out of bed. “I’ll go with you.”

  I rolled out of bed and flinched. “No I want to go alone.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk you out then at least. I have to go meet with my brothers. It’s time for my scheduled patrol anyway.” His voice was low and there was none of his playful banter.

  “That’s fine, I’ll get dressed.” I stood gasped. Every muscle in my body was sore. I knew he hadn’t meant to hurt me, but oh how I hurt.

  He growled and I looked over at him. He frowned and looked disheartened. “I hurt you.”

  “I know you didn’t on purpose.”

  “I should have known. It didn’t have to be painful for you. If I wasn’t such a jack ass you’d be fine right now.”

  “Hey, didn’t I tell you it had been a very long time. That’s not your fault.”

  He turned away and picked up his clothes. They weren’t torn at all. He got dressed without looking my way. I dressed in the same clothes I had been wearing and put my shoes on. I needed out. The scent of sex filled the air and it was too much.

  Pyra walked in front of me and I followed stiffly behind him. Shutting the door I took a deep breath of the air. It was clean and fresh, so much better than home. I followed him down the stairs and tipped my head back. The sun was no longer up here, and stars filled the sky. They were huge and so much easier to spot than at home. It was amazing how much Uoria was like home, but it was fresher. The Denynso took care of their lands. They didn’t take anything for granted.

  Out of nowhere I was lifted in the air and thrown. I screamed and my eyes widened. The thing that threw me sped into my direction and wrapped a clawed hand around my throat stopping me midair. My body jerked forward like whiplash. My heart thudded rapidly in my chest, and I lost my breath.

  I’d never seen anything so vile as the creature before me. His eyes were red and his sharp teeth dripped spit. He ran his tongue along the tips and leaned in toward me. I tried to scream again, but I’d lost my voice. Kicking out I landed a blow to his lower body. He roared and dropped me. I fell to the ground with a thud. My back burned and the scent of copper filled my nose. It was blood—and it was mine. The m
onster rushed down toward me, and even as I tried to lift my hands he fell on top on me holding me down. His claws bit into my wrists.

  “You smell sweet.” The thing said and then his teeth were in my neck.

  My voice was gone. I cried and sobbed, but each move I made only seemed to make the creature more excited. He sucked harder on my neck taking more of my blood. His grunts and groans did nothing to ease my fear. I felt myself fading away. I’d only been on Uoria for a day and I was already going to die. I smiled. At least I’d never have to go back home again.

  The things body was ripped from mine and I saw orange eyes staring down at me. I lifted my shaky hand up hoping he’d end it for me. Everything hurt, and I didn’t want to suffer.

  Instead he bent down lifted me carefully into his arms. The feel of his warmth surrounding me was a comforting blanket. He moved so fast, but I was fading faster. There was nothing to do but wait.

  (To be continued in Part II…)

  Book 2 – Saved by Sweet Alien

  Chapter 1

  Pyra raced to the infirmary carrying a limp Eden in his arms. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pale with a bluish hue. Her body was cold and the wounds on her neck hadn’t stopped bleeding. The Klimnu had torn into her, and no one knew how their bite affected humans. She was the first human to be attacked—that they knew of.

  He shoved the door opened roughly not willing to set her down to use his hands. “Ciyrs!” he yelled and his voice echoed in the building rattling the glass cabinets.

  His friend came running looking pissed like he wanted to rip him apart until he saw Eden’s lifeless body in his arms. The words died on his lips and he ran over to them with wide eyes.

  “Shit, what the hell happened to her?”

  “Klimnu attack.”

  Ciyrs paled. “Here lay her down. I need to get some things.”

  “Hurry up brother she is fading and too fucking fast!”


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